
Chapter 153: Chapter 153: Sleepover

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Reiki looked up to his older sister and said. "I'm the one who has to make lunch." Ketsueki gave him a nod, she said. "Exactly, now go pick up your little sister." He made his way to the front door, Reiki said. "... Yes…" The three girls stayed quiet until the sound of a door being opened. The three of them heard Reiki say. "I'm off." Ketsueki lazily said. "Have a safe trip." The three of them heard the door close. Ketsueki had a serious expression on her face as she moved her gaze onto Sachi. Ketsueki said. "What else did you find?" Sachi raised her index finger and her middle finger, she said. "I couldn't pry any further because of two things."

She took down her middle finger and said. "I didn't want to accidentally break the faint contract upon prying into his memories." Namida placed both her hands behind her head, she said. "A relationship with elves is priceless. Even if he's a complete shut-in when he grows up he'll still be sought after by just being able to speak elvish." Ketsueki's eyes narrowed, she said. "What's the other one?" Sachi placed her hand back onto the couch, she said. "His mana. I don't know what it is, but… It felt like it was watching me from a distance the moment I entered…"

Both her friends gave her an odd look. Ketsueki's brows furrowed, she said. "How is it compared to the others?" Sachi placed a hand on her chin as she thought for a moment, she said. "Like I was being led toward a certain direction."  A slight frown formed on Namida's lips, she said. "You think he knew?" Sachi shook her head sideways and said. "Impossible, I was watching his reaction the entire time and could know the state of his brain." Ketsueki crossed her arms, she said. "Keep going." 

Sachi closed her eyes for a moment before opening them again, she said. "It was as if I was allowed in, but everywhere I looked all I saw were locked doors with one being slightly opened." Ketsueki's eyes had a hint of cruelty in them, she said. "So those elves tampered with his memories?" Sachi shook her head sideways, she let out a chuckle and said. "Every little thing related to him you always assume the worst or the best… No, his memories aren't tampered with, the locks I saw looked like they were placed naturally."

Namida let out a short laugh, she jokingly said. "Ketsueki, what have you been doing to him? Don't tell me you've been abusing him in secret." Ketsueki glanced at her from the corner of her eye, she said. "Not as bad as how you abuse your future husband and your little brother." Namida froze as she immediately frowned at her and said. "I was only making a joke." Without missing a beat, Ketsueki said. "And I only tried to copy your humor."

Sachi clapped once which got both of her friend's attention, she said. "Let's stop there with the tactless jokes. Alright?" Ketsueki placed her right elbow on the armrest of the armchair and rested her chin on her palm, she said. "She started it, I finished it for her."


At The Front Of A School

Reiki was standing by the side of the gate outside with Shiro, Yuki, and Mio while a crowd of students walked out of the gate. Shiro was hugging her older brother's arm while talking to her friends, she said. "Is it confirmed?" Yuki gave her a thumbs up, she said. "Yeah, I already told my older brother and he said he'll pass it to my parents." Mio gave Shiro a nod and said. "I've already told mine and they've agreed as long as I don't forget to do the test papers."

Reiki raised a brow and said. "Test?" Yuki looked up to him and gave him a nod, she pointed at Mio using her thumb and said. "Her parents are obsessed with results." Mio let out a sigh and said. "Yuki…" Yuki continued. "I'm just saying, you barely have time to sit down and relax when those two keep giving you more things on your plate." Mio's gaze narrowed, she said. "With a brother like yours, it's better." Reiki looked down at his older sister. Shiro looked up at him and said. "They're always like that."

Yuki placed her hand on her hips and puffed out her flat chest, she said. "Jokes on you, I hate him." Reiki pointed at them while he kept his eyes on his little sister. Shiro forced a smile on her face, she said. "It's a long story." Shiro faked a cough which made her two friends stop. Yuki looked up to Reiki as she gave him a bright smile and said. "But not you Reiki, I think you're cool." Mio rolled her eyes at her friends and moved her gaze onto him, she said. "I apologize for my earlier behavior. Hopefully, your impression of me hasn't worsened."

