
Chapter 157: Chapter 157: Pet Names

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Asami wiped a single tear from the corner of her eye using her finger, she said. "Nothing." Reiki felt Arashi's arms around him tighten.

[System: User has received 201 Damage.]

He repeatedly tapped on her arms while Asami rolled her eyes at Arashi and said. "We were only talking about a french dish called tain and a similar one named ratatouille. No need for your tail to be so frazzled…" Her gaze wandered onto Reiki who was still tapping onto Arashi's arms to loosen up. Asami continued. "And make sure to stop, you'll end up hurting him."

Arashi looked down and quickly loosened her grip around him. Reiki gave Asami a thankful nod and said. "Thanks." Arashi looked at Asami with suspicion all over her eyes, she said. "What kind of dishes are those two?" Asami moved her gaze back onto the tv as a male contestant was in the middle of biting a leather shoe, she said. "Thinly sliced zucchini, eggplant, and…" She glanced at Reiki from the corner of her eye and continued. "Capsicum?" Reiki felt Arashi's well-defined arms and said. "Poivron." Asami moved her gaze back onto the tv, she said. "Bell peppers. Ratatouille is almost identical with a few more ingredients added stewed in tomato sauce with herbs and spices."

Arashi's nose wrinkled as she frowned, she said. "Vegetables?" She looked down on Reiki who was feeling her right hand and continued. "Lil bro, you're a growing boy. You don't need vegetables." Reiki thought. Ah yes, nothing like taking a good chunk of the food pyramid away from a young child. He looked up to her and said. "Arashi, it doesn't work like that." Arashi placed her left hand on top of his head, she said. "Yes it does, mom forced dad to eat nothing but meat the moment she liked him and he turned out fine."

While Arashi was playing with his hair, Reiki thought. I can only imagine what he looks like… Then again he might have a decent build in a world filled with magic. He placed his head between Arashi's large chest while he crossed his arms and watched the show on tv. Arashi pulled on his unkempt hair while Reiki let out a yawn and said. "Hey, Arashi. I might be gone sometime this week or the next for about sixteen hours." Arashi twirled her index finger with his hair, she said. "Where are you headed?" Asami glanced at him from the corner of her eye while Reiki said. "I'm planning on dropping by in elven territory."

Asami smirked at him as she moved her gaze back on the tv while Arashi tried to style Reiki's hair. Arashi said. "Can you give me a heads up when we leave?" Reiki looked up to her and said. "We?" Arashi gave him a nod while she brushed his hair using her fingers and tried to mold his hair, she said. "Yes, we." He gave her an odd look and said. "I'm planning on going alone." Arashi tried to move Reiki's bangs to the side while Asami was watching them from the corner of her eye. Arashi acted as if he didn't say anything, she said. "You don't have to worry about money with me around." She patted his chest and continued. "We can always steal-."

Reiki interrupted her and said. "I'll give you one of the favors." Arashi moved her hand from his chest and placed it on top of her heart, she said. "But, I do understand trust is important in a relationship. And I don't want you to feel like you can't spread your wings." She wrapped her arms around him burying the back of his head deeper into her cleavage undoing all the work she did with his hair. Arashi gave him a bright smile and said. "Are you telling the truth?" Asami rolled her eyes at Arashi and thought. Puts a whole new meaning to giving a child a piece of candy. 

Reiki gave her a nod which made the smile on Arashi's lips grow. Arashi said. "I always knew you loved me." Her eyes turned serious all of a sudden as she kept smiling and continued. "If you don't mind me asking. What are you going to do in their territory and all by your lonesome to boot." Reiki moved his gaze back onto the tv, he said. "Nothing special, I'll just spend some time with my two girlfriends and whisper into their ears what our lives are going to be in the future."

Arashi completely froze while Asami raised a brow and thought. I can't tell if he's joking or not. After a couple of seconds passed, Reiki said. "I'm joking, I already gave you one of the favors so that should give you a rough idea of what it is." Asami moved her gaze onto Arashi and said. "She froze." Reiki looked up at her, placed his hand in front of Arashi, and waved it around. He said. "Hello?... Earth to Arashi?... Breaker breaker this alpha one two nine, please respond… I pronounce her as legally dead."

