
Chapter 146: Chapter 146: Invalid

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At A BreakRoom

Sachi, Namida, and Ahma were sitting in chairs around a square wooden table. On top of the table was the same tea set they used in Ketsueki's house while Sachi poured her cup with more freshly brewed tea. Ahma took a sip from her cup and said. "I'm surprised you didn't ask him to make you a cake." Sachi let out a long sigh with an undertone of pain, she said. "I was constantly keeping myself in check, I was this close to kidnapping him." Sachi raised her right hand and placed her thumb and her index finger a few centimeters apart. Namida stared at the light brown liquid in her cup of tea, she said. "Jokes aside, Reiki can start his restaurant."

Ahma and Sachi simultaneously nodded in agreement. Ahma placed her cup down on a coaster, she said. "Speaking of food, neither of you gave him the groceries." Sachi took a sip from her tea while Namida took out her phone from her pocket. A smirk slowly formed on the corners of Ahma's lips, she said. "Looks like the two of you are already planning on dropping by." Namida placed her phone on the table and said. "I mean, he's young and has a big appetite. I'm just making sure he has enough to eat. I promised to give him twenty-four whole bags of groceries." Sachi was staring at the cup she was holding, she said. "It's our duty as an honorary older sister to take care of him." Ahma let out a short laugh, she rolled her eyes at them and said. "Either of you got some snacks?"

Namida crossed her arms, she said. "I do, but I don't feel like eating them after that meal." Sachi let out a short sigh, she said. "I bought some of my favorite doughnuts, now I'm afraid they'll taste bland." Ahma turned her head and looked out the window, she said. "Five-star restaurants won't be the same anymore."


Arashi's Apartment

Asami was sitting in the middle of the couch with Arashi on her left and Reiki on her right. The coffee table was filled with large plates of karaage, tuna sashimi, large onigiri, and bratwurst sausages. On the side were a few napkins with a pair of wooden chopsticks. Asami was holding onto an onigiri with her left hand while watching. Arashi was using a pair of chopsticks to pick up some karaage. Reiki stared at the coffee table and thought. What kind of breakfast is this?... Asami took a bite of the onigiri she was holding while Arashi grabbed two with her left hand as she took another bite of the karaage pinched between her chopsticks. Reiki grabbed an onigiri and ate half of it in a single bite, inside of it were chunks of pan-seared salted salmon. 

Asami picked up a pair of chopsticks and used them to pick up a few pieces of sashimi in one go. Reiki ate the rest of the onigiri he was holding and picked up the last pair of chopsticks lying on a napkin. He picked up a bratwurst sausage and stared at it, Asami glanced at him from the corner of her eyes and said. "Something on your mind, Reiki?" Arashi swallowed as she wiped her lips that had some grease with the back of her hand, she said. "His head is probably filled with women." She took a bite of one of the onigiris she was holding and ate half of it in one go. Reiki ate half of the sausage, he swallowed and said. "Nothing much, my older sister is sick so her colleagues paid a visit to make sure she's alright." He ate the rest of the bratwurst while Asami glanced at Arashi from the corner of her eye. Arashi didn't react as she continued with her meal. 

Reiki placed the chopsticks back on the napkin, he said. "Arashi, stand up. I want to see if you've improved from yesterday's fiasco." Arashi ate the chicken she was holding with her chopsticks, while chewing she pointed at him with her left hand and swallowed. Arashi said. "It was not a fiasco! I just let you win on purpose!" Reiki stood up from the couch and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, he said. "If it helps you with your bruised ego then you can call it anything you want." Asami picked up the remote that was beside her on the couch and turned the tv off. Asami threw the remote back onto the couch as she picked up her chopsticks and picked up a steaming hot piece of karaage as she watched the two of them. Arashi glared at him as her gaze narrowed, she let out a scoff and said. "Lil bro, I'm not falling for your tricks. We'll have our little competition after I've finished eating-."

The door leading outside suddenly unlocked from the other side, it swung open as Kiru who was wearing a simple wool sweater and light blue jeans. Kiru closed the door behind her and said. "I smelled something good." She suddenly vanished and reappeared on Asami's right as Kiru picked up an onigiri. Arashi glared at Kiru while she ignored it, she looked at Asami and said. "Did I miss anything?" Asami let out a chuckle, she said. "You already know about the three girls who suddenly dropped by." Arashi placed her chopsticks down on the napkin, she said. "I don't remember inviting you." Kiru ignored her and took a bite of the onigiri she was holding while she looked at the food on the coffee table. Kiru swallowed and said. "Let me guess, she ordered this." Asami stared at the karaage pinched between her chopsticks, she said. "Correct. I would usually order something else, but Reiki is a decent cook." Asami took a bite of the chicken while Kiru waved her hand as a silver fork appeared in her palm.