Reiki smiled at them and said. "It's fine, I'm just surprised at how close you three are." Shiro, Yuki, and Mio simultaneously said. "We're not." Reiki gave them a nod and said. "If you three sisters say so." Shiro started pulling on his shirt, she said. "Onii-chan!" Reiki let out a laugh and said. "Jokes aside, is there anything I need to know when you two are staying for the night? Dietary, bath temperature, or entertainment preferences?" Shiro pulled on his shirt even more, she said. "Onii-chan, you're embarrassing me!" Yuki immediately raised her hand, she said. "I have a couple of questions."

Reiki looked at her and said. "Fire." While Shiro was still tugging on his shirt, was stunned. Yuki placed her hand down and said. "I have a strict diet of high protein and low carbs. I also need a couple of small bowls of steamed cashews after every meal and at least one of those meals needs to be fish." Reiki thought. Noted. Mio raised her index finger, she said. "While we are on the topic of food, is it possible for me to ask what the meals are? I need to be careful of my calorie intake."

Reiki gave them a nod, he said. "Low calorie and one of the meals has to be fish." Shiro grabbed her older brother's hand and tried to drag him away, she said. "I'll see you two tomorrow." Reiki stood in place while his little sister struggled to drag him, he said. "Later." Yuki gave him a wave and said. "Bye." She walked toward Shiro and raised her hand, Yuki said. "See you tomorrow, Shiro." Shiro stopped and gave her friend a high-five and said. "Can you slow down in physical education? I'm tired of our teacher telling me to run faster because of you." Yuki let out a mischievous laugh, she said. "Maybe you should start exercising."

Yuki suddenly dashed off down the streets revealing sports pants she wore under her skirt. Mio looked to the right and saw a black limousine going their way. Mio turned her head toward Shiro, Mio said. "My ride's here, until next time." Shiro turned her head and flashed her a smile, she said. "Mio, thanks for lending me your notes." Mio gave her a nod while the limo stopped in front of them on the street, a man came out of the driver's seat and quickly ran around and opened the door for her. Mio said. "It was a simple thing."

Mio went inside the car as the man carefully closed and quickly walked to the driver's seat. Reiki and Shiro started walking, he looked down at his little sister and said. "You're last at P.E. Shiro?" Shiro let out a hmph as she pouted and turned her head away from him, she said. "Onii-chan, you know I'm bad at sports." Reiki let out a chuckle, he said. "Then maybe we should take our time getting home? You can work up some stamina this way." Shiro looked up to her older brother with her best puppy eyes, she said. "Do we have to? I still have homework and I want to laze around at home after."

Reiki flashed him a sly smile and said. "I'll buy you ice cream every time we take a detour walking home." Shiro's eyes lit up as she faked a cough and patted the arm she was hugging, she said. "S-Sure, I know you use to do kendo and you need to stay fit. I'll tag along." Reiki let out a chuckle and said. "For a moment there you sounded like Onee-chan." The two of them stopped when the street light turned red. Shiro looked at both sides of the street and said. "I did learn most of the big words from her." Reiki let out a yawn as he looked around their surroundings, he said. "Need me to help you with your homework?"

The streetlight turned green as the two of them went back to walking and crossed the street. Shiro looked up at him and said. "Can you even teach properly?" The two of them took a left while Reiki habitually looked behind him, he said. "I should be able to at least help." Shiro pursed shaped her mouth into a straight line, she blandly said. "... Sure…" Reiki stopped walking which made his little sister stop, he raised his left hand and said. "I changed my mind, no ice cream. We're going straight back home." Shiro pretended to cry as she wrapped her arms around his waist hugging him, she looked up at him with a layer of water in her eyes. Shiro said. "Wait, Onii-chan! It was just a joke! I don't mind doing my homework twice!"

Reiki slightly flinched, he thought. The last time I 'helped' her with homework she only got a five out of twenty… He scratched the back of his head and said. "Don't worry, Shiro. I can promise you'll score higher than a five this time." Shiro had a straight expression on her face and without missing a beat, she said. "Six isn't that much of a difference, Onii-chan." Reiki playfully pinched his little sister's cheek, he said. "Do you want the ice cream or not?" Shiro ignored her older brother's hand as her eyes lit up, she happily said. "I do!"

