
Chapter 154: Chapter 154: Box

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Reiki placed down two large plates filled with sliced teriyaki chicken that was topped with thinly sliced chives, black and white sesame seeds on the dining table that was already set. Namida, Sachi, Ketsueki, and Shiro were already sitting in their respective seats with a large bowl of steaming white rice. Reiki gestured at the food and said. "Enjoy." The girls sitting around the table said. "Itadakimasu." He did a half-turn Ketsueki turned her head to face him while the rest started to dig in. Ketsueki said. "Reiki, where are you going?" Reiki pointed in the direction of the kitchen and said. "I steamed some vegetables then stir-fried them in a pan and added some of the leftover sauce. It contains some broccoli, baby bok choy, bell peppers, and asparagus."

Ketsueki gave him a nod as Reiki made his way back to the kitchen, using a pair of chopsticks she picked up a piece of teriyaki chicken glistening in juices and ate it. She gave it a nod of approval followed by a couple of mouthfuls of white rice, from the corner of her eye she saw Shiro eagerly eating. Ketsueki swallowed and said. "Good?" Shiro gave her older sister a big nod, she said. "Delicious." Ketsueki let out a chuckle while her two friends ate at a slow yet steady pace.

She frowned at them and said. "Can you two at least try to slow down? My boy hasn't even-." Kersueki turned her head when she saw her younger brother carrying two large plates of vegetables covered in a layer of teriyaki sauce with some sesame seeds sprinkled on top. Reiki made his way near the dining table and placed the plates down, he said. "Here's some more food, although it's just vegetables." Sachi chewed with her mouth closed a few times before swallowing, she said. "Thank you."

Namida swallowed and reached for a glass of water with her left hand, she took a sip and let out a satisfied sigh. Namida said. "If only someone wasn't such a prude this meal would be a hundred times better to me." She reached for another piece of teriyaki while Ketsueki glared at her. Shiro let out a soft giggle while she was about to scoop some rice with her chopsticks while the two continued with their meal. Ketsueki's gaze turned soft as she looked at her younger brother, she said. "Sit down." She gestured at the empty chair at her right and continued. "Before these two eat everything."

Reiki walked around the table and sat down, he picked up a pair of wooden chopsticks and was about to say something when Sachi beat him and said. "I don't know why you're so uptight about it. It's not like we're mooching off you." Namida and Shiro reached out with their chopsticks and picked up a piece of teriyaki. Ketsueki placed the teriyaki pinched between her chopsticks in her bowl of hot rice, she said. "I didn't say anything about mooching, the deal was you give him groceries. Not take advantage of his kindness."

Reiki picked up a few pieces of teriyaki and placed them into his bowl. He picked up the plate with vegetables and added some of them on top of the warm rice, Reiki moved the plate to his little sister and said. "Shiro, eat your veggies." Shiro gave him a nod and said. "Yes, Onii-chan." She used her chopsticks and did the same thing as her older brother covering the top with vegetables making it look like her bowl was filled with them. Reiki placed the plate down and moved his gaze onto his older sister, he said. "Onee-chan, it's fine. I made more than enough for all of us."

His gaze slowly moved to the bowl of rice and the piece of teriyaki on top of it, Reiki continued. "I'm going to pretend that you already ate the porridge I placed a few minutes ago." Namida and Sachi smirked at her while Ketsueki's pupils dilated. Ketsueki faked a cough and said. "... I did…" Reiki scooped a mouthful of rice with some broccoli and bell peppers, he said. "Sure." He glanced at his little sister from the corner of his eye and said. "Shiro, is that true?"

While the three girls were eating they moved their gazes onto Shiro who ate a couple of scoops of rice and vegetables. Shiro gave him a slow nod while chewing as her gaze wandered around the room. Reiki rolled his eyes at her and said. "Figures." Ketsueki smirked at him while she patted her little sister on the back. Sachi swallowed and picked up her glass of water to take a sip, she said. "Reiki, how's the progress on my caste-. I mean the coffee jelly?" Namida glared at her friends as she quickly chewed and reached for her glass as she downed half of it in one go. Namida said. "My oha-."