Kiru stabbed a piece of chicken with her fork while Reiki made his way around the couch behind it and stopped beside Arashi. He pinched Arashi's cheek while she picked up another piece of chicken and onigiri with her left hand. Reiki said. "Come on, the sooner we start the earlier we finish. I need to make sure when Onee-chan wakes up, I'm by her side." Arashi glared at him from the corner of her eye as she took a big bite of the onigiri she was holding. Reiki smirked and said. "I'll put the favor on the line again." Arashi's eyes widened as she ate the large piece of fried chicken in one go, she quickly chewed and swallowed. Arashi stood up from the couch and pointed at him with the onigiri she was holding, she said. "You're on! Dragon and the walking credit card are here as witnesses!

Kiru raised a brow as she took a bite of the karaage she stabbed with her fork. Asami shook her head sideways and thought. With the right bait, you can trap her with a basket, string, and a wooden stick. Arashi ate the rest of the onigiri she was holding in one go, she swallowed and said. "How do you want to lose?" Reiki crossed his arms, he said. "Since I'm short on time it'll only be best out of three, first to two points wins." He turned his head to look at Asami who picked up a piece of chicken with her chopsticks, Reiki said. "Asami-san, if you will." Asami gave him a small nod as she took a talisman from her pocket from her kimono as it faintly glowed and enveloped the entire room in a blinding light.

Reiki looked around and saw the familiar flat cement ground along with the circle he drew on the floor. He took a few steps forward and looked behind him and said. "Let's make this quick…" Reiki saw Asami was still sitting in the middle of the couch with Kiru on her right. Arashi picked up another onigiri with her hands as she made her way toward him and ate half of it in one go. Arashi swallowed and said. "You go to the other side." She shoved him at the back while Reiki's gaze stayed on the two girls eating. Kiru took out her pouch from her pocket and tapped twice from the inside. A table appeared on her right with a tea set along with something that looked like an electric kettle powered by dozens of small magic-infused crystals.

Kiru placed her fork that had a piece of chicken stabbed on it with a bite on the plate with the rest of the karaage as she poured two cups. Kiru picked one of the cups along with a coaster and passed it to Asami, Kiru said. "Recently brewed, just how you like it." Asami placed her chopsticks on a napkin, she said. "Appreciated." Asami took a small whiff of it as she glanced at Reiki who was leisurely making his way to the other side. Asami pointed at them using the teacup and said. "I place my money on the boy." She took a sip while Kiru watched Reiki do some light stretches. Kiru said. "'I'm not betting on a losing horse." The corner of Arashi's eye twitched as she ate the rest of the onigiri in one go. Reiki took off the white indoor slippers he was wearing and nearly placed them on the side. Asami placed the cup along with the coaster on the coffee table, she rummaged through her pocket and took out a platinum coin. Asami said. "Ready when you two are."

Arashi took a deep breath as she wiped her lips with the back of her hand, her expression turned serious as she said. "Ready." Asami and Kiru moved their gazes on Reiki who gave them a nod. Asami tossed the coin into the air, when the coin reached the highest arch it fell toward the ground bouncing off a few times creating a soft clattering sound. Arashi and Reiki suddenly blurred as the two of them were suddenly in the middle of all the circles drawn onto the floor while both of their arms were producing afterimages. Arashi tried to grab him in any way she could but was deflected by Reiki, he looked up to her and said. "Your movements look a bit rigid." Arashi coldly glared at him as she sped up.

[System: User has received 86 Damage.]

[System: User has received 99 Damage.]

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[System: User has received 112 Damage.]

Through gritted teeth, Arashi said. "I am not!" In one quick motion, she sent a palm strike aiming at his torso. Arashi's hand was six inches away from his chest while Reiki did a small hop on one leg as he was sent a few steps back.

[System: User has received 201 Damage.]

