
Chapter 156: Chapter 156: Tian

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Shiro pulled on her older brother's shirt even harder, she said. "Onii-chan, tell me!" Reiki scratched the side of his head, he said. "I think it's similar to something of an escort?..." Namida shook her head sideways and said. "No, I doubt it. Ketsueki said her clients screamed praises for her." Sachi stiffly turned her head to look at the tv, she said. "... Don't think too much into it…" Ketsueki moved her gaze onto her little brother with her eyes that had a hint of suspicion in them, she said. "Reiki, what made you come to that conclusion?"

Reiki looked up to his older sister and spoke with a hint of worry in his voice, he said. "I'm just shooting in the dark." He thought. This is the fifth dominatrix I've met. Ketsueki's gaze narrowed, she said. "Uh-huh…" Reiki glanced at Sachi from the corner of his eye while Shiro started pulling his cheek while pouting. Shiro flailed around on his lap, she said. "Onii-chan!" Reiki placed his hand on top of the one Shiro used to pull his cheek, he said. "Shiro, please don't move around so much. I still haven't healed from being punched." Shiro stopped pulling her older brother's cheek and immediately behaved, she glanced at Ketsueki and said. "I'm sorry, Onii-chan."

Ketsueki faked a cough and said. "O-On a different topic, what do you two plan on doing today?" She moved her gaze onto her friends who were sitting on the couch and continued. "You two better not be planning to sit on my couch until dinner." Namida was still thinking while Sachi made herself comfortable on the couch. Sachi said. "That sounds like a good idea." Ketsueki let out a sigh as she massaged the temples of her head. Namida snapped her fingers and said. "Are you a singer?"

Sachi turned her head toward her friend and gave her a confused look, she said. "What?" A small smirk formed on Ketsueki's lips while Reiki placed his hand on his face and slowly dragged it to his chin. Namida held her palm out and said. "Your side job, it's the only thing I could think of that involves clients and screaming." Shiro placed a hand on her cheek as a pondering expression appeared on her face. Reiki thought. Onee-chan, look what you've done. Sachi stared at Namida who had a smile of triumph on her face. Namida said. "Well?" Sachi shook her head sideways and said. "... Something along those lines…"

Namida let out hmph and placed her hand behind her head, she said. "Too easy." Reiki thought. I guess she's the innocent one in their group. He let out a sigh and said. "Shiro, does Onee-chan already know?" All the girls moved their gazes onto him, Ketsueki raised a brow and said. "Know what?" Reiki placed a hand on top of Shiro's head and gently caressed it which made her eyes half-closed. Reiki said. "Shiro invited a couple of friends to a sleepover." Ketsueki nodded and said. "Oh, that. I already knew, she asked for my permission first." Reiki placed his arms around his little sister and stood up, he said. "Since almost everything has been said…"

He moved his gaze onto Sachi and said. "Can I borrow a pen and some paper?" Sachi reached into her pocket and gave him an odd look, she said. "What for?" Reiki placed Shiro on the armchair, reached out for another piece of chocolate, and gave it to her. Reiki said. "I also need to learn your three sizes." Ketsueki's gaze immediately snapped onto him as her pupils gave off a faint glow.

Namida looked at him from top to bottom and gave him a thumbs-up, she said. "Never took you as the type to be upfront." Sachi's eyes were filled with disbelief while Reiki let out a sigh and said. "It's for the green dress she wanted…" The disbelief in Sachi's eyes disappeared while she gave him a nod, she said. "It's…" Her gaze wandered onto Ketsueki's large chest, ample thighs, and onto her butt that was hidden by sitting on the armchair. Sachi looked down at her chest and let out a soft sigh, she continued. "... 27, 23, and 34…"

Reiki thought. C cup. Sachi took out a fountain pen and paper from her pocket and placed it on the coffee table, she said. "... Here…" Namida placed a hand on Sachi's shoulder and said. "You shouldn't compare… Well anything with her." She pointed at Ketsueki who had a small smirk on her lips. Namida continued. "You'll only end up depressed." Sachi's gaze wandered onto her friend's flat chest, she moved her gaze back onto the tv and said. "Rather than comparing yourself to you and admitting defeat." The hand Namida placed on Sachi's shoulder curled into a fist, she said. "You-!"