Reiki swallowed and wiped some teriyaki sauce from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand. He placed down his chopsticks on a napkin and said. "Enough with the desserts, if you two told me in advance I could have made them." He pointed at Sachi and slowly moved his finger as he pointed until he pointed at all of them, Reiki continued. "One more time, if I hear those two words or anything related to desserts that isn't coffee jelly." He extended the fingers of his right hand and moved it aside in dismissal. Reiki said. "No desserts for any of you at dinner. Until then you four would have to settle for coffee jelly or nothing at all." He looked at the four girls before picking up his chopsticks and continued with his meal.

~30 Minutes Later~

Ketsueki was sitting on the armchair with Shiro on her lap holding a decent size bowl of coffee jelly with large amounts of whipped cream with a light sprinkle of cinnamon on top as Shiro happily ate a spoonful. Reiki was sitting on the opposite armchair as he watched his little sister feed Ketsueki. Reiki said. "Is it delicious, Shiro?" His little sister gave him a nod, she said. "Hmm." Ketseuki wiped the corner of her lips using her index finger, she licked the tip of her finger and said. "Reiki, what kind of coffee did you use?" He pointed at Shiro who was happily eating, Reiki said. "I would have used regular coffee, but since Shiro would be eating some. I replaced it with decaf and added some chocolate, cream, sugar, and topped it with whipped cream with a dash of cinnamon." Shiro was about to scoop some more coffee jelly when the spoon in her hands suddenly vanished.

Shiro saw her older sister's hand scoop some jelly along with a large amount of whipped cream. Ketsueki took a bite and licked the corner of her lip, she swallowed and said. "Pretty good." Shiro looked up to her sister as the back of her head wedged deeper into the middle of Ketsueki's large breasts. Shiro pouted and said. "Onee-chan!" She pointed at the spoon her older sister was holding and puffed her cheeks making her look even cuter. Ketsueki flashed her little sister a smile, she pinched Shiro's puffy cheeks and said. "What is it? I only wanted to eat some."

Shiro turned her head and let out a hmph, she glanced at the spoon her older sister was holding and slowly reached out and took it from her. Shiro said. "That's not the point! If you wanted to eat some why don't you have a bowl yourself?" Ketsueki stopped pinching her little sister's cheeks and let out a laugh making her chest slightly jiggle, she said. "Let's just say…" She glanced at Reiki who was watching his little sister eat coffee jelly, Ketsueki continued. "I'm waiting for a green light."

Shiro scooped some whipped cream using the spoon, she looked up to her older sister and said. "What do you mean by that, Onee-chan?" Sachi suddenly appeared sitting on the left side of the couch and in front of her was a large bowl of coffee jelly with a towering mountain of whipped cream with cinnamon. Sachi was holding a spoon with her right hand as she wave it around while her gaze was glued onto her dessert. Sachi said. "She's waiting for…" Sachi pointed at Reiki using her left thumb.

Namida appeared on the right side of the couch with a similar large bowl of coffee jelly complete with a whipped cream mountain. Namida scooped some whipped cream and said. "More like gauging his reaction." She ate a spoonful of whipped cream. Ketsueki rolled her eyes at her two friends and she glanced at Reiki from time to time. Ketsueki said. "... I just don't feel like eating anything sweet at the moment…" Shiro moved her gaze onto her older brother as she gave him a pair of puppy dog eyes, she spoke in a soft voice and said. "... Onii-chan?..."

Reiki let out a sigh while he glanced at the puppy dog eyes Shiro was giving him, he said. "... Fine… I wasn't even mad." Ketsueki immediately vanished from the armchair as Shiro plopped down on the seat and gave her older brother a bright smile. Reiki rummaged through his pocket and took out his tattered pouch, he moved his gaze onto the two girls on the couch who were devouring the coffee jelly. Reiki said. "Your thoughts?" He placed his hand inside the pouch and searched for something. Sachi scooped some more coffee jelly using a spoon, she swallowed and said. "Perfect. I love that hint of bitter aftertaste from the chocolate, what percent is it?"

Reiki took out three large bars of chocolate that weigh a kilogram on the coffee table and had 80% written in big letters on the front. Reiki said. "Roughly about one-third of a thirty-five percent bar." He picked one up and started undoing the wrapper while Namida wiped some cream from the corner of her lip. Namida said. "Where's the rest of the bar?" Reiki took a couple of big bites of the large dark chocolate bar he was holding as he raised his right-hand gesturing for a minute.