Reiki hopped from circle to circle with one foot to slowly lose the momentum from the push, he placed a hand on his chest as he felt his lungs burn. He looked at both his arms and stared at the dozens of bruises all over while some of them already started to turn purple. Reiki thought. I feel sorry for the man she'll marry in the future… Wait, that's me. Arashi quickly made her way toward him leaving a few afterimages she noticed a hint of ethereal in his eyes which made her return from her former position. Arashi's eyes narrowed, she thought. There it is again… She took a deep breath while Reiki slowly crouched down, lowering his center of gravity as he suddenly appeared right in front of her.

Arashi saw dozens of hands aiming for her arms as she deflected them all with some effort. She was suddenly surrounded by a total of four afterimages of Reiki while Arashi violently karate chopped creating a gust of wind with each blow. Kiru wiped her lips with a napkin as she watched the two of them with their game of cat and mouse. Kiru said. "No improvements since last time." Using her fork, Kiru sliced a part of the sausage off and stabbed it. Asami nodded as she picked up another onigiri, she said. "She barely did one-fourth of the laps Reiki told her." She took a bite of the onigiri she was holding while Kiru stared at the sliced-off piece of bratwurst she stabbed with her fork. Kiru said. "I'm surprised she did anything at all." The two girls continued with their meal as they watched Reiki stop Arashi in her tracks by appearing right in front of her.

He looked up to her and said. "Have you tried to relax?" Arashi let out a scoff as she took a step back with Reiki right on her tail. The two of them left a few after images all around the area before suddenly stopping in the middle. Arashi looked at his feet and saw they weren't even shaking which made her frown, she thought. Let's take it up a notch-. She suddenly saw Reiki's hand a few inches away from her face. He waved it sideways and said. "Hello? Is anybody there?" Arashi curled her hand into a fist as she tried to punch his hand away. Reiki quickly moved his hand away as he felt the gust of wind from her punch. Arashi indifferently said. "I am relaxed." Reiki let out a chuckle as the ethereal in his eyes vanished, he said. "Really? To me, you look like a poorly designed poly character." The ethereal returned to his eyes as Arashi grabbed him by the neck. 

The afterimage she was holding onto slowly vanished while Reiki appeared on her left as he wagged his index finger from side to side. Reiki said. "You're gonna have to do better than that." Arashi's left leg blurred and kicked him in the head, her foot went straight through his head as the afterimage vanished. Reiki was standing behind her staring at Kiru and Asami enjoying their breakfast. Arashi turned her head sideways as she glared at him, she said. "I don't need to do anything to beat you." Reiki let out a mocking snicker which made her eyes turn cold, he said. "You may be able to win against the average fighter with brute strength. But against people like us." Reiki pointed at Kiru, Asami, and himself as he continued. "You're a sitting duck."

Arashi's eyes had a faint golden glow to them, she quickly turned around with one foot in the circle as she raised her hand and tried to karate chop the top of his head. Reiki disappeared and appeared on her right as the entire ground started shaking. The cement floor started to split apart horizontally as a deep ditch was formed, Reiki thought. Wow… He pointed at the ditch and looked at Asami. She gave him a small smile, Asami spoke while Reiki heard her voice beside his ear. Asami said. "Three. Two. One." The ground started shaking as the ditch on the ground started repairing itself. Arashi tried to elbow him in the chest but hit another afterimage as Reiki appeared in front of her squatting on one leg staring at the ditch.

The entire cement floor was visibly shaking as it mended itself as the two halves tried to re-attached to each other like a wound. Without any effort, Arashi raised her left leg past her head as she brought it down aiming for Reiki's spine. She hit an afterimage as her foot cleaved through the air splitting wind creating a high-pitched sound. Reiki appeared on her left and thought. She's becoming more violent. Arashi tried to hammer her hand onto Reiki's face, hitting him, she smiled and thought. I win-! The afterimage vanished as Reiki ducked down and placed his entire hand flat on her thigh, he said. "First point goes to me." Arashi coldly glared at him which made him take a step back. Reiki flashed her a nervous smile and said. "No need to take it so personally, it's just a friendly wager… Right?..."

Reiki took another step back under Arashi's increasingly hostile glare. He thought. She might end up breaking half of my bones if this continues. Kiru was holding onto an onigiri with her left hand and a silver fork that stabbed a large piece of chicken with her right hand. Kiru shouted and said. "Little brother, no need to be afraid. If she has an ounce of bloodlust I'll stop her." Asami took a sip of tea and placed it back down on the coaster as she continued with her meal. She stared at the coffee table that looked like it was barely touched, Asami thought. These two appetites will always amaze me. Asami picked up another onigiri and continued watching them. Reiki looked at the six-inch deep ditch that was quickly mending itself, he moved his gaze back to Arashi and said. "I told you to relax."

