
Chapter 133: Chapter 133: Creation

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Reiki was sitting in the middle of the couch while trying to control his breathing. Shiro tightly hugged his left arm while watching a documentary about penguins on tv. Ketsueki had her arms crossed as she watched the documentary in silence while stealing glances at her little brother. Reiki took a deep breath, he thought. I can breathe normally now. He tried to stand up while Shiro stood up with him with a worried look all over her face. Reiki gave her a confident smile and placed a hand on top of his little sister's head, he said. "I'm fine, Shiro. I still need to set up the dinner table." Shiro looked up to him as she reluctantly let go of him. Reiki took a few steps and stopped when he heard his older sister speak, Ketsueki said. "Don't push yourself too hard, Reiki."

He turned his head to look at her and nodded and with a genuine smile on his face, Reiki said. "Thank you, Onee-chan." Ketsueki was stunned while Shiro was surprised to see a new expression from her older brother. Reiki made his way into the kitchen leaving his two sisters in the living room. Shiro came back to her senses as she grabbed the baggy jacket her older sister was wearing. Shiro said. "Onee-chan… I've never seen Onii-chan make that face before…" Ketsueki let out a chuckle as she stretched out her left arm and moved Shiro closer to her. Ketsueki said. "Same here, Shiro."


Inside A Luxurious House

Asami was sitting in the middle of the couch with Kiru on her right. The two of them were watching a movie on the ginormous flatscreen while the door leading to the kitchen opened. Kanzei walked into the living room holding onto a rectangular silver tray that had an unopened bottle of wine along with a plate of some bread and cheese. He made his way near the couch where the two women were sitting and placed all the contents of the tray on top of the coffee table, Kanzei said. "Your order, Ojou-sama?" Kiru casually waved her hand at her, she said. "This will be all, Kanzei." He nodded and gave the two of them a bow and walked back to the door leading to the kitchen.

Kiru's right hand was enveloped by a thin layer of mana as the wine bottle floated from the coffee table into mid-air as the cork blew off and landed somewhere in the room. The wine bottle tilted itself sideways filling the two wine glasses with red liquid. Kiru picked up the first glass of wine that was filled and passed it to Asami and picked up the other one for herself as the wine bottle slowly fell back onto the coffee table. Kiru said. "Cheers." The two of them softly hit their glasses together making a soft high pitched sound. Asami had a small smile on her lips, she said. "Cheers." Kiru took a sip of her wine while Asami downed half of her glass in one go. Asami let out a satisfied sigh as she laid back on the large soft couch while Kiru waved her hand as the wine bottle floated mid-air and tipped itself sideways filling up Asami's half-empty glass.

With an understanding smile on her lips, Kiru said. "Goldy-locks giving you a headache?" Asami waved her hand as a slice of cheese flew into her hand, she stared at it and said. "... Something like that…" She threw the slice of cheese into her mouth and took a sip of wine. A small smile formed on Kiru's lips, she placed her index finger on the rim of the wine glass and ran her finger around. Kiru said. "Can you put in a good word for me?" Asami raised a brow as she glanced at Kiru from the corner of her eye, Asami said. "Oh? The darling of magi needs someone else's help?" Asami started laughing making her large chest softly jiggle, she swirled the wine in her glass and said. "Who do you need me to brainwash, dear?" Kiru let out a chuckle, she said. "I wish it was that simple." Asami raised a brow and turned her head to face her, she said. "Now it's getting interesting."

Kiru took a sip of wine, she licked her lips clean and said. "Reiki." Asami raised a brow while she looked at her oddly. Kiru let out a laugh and picked up a slice of cheese and tossed it into her mouth. Kiru took a sip of wine while Asami said. "Alright, what did you do to him?" Kiru waved her hand in dismissal, she said. "I didn't do anything drastic. I just…" she placed a hand on her chin and continued. "Wanted to show off my intel gathering prowess." Asami let out a chuckle, she downed her entire glass of wine in one go. Asami said. "So you threatened his family and got on his bad side, duly noted." Kiru glanced at Asami from the corner of her eye, she said. "You're taking his side because?" A hint of suspicion formed in her eyes while Asami laughed it off and said. "Think of it this way, you threatened a ten-year-old boy and are currently struggling to find a way to bury the hatchet."

