
Chapter 147: Chapter 147: We’re Back

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Arashi's mouth was wide open, she raised a hand in protest and said. "B-But he made the bet!" Reiki walked past her and picked up an onigiri, he stared at it and said. "That's right, I placed the favor on the line. But we didn't ask if she was okay with it." He ate half the onigiri in one go, Kiru smirked at Arashi's misfortune as she took a bite of the bratwurst she stabbed with her fork. Asami nodded as she took out a talisman from her pocket while Kiru lazily waved her hand as a platinum coin flew into her palm.

Arashi was completely frozen in place as the talisman in Asami's hand started to glow and emit a blinding light enveloping everyone.

The four of them were back at Arashi's apartment while Asami and Kiru continued with their meal. Cherry landed on his right shoulder and let out a soft caw. Reiki looked at her and said. "I'm guessing you're hungry, aren't you girl?" Cherry let out another soft caw and flapped her wings as she rubbed her side with his cheek. Reiki pointed at the window with his thumb, he said. "I'll take my leave, just have the spoiled princess do the dishes." He took one step toward the window but stopped when Arashi turned sideways and placed a hand in front of his way. Arashi held her hand toward him, she said. "I want a do-over!" Reiki stared at her hand and looked up to her, he said. "Of what?" Kiru glanced at Asami and said. "I wish I brought some wine to savor this moment."

Arashi moved her hand closer to him, she said. "The moment of you asking for help! So that you'll ask for the favor on my behalf!" Asami nodded as she pocketed the talisman and picked up her pair of chopsticks, she said. "I think it's a shame her mother isn't here to see her expression." Reiki let out a chuckle as he shook his head and said. "It doesn't work like that-." Arashi stomped the ground with her right leg a couple of times making her large chest jiggle. Arashi said. "You're just mad because I rubbed my hand all over your face and that you lost to me!" He rolled his eyes at her, Reiki said. "Keep telling that to yourself, princess." He turned his head to look at Kiru and Asami who were continuing with their meal, Reiki said. "Later." Reiki raised his left foot but didn't take a step forward, he continued. "Who do I owe for the pouch, my little sister?"

Asami smiled and raised an index finger, she picked up a piece of karaage and said. "That would be me, I'll need some time to think about it." Reiki nodded and thought. I always hated the roundabout part of conversations. Arashi placed a hand on his shoulder, she said. "Lil bro, I beat you fair and square. You owe me a favor from Dragon!" Reiki placed a hand on Arashi's hand that was blocking his way, he said. "Not my problem, you didn't read the fine print." He tried to move it and failed to make it budge Arashi glared at him and said. "But I won!" He shrugged his shoulder which made Cherry fly into the air as he went under her arm, Reiki said. "And I lost, what am I supposed to negotiate with her?" Cherry landed on his right shoulder while Kiru let out a chuckle. Kiru said. "My day is off to a good start." Asami nodded as the two continued with their meal, she said. "I just wish there was wine."

Reiki tried to make his way toward the window as Arashi suddenly appeared in front of him blocking his way. Reiki rolled his eyes and said. "I already helped you, isn't that enough?" Arashi pointed a finger at him that was an inch away from his nose, she said. "No! I want the favor!" A small frown formed on Reiki's face as he slapped Arashi's hand away from his face which surprised her. Kiru's eyes were filled with anticipation as she excitedly said. "This is the best part." She repeatedly softly tapped Asami's shoulder that gave her a shushing gesture and said. "Dear be quiet." Reiki looked up to Arashi with an indifferent expression which made her uneasy and subconsciously take a step back. He said. "That's enough from you, princess." The corner of Arashi's eye twitched, she said. "Princess?... Princess!? Do I look like one to you!?" He shook his head sideways, Reiki said. "Nope, but you sure do act like one." 

Asami and Kiru were watching everything unfold with interest in their eyes as they stopped eating for a moment. Arashi was completely speechless as she pointed at him again and said. "Y-You!... You!..." Reiki tilted his head sideways, he said. "I'm?..." Arashi curled her hands into a fist, she said. "Get me that favor or-." Reiki let out a snicker and interrupted her, he said. "Or what?" Arashi was about to say something when Asami clapped her hands, she said. "That's enough fighting you two." The two of them turned their heads toward her while Kiru let out a disappointed sigh, she mumbled under her breath. "It was just getting to the good part…" Asami continued. "Arashi, it was your fault for not making sure." Arashi pointed at Reiki touching the side of his head while repeatedly poking him, she said. "But he promised-!"