Arashi blinked twice and said. "Reiki, you haven't told me the reason why you're visiting the elves." Reiki and Asami simultaneously thought. She rejected reality. He said. "I already told you. I'm visiting two of my girlfriends-." Arashi's pupils glowed a faint gold color as she placed one of her hands on his neck, she spoke in a natural voice. "The. Reason." Asami moved her gaze to the tv while Reiki let out a sigh and said. "Money."

Arashi's eyes widened while Asami's ears perked as she listened to them, Arashi moved her hand away from his neck and said. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that." Reiki let out a chuckle which got both of the girls' attention, he said. "I can't remember a day where I wished I'd forget about it for a moment. Now I don't want to." Arashi's brows furrowed as she gave him an odd look and said. "Why?" Reiki looked up at her and stared directly into her eyes, he said. "It reminds me of you."

A faint blush appeared on Arashi's cheek as she moved her hand away from his neck and scratched her cheek, she said. "Well… Y-You don't have to rush anymore… I'll be patient with you." Reiki flashed her a genuine smile which made the blush on Arashi's cheeks more prominent. Asami glanced at the ceiling and thought. Hmmm… Reiki's still too young to tell if he's a casanova or a natural lady killer. Reiki said. "What are you going to do with the favor?"

Arashi cleared her throat as she moved her gaze onto the tv and pretended she wasn't blushing, she said. "I'll just ask dragon to do a few small things to help my mo-. Mother, so we could increase our influence." Reiki gave her a nod as he moved his gaze on the tv, he said. "Cool." Arashi stole a few glances at him as she lowered her head and placed her lips beside his ear, she whispered. "Thank you."

Reiki made himself comfortable on Arashi's lap as he laid his back on her stomach feeling her six-pack beneath her clothes while his head was between her cleavage. He said. "Speaking of my trip to the elves, you two want a specific souvenir?" Asami shook her head sideways and said. "I still have plenty of wine from my last visit." Arashi placed her arm on the armrest of the couch and rested her chin using her palm, she said. "You don't have to bring me something. They don't have anything I like and any wine they hide is good but expensive if you ask me."

Reiki let out a small yawn and said. "I could learn a few recipes and make you girls a meal." Arashi pursed her lips into a line and said. "As long as the main ingredients aren't vegetables." Asami let out a chuckle, turned her head, and saw Reiki relaxing on Arashi's lap. Asami gave him a mysterious look paired with a smile and said. "Any chance you've met the queen in that forest?" Reiki stood up straight from Arashi's lap and turned his head to look up to Asami.

he said. "Yeah, I met Elora and her daughter Enora." The smile on Asami's lips turned into a mocking smirk, she said. "Tell them both that I said, Hi. If you want to get an amazing reaction out of Enora, tell her first." Reiki's brows furrowed as he stared oddly at her for a moment, he said. "Why would she react if I told them you said, Hi?" Arashi glanced at Asami and pointed at Reiki by nodding. Asami shook her head and said. "He'll learn once he pays them a visit."

Asami let out a chuckle as she moved her gaze back onto the tv, she said. "You'll understand once they tell you." Reiki looked up to Arashi who shrugged her shoulders. He moved his gaze back to Asami and said. "You said 'that' part of the forest, is there more than one king or queen who leads the elves?" Arashi's lips curved into a smile as she gave him a nod of approval, she said. "See that, dragon? A single word got him this idea."

Asami nodded and said. "I know I know. You don't need to praise him to death, you've already got the favor… Just like the other races, elves own a certain percentage of the forest… Let's just say history played its part in splitting it into territories from all the backstabbing and mutiny." Reiki let out a sigh and said. "Politics? Seriously? And here I thought elves were a noble and united race." He thought. So much for a world filled with magic.

Asami let out a laugh and said. "Each race has its version of it… Beastmen follow the strong and bully the weak. Dragons swear their loyalty to a bloodline of a higher hierarchy. Elves have some degree of similarity to ours but one way to earn respect is to be knowledgeable in any area of magic." The three of them watched the show in silence while Reiki had a pondering expression on his face.

~One Hour Later~

Reiki moved his head away from the middle of Arashi's breasts while she and Asami were watching a woman get hit by a pie in the face. He tried to move away from Arashi's lap but couldn't because of her arm around his waist, without moving her eyes from the tv Arashi said. "Lil bro, where are you headed?" Reiki placed both his hands on the arm around his waist and tried to pry it off him, he said. "Back home." Arashi glanced down at him and said. "This is home." Asami let out a snicker and did her best to keep a straight face while the corner of her lips almost formed into a smile.

