
Chapter 140: Chapter 140: Messenger

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Akemi was sitting in her chair with a serious expression on her face, she placed a hand on her chin while Reiki stood on her side. Akemi turned her head to look at him, she said. "Can you guarantee it'll succeed?" With a hint of hope in her eyes. Reiki shook his head sideways, which made the breath in her throat stuck. He said. "I don't know, I'm just the messenger in charge of meeting the people who've caught their eye." Akemi bit her lips with worry as she tried to calm herself down by taking deep breaths.

Reiki placed his hand on her shoulder again, he said. "Calm down." Akemi jolted from his touch, she looked up to him and took another deep breath, Reiki continued. "I don't need an answer right now." Akemi gave him a small nod, she said. "What if I wanted to be the CEO of the company? Not just the Secretary… Who's the candidate to be the chairman?" Reiki pretended to think as he placed a hand on his chin, he said. "They gave me a list of names… If I remembered correctly they were all women…" The corner of Akemi's eye twitched, she said. "Everyone?..."

Reiki shrugged his shoulders and placed his hands back to his side, he said. "I'm just following orders, but between you and me all of them were capable in their own right." Akemi had a slight frown on her lips, she said. "That doesn't answer my question of the position I want." Reiki pretended to think, he said. "Hana Akemi. Single, never been in a relationship before, age nineteen and-." Akemi panicked as she placed a hand over his mouth, she said. "Stop! Stop! STOP!!" She came to her senses and moved her hand away from his mouth. Akemi faked a cough and with a hint of pride in her voice she said. "I get it, the elves had their eye on me for a while…"

She slightly leaned forward to him puffing out her small breast with confidence in her actions, Akemi continued. "It's proof of how capable I am." Reiki rolled his eyes at her and said. "And look where you are currently." Akemi's entire body jolted, she said. "I-It's just a minor detail." Reiki lifted his right arm while counting and raised his fingers simultaneously, he said. "Growing your herbs, poaching alchemists from rival businesses, and lowering your price just enough to make a profit to bolster your sales. Do you have any idea what these three have in common?" Akemi looked at his hand with three fingers up, she said. "They were turning points for my company that I did." Reiki tucked in his three fingers and pointed at her, he said. "Yes and no." Akemi had a look of confusion on her face while Reiki pulled the closest chair next to him and sat down. He said. "You asked someone for advice."

Akemi's eyes widened as she opened her mouth and was about to say something. Reiki placed his index finger on her lips which made her stop, he said. "Let me continue." He moved his finger away from her lips, Reiki said. "You are capable from what they've told me and the file I've read. But you're not fit to be a leader." Akemi's pupils dilated, he continued. "You don't have the vision to be one and a discerning eye for people." Akemi's entire body suddenly froze, she said. "W-What did you say?... I-It's the same as what h-he said…'' With a hint of despair in her eyes, Akemi said. "B-But I don't want to be led by someone!" She came back to her senses and moved her gaze back on the table. Reiki placed a hand on her shoulder which made her calm down, he said. "It's not so bad to take orders from one person."

Akemi let out a long sigh as she moved some hair that covered her face, she said. "That's because you don't even understand its true meaning yet." Reiki raised a brow, he said. "What if the person you were taking orders from stood on top of the world?" Akemi moved her gaze onto the desk as she thought for a moment. He thought. Little more. Reiki poked Akemi's shoulder and said. "Don't you want to make them pay?" Akemi came back to her senses, she looked up to him, she said. "Who?" He continued. "Those slimy bastards who took everything from you." Reiki looked into her eyes and saw a small ember of fire. Akemi subconsciously placed her hand on her desk and gripped it so tight that she broke parts of it off.

Reiki continued. "But, you're not allowed to kill them because that would be murder. You'll end up in jail… So, how about going for the next best thing?" The anger in Akemi's eyes vanished and was replaced with hope, she said. "What is it?" Reiki placed a hand on his chin and pretended to think, he said. "... Bankruptcy?..." Akemi was taken aback for a moment while Reiki continued as he snapped his fingers, he said. "That's right, bankruptcy! Imagine them, on the streets wearing rags or working dead-end nine to five jobs for the rest of their lives while you sit in your ten-story high mansion." Akemi opened her mouth and was about to say something but stopped, she said. "With their wealth it's impossible." Reiki flashed her a smile, he said. "At least there is a chance it'll happen if the plan succeeds."

