
Chapter 138: Chapter 138: Start up

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Arashi was surprised for a split second before she did a small hop off the ground and tried to kick him with her other leg. Reiki immediately jumped off and landed in a circle with his right leg, he said. "That was just excessive." Arashi spun in the air a few times as she landed in a circle with her right foot extended, she indifferently said. "You dodged it, so why are you complaining?" Reiki stared at the bruises on his hands that were already purple, he thought. Can't you take it down a notch?

Kiru was holding onto a slice of bread, she shouted. "I bet five hundred platinum my little brother wins!" Asami was swirling the wine in her glass while chewing on some cheese, she took a sip and swallowed. Asami glanced at Kiru from the corner of her eye and said. "I might as well give you the coins then." Kiru let out a giggle while using her hand to cover her mouth. Arashi glanced at them from the corner of her eye as she clenched her hands into a fist. Reiki was surrounded by a dozen after images as she suddenly appeared right in front of him, Arashi said. "Are we starting or what?"

Using his thumb Reiki pointed at the side where Kiru and Asami were sitting, he said. "Walk to your side-." He took a step but stopped when Arashi picked him off the ground by the shirt, she said. "This will take too long, we'll just continue even when the other one scores a point." Reiki looked up to her and raised a brow, he said. "Are you sure? You might not be able to take it, losing one after the other." Arashi threw him to the other side of the circle as he hit the ground with his back.

[System: User has received 174 Damage.]

Reiki sprung up using momentum as he stood on his two feet. Arashi glared at Kiru and indifferently said. "Toss the coin." Kiru took a sip of wine as she casually waved her hand as a platinum coin flew toward her palm. Kiru passed the coin to Asami, Kiru said. "Here you go." Asami nodded at her as she placed her glass of wine on the table, she said. "Ready-." Before she could start she threw the coin onto the ground as it bounced a couple of times before stopping. On the first bounce, Arashi and Reiki were already leaving behind a few after images as the two of them tried to grab the other one. Arashi was behind him, both her hands were enveloped in a layer of mana as she clapped once creating a shockwave that lifted Reiki off the ground.

Reiki was a few feet in the air while Arashi created a few dozen after images as his eyes quickly shifted from left to right. He thought. Now the real work starts. Asami was watching intently as Reiki vanished from the air and appeared on the ground with one foot in the circle. The two of them played a game of cat and mouse while leaving behind a dozen afterimages. Arashi appeared in the air, she had both her arms behind her back with her fingers interlocking as she swung it down creating a loud gust of wind visible to the naked eye. Asami picked up a piece of bread while her haze stayed on the two, she said. "Surprised?" Kiru nodded, she took a small whiff of the wine in her glass and said. "I never expected such a big harvest."

Reiki was immediately pushed off the ground as he went past the circles on the ground, he casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

He appeared on the ground with one foot in the circle, before he could move Arashi suddenly appeared right in front of him within arm's length. She brought her leg up to her head creating a gust of wind and tried to grab him with her left hand. Reiki was lifted off the ground, he twisted his body around mid-air as he wrapped his legs around her arm. Reiki was hanging upside down on Arashi's arm, the two of them looked at each other. He smiled at her and said. "You seem tense." Arashi had an indifferent expression on her face, she said. "No, I am. Not!" She swung her arm down and tried to slam him into the ground. Reiki moved sideways as he was sitting on top of Arashi's arm, he reached out as she suddenly turned into an afterimage.

He placed a foot inside one circle and looked around and saw Arashi with her left extended foot on a circle. Arashi said. "What's your plan?" Reiki shrugged his shoulders and said. "Just showing you some pointers-." Before he could finish Arashi was beside him as she tried to grab him with her hands. Asami rolled her eyes at Kiru, Asami said. "And you have me to thank." Kiru kept her eyes on the two as they deflected each other's hands. Kiru said. "No, I have my little brother to thank… But in all seriousness, I am gathering valuable data from two individuals." Asami took a small bite from the bread in her hand, she nodded and watched Arashi give Reiki a roundhouse kick to the face. Reiki weaved his upper body to the right dodging the kick, he tried to place his hand on Arashi's lower rib. Arashi leaned in closer as she quickly retracted her left foot from the kick and tried to knee him to the chest. Arashi's knee was six inches away from hitting his chest as he was sent flying in the air.