She looked around and saw Reiki sitting on the floor by the coffee table as he placed the paper and pen in front of him. Shiro was looking up at her eating a piece of chocolate with an innocent expression while Ketsueki glared at her. Namida moved her hand away from Sachi and continued. "Jerk! I was only trying to comfort you!" Sachi rolled her eyes at Namida and said. "You'll never understand from your lack of… Figure…" Namida curled her hands into a fist making her knuckles produce crackling noises, she said. "The moment we walk out of this house is your death."

Reiki took the cap off the pen, wrote in the top left corner, and said. "Can you pose for me? While you're at it, tell me what design you want on the dress." Sachi let out a chuckle and stood up while Shiro, Ketsueki, and Namida moved their gazes onto the piece of paper. Sachi placed both her hands on her hips and said. "Sure, but if possible can you catch my good side-. Oh wow… You're good." On the piece of paper, Reiki had already drawn a perfect replica of Sachi with her hands on her lips that looked almost life-like. Reiki spun the pen he was holding around his fingertips, he looked up to Sachi and said. "Tell me how you would want it to look."

Sachi immediately appeared on his right and kneeled on her right, she moved some hair behind her ear. She placed her index finger on the drawing and said. "I want long sleeves and that skirt needs to reach about a few inches above my ankles. Something simple yet attention-grabbing with a hint of elegance in the mix." Reiki's right hand quickly moved as he drew at inhumane speeds.

Besides the drawing of Sachi on the paper, Reiki easily drew another one on the right wearing a simple one-piece dress with a belt wrapped around the stomach. He placed the cap back on and said. "Something like this?" Before he could even touch the paper Sachi's hand blurred as she was already admiring it with bright eyes. With a big smile on her lips, Sachi said. "This is perfect." She let go with her right hand and gave Reiki a pat on the back, she continued. "At first I was worried about how it would look but now I'm excited."

Shiro stood up from the armchair as she stared at the drawing in awe as her eyes brightened up like stars. Namida and Ketsueki were suddenly standing behind Shiro as the paper in Sachi's hand instantly vanished and appeared in Namida's hands. The two girls stared at the drawing Namida had approval in her eyes while Ketsueki had jealousy in them. Namida placed a hand on her chin and said. "Not bad… I can see this dress is made for you, Sachi." Ketsueki stared at the drawing and dryly said. "It's just a drawing, it'll look different once she wears it in person."

Sachi slowly stood up as a sweet smile formed on her lips, she said. "Give that back, that's mine." Ketsueki glared at her while Namida rolled her eyes. Namida let out a chuckle and said. "I don't see your name on it." Sachi let out a soft laugh, she said. "It's a drawing of me, that alone is proof enough." Shiro's gaze was glued onto the piece of paper as she played with her hands and stayed silent. Reiki placed the pen on the coffee table and stood up, he firmly said. "No, it's mine."

The three girls moved their fierce gazes onto him, Reiki held his hand out and said. "Don't forget, I still have to buy the dress." Ketsueki's gaze turned back to normal as she made her way to the armchair, she said. "... Fine…" Namida passed him the paper and said. "You're pretty good at drawing, Reiki." Sachi and Shiro's gazes were glued onto the piece of paper. Sachi said. "Can I have that along with the dress?" Reiki nodded and looked up to her, he said. "Sure." He moved his gaze onto his little sister and said. "Here you go, Shiro." Reiki passed the drawing to his little sister as she held it with both hands while her eyes brightened up like stars.

Shiro admired the drawing and said. "It's so pretty." Namida and Sachi sat back down on the edges of the couch. Sachi let out a soft humph and with a smile she said. "I accept all compliments." Shiro's eyes were glued onto the drawing, she said. "I wasn't complimenting you, Sachi-nee." Namida let out a chuckle while Sachi slightly stiffened. Ketsueki let out a soft laugh, she waved her hand and said. "Sachi, don't take it the wrong way. Shiro's just admiring Reiki's drawing."

Reiki stretched his hands upward and said. "Since that's everything I'll be in my…" He glanced at his older sister from the corner of his eye and continued. "Room…" Ketsueki didn't have a visible reaction which made him nod. Sachi raised a brow while Namida's eyes had a hint of suspicion in them. Shiro slowly trotted her way back onto the empty armchair and plopped down on it. Reiki made his way to the second floor as the sound of footsteps got farther. Namida pointed at the ceiling and said. "He asked for permission to go to his room?"

