
Chapter 137: Chapter 137: Tag

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Kiru flashed him a smile, she said. "I was just making sure your head wasn't in the clouds." Reiki picked one of the last two sandwiches, he said. "I was just thinking about something." Asami was holding onto a sandwich that had a bite on it as she took a sip of tea, she swallowed and said. "Are you going to be okay?" Reiki ate half the sandwich in his hands in one go as he turned his head to face her, Asami continued. "You didn't say anything to your older sister when you left. You're not going to be in trouble when you get back, are you?" Arashi had a smile on her lips, she patted herself on the back and said. "You don't have to worry about that. I made sure we weren't seen."

Kiru and Asami glanced at her as they moved their gaze back to Reiki, he said. "The only reason why Onee-chan didn't bother is that I didn't scream. If I did, she'll have your head." Arashi let out a chuckle oozing with pride and a bint of ridicule, she said. "I mean she can try." Reiki turned his head and looked at Asami and Kiru, he pointed at Arashi. He said. "I say she loses." Kiru smiled and said. "I hope she dies." Arashi clenched her right hand into a fist, she coldly said. "Can the two of you say that again? I didn't hear it." Asami had a pondering expression as she stared at her half-eaten sandwich, she thought. Now that I think about it… I've seen large amounts of pure mana residue all over his house...

Asami took a bite of the sandwich in her hand as she looked at Reiki, she continued her train of thought. It isn't him since the affinity doesn't match… I wonder if I could meet her in person... Arashi's lips formed into a cruel smirk, she threateningly said. "Who's first-?!" Asami flicked her fingers that were holding onto the sandwich as she threw it at Arashi's mouth. Arashi stopped talking and started chewing as she glared at Asami, she said. "Reiki, tell me something about your family." Reiki glanced at Asami from the corner of his eyes as he looked at her with suspicion. For a split second, Asami felt a sudden change in his eyes as she felt his gaze pierce through her. Reiki slightly narrowed his gaze, he said. "Why do you want to learn about my sisters?"

Arashi was taken back by his attitude toward Asami as she watched with wide eyes while Kiru smiled at her with an underlying meaning. Asami casually waved her hand, she said. "Just trying to make conversation, besides all this magic and fight talk gets repetitive." Asami thought. Now I know a bit about how Kiru felt when she threatened him. Reiki had an indifferent expression on his face as he looked at Asami, he said. "One older and younger sister, I'm the middle child." With a worried expression, Arashi was slowly reaching her hand toward him. She placed a hand on his shoulder and said. "Lil bro-." Asami let out a chuckle, she said. "Duly noted." Arashi spread her arms in frustration, she said. "One sentence, can you people let me finish one sentence?" Kiru pointed at her using the teacup in her hand, she said. "That's your one sentence."

Arashi turned her head and glared at Kiru. Arashi coldly said. "Don't you even." She crossed her arms and narrowed her gaze. Asami waved her hand, she said. "Alright, kids. What did mom say about fighting?" Arashi let out a cold scoff, she mumbled under her breath and said. "More like, granny." Asami turned her head and looked at her, she said. "I heard that, Tora." Arashi visibly shivered as she looked at the table. Kiru smirked at her while Reiki reached for the last sandwich on the multi-layer stand. Kiru waved her hand as everything except for a large bowl vanished from the round table, she said. "It's a shame we have to cut this conversation short, because of…" She glanced at Arashi from the corner of her eye and quickly moved her gaze back onto Reiki who inhaled the sandwich in his hand and Asami who finished the last bit of tea in her cup.

Asami placed the teacup on the table and before it could touch the surface Kiru waved her hand as the teacup in Asami's hand vanished. Reiki raised a brow and said. "You put everything back without cleaning them?" Kiru flashed him a smile, she said. "I'll hand back the pouch to Kanzei to clean." Kiru stood up from her seat, she continued. "As I was saying. I do apologize for the short tea time, next time they'll be one less brute with us." Arashi looked up to Kiru and mouthed the words. I'll fucking kill you, bitch! Arashi stood up from her chair followed by Reiki and lastly Asami who took her time while lightly stretching. Kiru rummaged through her pocket ignoring Arashi's threat, she said. "But I did enjoy spending my time with the two of you."

The corner of Arashi's eye twitched, she shouted. "There's-!" Kiru suddenly took out a talisman as it engulfed the scenery in light.