Asami raised her hand which made her stop, she said. "No, unlike the first time he made a wager with my favor on the line without asking." Reiki let out a yawn while Arashi poked his head, again and again. Arashi stomped the floor and said. "He-!" Asami let out a short sigh which made her quickly turn quiet, she said. "If you want my favor that much I'll give it to you." Arashi's eyes were instantly filled with hope, she said. "Deal-!" Asami raised her hand again, she continued. "On the condition, we play the same game." Arashi's entire body stiffened while Kiru smirked and went back to enjoying the food on the coffee table.

Asami smiled as she picked up her chopsticks and said. "With that, this conversation ends." Reiki made his way to the window and opened it, he turned his head to look at them and said. "I almost forgot." Arashi sat back down on the empty seat on the couch on Asami's left and stared at the food in silence. Asami and Kiru turned their heads to look at him while Arashi picked up her pair of chopsticks and started eating in frustration. Reiki leaned on the window while Cherry landed on his right shoulder, he said. "I need another small favor." Asami and Kiru's eyes slightly lit up, Reiki looked at them and thought. I don't like your reactions. He said. "Kiru-san, I need you to send a note to someone named. Yuno Chishiki." Asami raised her hand that was holding onto a pair of chopsticks, she said. "I can also do that, potentially even better."

Reiki let out a chuckle, he said. "I already owe you one, plus I get the feeling you'll add them for something bigger." Asami smiled as she picked up a piece of fried chicken while ignoring Arashi who was throwing a fit. Asami thought. Guess I made it too obvious. Kiru. Cleared her throat and said. "What kind of note? Threat or?" Reiki let out a laugh, he said. "If it was a threat I would do it myself." Asami looked at him oddly while Kiru raised a brow, even Arashi who was holding onto an onigiri and chopsticks stopped to look at him. Reiki faked a cough and said. "Anyway, just write down my address and the sentence 'you'll know it when you see it.' Oh, and I'll be borrowing your house for about three hours. Later." He casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 6,250.』

Reiki vanished while Cherry turned into a streak of white leaving Arashi who let out a huff and went back to eating. Kiru had a smile on her lips while Asami glared at her from the corner of her eye. Asami indifferently said. "Congratulations." The smile on Kiru's lips grew ever so slightly, she poured herself some more tea and said. "It's just a delivery massage, nothing special."


Reiki's Room

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He appeared with the window behind him and turned around and opened it as a streak of white went inside and landed on his shoulder. Cherry let out a soft caw while Reiki nodded and said. "Yes, yes." He took out his tattered pouch from his pocket and rummaged through it and brought out a jar of cherries. Reiki placed it on the nightstand and said. "I'll get you a plate to eat on." Cherry let out a soft caw as she hopped off from his shoulder and landed on the nightstand beside the jar of cherries. He made his way out of the room, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. Reiki opened a drawer and took out a small porcelain plate, he closed the drawer and quickly walked back to his room. He saw Cherry was opening the jar as the lid flopped onto the nightstand as she used her beak to grab one cherry. Reiki thought. Is she even a crow?

He walked beside the nightstand while Cherry was about to place the cherry that was covered in a thin layer of syrup. Reiki placed the small plate on the nightstand before she could place it down, he said. "Cherry, use a plate. I don't want ants crawling into my room." Cherry placed the cherry onto the plate, she stared at him and let out a soft caw. Reiki gave her a nod and said. "As long as you don't spread the stems all over the place." Cherry held the cherry on the plate with one of her talons and grabbed the stem with her beak as she pulled the stem off and ate it. Reiki thought. Those elves were right, Cherry is too smart for a bird. He closed the door and said. "I'll be in my sister's room, if you're finished and want to go outside just wait for me here." Cherry didn't answer while Reiki walked out of the room, he thought. Is she even a familiar? I know we didn't make a contract but her behavior is strange…