The veins on Reiki's hands and arms became prominent as he couldn't make Arashi's arm budge a single centimeter, he said. "Second home, I've already spent plenty of time with you and now I need to go back home." He let out a big sharp breath and stopped trying to move her arms. Reiki looked up to Arashi and said. "Unless you're willing to get beat down by my older sister." Arashi's lips turned into a smirk, she confidently said. "Hate to break it to you, but if she did I'll rough her up a bit." Asami let out a laugh and immediately stopped herself, she faked a cough and said. "Don't mind me."

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Arashi gave her a side glance and moved her gaze back to Reiki, she said. "It'll be fine, Lil bro. What're another five minutes going to do?" He let out a chuckle and said. "I need to prepare a few things for dinner-." Before he could even finish Arashi pushed him off her lap and said. "I want meat." He landed on the floor making a soft thud and stood up, Reiki made his way to the window while he stared at Arashi from the corner of his eyes.

Reiki waved at them and said. "Later." Arashi gave him a nod while Asami lazily waved at him. He casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 6,250.』


Reiki's Room

He appeared by the window and did some light stretching, Reiki thought. It's only been an hour and I'm already hungry again… He turned his head toward the door and said. "It's open." After a few seconds, the doorknob turned followed by Sachi revealing herself from the hallway with a hint of shock in her eyes. Sachi said. "Ketsueki told me to call you down when you returned." Reiki gave her a nod and said. "Thanks for telling me. I'll be on my way after a few minutes."

Sachi closed the door as the sound of footsteps slowly got farther while Reiki rummaged through his pocket and took out his tattered pouch. He took out a talisman from the pouch as it faintly glowed with a layer of mana, Reiki spoke in elvish and said. "Enora, you there?" From the other line, Moranor blandly said. "Wrong answer." Reiki thought. Wrong answer indeed… He made his way to his bed, sat down, and said. "Moranor? I thought Enora was holding the talisman."

From the talisman, Reiki could hear Enora's voice but was heard as if she was farther away. Enora said. "Is that Reiki?" Reiki took off the pair of white indoor slippers and laid down on the bed, he said. "So you managed to pry the talisman off her hands, what deal did you two make?" After a couple of seconds of silence, Moranor said. "...Nothing special… How about you? What's so important that you had to call her?" Reiki let go of the talisman as it floated a few inches above his chest, he said. "I was going to ask if she could give you the talisman for a few minutes?"

He heard a hmph from the talisman followed by Moranor saying. "Missing me already?" Reiki placed his hands behind his head while making himself comfortable on the bed, he said. "I guess you can say it like that. I wanted to hear your voice." Moranor spoke in a soft voice with a hint of shyness, she said. "I-Is that so?..." The sound of footsteps quickly became audible, Enora said. "Reiki what took you- Mora, why is your face so red?"

Reiki could hear the sound of lightning faintly crackling while Moranor said. "Say one more thing about my face to find out what happens." A moment of silence passed followed by Enora who said. "... Sure… Reiki, are you alone?" He looked at the ceiling and said. "Yeah, otherwise I wouldn't be speaking in elvish so freely." Enora spoke with a hint of suspicion in her tone, she said. "Why? Are you ashamed of speaking to us?" Reiki let out a chuckle and shook his head sideways, he said. "I'm not. I don't want the wrong kind of people to know I speak elvish."

Enora let out a short laugh, she said. "I know, I'm just messing with you, onto more important things. You still haven't told me-." Moranor interrupted her and coldly said. "Us. Don't you dare exclude me out of the conversation when I'm the one who's in possession of the talisman." Reiki could hear the sound of soft patting a couple of times followed by Enora saying. "Mora, I'd watch your temper if I were you. They say stress is the main cause for wrinkles."

The sound of lightning crackling came from the talisman, Moranor said. "And I know the main cause for burnt flesh is fire and lightning." Enora let out another laugh that had a hint of mocking, she said. "Before you even hit two hundred your face will be covered with them. By then Reiki wouldn't even look your way." The sound of lightning crackling became louder which made Reiki move his hands behind and stuff a finger into his ears. He thought. Holy shit.

