
Chapter 139: Chapter 139: Business Proposal

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Osaka Umeda

Reiki was walking down a busy street as he was surrounded by dozens of high-rise buildings and reading the notebook Yuko gave him. He took a step to the left as a man wearing a business suit was speed walking while most people in the crowd made way for him. Reiki stood out from his simple attire of t-shirt and shorts coupled with his age and height, he thought. After eliminating the rest I have two people in mind. Reiki closed the notebook with one hand and held it in his armpit, he looked around the scenery and continued his train of thought. When was the last time I walked down a street without a fake identity… 

While walking down the street he heard Ender speak, he said. Why didn't pick any of the males? Some of them were qualified. Reiki let out a small yawn and placed a hand to cover his mouth, he thought. All males think with their dicks, thanks to my experience I can control my desire to a certain degree... Anyways, I put in the time and effort into the company and he gains a big head, turning into a horn dog as he 'brings' a woman with a hidden agenda.

Reiki tried to move some stray hair that was blocking his eyes, he continued his train of thought. Then suddenly both of them want to go corporate for 'investors' as they take the company from me. I only need to be taught once to never repeat the same mistake and I've made too many to count. The crowd around him glanced at him from the corner of their eye, some even turned their heads. Reiki did some light stretches, he let out a long sigh and muttered. "I guess walking in broad daylight during a school day is eye-catching."

From the corner of his eye, he saw a couple of police officers making their way toward him. Reiki thought. Time to go. He took a right which made the officers quicken their steps while Reiki leaned on a wall and counted in his head. One… Two… Three… Four… He casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

He suddenly vanished at the same time the two officers took the right and walked past the wall he was leaning on while Reiki walked down the street and looked around. He thought. I should go check out the edges.

~15 Minutes Later~

Reiki was staring at the first floor of a building that showed some age on the outside, he thought. This place is a dump, it's perfect. He made his way to the front door and was about to place his hand on the doorknob when it turned from the inside. Reiki quickly moved to the side as the door was kicked open from the other side, a man wearing a white robe that gave you a small glimpse of the expensive clothes underneath while he stormed out. Without looking back the man said. "Good luck finding another alchemist!" He walked down the street while the other people moved out of his way. A cold smile formed on his face, he thought. It's better than I ever imagined. Reiki made his way inside as he closed the door behind him.

He looked around the waiting room and saw three couches formed into a U shape with a coffee table in the middle along with some plants for decorations. Reiki walked to the counter and pulled himself up, he looked up to the woman who's been staring at him since he entered, who was behind the counter wearing a light gray business suit and pants. He said. "Is Yuno Chishiki-san here?" The woman was surprised for a split second before composing herself, with a professional smile she said. "Young man, may I ask for your name? Or if you've possibly arranged a meeting prior?" Reiki shook his head sideways, he said. "No, I'm just here to give her an opportunity." The woman slightly reeled back, she said. "... An opportunity?..."

He nodded and said. "Yes, if you could just pass her what I said." The woman hesitantly nodded while Reiki made his way to one of the couches and stared at the coffee table. The woman behind the counter reached for something and picked up the handset of a landline. She slightly turned sideways and when the line connected, the woman whispered. "Ma'am there's a…" The woman glanced at Reiki who was moving the coffee table closer as he sat down and placed both his feet up. The woman continued. "Child here saying he has an opportunity for you."


Inside a Dim Office

A faint figure of a woman sitting in an office chair that had some faint light being let in from the windows behind from the small gaps of the curtain blinds. The woman was staring at the dozens of papers that were barely being lit that were scattered on the large wooden desk. With her left hand rubbing her forehead she was holding a landline with her left as she placed it on her ear. The woman said. "Opportunity?..." She let out a long sigh dripping with frustration and fatigue, the woman continued. "Just let him wait there, he'll leave eventually."


Waiting Lounge

The woman softly whispered into the landline, she said. "Understood." She placed it down and with the same professional smile from before, she looked at Reiki and said. "Ma'am is currently busy at the moment, if you're willing to wait she can squeeze you in for a few minutes at most." Reiki turned his head to face her, he nodded and said. "Sure." The woman gave him a small nod before going through some drawers. Reiki looked at the coffee table and reached underneath as he took out a magazine about make-up, he thought. Now we wait. He opened it somewhere in the middle as he laid back on the couch and placed the magazine over his face.