Asami waved her hand as the bottle of wine flew near her and tilted sideways. She placed her glass below the neck of the bottle as her glass was filled with more red liquid, Asami continued. "Even I can't help you with this, dear. Reiki's young so he doesn't understand much." Asami thought. But he's also too mature for his age… If I try to help you actively, his impression of me will fall. A confident smile formed on Kiru's lips, she said. "All I need is one-afternoon tea with him, you know how persuasive I can be." Asami rolled her eyes at her, she said. "Fine, fine… But, I don't want you telling him I played a hand in this."


Inside Ketsueki's House

Reiki set up the table in the middle was a large bowl of cream stew that was filled with potatoes, carrots, broccoli, mushrooms, and large chunks of tender beef. The stew had a ladle in it and was surrounded by a couple of bowls filled to the brim with croissants. There were also three ceramic bowls in front of the chair and beside them was a metal spoon, fork, and a dining knife. He said. "Onee-chan, Shiro. I've-." Before he could turn his head to look at the couch the two were sitting on, he saw something pass him from the corner of his eye. Ketsueki and Shiro pulled their seats and sat down, his little sister's eyes were glued onto the bowl of cream stew while his older sister casually said. "Reiki, sit. Not unless you want dinner to be cold." He blankly nodded and said. "Y-Yeah…" Reiki made his way to his seat as he pulled it back and sat down, he looked at the bread at the table and placed a hand on his stomach. He thought. Thanks to whoever dropped by here, I couldn't bake more bread and cook rice...

Shiro excitedly picked up the ladle in the large bowl of cream stew and served herself two generous helpings in her bowl. She placed the ladle back into the bowl. Ketsueki's right hand blurred as she quickly picked up the ladle and served herself two large portions in her bowl. A small warm smile formed on his face, Reiki thought. I missed this… Shiro picked up a large golden brown croissant with her left hand and her spoon using her right as she started eating with a big smile on her mouth. Ketsueki scooped up a spoonful of cream stew and ate it as she nodded in approval, she glanced at her little brother who was serving himself some stew. Ketsueki picked up the napkin that was under the silverware and wiped her lips clean, she said. "I almost forgot." She rummaged through her pocket and took out her pouch. Shiro watched her older sister with interest while Reiki ate a spoonful of stew. Ketsueki placed her hand inside the pouch and rummaged through it, with a single motion the two younger siblings saw something come out of the pouch.

The table and the floor around them were surrounded by a couple of dozen paper bags that were filled with bread letting out steam. Reiki looked around with an odd expression while Shiro, who had a mouthful of croissants and stew was rummaging through one of the paper bags. With a small smile on her lips, Ketsueki said. "I bought some bread for you since you were interrupted while cooking." Using her chin, Ketsueki pointed at the three dozen croissants that were split between the two bowls on the table and continued. "But, Shiro and I call dibs on the croissants you baked." Reiki rummaged through one of the two dozen bags and took out a few bread rolls. Ketsueki moved her hand back inside the pouch and tossed something toward her little brother. Reiki caught what her older sister threw at her mid-air using his left hand, he thought. … What the?... He looked at what he caught and saw four sticks of butter.

Reiki placed one of the bread rolls in his mouth while unwrapping one of the sticks of butter. Ketsueki had a proud smile on her lips as she softly tapped her shoulder, she said. "Even when attending to a guest, I thought about my boy-." She looked at her younger brother and saw he was using the dinner knife to spread onto the bread roll he was holding while eating the one hanging on his mouth. Reiki didn't even bother slicing the bread roll in half as he spread the butter on the top of it, he moved his head upwards and looked at the ceiling, and ate the bread roll in his mouth in one go. He picked up his glass of water and let out a small burp, Reiki said. "Excuse me. Did you say something Onee-chan?" He opened his mouth and started devouring the bread roll he smeared with butter while his little sister started giggling at him. A helpless smile formed on Ketsueki's lips, she said. "Just make sure to eat your fill."