Reiki moved his fingers away from his ears and said. "Girls, that's enough hostility for the moment. The two of you can continue your fight after I hang up the talisman." Enora quickly said. "She started it." The sound of a foot furiously stomping onto a wooden floor was made from the talisman, Moranor shouted. "I started it-?" Enora interrupted her and said. "See, she's agreeing with me."

Before any of the two elves said anything from the talisman, Reiki rolled his eyes and said. "Nora, one more provocation attempt and it'll result in the quality of your gift going down." Enora said. "But she placed her lightning-covered hand near my face!" Moranor said. "I did not! Reiki, don't believe her, she's lying! And as far as I'm concerned you shouldn't even receive a gift from him!"

Enora coldly said. "You wanna go, spark plug?" The sound of lightning crackling came from the talisman followed by Moranor saying. "Bring it on, popsicle!" Reiki suddenly started laughing as he smacked the bed a couple of times, he said. "Spark plug? Popsicle?" He hit the bed one more time before going back to laughing.


At A Large Luxurious Hallway

Enora and Moranor were in combat stances ready to jump at each other's throats. A faint blush of pink appeared on their cheeks as they quickly stood up straight. Enora forced a cough and looked around the never-ending hallway, she said. "... Reiki, just now forget about what you've heard…" Enora moved her gaze onto the talisman floating in mid-air while Moranor crossed her arms while trying to calm her state of mind.

The sound of Reiki's laughter coming from the talisman slowly came to a halt, he said. "No no, those are my two pet names for you now." Enora's eyes widened while Moranor's gaze narrowed. Enora said. "I refuse if you want to give me a pet name. I'll consider something like princess-." she was interrupted by Reiki who said. "Why? I think popsicle is a great pet name." Enora's gaze had a hint of coldness in them as she crossed her arms making her large breasts press against each other, she said. "Say that to my face and I'll-."

Reiki interrupted her, he said. "What's wrong popsicle?" The corner of Enora's eye twitched while Moranor glanced at her with a mocking smirk on her lips. Reiki continued. "I don't know about you, but I for one love popsicles. If I had the money I'd have one every moment I wasn't eating. Too bad I'm too young to have a special popsicle then I'd make sure to taste it every single day." Enora's entire face turned tomato red in an instant as she placed a hand over her heart feeling her heartbeat.

Moranor's eyes turned hostile as she glared at Enora's red face. Moranor indifferently said. "Why the hell are you blushing? You whore of an elf." From the talisman, Reiki said. "Aww, is my spark plug jealous?" Moranor moved her gaze onto the talisman and coldly said. "Me? Why would I be jealous of an elf-like her?" Reiki let out a chuckle and said. "I love how easy you are to rile up." Moranor stared at the talisman for a moment and said. "... So you like toying with me?"

From the other line of the talisman, Reiki said. "Yes and no. I do love teasing you-." Moranor indifferently said. "I heard the word yes." She glanced at Enora who was still profusely blushing. Reiki continued. "See, that's why spark plug is perfect for you, a burst of emotions. You sitting in my lap as we leaned on a tree under the moonlight, with how easy it is to rile you up sparks will fly the entire night." Moranor's eyes widened as her entire face turned as red as Enora's. Moranor placed her hands behind her back as she drew tiny circles on the wooden floor using the tip of her combat leather shoes.

Moranor shyly said. "... Y-You don't have to explain… I'm not jealous…" Reiki said. "Is my spark plug happy now?" A moment passed as Moranor repeatedly drew circles on the ground, she softly said. "... Hmm…" From the talisman, Reiki said. "Nora." Enora moved her hand on her heart and placed it on her red cheeks as she felt her palm heat up. Reiki said. "Nora." Enora came back to her senses as she stiffly stood up straight and said. "W-What?" She moved her gaze onto the talisman and noticed Moranor's red face that was identical to hers. Reiki said. "To answer your question, I'll drop by this week or the next, oh and tell your mother to prepare about a dozen elves she fully trusts. I have something big to show her."

Enora nodded and said. "This week or the next, and a dozen elves my mom trusts. Got it." From the talisman, Reiki said. "Love you both, bye." Their faces turned a couple of shades redder as the sound of footsteps came from the hallway behind them as Enrel made her way toward them while she was reading a book. Enrel stopped right in front of them and looked up, she said. "Where's your mother-..." She looked at the two young elves' red faces and continued. "I can look for them myself."

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