[System: User has received 389 Damage.]

Reiki felt the breath in his lungs escape, he thought. It's been a while since I felt my lungs burn. He casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 1,200.』

He appeared a few inches above the ground as he landed in a circle with his foot. Reiki felt his body go numb from the pain as he almost lost balance as he placed a hand on his chest, he said. "Talk about... Getting the wind... knocked out of… Me…" He took deep slow breaths while Arashi instantly appeared in front of him and tried to grab him. Reiki tried to move but felt something weigh on his foot.

[System: User has received 98 Damage.]

He looked down and saw Arashi place her foot above his as she placed a hand on his face. A small smirk formed on her lips, Arashi rubbed her hand all over his face and said. "In your face!" A small smirk formed on her lips as she saw Reiki suddenly vanish from her grasp. He casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 2,000.』

Asami poured her empty glass with more wine while Kiri moved her half-empty cup closer indicating a refill which she obliged. Asami said. "I'll admit, Arashi's character isn't the greatest. But she did use up her entire luck from meeting him." Reiki appeared a dozen feet above Arashi who looked up as she noticed a shadow above her. Kiru nodded as she gently swirled the red liquid in her cup, she said. "I've heard reports of her in the mainland…" Reiki fell toward the ground while Arashi narrowed her gaze as she put up her guard. Kiru placed a hand on her chin and continued. "She once killed a man who spilled a drop of ice cream on her shoe… She robbed an entire store once when they gave her a defective product and the most recent one was a…"

Asami picked up a small wedge of cheese while staring at the two chasing at each other, she said. "She killed one of a pair of lovers while making the other one watch." He casted. Flash.

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『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 2,100.』

Reiki just below Arashi as he grabbed her by the waist making sure one of his hands were flat as he placed his right foot in between her legs stepping on a circle. He said. "Two more points and I win." Asami slightly turned her head to face Kiru and said. "The defective pair of gauntlets she bought was fine, she just liked the quality and broke them the moment she set foot outside the store. Her killing one of the lovers was because she didn't like the guy staring at her ass." The two of them saw Arashi raise her right elbow as she swung it down onto the top of Reiki's head. He casted. Flash.

[System: User has received 42 Damage.]

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

Reiki teleported a couple of feet away from her, he felt a faint burning sensation on his forehead and placed a hand on it. He thought. She doesn't plan on pulling her punches anytime soon. He crossed his arms and said. "H-How about we make it interesting?" Reiki moved the hand on his forehead onto his chest, he thought. I think she nearly burst my lungs. He slowly inhaled as he felt the stinging pain in his body. Arashi looked at him with suspicion, she said. "How?" Reiki took a deep breath and said. "The score is three to one, my way." The corner of Arashi's eye slightly twitched, while Asami raised a brow in interest. Asami had a slight smile on her face, she said. "Talk about being thorough." Kiru tossed a small wedge of cheese into her mouth and nodded, she took a sip of wine and swallowed. Kiru said. "Agreed, if he won like this she would've used the score as a reason why she lost."

A sweet smile formed on Arashi's lips, she said. "And your point is?" Reiki waved his hand in dismissal, he said. "I thought about giving you a chance." Arashi's eyes narrowed, she let out a scoff and said. "Don't get too… Confident, you're only up by two. I'm only giving you a chance." Reiki let out a chuckle, he said. "Maybe you are… The next one to score a point wins." He thought. I can't feel my legs anymore… Arashi's eyes had a hint of surprise in them, she faked a cough and looked at him with an odd glare. Arashi said. "W-What made you come to this decision?" Reiki let out a short chuckle, he said. "Just to make things interesting." He pointed at the other side with Kiru and Asami sitting on chairs with a table filled with bread, cheese, and bottles of wine. Reiki continued. "Let's go back to our sides."