~Three Hours Later~

The woman behind the counter eyes was glued onto Reiki who hasn't moved a single muscle, she glanced at the landline on her desk and hesitantly reached for it and picked it up. The woman turned sideways and spoke in whispers, she said. "Ma'am… The boy is still here." She made small nods while glancing at Reiki who was still leisurely sitting on the couch with his feet on the coffee table and a magazine covering his face. The woman said. "Understood." She carefully placed the landline back and cleared her throat, the woman put on her professional smile again. The woman said. "Excuse me… Sir?... Ma'am has finally finished her paperwork." Reiki placed his right hand on the magazine that was covering his face, he lazily threw it onto the table and moved his feet off the coffee table.

Reiki stood up from the couch and rubbed his eyes, he made his way to the counter and pulled himself up. He looked up to the woman with a professional smile all over her face, Reiki said. "Where's her office?" The woman pointed down the hall and said. "Down the hall and take the last right, if you walk past the water dispenser you've gone too far." Reiki gave her a nod and landed on the floor with a soft thud, he rubbed his eyes and let out a small yawn. He spoke in a small voice but intentionally let the woman hear what he said, Reiki said. "Three hours to try and make ends meet? I guess the debt of ¥10,000,000 is real and so is the one about alchemists leaving left and right." The woman who was about to pick up some papers behind the counter was shocked as her eyes widened in disbelief.

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With wide eyes, she turned her head to face him. The woman quickly picked up her phone and spoke in hushed tones while glancing at Reiki who was halfway down the hallway. The woman said. "... Ma'am the boy somehow knows about the… Situation." Reiki intentionally slowly walked down the hallway as a calculated smile formed on his face, he thought. It's so easy to manipulate people. He pretended to slightly sway left and right while the woman continued to speak into the landline, she said. "... He has unhealthy white skin… Pitch black hair and eyes… He looks like he's never heard of a comb before." The woman nodded as she gently placed down the landline, she had a hint of suspicion in her eyes as she glanced at Reiki who was slowly making his way while letting out a yawn.

Reiki took a right as he saw a water dispenser next to a door, he thought. Alright, let's meet candidate number one. He raised his hand and was about to knock when he heard a woman's voice from the inside, saying. "Come in." Reiki shrugged his shoulders as he reached for the doorknob and opened the door. Inside was a well-lit plain office with a woman sitting in a chair behind the desk. She had an average figure, long black hair reaching past her waist, dark brown eyes, and was currently wearing a plain white traditional kimono. Her skin turned slightly pale due to a lack of sun exposure for a period of time. Reiki walked into the room as he closed the door behind him, he gave the woman a scrutinizing gaze not bothering to hide it. The woman coughed and was about to say something when Reiki interrupted her, he said. "Yuno Chishiki-san, right." Chishiki was taken back by his indifferent attitude, she gave him a small nod while Reiki continued. "Are you interested in a business venture with me?"

Chishiki looked at him from top to bottom, she stared at his unkempt hair, simple clothing, and shoes that were on the verge of falling apart. Her eyes narrowed as they were filled with a hint of distrust, she said. "A deal?... With a child?..." Reiki nodded, he stood straight with his arms beside him and said. "Yeah, your answer is?" Chishiki's eyes slightly widened, she said. "You haven't even told me your offer." Reiki placed a hand on his chin as he pretended to ponder, he raised his right hand and pointed at the ground with his index finger. Reiki said. "I'm planning on making my very own Potion shop." Chishiki started chuckling which turned into laughter that filled the entire room. Reiki patiently waited for her to stop while eventually stopped laughing. Chishiki wiped a tear from the corner of her eye, she said. "Thank you for making me laugh…"

Reiki didn't respond which made a few seconds of silence pass. Chishiki gestured at him, she said. "Your name is?" He said. "Reiki." Chishiki nodded and she pointed at the door behind him and said. "Reiki, if you don't mind telling me your address. I'll have a cab send you home." She gave him a polite smile and opened a drawer and started looking through some papers. Reiki stood still, he said. "I'll give you twenty percent of the shares." Chishiki was holding onto a stack of papers with both her hands as she straightened them out by gently tapping the edge on the desk. Chishiki stared at him with a peculiar gaze and tried to read him, she thought. What's his game… And how did he know about our situation… A small smirk formed on her lips, she sarcastically said. "Alright, I'm interested." She reached into another drawer and took out a fountain pen.