Reiki's vision slowly returned as he looked around and saw they were back at Arashi's apartment. He thought. I wonder if anyone turned blind from using these. Asami elegantly sat down on the middle of the couch followed by Kiru on her left as she grabbed Asami's left arm and hugged it. Arashi was standing beside him with her pupils shining bright golden color. Reiki poked Arashi's right forearm which got her attention as her pupils quickly turned back to normal. With a smile on her lips, Arashi said. "What is it, Lil bro?" He looked up to her and said. "Let's stretch our legs a bit." The smile on Arashi's lips grew bigger, she enthusiastically said. "I'm down, what did you have in mind?" Reiki pointed at the closet door, he said. "I need an area with a flat cement floor, and some chalk while you're at it."

Arashi crossed her arms as a wry smile formed on her lips, she said. "I don't have that, but we could go to the jungle and run for a few kilometers." Asami placed her hand into her pocket and took out a talisman, she said. "I got it." The talisman in her shone a bright light that engulfed the entire room. Reiki rubbed his closed eyes, he thought. I'll never get used to that. Reiki opened his eyes as his vision slowly returned, he looked around and saw a flat grey cement ground beneath them. He moved his gaze onto Asami and said. "Why do you even have a talisman built like this?" Asami gave him an enigmatic smile, she said. "Use your imagination." Reiki thought. Torture. Asami lifted her right leg halfway but stopped when she saw Kiru raise her hand. Kiru said. "Allow me."

Asami placed her foot back down, she said. "Sure." In a standing position, Kiru lifted her left leg past her head without any effort. Arashi made her way next to Reiki and stood beside him, she glanced at Kiru with an observing look and said. "I'm more flexible than you are." In one quick motion, Kiru brought her leg down as she barely scratched it with the tip of her shoe. The ground they stood on started visibly shaking for a few seconds before suddenly stopping, a web of cracks appeared on the area she scratched as it shattered into pieces. Kiru waved her hand as a medium-sized rough rock flew into her hand, she said. "Here you go, Lille brother." Kiru tossed the stone to him which Reiki caught mid-air, he said. "Thanks. Now give me about five to seven minutes."

Reiki moved a few feet away from them and squatted down using the rock he started drawing dozens of perfect circles the size of a baseball on the ground that was roughly six inches apart from each other. Arashi walked behind him, she said. "Lil bro, what are you doing?" Reiki easily drew a dozen circles on the ground, he stood up and said. "Give me a minute."

~Eight Minutes Later~

Reiki threw the rock onto the ground as he dusted his hands off using his shorts. The ground had a large area of it with circles drawn on it. Arashi, Kiru, and Asami were standing behind him, Reiki said. "Here are the rules, you're only allowed to put one foot in the circle, don't step outside, and no body-strengthening magic. Here's a-." Kiru pulled him back, she said. "I'll go first, a bit of light exercise is good after a meal." She placed her right foot in a circle and extended it as she lifted her entire body using her toes. Kiru took a deep breath and was about to move when Reiki suddenly said. "Wait!" All the three of the girls moved their gazes on him, He continued. "Asami-san, can I ask you to record? To see who's the fastest." She gave him a knowing smile, Asami said. "Fine, I am interested in knowing who is faster among the two."

He looked at Kiru who easily stood still on one extended leg, Reiki said. "You can-." Before he could finish he saw half a dozen after images of Kiru and saw she was standing on the other side of all the circles on the ground. Reiki thought. She is a mage… Right?... Asami casually said. "One point five seconds." Arashi let out a scoff dripping with disdain and with a smirk on her lips, she said. "Amateur, it's just footwork." She suddenly appeared beside Reiki and tapped on his shoulder, Arashi continued. "Lil bro, take note-." Asami grabbed Arashi's shoulder and pulled her back. Asami said. "Since everyone is participating it'll be a shame being left out." The moment she finished for a split second Reiki simultaneously saw a dozen after images of Asami as she appeared next to Kiru with an indifferent expression on her face. Asami said. "Zero point two seconds."

Arashi hopped on her legs a few times causing her large chest to jiggle with every bounce, she glanced at Reiki and said. "Well, I can't beat Dragon but. I can put her to shame." She pointed at Kiru as she took a boxing stance. Reiki saw a total of eight after images as she appeared arm's length beside Kiru with a smirk on her lips. Asami glanced at Arashi from the corner of her eye while Arashi had a gloating smile on her lips. Arashi said. "Better luck next time, flat cake." Reiki picked up the rock he threw on the ground and threw it at Arashi like a baseball. Arashi turned her head to face him, she said. "Nice arm, Lil bro. Did you consider playing baseball?" Reiki crossed his arms and said. "Disqualified." Arashi was surprised for a moment, she said. "Why?"