He turned around and casually made his way, Reiki thought. They feel heavy… Asami narrowed her eyes and thought. I'm surprised he can still walk. Asami picked up her glass of wine and noticed it was nearly empty, she picked up one of the two bottles of wine and felt the lack of liquid inside. Asami casually threw it onto the ground as it landed making a soft thud, she picked up the other wine bottle and took the cork off using her thumb. Asami said. "Darling, I hope you don't mind." She glanced at Kiru and saw her holding the other bottle of wine while pouring red liquid into her glass. Kiru glanced at her and said. "What's this bit of wine between us?" Her expression turned serious, Kiru continued. "Did you notice?" Asami nodded as she placed the bottle of wine on the table, she said. "Of course I did, I'm just wondering how he can still walk. A bodybuilder's calves would be destroyed just by trying to keep up with her."

Kiru placed the bottle she was holding on the table next to the other one, she picked up a piece of bread and said. "Do you think he'll succeed?" The two of them moved their gazes onto them, Arashi was controlling her breathing to sharpen her senses while Reiki was standing still. Asami downed her glass of wine in one go, she said. "From how things are going, yes." She picked up a small wedge of cheese and reached for one of the bottles of wine with her other hand. Reiki turned his head to look at Kiru and gave her a nod, while taking a sip from her glass she waved her hand as a platinum coin flew into her palm that had some bits of dust on it. Asami was filling her glass with more wine as Kiru passed her the coin, she took it off her hands with her left hand and held a glass in her right. Asami threw the coin high up into the air, reaching the clouds.

Reiki followed the coin's trajectory, he thought. Did she just?... While Arashi kept her gaze on him. The sound of silence permeated the atmosphere as Reiki heard something faintly whispering in the wind. He thought. Relax… only tense your muscles at the moment of contact… He took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes. Kiru observed him with a peculiar look while Asami's eyes narrowed, she thought. This kid… A faint smile formed on her lips as she quickly hid it. Arashi placed an extended foot in a circle and with sharp eyes, she looked at His every move including his breathing. Reiki slightly squatted down as he shifted his center of gravity, all of a sudden the sound of something smashing into the cement floor was heard.

Arashi was already in the middle of all the circles and kept her gaze on Reiki who didn't move a single step, she thought. Then I'll just-. Before she could finish he suddenly vanished as she looked around the corner of her eyes and listened to anything with her ears. Reiki was slightly leaning forward as his eyes had a hint of ethereal in them. He appeared on her right as she immediately tried to grab him, he took a step back as she almost managed to grab his shoulder. Both her arms blurred as she tried to grab him in dozens of places simultaneously. Reiki's feet were apart as he positioned them both in a circle each, only moving his upper body he easily managed to dodge them as if he knew where she was aiming.

Asami watched the two of them with a serious expression as she placed her half-empty glass on the table, she said. "Kiru, how about you take notes? You might learn something." Kiru glanced at her from the corner of her eye, she quickly moved her gaze back onto Arashi. She went even faster and surrounded Reiki with three other after images trying to grab him which he effortlessly dodged. Arashi's eyes were narrowed as she appeared behind, in front, and on both of his sides while trying to grab him. Arashi thought. Something's wrong… Reiki suddenly turned his head to look to his right, Arashi suddenly appeared in the same direction he was staring. He looked up to her and said. "Let's play." Reiki suddenly hunched down even more and suddenly vanished. Arashi frantically looked around and barely kept up with his after images leaving one after another.

Kiru turned serious all of a sudden as her pupils glowed with mana. Every step Reiki took left a visible small ditch in the middle of the circle but kept the line intact. He was suddenly in front of Arashi which caught her by surprise, she quickly moved her hand and placed it on top of his head. Her hand went through his head as Reiki was already behind her, he had his left hand just an inch away on Arashi's back. Arashi glanced at him from the corner of her eye and saw his shadow behind her, she turned around and tried to kick him in the chest. Her feet went through an afterimage as she saw him dodge it for a split second before returning to the same spot. Arashi's eyes narrowed as she took a glance around and saw the small holes in the center of the circle. She thought. He's trying to limit my movement… Arashi appeared behind him and tried to place her arms around his neck. Reiki turned into an afterimage as he was still hunched over on her left.