Reiki opened the door leading to his older sister, he walked in and saw her fast asleep with a white towel on her forehead. He thought. Now that towel is one of ours. He made his way closer without making a single sound and gently placed the back of his hand on her neck, Reiki thought. Her temperature started to settle without taking any medicine which is a sign she'll be fine tomorrow. He slowly moved his hands away as her eyes opened, Ketsueki looked around and saw her little brother. She said. "... What… Time is it?..." Reiki tried to move his hand away when he noticed his older sister was trying to move her hand from under the blanket. He grabbed her hand and said. "Last time I checked it was eight-thirty a few minutes ago." Ketsueki weakly grabbed her little brother's hand as she stared at the ceiling. Reiki slightly hunched down and said. "Anything you need? Water? Ice chips? Juice?"

Ketsueki took a deep breath and tried to stretch her limbs, she said. "... Did they… Tell you anything?..." She glanced at him from the corner of her eye with a serious expression. Reiki shook his head sideways, he said. "They just asked me about my day and Shiro… Ahma was oddly nice to me." The corner of Ketsueki's eye twitched, she said. "Don't get too attached to her." Reiki tilted his head sideways, he said. "Why?" Ketsueki opened her mouth but didn't say anything, she thought for a moment and said. "She loves gossip, and you know about my rules." Reiki closed his eyes and said. "One. You have to be home before five-thirty. Two. No surfing the internet under no supervision. Three. Don't indulge in any gossip. Four. Before going out be sure to tell me, message, or leave a note in the living room. Five. All girls are just being considerate." He opened his eyes and saw Ketsueki place her left hand on his cheek, with a smile she said. "Good boy."

Ketsueki placed her left hand on her stomach as she let out a yawn, she said. "I want some juice." Reiki nodded, he said. "Give me a minute." He was about to stand up straight when he felt his older sister's grip on his right hand turn into a vice as she pulled him toward her. Ketsueki placed her arm around him and placed him next to her using her little brother as a body pillow, she deeply inhaled his scent through her nose. Ketsueki said. "And give me a few minutes." She placed a hand on Reiki's head and gently caressed the back of his head while his face was in between her large chest. Reiki moved his head higher to inhale air, he thought. Why do I get the feeling you're fine? Ketsueki stared at her little brother's face and playfully pinched his cheek, she said. "Reiki, did you eat anything good?" Reiki thought for a moment and said. "I made some waffles for Sachi-san, calzones for Namida-san, and some pesto pasta with a side of garlic bread for Ahma-san."

Ketsueki poked her little brother's nose, she said. "That sounds good…" Her brows furrowed as her gaze narrowed, Ketsueki continued. "We don't have a waffle iron." Reiki looked up to her and said. "I borrowed one from Sachi-san." Ketsueki didn't even look surprised, she said. "That girl's love for sweets knows no bounds." She played with his hair with one hand twirling a strand of her around her index finger. Ketsueki looked down at him and spoke with a spoiled voice, she said. "Reiki… The food you mentioned sounds good." Her eyes lit up with hope, she continued. "How about you make me-." Reiki cut her off and sternly said. "No." Ketsueki moved her face closer to his, with a thin layer of water in her eye she continued. "Why?" Reiki raised a brow and said. "Aren't you supposed to be sick? I don't recall any sites that recommend feeding a sick person something so hard to digest."

Ketsueki hugged him tighter, she said. "It's fine! It'll just be a small-. Wait a minute." Her eyes narrowed as she glared at him, she continued. "What happened to rule two?" Reiki tried to keep a blank expression while he felt the piercing glare from his older sister. He said. "Moving on, I'll make you some porridge and nothing more. Maybe a few spoonfuls of ice cream depending on your temperature." He tried to move from his sister's hug but found she wasn't letting go. Ketsueki sweetly smiled at him, she said. "Reiki, why aren't you answering my question?" Her arms were wrapped around his body along with his arms, Reiki said. "Onee-chan." He tried to wiggle out of her hug and continued. "I still need to get you your juice." Ketsueki flatly said. "I don't feel like drinking juice anymore." She turned her head sideways to look in the direction of the door and frowned. The sound of faint knocking was heard in the room followed by a female voice saying. "Reiki, can you hear me?"