Akemi placed a hand on her chin and pondered to herself. Reiki's smile turned into a smirk for a split second before vanishing, he said. "And uh… Get some sleep, you look like you're on the verge of passing out. Drink some hot chocolate mixed with milk while you're at it, from your expression you haven't eaten in a couple of days and your brain is lacking sugar." He gave her a small wave and continued. "Hopefully we'll see each other again in two days." Akemi suddenly stood up and reached out her right hand, she said. "W-Wait! You haven't told me your name yet! And the place where to meet!" Reiki turned his head sideways to look at her, he said. "Interested?" Akemi placed her hand back to her side, she said. "I like to have options." Reiki made his way closer to her, while he was halfway, he said. "Got a pen and paper on you?"

Akemi quickly took out a pen from her breast pocket along with a mini notebook with a black cover. Reiki's gaze wandered on Akemi's lower body, he thought. Bottom heavy. His gaze lingered on her lower half and saw the outline of Akemi's ample childbearing thighs and peach butt that she tried to hide with baggy business pants. Akemi opened the small notebook and flipped through the pages and placed it down on the table revealing a clean page while Reiki quickly moved his gaze onto the table. Akemi passed him the pen in her hands with slightly trembling hands, he took it off her hands and said. "I'm being serious about the melted chocolate in milk thing." He started scribbling on the notebook, Reiki continued. "You look like you haven't eaten in three days." He spun the pen in his hands between his fingertips and passed it to her.

Akemi picked up the notebook, with a slight frown on her lips she thought. His handwriting is better than mine… Reiki took a good look at Akemi, she had short black hair that only went past her chin and was neatly combed. She had dark brown pupils, she closed the mini notebook and placed it back inside her breast pocket. Akemi took the pen off his hands and placed it back inside her breast pocket, he gave her a lazy wave and said. "Later." Akemi placed a hand on his shoulder and said. "You didn't write which house you stayed in." Reiki turned his head sideways, he said. "You'll know it when you see it." Akemi slowly moved her hand away from his shoulder while Reiki made his way out of the room. He placed his hand on the doorknob and opened the door making sure to close it behind him.

Akemi sat back down on her chair, she closed her eyes as she listened to the sound of footsteps getting farther away. She took out a smartphone from one of the pockets of her pants, tapped a few times on screen, and waited for the call to connect. When the call connected, Akemi said. "Hello, uncle…" She nodded a few times and said. "... Yes… I managed to pull through earlier than you thought… Yes…" She nodded a few more times as the corner of her eye twitched, Akemi said. "Uncle not to be rude but, I didn't call you so I could hear about your day… I called because- SHUT UP! YOU SHITTY OLD MAN!" Her entire upper body heaved up and down while taking deep breaths, Akemi coughed and said. "I found… An individual who said the same things you did… And he kinda reminded me of you a bit… Here's his plan."


At The Waiting Room

The dual glass doors in front of Reiki automatically opened in front of him, he let out a yawn and thought. The pieces are in place, now let's play a short game of chess. He walked out of the building as the glass doors closed behind him. Reiki did some light stretches and thought. Shiro's class should be nearly done by now. I'll go pick her up. He made a couple of small hops on each leg and deeply inhaled. The moment both his feet touched the ground he suddenly vanished on the spot while a few pedestrians walking by were surprised he disappeared. On the building was a faint figure of a woman looking out the window while holding a phone.

Reiki sprinted down the streets while passing through people who felt a sudden gust of wind. He casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

He appeared on the opposite side of the street while moving in between the crowd of people without them noticing. He looked at his left using the corner of his eye, Reiki thought. Is it me or did they increase the number of cameras here? He casted.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

Reiki appeared between two men wearing business suits while making sure to hide his face using one of their upper bodies. He took a couple of steps and casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

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Reiki appeared beside a man who leaned onto the younger side. The two of them were surrounded by a crowd as the young adult looked at the crossing light waiting for it to turn green with a hint of urgency in his eyes. Reiki smiled and thought. Another person who'll have their hopes and dreams crushed within time. The light suddenly turned green as the crowd around Reiki started walking, he took a few steps and casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

Reiki appeared on the right of the group, he thought. At this rate, I should be on time when Shiro walks out of the school. He hid beside the group while walking and avoided being seen by the surveillance around the street.