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~12 Minutes Later~

Reiki opened the door leading inside his home while Shiro was standing beside him quietly enjoying her ice cream. He opened the door as his little sister walked in first and carefully held the cone while taking her shoes off. Reiki walked in and closed the door behind them, he said. "We're back." Shiro picked up both of her black leather shoes using her left hand, she said. "We're back." And went back to eating her ice cream while her older brother slid open the shoe compartment and took out a pair of white indoor slippers. Reiki placed them on the floor while Shiro put on a pair while Sachi and Namida made their way near the front door. Shiro's eyes widened in surprise seeing them, she gave the leather shoes she was holding to her brother as she eagerly walked up to the two girls. Shiro said. "Namida-nee, Sachi-nee, what brings you here?"

Sachi placed her hand on top of Shiro's head and ruffled her hair, she said. "Our boss said your older sister was sick so we decided to drop by." Shiro moved her gaze onto Namida who gave her a nod and said. "How have you been, cottontail?" Shiro pouted at her which made the two girls smile. Reiki placed his sports shoes and his little sister's leather shoes into the shoe compartment, he thought. So they are close… But what's with the nickname cottontail? He walked beside Shiro and gave her a smirk, Reiki said. "Nice to meet you cottontail. I'm Reiki." Shiro puffed her cheeks making her look even cuter as she softly punched Namida with her left hand, she said. "Namida-nee, look what you did!"

Namida let out a chuckle and said. "Cottontail, I don't see any harm in it." She turned around and walked inside the house leaving the three of them. Sachi flashed Shiro a smile and said. "I've noticed that Reiki bought you some ice cream." Shiro ate some ice cream and gave her a nod while Sachi moved her gaze onto Reiki. Sachi said. "I'm guessing that's the reason why it took both of you so long." Reiki let out a yawn, he said. "It's part of it, we took the long way home so Shiro could build up stamina and muscle."

Shiro flexed her left arm, she said. "After all that walking, I feel like I can beat Onii-chan in arm wrestling." Reiki let out a chuckle as he walked past Sachi and said. "Sure." Sachi let out a chuckle while his little sister pouted at him, Shiro said. "You won't know until I try! Onii-chan, just you wait until I finish my ice cream!" Reiki didn't even turn his head as he lazily waved at them. Sachi looked down at her and said. "I would love to see that, but until then finish your food and change out of your uniform."

Shiro gave her a nod and said. "Yes, Sachi-nee." The two of them made their way to the living room and saw Namida sitting on the edge of the couch while Ketsueki was relaxing on the armchair. Shiro quickly made her way near the chair her older sister was sitting at, with concern all over her face she said. "Onee-chan, why aren't you resting in your room?" Ketsueki flashed her little sister a smile, she ruffled the top of Shiro's head messing up her hair. Ketsueki said. "It's fine. I made Reiki carry me down from the stairs, staying in my room for too long made it stuffy."

Shiro stopped herself from taking a bite of the ice cream she was holding and frowned, she said. "Onii-chan let you get out of bed?" Reiki was halfway near the living room while carrying a tray filled with glasses with some coasters in one hand and a large bottle of juice in the other. Namida glanced at him from the corner of her eye. Sachi sat on the opposite side of the couch while giving him side-eye. Reiki slowly walked backward trying to make his way back into the kitchen. Shiro turned her head sideways and saw her older brother who was in the middle of taking a step back suddenly freeze.

Shiro glared at him and said. "Onii-chan?" Reiko shrugged his shoulders and said. "She wouldn't listen to me and I could never say no to both of you." Shiro ate a bite of what was left of the ice cream on the cone, she gave him a suspicious glance and swallowed. Shiro said. "Hmm." Reiki made his way to the coffee table and placed down the coasters near everyone alongside the glasses, he opened the large box of juice and filled them. Reiki spoke under his breath and said. "I keep losing today for some reason…"

Sachi smiled while Namida let out a snicker. Reiki glanced at the from the corner of his eye and said. "You two are the main reason." Namida picked up her glass while Shiro made her way to the middle of the couch and sat down. Namida raised the glass in her hand at Reiki and said. "Not as much as the other one." She took a sip of the juice in the glass while Sachi carefully swirled the liquid in hers. Sachi flashes him a smile and said. "Please, it's not like I stripped you…" Sachi stopped when she noticed Shiro watching her while she took a bite of the ice cream cone and Ketsueki's cold gaze.