Sachi moved her gaze onto Ketsueki who had a straight face. Sachi said. "Are you going to explain or?..." Ketsueki kept her gaze on the tv, she blandly said. "He's… Dropping by the apartment complex next door." Shiro was admiring the drawing while Namida gave her friend an odd look and said. "The apartment next door? Why didn't he walk through the front door?" Ketsueki moved her gaze onto the tv, she said. "He climbs the side of the building…"


Arashi's Apartment

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『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 6,250.』

Reiki appeared by the window and looked around, he thought. What the… He walked toward the couch and closed his eyes to listen to his surroundings. Reiki opened his eyes and thought. No one's home… Reiki sat in the middle of the couch, picked up the remote, and turned the tv on. He said. "Finally, A brief moment of-." Arashi and Asami suddenly appeared in the living room blocking the tv. He continued. "... Sitting…" Reiki stood up, looked up to them, and said. "You two hungry? Or have you already eaten yet?" Asami wiped her lips using her thumb as she teleported near the couch and sat down in the middle, she said. "Arashi showed me a few food stalls she found while you were away whispering sweet nothings into other girls' ears."

Arashi stomped her foot onto the floor which made her large chest violently jiggle, she said. "I'd never allow that!" Reiki shrugged his shoulders and said. "What are you two craving for?" Asami placed an index finger on her lips while she pondered for a moment. Arashi immediately turned back to normal as she excitedly said. "I want meat! Specifically battered and deep-fried!" Reiki gave her a nod and moved his gaze back onto Asami who moved her finger away from her lips and said. "Japanese food is delectable but the magic has finally worn off… I'd like a simple pasta dish." Reiki said. "Pesto or Carbonara?" Arashi made her way to the couch and sat on the left while Asami thought for a split second and said. "That depends, what kind of carbonara is it?"

Reiki placed his hands into his pockets, he said. "White sauce." A small frown formed on Asami's lips, she said. "I've had that before and isn't that supposed to be a big no in their books?" Reiki smiled at her and said. "That's because you haven't tried mine." Asami's lips curved into a small smirk, she said. "Oh? Bold words coming from you… Although you have the right to say it. Sure, but be warned if I don't like it. I'll only have one bite." She raised her hand and poked his nose which made Arashi cough out loud. Arashi glared at them from the corner of her eye and said. "You two are in my apartment." Asami turned her head to look at Arashi and said. "How did you even get this apartment, in the first place?"

Arashi's body stiffened as Reiki let out a chuckle, he moved his gaze onto Arashi and said. "Beef or pork?" Arashi's eyes widened as she quickly said. "Both." He moved his gaze back onto Asami and said. "If you don't mind." Asami placed a hand in her pocket and took out a talisman as it faintly glowed.

~30 Minutes Later~

The three of them were sitting on the couch while the coffee table was filled with four large plates of deep-fried beef and pork with the other two filled with onigiris stacked high. Asami was holding onto her plate of white sauce carbonara as she twirled her fork in it and took a bite. Arashi was holding a pair of chopsticks as she shoved a large piece of fried pork into her mouth and was holding onto an onigiri with her right. Reiki was pinching a piece of beef with his chopsticks and thought. Can't we eat at a table for once?... He took a bite of the beef and picked up an onigiri with his left hand as he moved his gaze onto Asami. Reiki swallowed and said. "How is it? Worthy enough for a second bite?"

He took another bite of the beef while Arashi was stuffing herself with food as Asami gave her a nod. Asami said. "Very much so." She wiped the corner of her lips that had some white sauce using her thumb as she licked it clean, Asami said. "The main reason why I'm not so fond of this version is because of the sauce-." Reiki wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and said. "Allows you to hide your mistakes." He took another bite of the beef as Asami nodded in agreement while Arashi was glaring at them from the corner of her eye. Asami stabbed her fork into the pasta and twirled it around, she said. "Which is why I prefer the other one." She lifted the fork and ate the pasta wrapped around it while Reiki swallowed and said. "That's the main reason why it only has roughly a cup of white sauce in it."