~One Hour Later~

Shiro was walking toward the front gate of the school with two girls on each side. The girl on her right had skin leaning onto the tan side as she had boyish hair paired with short bangs, almost covering her eyes and wearing visible shorts underneath her skirt. The tan girl said. "Are you still not going to clubs yet, Shiro?" Shiro shook her head sideways, she said. "I'm still afraid of going outside near night time, Yuki." She turned her head to look at the girl whose skin leaning was into the pasty side and had long flowing back hair reaching past her waist with her bangs brushed to the right side. Shiro continued. "What about you, Mio? Don't you have cram school?" Mio pushed some stray hair away from her eyes, she said. "No, after I took the quiz my parents gave me they decided cram school wouldn't be able to teach me anything."

Mio pointed at the gate while countless students were walking through, she moved her finger at the corner to a boy wearing simple clothing with unkempt and scraggly hair. Mio said. "Who's that?" Yuki narrowed her eyes as she moved her gaze and looked at where she was pointing while Shiro's eyes brightened up. Shiro quickly raised her hand and waved it around, she said. "Onii-chan!" Both Mio and Yuki had surprised looks on their faces, they simultaneously said. "Onii-chan?..." Shiro grabbed one of their arms as she dragged them and made her way toward him. Shiro said. "I'll introduce both of you to him." The three of them quickly made their way to him while Reiki was leaning on the gate while letting out a yawn.

Most of the students glanced at him from the corner of their eye while a few of them pointed and laughed. While Shiro dragged her two friends, a few students in front were forced to take a step sideways as the three of them quickly reached near him. Shiro, Yuki, and Mio were in front of Reiki while he was leaning on the gate. Shiro said. "Onii-chan what brings you here?" Reiki flashed his little sister a smile, he placed a hand on top of her head and ruffled her white hair. He said. "I can't pick up my precious little sister anymore?" Shiro quickly shook her head sideways as she hugged his arms, she said. "You can, I just didn't expect it." Shiro pointed at Yuki and Mio. Shiro said. "Onii-chan these two are my best friends."

Yuki gave him a big smile showing her pearly white teeth, she pointed at herself using her thumb and said. "Nozomi Yuki, nice to meet you. Shiro's Onii-chan." She moved her hand back to her side and turned her head to look at Mio. Mio gave him a curt nod and said. "Nakamura Mio, it's a pleasure to meet you…" Reiki gave them an amiable smile, he said. "Reiki. Akihito Reiki, feel free to just call me Reiki." Yuki immediately raised her hand, she said. "Reiki, I have a question." Before he could say anything Yuki continued. "You feel weird." Reiki raised a brow while Shiro pouted and hugged his arm even tighter, she said. "Onii-chan isn't weird!" Reiki placed his other hand on top of Shiro's head, he let out a chuckle and said. "Weird how?"

The pout on Shiro's face slowly turned into a smile which she tried to hide while Reiki played with her hair. Mio gave Shiro an odd look while Yuki crossed her arms making an X with them. Yuki said. "Not like that, Shiro. Um… My parents said my instincts are sharper than most people… For some reason, Reiki just feels… Strong… Very strong from what I can tell…" Yuki took a couple of steps toward him and placed her hands all over him, feeling his arms, thighs, calves, and stomach. Shiro's eyes widened in surprise as she immediately let go of her older brother's arm and tried to push Yuki off him. Yuki fluidly took a backstep which made Shiro miss as she almost started falling toward the ground. Yuki was about to catch while Mio's hand was enveloped with a thin layer of mana, both of them stopped when they saw Reiki's hand was already wrapped around Shiro's waist.