Reiki said. "How many investors are there?" Chishiki's gaze narrowed, she gave him a piercing glare and said. "There are about two hundred of them." Reiki thought. You're a terrible liar. He gave her a nod and said. "Here's your first task, get rid of all of them." Chishiki raised a brow as she held the fountain pen between her index finger and thumb, she said. "And how would I do that?" Reiki said. "Tell them you owe the yakuza group named Fuka (Shark)." Chishiki's eyes immediately went wide as she suddenly stood up from her chair and turned around and looked out the window, she said. "Are you insane!? The Fuka group has a 'fish' in every pond!" Chishiki pulled on the binds of the curtain blinds as it undid itself, she let out a sigh and turned to face Reiki who hadn't moved a muscle and didn't show the slightest emotion.

With a firm voice Chishiki, she said. "Go home, kid. Before I call security-." With the same casual tone, Reiki said. "They're all dead." Chishiki's eyes were filled with disbelief for a split second before narrowing, before she could say anything Reiki continued. "I wanted to use their name but… A disagreement happened between us because they wanted a larger cut. I only needed to use their name, so it didn't matter if they were alive or not." Chishiki thought. … This kid… She placed a hand over her lips covering, Chishiki continued her train of thought. If what he's saying is true then… Her eyes had a very faint trace of hope before vanishing in a split second, she said. "... Hypothetically, if I were to believe you. I still need proof that the potion recipe in your hands isn't stolen." Reiki stared at her with his black eyes Chishiki felt his emotionless glare pierce through her very being as if her soul was being judged.

A moment that felt like an eternity for her as Reiki rummaged through his pocket and took out his tattered pouch. Chishiki watching him thought. What the… From inside the pouch, Reiki took out a green scarf which stunned Chishiki, she thought. Elves! Reiki wrapped the scarf around his neck, hiding his mouth while showing the golden letter of EQ to her. Reiki said. "Does this count?" Chishiki subconsciously swallowed, she thought. It's real… But just to make sure… She hesitantly pointed at the scarf around his neck, Chishiki said. "C-Can I borrow that for a moment?..." She expected another moment but Reiki spoke, he said. "Sure." He made his way closer to the desk, unwrapped the scarf around his neck, and passed it to her. Chishiki held it with both her hands as it slowly turned black while the two gold letters turned red. Her pupils faintly glowed, she thought. Elves… This boy has a connection to the elves!

The glow in her pupils slowly subsided as she passed the scarf back to him, she said. "Thank you, that's a lovely scarf you have there." Reiki placed it back inside the tattered pouch while Chishiki faked a cough and said. "So, elv-. I mean you wanted me to get rid of all the investors in exchange for twenty percent, am I correct?" Reiki pocketed his tattered pouch and looked up to her, with the tone he said. "The deal changed." Chishiki was taken aback for a split second before regaining her composure, she said. "How so?" Reiki continued. "Get rid of all those other investors for ten percent." Chishiki stared at him and thought. I guess I already failed the first test… She gave him a nod and said. "Using the…" Chishiki pupils faintly glowed as she glanced around, she continued. "Fuka name will suffice, what's the next step after that?" Reiki said. "Declare bankruptcy and make a new company under the name I'll give you."