Sachi cleared her throat and continued. "Bare… I only revealed something that would have been otherwise unknown to your older sister." Reiki filled the last glass with juice while his little sister ate the last bit of the cone, he passed the glass to Shiro and said. "Say all you want, it's still an invasion of privacy." A cold smirk formed on Namida's lips, she said. "If we wanted to pry we would've asked when you met the elves during a school trip."

Reiki felt the gaze of his older sister as Shiro took the glass off his hands and gulped half of it in one go. He quickly turned his head to look at a wall, Reiki said. "What would you three want for lunch?" Shiro placed her glass on the coaster, she looked up to her brother and said. "I want chicken!" Ketsueki gave her two friends a meaningful look which both of them gave her a small nod. Namida adjusted the black frame glasses she was wearing and said. "I'm fine with karaage." Sachi repeatedly tapped the armrest of the couch, she said. "I for one would prefer a dish that's not deep-fried in oil."

Reiki spun the tray using his index finger which made his little sister's eyes widen in awe. He said. "How does teriyaki on a bed of warm rice sound? I can also make some pork and cabbage gyoza with a side of vegetable tempura." Shiro's eyes sparkled as she excitedly said. "That sounds good, Onii-chan!" Namida moved her glass to the side and placed both her feet up on the coffee table, she said. "Haven't had gyoza in a while." Shiro stared at Namida's feet that were on top of the coffee table and wearing the pair of shite indoor slippers.

Ketsueki faked a cough which got everyone's attention, she said. "You're in my house, is no one even going to bother asking me?" Sachi suddenly had a serious expression, she said. "Now… Onto more serious matters… Dessert-." Namida crossed her arms and confidently said. "Ohagi." Sachi scoffed at her friend and said. "If we're talking about desserts, it has to be castella." The two of them glanced at each other and slowly stood up from the couch. Shiro looked up to Sachi and moved her gaze to Namida as she stood up from the couch and stood beside her older brother.

The two of them walked up to each other until they were at arm's length. Reiki placed the tray and the large liter of juice on the coffee table, grabbed his little sister's hand as he made his way beside the armchair Ketsueki was sitting on. Reiki picked up Shiro and placed her down on their older sister's lap, he said. "Should I tell them there won't be a dessert?" Shiro turned her head at him, with a hint of sadness in her eyes she said. "There isn't?!" Reiki glanced at Sachi and Namida who were still glaring at each other. Ketsueki grabbed her little brother's ear and started tugging on it.

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Ketsueki flashed him a sweet smile, she said. "There is." Reiki stared at his older sister for a moment and said. "I don't get why you're so agitated when you're supposed to be sick." Shiro looked up and down at her older sister as she placed a hand on Ketsueki's neck to feel her temperature. Sachi flashed Namida a sweet smile and said. "Castella." Namida glared at her friend, she coldly said. "Ohagi." Reiki was able to get his older sister's hand from his ear, he looked at the two girls. He said. "Dessert is going to be coffee jelly." Sachi and Namida simultaneously turned their heads at him. Shiro had a slight frown on her mouth, she looked up to her older sister and said. "Onee-chan, your temperature is still a bit high."

Reiki crossed his arms, he said. "Think you two forgot who's cooking." The two girls' eyes widened while Ketsueki slightly stiffened from her little sister. Ketsueki said. "... I know, Shiro. I was just making sure that Reiki meets all of my friend's needs." Sachi cleared her throat, she said. "Why?" Namida nodded as she pointed at him and said. "With your skills, you can make anything." Reiki rolled his eyes at them and said. "And no one gave him a heads up we're having dessert for lunch. The first things you two thought would take me two hours to make." Sachi spread her arms and said. "... So?"

The corner of Reiki's eye twitched while Shiro pointed at the back of her older brother and said. "Onee-chan, is Onii-chan going to be okay?" Ketsueki ruffled the top of her younger sister's head, she said. "He's fighting a losing battle, but he'll live." Reiki let out a sigh, he said. "Coffee jelly, take it or leave it." Namida moved her hand back to her side, she said. "But what about my ohagi?" Sachi immediately said. "Don't forget my castella." Reiki pinched the bridge of his nose, he said. "I'll make both of those for dinner, now you'll have to settle for jelly." He turned around and made his way to the kitchen leaving the girls in the living room.

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