Reiki nodded as he picked up his spoon and scooped some stew and ate while and immediately tried to spread butter on another bread roll he picked up

~One Meal Later~

Reiki was still sitting in his seat at the table while Ketsueki was standing on his left while looking at all the empty brown paper bags around. Ketsueki thought. Did his appetite just grow bigger than before? She placed her left arm on her hip as a pondering expression formed on her face. Ketsueki continued her train of thought. Early puberty, huh… Reiki emptied the last cream stew in his bowl, he picked up a bread roll with the top smeared with butter. Reiki thought. Onee-chan is always the sharpest tool in the box… The moment when it comes to me she turns dumb all of a sudden… Love makes people strange alright. Ketsueki placed a hand on top of her little brother's head, she said. "Perfect timing, Reiki. I've been planning on bringing Shiro shopping. How about you come with us, so I could fit you some new clothes?" She caressed the top of his head as he turned his head sideways and looked up to her, Reiki thought. Onee-chan, it's not puberty… And you just want me to come along to carry all the bags…

He wiped the corner of his mouth which had some butter on it, Reiki said. "Sure, but I'll pass on getting new clothes until I need them." Reiki devoured the last bite of the bread roll as he picked up the napkin to clean his hands. Kersueki ruffled his messy and unkempt hair, even more, she said. "It's settled then." Reiki picked up the bowl on the table and stood up when he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder which made him turn his head and see Ketsueki. His older sister had an amiable smile on her lips while she placed her left hand behind her back, Ketsueki sweetly said. "Reiki." He thought. There we go, I was beginning to think she forgot. Ketsueki moved her left hand that she was hiding behind her back, revealing her smartphone. Ketsueki continued. "I never had the time to take pictures of you."

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She looked at her younger brother from top to bottom while he was wearing the grey wolf onesie. Reiki let out a sigh, placed the bowl on the dinner table, and said. "Fine…" Ketsueki was surprised for a split second before a bright smile formed on her lips, she said. "Do a few poses for me!" Ketsueki dragged him away from the dining table so she could get a better angle. She quickly tapped the screen of her smartphone and used the camera app while Reiki stood still a few feet in front of her. Ketsueki held her phone vertically as she pointed the camera on her little brother, she said. "Ready when you are, Reiki." With a photogenic smile showing off his white pearly teeth he lifted his right hand as if he was waving. A small smile formed on his older sister's lips as she took a couple of pictures, Ketsueki excitedly said. "Keep going!"

Reiki changed his pose as he pulled the hood of the onesie with the long pair of wolf ears as he covered his right eye. The smile on Ketsueki's lips grew bigger, she said. "Next pose!" Reiki raised both his hands above his head making a bear stance. Shiro was sitting on the couch with the tv about a documentary on baby birds. His little sister's eyes were glued onto the two of them, Shiro said. "Onee-chan, Onii-chan… What are you doing?" Ketsueki gave her little brother a thumbs up as Reiki did another pose, she said. "Taking pictures." Shiro slowly nodded, she said. "Y-Yeah…" She moved her gaze back on the tv while glancing at them from time to time.

~Thirty Minutes Later~

Ketsueki was sitting next to Shiro on the couch while browsing through the dozens of pictures she took of her little brother on her smartphone. Ketsueki was chuckling to herself while Shiro glanced at her older sister from the corner of her eye. Shiro said. "Onee-chan, can I take a look?" Ketsueki turned the screen off by pressing the power button on the side as she turned her head to face her little sister. Ketsueki faked a cough and said. "Maybe next time, Shiro. I forgot to charge my battery yesterday." Shiro looked at her older sister with an emotionless face, she said. "I see…" Reiki walked back into the living room still wearing his onesie, he said. "Onee-chan, the bath is ready." Ketsueki stood up from the couch, she walked past her little brother while patting him on the head, she said. "Thanks, Reiki." She walked up the stairs while Reiki made his way behind the couch, with a small hop he placed both his hands on top of the backrest.

Shiro turned her head to look at her older brother, Reiki said. "Still going to watch a few documentaries, Shiro?" Her little sister nodded, He continued. "Make sure to head to bed early, I'll be going first. Night, Shiro." He reached his hand out and pinched his little sister's cheeks which made her pout. With puffed-up cheeks, Shiro let out a soft hmph and grumpily said. "Night, Onii-chan." Reiki landed on the floor with a soft thud, he let out a small yawn not even bothering to cover his mouth as he headed to the second floor. He walked past the bathroom while hearing very faint splashing sounds in a bathtub. Reiki reached the door that led inside his room and opened it, he entered the room while closing the door behind him. He walked toward his bed and did a small jump and flopped on it on his back.