Chishiki crossed her arms and with a pondering expression, she thought I see… The goal is to make it look like the company was brought under by the yakuza… She let out a sigh and said. "I'll make some calls, I should be done with the week." Reiki said. "I want it done in two days, accomplish this and I'll hire you." He turned around and started making his way to the door. Chishiki's eyes widened as she suddenly said. "W-Wait! You didn't give me a way to contact you!" Reiki turned his head sideways and looked at her from the corner of his eyes, he said. "Don't find me, I'll find you here." He placed his hand on the doorknob and turned it and when the door was halfway opened, Chishiki said. "Where are you-." Before she could continue, he interrupted her. Reiki said. "... I'm going to meet another candidate." He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

Chishiki stared at the door for a few seconds as she heard his footsteps getting farther away, she quickly took out a phone from her pocket and dialed a number. Chishiki said. "Hey, it's me… I need you to search for a rumor-. No the Fuka groups base of operations-." She stopped and moved her phone a bit farther from her ear as the other person on the line shouted. She sat back down on her office chair, Chishiki said. "Don't worry… A… Black wolf gave me some information I need to clarify."


Waiting Lounge

Reiki walked past the counter, he gave the woman behind the counter a wave and said. "Sorry for intruding." The woman looked at him with narrowed eyes as he quickly walked out of the building and closed the door behind him. He did some light stretches to help his blood flow, Reiki looked around and noticed the number of people on the street visibly reduced. He thought. Hopefully, I won't see missing posters around in public. He started walking down the street and continued his train of thought. If I remember correctly the other one was on the complete opposite side… He looked down the street and noticed a few cameras being hidden. He let out a sigh and said. "Alleyway it is then."

~Two Hours Later~

Reiki was standing in front of a decent building that was surrounded by buildings double the size of it making it look small. He made his way to the dual glass front door as it automatically opened as he felt a gust of cold air hit him. Reiki thought. The secretary is doing well for herself. He looked around the large room and as he crossed his arms, he continued his train of thought. This fake front is a good sign. He walked past the counter and down the hallway, he closed his eyes and listened around him. A small smirk formed on his face, Reiki thought. Such a large office yet no employees. He took a right and walked down as he saw a door with metal words CEO written in Japanese, Reiki knocked a couple of times and patiently waited.

A tired voice from the other side said. "... Come in…" He opened the door and saw a woman wearing a black business suit on the other side of a large rounded rectangular table. The woman stared at Reiki for a few seconds before massaging her eyes and saw a boy in simple clothing walk into her office. With furrowed brows, she was about to say something but was interrupted by him. Reiki said. "Hana Akemi." Akemi had a confused expression all over her face, she had some visible eye bags under her eyes. Reiki had an indifferent expression, he thought. Tired, confused, and vulnerable. This is going to be easy. Akemi snapped herself back to her senses, she forced herself to smile, and with a hint of kindness in her voice. Akemi said. "Did you get lost?" Reiki made his way closer to her, he stood on her left and said. "How does it feel losing everything you've built?"

Akemi visibly reeled back in her seat as her face was plastered with a hint of anger and frowned, she said. "If you're with those slimy bastards, get lost. What more do you gain from coming here?" Reiki thought. Too tired to even think straight. He shook his head sideways and continued. "Sorry to break it to you but… You're not fit to be a leader." Reiki saw the will in Akemi's eyes falter, he thought. Just a little bit more. Akemi subconsciously gulped, she said. "Y-Yes I am, I started everything from the ground up. I-I." Reiki raised his hand which made her stop, he said. "And look where your most recent decision of mixing business and pleasure got you." Akemi froze for a split second, her gaze slowly moved onto the table, Reiki thought. That should be enough, I don't want her to have a mental breakdown. 

Akemi stared at the table with a blank expression, she felt a hand on her shoulder which gave her a sense of calm. She slowly looked up and saw Reiki with a smile on his face, he said. "I've been given the task of overseeing a company." Akemi hesitantly opened her mouth, she said. "... W-What company?..." Reiki took out his tattered pouch from his pocket and took out the scarf from inside of it. Akemi, seeing it was stunned, Reiki held it with one hand. He said. "Do you want to hear the plan?" With her eyes stuck on the green scarf, he was holding and she saw the golden letter EQ embroiled in it. With shaking hands, she grabbed it with both hands as Reiki let go of the scarf as it started to turn black. Akemi looked up to him and said. "I-I'm willing to listen."

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