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Shiro let out a giggle while Sachi let out a laugh. Namida rolled her eyes at him and said. "Forget that I asked." A faint smile formed on her lips while she tried to hide it by taking another bite of coffee jelly with more whipped cream. Shiro's gaze moved onto the large bar of chocolate her older brother was eating, she said. "Onii-chan, can I have some?" The four of them heard the sound of footsteps coming from the kitchen as they all glanced in the direction where it came from.

Ketsueki made her way to the armchair her little sister was sitting on while holding onto a large bowl with a similar mountain of whipped cream. Reiki thought. Mount soft more… His gaze wandered onto his older's chest while Shiro stood up from her seat. Ketsueki sat back down on the armchair while Shiro sat down on her older sister's lap. Ketsueki scooped some whipped cream when she noticed her little brother was munching on a kilogram worth of dark chocolate, she said. "That's something I don't see every day…" Her gaze wandered to the other two similar large bars of dark on the coffee table near Reiki.

The corner of Ketsueki's lips turned into a slight frown, she said. "Reiki, is something bothering you?" Sachi pointed at her friend using the spoon in her hand, she said. "He's eating some chocolate and the first thing in your mind is that?" Namida ate some coffee jelly and swallowed it, she said. "Ketsueki, you need to learn how every little thing about your boy isn't equivalent to the end of the world." Shiro wiped some cream from the corner of her lips, she said. "Umm… Onii-chan only eats something sweet when he's upset…"

Namida closed her mouth to stop herself from saying something while Sachi elbowed her friend in the ribs. Namida forced out a chuckle and glanced at Sachi who gave her a glare from the corner of her eye. Ketsueki spoke in a worried tone, she said. "Reiki, tell me." Reiki took a couple of large bites of the oversized bar he was holding, he swallowed and forced a smile on his face. Reiki said. "... Onee-chan…" Ketsueki's lips immediately formed a frown, she firmly said. "No." He let out a sigh while Shiro, Namida, and Sachi had looks of confusion all over their faces.

Reiki took three bites of the chocolate bar he was holding in quick succession creating loud crunching sounds every time he chewed with his mouth closed. Shiro looked up to her older sister, she said. "Onee-chan?" Ketsueki's gaze narrowed as she scooped some coffee jelly with some cream, she said. "I know that tone… Reiki always uses it when he asks for something I wouldn't approve of." Sachi raised a brow in interest as she moved her gaze onto him while Namida already ate her tall mountain of cream and half of the contents of the bowl.

Sachi said. "I am curious as to what… The request is." Reiki wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and said. "Sometime this week or the next…" He moved his gaze onto the half-kilogram chocolate bar he was holding and continued. "I may be away for a day or two…" Reiki looked up to see his older sister's reaction and saw the same cold expression, he continued. "... Visiting the elves…" Ketsueki's let out a scoff, she said. "I've already given you my answer." Reiki took another big bite of the chocolate bar in his hands which only made her frown deepen.

Namida pointed at her friend using the spoon she was holding, she said. "And the reason why you're not letting him go?" Ketsueki glared at her, she said. "He's too young to go out on his own." Namida stared at her friend for a moment before a knowing smile formed on her lips, she said. "Oh, so that's the reason." Ketsueki paused for a moment and said. "I don't like how you phrased that." Shiro gave her older sister an odd look, she said. "Onee-chan, is there something you didn't tell me?"

Namida moved her gaze onto Sachi who placed her spoon into her bowl as she ate all the whipped cream. The two girls had a conversation between them using small gestures while Shiro started to tug on Ketsueki's shirt. Shiro said. "Onee-chan?" Ketsueki's eyes turned back to normal as she looked around the room, she forced a smile on her lips and said. "There's nothing to worry about, Shiro." She thought. As long as Reiki doesn't spend any more time with those blonde harlots, both the elf and that fitness freak. Shiro gave her older sister a big pout while Ketsueki maintained her smile.

Sachi's eyes lit up while her lips curved into a sly smirk while Namida had a similar smile on her face. Using the spoon in the bowl Sachi slowly spun the coffee jelly inside, she said. "Ketsueki, you know-." She stopped when she noticed from the corner of her eye Reiki raised his hand, he swallowed and said. "Thank you, Sachi-san. But it's fine…" He wiped some chocolate stains on the corner of his mouth using his thumb, Reiki continued. "Before I forget, they gave me one last thing..." Ketsueki's eyes were filled with suspicion, with an indifferent tone she said. "I don't look good in leather."