He placed both his hands behind his back as a serious expression formed on his face, Reiki thought. That book Yuko gave was surprisingly detailed… It even has information on their houses and where their favorite titty bar was… The next time we meet I guess I should thank her since I have a couple of candidates to be a figurehead… He glanced at the window from the corner of his eye and saw the setting sun, Reiki thought. Hey, Ender. Got any stories about those 'gods' to tell?... A few moments of silence passed, he heard Ender say. Depends, which being do you want to know about? Reiki moved his gaze onto the ceiling, he thought. Life and death. A moment of silence passed as the sun slowly set while the sky turned dark bit by bit. Ender said. Life and death used to be a single entity. One day the representatives of the gods, Zeus, Osiris, Odin, Christ, Buddha, Ahura, and if I remember correctly all of the 'real' primordials also had a hand in it one way or another… Along with the wanna-be primordials… I can't remember if Azathoth gave them some advice or not…

Another long pause followed before Ender continued. Anyways, all of these 'gods' wanted to play god and decided to create a new being. All representatives were invited and were asked if they could provide some resources for 'creating'... Somehow word got out and most of them were intrigued, almost all of them decided to pitch in here and there… Fast forward a few thousand millennia they've finally succeeded, a God that wields the power of life and death. At first, they were all excited, they thought they could replicate this method to make a body far stronger than their own… But as time went on this God was far more powerful than they could imagine, with a single thought he could kill anything with a casual wave of its hands an entire planet fifty thousand times bigger than your sun was created, complete with rivers, trees, life… From monsters to something similar to humans…

Ender continued. Every single one of them hunted it down and killed it. But no matter what they did it always revived itself making a permanent death impossible… So eventually they decided to lock it up in isolation, after an eon or so Azathoth gave the 'gods' a suggestion. Split the being into two and wipe its entire memories clean… But the spell wasn't so… Practical in reality… It was incomplete so to say… The being was split but just like energy, mana cannot be destroyed it can only be transferred. One of the beings was imbued with the power of death while the other was imbued with the power of life. But those 'gods' were still scared of their potential… The possibility of a looming threat… Even Cthulhu came out of his dimension to recruit them… So they decided to curse the two beings and forced them with a 'duty' of overseeing.

Reiki thought. Overseeing what? A moment of silence passed, Ender said. Everything, from the death of an insect, to the birth of a new 'god'... This is the main reason why creating 'life' is taboo, those gods are afraid of someone creating something transcendent... Don't feel too bad, they fell in love with each other even after their thousands of reincarnations. Reiki let out another big yawn without covering his mouth, he thought. Reincarnations?... After a moment he didn't receive a reply, Reiki slowly closed his eyes as a dreamless slumber awaited him.

~Six Hours Later~

Reiki slowly opened his left eye and glanced at the window and saw the moon was at its highest point, he said. "I wonder what I should make for breakfast..." He placed his hand in the pocket of the onesie and took out a couple of pouches and placed them on the edge of the bed. He slowly stood up from the bed and undid the zipper of his grey wolf onesie and took it off revealing the ankle and wrist weights. He threw the onesie onto his bed, picked up the two pouches, and pocketed as he walked toward the large closet and took out a pair of socks, he casted. Flash.

『 Flash has been activated. Mana Cost: 500 』


Living Room

The interior of the house was dark while Reiki made his way to the front door while letting out another yawn, he made his way toward the shoe compartment and took his pair of sports shoes. While standing Reiki put on a pair of white socks followed by his shoes, he placed his hand on the doorknob and walked outside as a cold breeze hit him. He took a deep breath and slowly opened his right eye, Reiki said. "Let's get this over with." Arashi suddenly appeared on his left, she was wearing a sleeveless white shirt and jogging pants and slammed a hand on his left shoulder.

[System: User has received 197 Damage.]

With a bright smile on her lips, Arashi said. "That's the spirit, Lil bro." Asami appeared on his right wearing the same robe as yesterday, she said. "Show me your regimen." Reiki did some light stretches, he said. "As long as the two of you don't get in the way." He suddenly started sprinting at full speed starting his training as he was followed by Arashi and Asami.

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