Ketsueki's eyes narrowed while Reiki raised a brow, he thought. Sachi? Ketsueki reluctantly let go of him while her little brother escaped from her hug, Reiki said. "I'll get it!" He quickly made his way out of the room while Ketsueki crossed her arms and muttered, she said. "Why are those two back?"

Reiki opened the front door and saw Sachi and Namida, he said. "Did either of you leave something?" Sachi flashed him a smile, she said. "Lead- I mean our boss Ahma, gave us the rest of the day off since we finished all of our work early." Namida rummaged through her pocket and took out a pouch, she threw it at him which Reiki caught mid-air. Namida said. "We're also honorary sisters, so we have to take care of you. If we don't, your sister would bi-. Would nonstop complain about it to us." Reiki stared at them for a moment, he thought. You guys need to get your act together. He gave them a nod and gestured inside, Reiki said. "Then, please come inside." He walked toward the shoe compartment, slid the door open, and took out two white indoor slippers. Reiki placed the two slippers on the floor while Namida and Sachi walked into the house, took off their shoes, and neatly placed them on the side.

Reiki looked up to them while the two girls put on the pair of slippers, he said. "Would either of you want a snack-?" The moment he finished Sachi's eyes lit up and were about to say something. Namida spoke first saying. "I want some fries." Sachi glared at her from the corner of her eye, she faked a cough and said. "I'll have some cannolis." Namida elbowed the right side of Sachi's ribs, the two of them glared at each other from the corner of their eyes. Reiki crossed his arms and said. "That's fine." Sachi's eyes had a hint of hope in them as he continued. "But we don't have any of those metal cylinders." Sachi quickly took out a pouch from her pocket and took a step toward him, she handed him the pouch and said. "You'll find everything you need here. I want pistachios and chocolate chips." Namida took a pouch from her pocket and took a big step as she stood next to Sachi. Namida handed the pouch to him, she said. "I want wedge cut fries and some hash browns."

Reiki pocketed the two pouches and looked up to them as he saw their eager faces, he said. "Noted. Feel free to make yourselves at home, the remote is on the coffee table and I'll make sure to bring out some drinks." He made a half turn and kept his gaze on them, Reiki continued. "I hope you two are fine with water and juice. If you want tea just say the word and I'll boil some, though I completely doubt it'll be better than what you have on hand." He let out a chuckle and made his way to the kitchen while Namida and Sachi walked toward the couch and sat on opposite ends. Namida placed both her feet up on the coffee table while keeping the white slippers on as she made herself at home. Sachi sat down and crossed her legs, she picked up the remote and started browsing through the channels, she glanced at Namida's feet on the coffee table and said. "Must you?"

Namida let out a soft snicker, she shrugged her shoulders and said. "Reiki said 'make yourself at home.' So why hold back?" Sachi placed the remote back on the coffee table as she stopped on a channel of a man running through a course. Sachi rolled her eyes at her and said. "We are his elders, so how about you act like one." Namida laid back even further into the backrest of the couch, she let out a sigh and said. "This couch may be cheap but, I'll give it this. It's comfy." Sachi placed a hand on it and felt the fabric as her eyes slightly narrowed, she said. "I don't think this is a cheap couch." The two girls suddenly heard Reiki say. "Here you go." Which made both of them jolt in their seats and turn their head at him. Reiki was holding onto a tray as he placed two tall glasses on the coffee table along with a pitcher filled with ice-cold water and a large carton of orange juice. Namida stiffly nodded at him while Sachi placed a hand over her chest where her heart was, Sachi said. "Reiki, can you not do that? You'll give us a heart attack."

Reiki held the tray in his armpit, he said. "Sorry about that, whenever Onee-chan has something going on I tend to lighten my steps so she won't lose focus." He sat on the armrest and continued. "While the cooking oil and oven are heating up, how about you two tell me about yourself if you don't mind." Namida's gaze narrowed in suspicion while Sachi gently flicked her kneecap using her middle finger. Namida's eyes widened, she placed both her hands on her knee as she muttered under her breath. Namida spoke through gritted teeth, she said. "Motherfucker!" Reiki thought. She aimed for the nerve. He pointed at her and said. "What did she say-?" Sachi flashed her a sweet smile which sent a chill down his spine, she said. "She's always like that." Namida dangerously glared at Sachi as if she was about to pounce on her at any moment. Sachi continued. "What would you like to know about us?"

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