Yuki placed a hand on her chin, she muttered. "He does some exercise and has a toned body… But that doesn't explain it…" Yuki tilted her head sideways and continued. "This never happened before…" Mio looked at him from top to bottom while Reiki helped Shiro stand back up, he said. "Watch your step, Shiro." Shiro quickly wrapped her arms around his body while glancing at Yuki with a narrowed gaze, she said. "Yes, Onii-chan." Mio raised her hand and said. "Um… Reiki… Pardon my upfront question, but do you have an affinity with magic?" Shiro had a proud smile on her mouth, she said. "Of course! Onii-chan's magic affinity is royal class!" Reiki let out a wry smile while the students walking past started to listen while slowly walking. He pretended to stretch, Reiki said. "I don't know…"

[System: User has decreased Mana Suppression by 35%]

With a confident smile on his face, Reiki continued. "You tell me." Pure dense mana radiated from him which made all the students passing by stop in their tracks and turn their heads to look at him. Mio's eyes widened in surprise as she stared at the mana he was emitting, she reached her hand out and touched it. Mio mumbled. "It almost looks alive…"

[System: User has increased Mana Suppression by 35%]

The mana he was radiating suddenly vanished as if it never happened. Mio stared at her hand that touched the mana Reiki was emitting while the other students slowly started to make their way while glancing at him from the corner of their eye. Yuki shook her head sideways, she said. "No, that can't be the reason why he feels weird." Shiro had a huge smile on her face, she said. "How is it? My Onii-chan is destined to be powerful in the future!" She let go of him and placed both her hands on her hips while puffing out her chest. Reiki patted the top of his little sister's head, he said. "Thank you for being friends with Shiro and taking care of her." He gave them a slight bow and continued. "We may not have much, but if you can please visit our home. I'll try and give you the best hospitality I can."

Yuki's and Mio's eyes widened for a split second, the two of them turned their head to look at each other from the corner of their eye as they nodded. The two of them looked up to him, Yuki said. "I'll be sure to drop by the weekend, Reiki." Mio touched her palm that she used to touch the mana he radiated, she said. "We'll spend an afternoon at your home then." A black limousine drove up to the front of the school gates. Mio gave all three of them a wave, she said. "My ride's here, I'll see you two tomorrow." A man in the driver's seat quickly opened the door and opened the door for Mio in the back for her. Mio went in the vehicle as the man hastily walked back into the front and drove away. Yuki slammed her hand on Reiki's forearm.

[System: User has received 4 Damage.]

Yuki froze for a split second before she started waving her hand she used to slap him, she said. "And I need to start on my road work." Yuki raised her other hand and pocketed her hand she used to slap, she continued. "Until next time, Shiro." Shiro raised her hand as the two of them high-fived. Yuki started dashing down the streets as her skirt fluttered about revealing her shorts underneath. Reiki let out a laugh as he held out his hand, he said. "I like your friends, Shiro." Shiro grabbed his hand with hers, with a narrowed gaze she said. "Heh… Onii-chan, you like them huh." The two of them started walking down the street while a few students glanced and pointed at him.

Reiki let out a laugh, he said. "I may like them, but they'll never be cuter than my Shiro." Shiro's mouth curved into a smile as she faked a cough to stop herself, she said. "Like I'll believe you, Onii-chan." Reiki nodded as the two of them took a right, he said. "Yes, yes. You want to stop by a convenience store and buy some co*lish?" Shiro's eyes widened as she immediately hugged his arm and said. "Onii-chan treats me the best!" The two of them stopped and waited for a signal light to turn green, Reiki said. "How's school, is there anything that you're struggling with? And how come I didn't see any of your classmates with a backpack?" Shiro leaned her head on his arm, she said. "Math is giving me a bit of a problem and… All the other kids have pouches on them so they don't need backpacks."

Reiki thought. Oh yeah… I forgot Shiro also goes into a fairly prestigious school… The signal light turned green as the two of them crossed the street, he turned his head to face his little sister and said. "I'll get you your very own pouch." The stars in Shiro's eyes brightened up before suddenly dimming back down, she said. "But those are very expensive." Reiki thought. I have three people who'd be willing to give me a lifetime supply… He smiled at his little sister, Reiki said. "Don't worry, leave it all to me."

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