Arashi closed her eyes, took a deep breath, she slowly opened them, and said. "I am." Reiki appeared beside her and squatted normally, he poked her thigh and said. "Really? It seems to me you're preparing to absorb a heavy hit." He stood up and walked his way to the other side of the circles on the ground while Arashi's eyes had confusion in them. Arashi said. "... What you're saying doesn't… Make… Sense?..." A look of realization appeared in her eyes while Reiki had a wry smile on his face, he thought. Now I have to put in some effort. Kiru was pouring herself some more tea, she said. "Unfortunately, the genius of the Tora clan lives up to her name." Kiru smiled and continued. "Thanks to some heavy guidance from my little brother." Asami let out a soft hmph, she thought. I lost two bets with him. A small smile formed on the corner of her lips which she hid by taking a bite of the onigiri in her hands.

Reiki raised his hand and said. "On my count." He raised three fingers and simultaneously counted down, Reiki continued. "Three. Two. One-." Arashi appeared behind him and shoved him with her hand as he fell onto the ground front first making a thud sound. With a smirk on her lips, Arashi said. "This is weird, you looked so slow to me." Reiki turned around as he laid down on the cement floor on his back, he stared at the weirdly lit up sky without a single cloud in the sky. Arashi continued. "How's the floor tasting?" Reiki let out a chuckle as he raised his right-hand asking for help to get up. Arashi smiled as she extended her left hand, her lips turned into a smirk as she placed her hand on Reiki's face and rubbed his entire face. Arashi let out a laugh and said. "In your face!" She moved her hand away from his face and did a small fist pump, Arashi thought. That favor is as good as mine!

Reiki let out a sigh as he laid back down on the cement floor, he thought. Cunt. He let out a chuckle and stood up from the floor and dusted some dust from his clothes. Arashi had a goofy smile on her lips as she was standing right in front of him. She appeared on Reiki's right and said. "Lil bro is it me or did you get slower?" Arashi ruffled his unkempt and scraggly hair even more as she surrounded him with four afterimages while laughing. Asami shook her head sideways, she said. "We're watching an ego grow in real-time." She continued with her meal while Kiru sliced another part of a bratwurst, she nodded and said. "It's not like she's going to win something." Kiru's lips curled into a mocking smirk while Asami's lips curved into a sly smile. Asami said. "That's his job when she realizes it."

Reiki was surrounded by four after images of Arashi, all three of them vanished as she stood right in front of him with a big smile on her lips. With a hint of excitement in her voice, Arashi said. "Lil bro, what's wrong? Cats got your tongue?" She pinched his cheek and continued. "Let's get this bet over with, I have a few ideas on what to use that favor on." Arashi looked down on him as she failed to suppress a smile from forming on her lips. Reiki thought. I'm going to enjoy our reaction when you realize you won nothing since Asami didn't agree with the wager. He pushed some stray hair that was blocking his eyes to the side. Arashi smirked and repeatedly poked his cheek, she said. "Getting cold feet are we?" Using his thumb Reiki pointed at the center of the circles, he said. "We start at the center on my count."

Arashi nodded and said. "Sure, you need the handicap." The two of them quickly appeared in the middle, Arashi looked down while Reiki looked up to her. He said. "Three. Two…" Reiki suddenly vanished from the middle and tried to put some distance between them. He kept his eyes on Arashi who stood still in the center, she instantly vanished and appeared behind Reiki. She placed a hand on his shoulder and said. "One, I win." Arashi pushed him out of the way, squatted, and did a massive jump reaching the sky in seconds. Reiki looked up and thought. Talk about air hops. He took a few steps to the right as Arashi landed in the same area she jumped, spreading a strong gust of wind around her. She slowly raised her left leg and did dozens of kicks in one go along with a few punches for good measure. Arashi let out a chuckle and said. "Was I always this light?" Reiki was about to say something when she suddenly vanished, he looked around and saw she was standing near the coffee table.

He made his way toward the rest of the group while Arashi faked a cough and said. "I'll keep it simple, I-." Asami raised her left hand and placed the teacup she was holding onto a coaster. She wiped her lips with a napkin and said. "I didn't agree to this." Which completely stunned Arashi.

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