Reiki took out his pouch from his pocket and thought. I would say otherwise… Thanks for giving me twenty-five boxes of chocolates, Melanor. He placed his hand inside the pouch and took out a large dark brown wooden box roughly the size of two boxes stacked on top of each other. Sachi's eyes widened in disbelief when she saw the box while Namida took off her black frame glass, rubbed her eyes, and put them back on. The suspicion in Ketsueki's eyes lessened while Reiki dragged his hand on the top of the lid, feeling the cold wood.

He softly flicked the side of it which made Sachi slightly wince, Reiki said. "They had one of these during my stay and… Even I have to admit their elven chocolate is out of this world." He slightly moved one side of the lid off as it released a burst of cold air out of it, Reiki took the lid off and placed it beside the box. Inside were three dozen pieces of chocolates in various shapes, All the girl's gazes were glued onto it as Reiki picked it up and moved it closer to his little sister.

Reiki gave Shiro a smile, he said. "Shiro, take one, they're very good." Shiro quickly placed the spoon she was holding into the bowl of coffee jelly and reached out to grab one, she said. "Is it fine, Onii-chan?" She looked around and saw Sachi, Namida, and Ketsueki were looking at her. Reiki gave his little sister a nod and said. "It's fine." He placed the lid back on while Shiro ate half of the chocolate in one go as her eyes immediately widened in surprise.

Shiro tossed the rest of the chocolate in her mouth and quickly chewed on it. Reiko let out a chuckle and said. "Shiro, slow down, the food isn't going anywhere." Shiro swallowed and spread her left arm as much as possible, she said. "It's the most delicious thing I've ever eaten, Onii-chan!" Reiki raised a brow and said. "Even better than my cooking?" Shiro let out a giggle, she said. "Your cooking is delicious, Onii-chan. That chocolate is the best dessert I've ever eaten…" Her gaze wandered onto the wooden box on the coffee table, Shiro continued. "... Can I have another one?..." She slightly fidgeted Ketsueki's lap.

Reiki gave his little sister a wry smile, he said. "Unfortunately, no…" Shiro's mouth immediately turned into a frown, she picked up the spoon in her bowl and reluctantly said. "... Yes… Onii-chan…" Namida cleared her throat, she said. "Reiki, how could you be so-!"  He raised his hand and glanced at her from the corner of his eye, Reiki said. "No need to pretend to be the good guy here." He let out a chuckle which made the corner of her eye twitch, Reiki continued. "They were generous enough to give me… A certain number of boxes. I was planning on giving one of them to Onee-chan and secretly giving Shiro some for when she does well in school…"

Sachi slowly swirled the coffee jelly in her bowl, Shiro ate her bowl of coffee jelly while she glanced at the wooden box from time to time. Namida held the spoon using her mouth as she stared at the box while Ketsueki tried to eat the mountain of whipped cream before it came crashing down. Reiki let out a yawn and covered his mouth, he moved his hand away and said. "But, since-." Sachi interrupted him and spoke in a firm tone, she said. "I'll give you two hundred platinum coins for one." Namida ate a spoonful of jelly, immediately swallowed it, and started coughing. She managed to stop herself from coughing, Namida said. "S-Same." As she coughed a couple more times before stopping.

Reiki felt the cold wood with the palm of his hand, he said. "They're not for sale." Sachi and Namida turned their heads to look at Ketsueki while Shiro looked up to her older sister with an expectant expression on her face. Ketsueki's eyes narrowed, she said. "The answer is-." She stopped when Reiki used one hand to take the lid off again, he placed it beside the box. He placed the oversized bar on the table and picked one of the elegantly made chocolate in the box and carelessly ate it. Sachi raised her hand and softly bit the back of her thumb while Namida bent the spoon she was holding. Shiro stopped eating jelly while her eyes were filled with envy as she watched Reiki eat elven chocolate.

Ketsueki snapped back to her senses, she said. "T-The answer is-." She watched her little brother pick up four pieces of chocolate from the box and ate two of them in one go as the edge of his mouth was smeared with chocolate. Sachi visibly reeled back while Namida was shaking her head in disapproval. Shiro's gaze was glued onto the box, Ketsueki continued. "I-Is-." Reiki ate the two other chocolates he was holding, while chewing he used his thumb to wipe the smear on his mouth. He let out a laugh and was about to reach for another one when Ketsueki was suddenly standing on his left while she placed a hand on Reiki's shoulder. Ketsueki said. "... Reiki… We can negotiate about your visit…"

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