Reiki pointed at the circles on the ground as a path of them had parts of them erased, he said. "You stepped out of the circles and had both your feet on the ground." Arashi rolled her eyes at him as she threw the rock back at him, she said. "So I stepped on a line, who cares?" Reiki caught the rock mid-air and immediately threw it back at her, he said. "Redo them." A faint smile formed on both Kiru's and Asami's lips while Arashi slightly stiffened. Arashi said. "Lil bro, you need to work on your joke-." She easily caught the rock mid-air and noticed a small frown formed on Reiki's face, he said. "I didn't waste ten minutes drawing them on the ground by having someone as incompetent as you erase them." Kiru let out a giggle while Asami hid a smile from forming on the corner of her lips. Arashi had a look of disbelief all over her face, she muttered to herself. "... I-Incompetent…"

Arashi raised her hand that was holding the rock as she was about to throw it at him. Asami interrupted her, she said. "Tora, do it." Arashi's eyes widened as she turned her head to look at her and saw the serious expression on Asami's face. Kiru placed a hand on her lips to cover it as she giggled to herself. Asami narrowed her eyes, she said. "Do I have to repeat myself?" Arashi snapped back to her senses, she easily maneuvered her way to the circles that were partially erased. Arashi said. "Fine!" She made it to the start as she squatted down and redrawn them.

~Fifteen Minutes Later~

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Arashi walked back to the side where Kiru and Asami were standing. Arashi threw the rock toward the ground as it pierced through the cement and sank half in. Kiru had a big smile on her lips while Asami's lips curved into a very faint smirk. Reiki looked up to Arashi as she glared daggers at him, he said. "Are you mad?" Arashi raised her fist at him as she was about to raise her middle finger but stopped just in time, she placed back to her sides and with frustration in her voice. Arashi said. "Of course, I am! What was that for?!" Without missing a beat, Reiki said. "How about I make it up to you?" Arashi had a hint of doubt in her eyes, she said. "Uh-huh." Reiki moved his gaze onto Asami, he said. "Asami-san, remember our bet?" Asami thought. I see what you're doing… Kiru poked Asami's arm which made her look at her, Kiru said. "What bet?"

Asami smiled and said. "Just a friendly wager." She moved her gaze back onto Reiki, Asami said. "I don't know what you're planning but I'll let you as you please." Reiki nodded at her as he looked back at the angry Arashi, he said. "How about we play a game?" Arashi crossed her arms and didn't say anything. He pointed at the circles on the ground and continued. "We'll play a game of tag. Whoever wins, gets the prize of the bet." The doubt in Arashi's eyes immediately vanished and was replaced with interest, she turned her head to look at Asami who gave her a nod. Arashi excitedly turned her head back to him, she said. "What's the rules?" Kiru shook her head, she thought. She's supposed to be the next head of the Tora clan? I know she's eighteen but come on… That or Reiki is more cunning than he seems... Asami had a smile on her lips, she thought. He has Arashi eating from the palm of his hand.

Reiki said. "Same rules as last time, one foot in the circle, no stepping outside, and no body-strengthening magic. Your opponent is considered tagged if the palm of your hand is flat on their body." He looked at Kiru and Asami, he continued. "I need a coin." Kiru quickly rummaged through her pocket and took out a platinum coin, she said. "Who's going to toss it?" Reiki pointed at Arashi, he said. "She will, otherwise you'll think I'm bullying her." Kiru's eyes narrowed while Asami raised a brow. Arashi's smile grew bigger as she let out a chuckle, she said. "I'll make sure to remember your help, Lil bro." Kiru threw the platinum coin to Arashi as she caught it mid-air. Reiki thought. Calm heart and deep breaths. Arashi readied herself as she casually threw the coin in the air, she placed one foot on the circle and said. "Thanks for the help." Reiki slowly inhaled as the atmosphere around them turned still. Arashi's smile slowly turned into a smirk, she thought. Seventy-five feet. Mom, he's not even a dragon yet, and Lil bro is already handing me opportunities. 