He took another bite of the meat pinched between his chopsticks followed by taking a bite of the onigiri he was holding. Asami's gaze wandered onto the riceball and noticed it had some pickled plum inside. Asami swallowed and said. "Umeboshi?" Reiki swallowed and gave her a nod, he said. "Yeah, no normal person can eat this without something to cut through all the grease…" The two of them moved their gazes onto Arashi who was happily eating fried meat. He continued. "She's an exception." Asami moved her gaze onto the piece of beef pinched between his chopsticks that was glistening.

Asami stabbed her fork into some pasta and twirled it around, she said. "How'd you cook it?" Reiki was about to take another bite of the onigiri but stopped, he said. "Medium rare, the only way to go in my opinion." Asami smirked at him and said. "Can I have a bite?" Arashi who ate a large piece of beef in one go was about to say something but couldn't so she decided to chew as fast as possible. Reiki moved his chopsticks closer to her mouth and said. "Go for it." Asami opened her mouth as she let him feed her, she chewed with her mouth closed while Reiki picked up a piece of pork using his chopsticks.

Reiki took a big bite of the pork as he finished the onigiri and grabbed another one with his left hand. Asami had a hint of thinking in her expression as she swallowed, she said. "It's not as greasy as I thought it would be." Reiki stared at the onigiri in his hand and said. "I used sirloin which is a lean cut, all I needed was hot oil and a wire rack." Arashi forced herself to swallow as she hit her chest a few times to help the food go down making her large breasts jiggle. Reiki glanced at it from the corner of his eye and thought. Nice. The two of them continued with their meal while Arashi stood up from her seat and deeply inhaled followed by a burp.

She made her way around the couch and squatted down beside the side Reiki was sitting on. Arashi stared at him without saying anything while he took a bite of onigiri. Reiki rolled his eyes at her and moved the piece of pork closer to Arashi's mouth which she happily ate while giving Asami a side glare which she ignored by watching tv. Reiki swallowed and said. "You're upset by such a small gesture?" Arashi was about to say something while chewing, he interrupted and continued. "Don't talk with your mouth full." Arashi swallowed and said. "I'm not… All I did was… Draw a line?..."

Reiki picked up more beef with his chopsticks and said. "Uh-huh." Arashi grabbed the collar of his shirt as she lifted him off the chair and sat down and placed him on her lap. Reiki thought. With so many people and a couple of elves pulling on my shirt. I'll need a few closets full of them. He ate the large piece of beef in one go and picked up a piece of pork and moved it closer to Arashi's mouth while he ate half the onigiri in one go. Reiki swallowed as he looked up to her while the back of his head brushed against Arashi's chest, she let him feed her while Reiki said. "Happy?"

Arashi wrapped her arms tightly around his waist while she glanced at Asami who was eating pasta while watching tv. Arashi said. "I'll be happier if you gave me one of those favors." Reiki raised his hand that was holding onto the pickled plum onigiri as he stuffed it into her mouth, while Arashi was chewing he said. "Next time."

~One Meal Later~

On the coffee table were two large plates stacked on top of each other with another one in the middle that had some remains of white sauce with a fork along with a couple pairs of chopsticks. Asami was sitting in the middle of the couch with Arashi on her right while Reiki was sitting on her lap. Arashi rummaged through her pocket making her large chest pressed against his back, Reiki wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and said. "What would you like for dinner?" Asami placed a hand on her chin, she said. "Hmm… Tian sounds nice." She turned her head to look at him and continued. "Reiki, any chance you know what that is?"

He gave her a nod while Arashi took out a talisman from her pocket as it faintly glowed while the plates and the utensils faintly glowed. Reiki said. "Thinly sliced courgette, aubergine, and capsicum." The dishes on the coffee table were magically clean as Arashi pocketed the talisman, Reiki thought. I need one of those. Asami raised a brow in interest, she spoke in french saying. "Impressive, such a young boy learning french." Arashi smirked as she pocketed the talisman, Reiki thought. She's good, no accent either.

The two of them froze when Reiki replied in perfect french, he said. "If you feel like eating tian, then I recommend ratatouille. Think of it as a vegetable stew with the same ingredients and a few more finished in tomato sauce made with herbs and spices." Asami stared at him in disbelief before she started laughing while Arashi faked her laughter. Arashi said. "Lil bro, no one wants to eat a rat dish." She wrapped her arm around him while she glanced at Asami from the corner of her eye. Asami smacked the cushion she was sitting on a couple of times making her large chest jiggle. Arashi faked another laughter as her expression immediately turned serious, she said. "What did you two talk about?"

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