Arashi tried to elbow him in his face as he appeared on her right. Asami nodded as she crossed her arms making her large chest press against each other, she said. "If he keeps this up he won't last." Reiki was hopping backward from circle to circle while Arashi was constantly on his tail trying to grab him. She always managed to reach out her hand but he always disappeared at the last moment. Kiru's gaze always followed the two of them as she observed every movement Reiki made. Arashi suddenly backed off as she made some distance between them, she stood on her left extended leg and she wiped some sweat off her forehead. She took off her somewhat damped white sleeveless shirt that was sticking to her body, revealing her six-pack and a dark red sports bra underneath. Arashi threw her shirt away to the side and noticed Reiki was standing roughly about twenty feet away from her and noticed both his feet visibly shaking.

Arashi smiled and thought. I win! She suddenly rushed in and reached halfway when Reiki suddenly vanished from where he was standing. In front of Arashi was a dozen after images reaching for different parts of her body, the smile on her lips grew even bigger. Arashi thought. He's gotten slower! Both her hands blurred as she effortlessly deflective almost all of them, she turned her head at the last two and continued her train of thought. Found you. The smile on her face froze when every one of them suddenly disappeared, she felt a hand on her back which made her stop dead in her tracks. Reiki's clothes were drenched in sweat with his feet shaking, he felt a wave of exhaustion as he sat on the ground. Reiki said. "I win." He took deep breaths while Arashi stood up straight and slowly turned around to look at him, he wiped some sweat off his forehead to prevent some from getting into his eye.

She moved her gaze onto his legs that were constantly shaking while Reiki massaged them. Arashi said. "... Double or nothing…" Reiki let out a chuckle as Asami and Kiru appeared near them. Kiru was placing her pouch in her pocket while Asami wagged her index finger and said. "If you lose, at least accept it. Arashi." Arashi turned her head to face her while Reiki looked around as he noticed Kiru had already hidden the tables and chairs. Asami stopped wagging her finger and used it to point at Reiki, she continued. "Not unless he's willing." Arashi moved her gaze back to him and saw Kiru trying to help Reiki up with her right hand while rummaging through her pockets with her left. Reiki forced out a laugh as he slipped on his sweat, Kiru held his forearm as he didn't even fall. He said. "Nope, I won fair and square. I even gave her a chance." Reiki stood on his own two feet with help from Kiru who took out a talisman and faintly glowed.

Reiki was surrounded by a faint layer of mana as his drenched clothes instantly turned dry as steam escaped from him all over. Kiru pocketed the talisman and waved her hand as her pupils faintly glowed as a visible gust of wind pass-through him. Reiki saw the cold breeze flow around him, lowering his body temperature. The glow in Kiru's eyes slowly dissipated, she said. "This is all I can do, little brother. I may have cleaned you up, but you still need to rest." Reiki looked at his legs that were still faintly shaking, he thought. I'm surprised Arashi still hasn't attacked you. He looked up to her and with a tired voice said. "Thanks." Kiru nodded at him and paired with a small smile as she ruffled his unkempt and scraggly hair.

Asami coughed which made the two of them turn their head at her while Arashi was still staring at Reiki with a hint of disbelief in her eyes. Asami said. "Alright, now that's decided." She moved her gaze onto Kiru and continued. "Kiru be a dear and clean this up. Please and thank you." Kiru nodded and took out a talisman from her pocket as it faintly glowed. The entire area that was littered with circles and holes faintly glowed as it slowly repaired itself while simultaneously cleaning. Kiru placed the talisman back into her pocket, she took out a pouch and passed it to Reiki. Kiru said. "Little brother, here you go. I'm sorry this is all I gave you for giving me so much today." Asami took out a talisman from her pockets as it engulfed the area with a bright light.

Reiki's vision slowly returned as he looked around and saw Arashi's apartment, he thought. I'll never get used to that. He turned his head and saw Asami sitting in the middle of the couch with Kiru on her right hugging her arm. He could feel Arashi's stare burrowing into his skin and made his way to the window. Reiki opened it, he said. "Thanks for having me." Asami lazily waved her hand at him while Kiru picked up the remote and turned the tv on. Kiru said. "I'll see you later, little brother." Arashi just stared at his back while he opened the window, Reiki said. "Nee-san, I want you to do a hundred laps on those circles." He thought. Now, let's head into the heart of Osaka to find a figurehead. He casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

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