All four of them heard the sound of a coin softly hitting the floor. Arashi was about to take another step when she saw a dozen after images of Reiki as they immediately vanished. Reiki was already in front of Arashi with his right hand's palm flat on her stomach, he said. "Tag, you're it." Reiki thought. Washboard abs. A few after images appeared as Reiki was casually standing on the other side again. Asami nodded and thought. Nice footwork. Kiru's eyes had a hint of surprise in them while Arashi was still in shock. Kiru let out a chuckle which snapped Arashi back to her senses. Kiru said. "Hey, slowpoke the game is over." Arashi narrowed her gaze, she spoke with a serious tone. "Again." Reiki crossed his arms and thought. Not too bad… At least my tendons didn't snap… He shook his head sideways, before he could say anything Arashi interrupted him. Arashi said. "Don't be such a… Scaredy cat, Lil bro. At least give me a rematch for letting you win."

Asami grabbed Kiru by the hand and pulled her a few feet away from Arashi. With a wave of her hand, a pair of metal chairs with a large soft cushion and a round table appeared. The two of them sat down, she kept her gaze on the two of them. Asami said. "This is going to be good. Do you have any wine on you?" Kiru waved her hand, a pair of wine glasses and two large plates of cheese and bread along with three large bottles of red wine. Kiru said. "I always have wine on me." A small smile formed on his face which made the corner of Arashi's eye twitch, Reiki said. "We never wagered what you'd do if you lost." A cold smile formed on Arashi's lips, she indifferently said. "Me? Lose?" Reiki nodded as he flashed her a smile, he said. "How about I give you a simple training regimen and you follow what I say?" Arashi let out a scoff, she said. "I'm not falling for that."

Reiki shrugged his shoulders, he said. "That's fine, losing to a child again might hurt your pride." Kiru intentionally let out a long loud whistle while Asami glanced at Arashi from the corner of her eye. Arashi clenched her hands into fists as her knuckles let out crackling noise, she indifferently said. "Deal." Reiki let out a sigh, he said. "I did have something planned today, but I can spare time beating you a few more times." He waved his hand at Kiru and continued. "Can I have some?" Kiru nodded as she threw him a large loaf of bread along with a large wedge of cheese. Reiki took a bite of bread but stopped, he said. "Best out of nine, first one to five wins. I'll even be nice and let you toss the coins in all of them." Asami picked up a wine bottle and flicked the cork off using her thumb, she filled both the glasses with wine and took a sip from her glass. Kiru picked up her glass of wine with her left hand and casually waved her right hand as a platinum coin flew into the palm of her hand from a random direction.

Kiru was about to throw the coin toward Arashi but stopped when she spoke. Arashi said. "You throw it, otherwise he'll think I'm cheating." Kiru shrugged her shoulders as she took a sip of wine and placed it on the table as she picked up a small wedge of cheese. Kiru was about to throw the coin into the air but felt Asami place her hand on top of hers. Asami said. "I'll do it. So that neither of them can complain about it afterward." Kiru passed the coin to Asami, she said. "Ready?" Arashi readied herself and placed one foot in a circle, she thought. You only caught me off guard. Asami turned her head and quickly tossed the coin into the air. She saw Reiki devouring the loaf of bread along with the wedge of cheese, he swallowed and said. "Do you have a bottle of-." The sound of a coin softly hitting the ground as the two of them was suddenly in the middle of all the circles.

Arashi had a serious expression on her face while standing on her extended right foot. Reiki squatted down on his left leg and tried to sweep Arashi's feet.

[System: User has received 43 Damage.]

He thought. It's possible. Arashi's hands blurred as she tried to place the palm of her hand on the top of Reiki's head. Arashi's hands blurred as she repeatedly tried to grab him anywhere she could while casually standing on one leg.

[System: User has received 84 Damage.]

[System: User has received 72 Damage.]

[System: User has received 96 Damage.]


Reiki's hands had bruises all over them from trying to block Arashi's flurry of attacks. He casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

Reiki appeared behind Arashi as he tried to place his hand on her back. She suddenly balanced her upper body vertically, with a quick spin on one leg Arashi kicked his hand away.

[System: User has received 254 Damage.]

Arashi had a serious expression on her face, she said. "You need to do better than that-." She looked in front of her and saw he was missing. Arashi felt a hand on her thigh as she looked at her foot that she used to kick. Reiki was squatting on her shin while with his hand touching her outer thigh, he said. "Tag, you're it."

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