
Chapter 160: Chapter 160: Rooms

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Reiki was inside his room as he locked the door from the inside and leaned on it while pressing his back against the door. The sound of banging came from outside as he heard his older sister on the other side of the door. Ketsueki shouted. "Reiki! You better open this door right now! Or else, you'll be in bigger trouble mister!" He felt the door behind him shake from the force of his older sister's powerful knocks, Reiki said. "O-Onee-chan, if I open this door. I know for sure, you'll hit me." The knocking came to a sudden stop, he thought. Fuck me-!

He heard the chill from his older sister's voice, Ketsueki said. "Good, since you already know what your punishment is. Open this door and grit your teeth." Reiki felt cold sweat travel down his back as he looked around his room searching for a hiding spot, he said. "I-If you hit me. I'll give all the elven chocolate I have, to Namida and Sachi." A moment of silence passed while Reiki gulped and continued. "I'll even cry wolf if I have to." He heard Ender say. [I watched you walk through the middle of a war as if it was a park… Yet here you are…] Reiki thought. Onee-chan was always a hard hitter. I don't even wanna know how hard she hits with magic.

He continued his train of thought. Wait, she's been too quiet. Reiki stood up straight, turned around to face the door and he placed his hand on the doorknob. Ketsueki suddenly appeared behind him in the room while she gave him a dangerous glare. Reiki slightly opened the door and looked through the small crack, he thought. Where is she-? Ketsuki slightly squatted as she moved her lips next to her little brother's ear, she spoke in an indifferent voice and said. "Behind you."

Reiki immediately tried to open the door but couldn't make it budge, he slowly looked up and saw Ketsueki was grabbing the door with her hand. Ketsueki said. "Reiki, grit your teeth." Ketsueki raised her left hand that was bawled into a fist while it was covered in a thin layer of mana. He couldn't move his eyes away from his older sister's fist, for a split second her hand blurred.

[System: User has received 209 Damage.]

Reiki was suddenly staring at the wall as he felt a numbing sensation on his right cheek followed by a strong stinging with a hint of burning.


In the Living Room

Shiro, Namida, and Sachi were sitting in chairs around the dining table filled with sweets. Shiro was listening attentively while eating an ohagi, Sachi said. "You shouldn't-." Before she could continue all three of them heard a boy screaming from the top of his lungs coming from the second floor. Namida's lips formed into a smirk while Shiro looked at the ceiling as she tried her best to suppress the smile on her mouth.

Sachi continued as if nothing ever happened, She said. "You shouldn't say it's not going to happen, Shiro." Shiro pouted at her and said. "Sachi-nee, I'll never raise my hand at Onii-chan." Namida let out a chuckle which got Shiro's attention while Sachi sliced a part of castella on her plate. Namida pointed at Shiro using a half-eaten ohagi in her hands and said. "I'd like to hear you say that when you're older." Ketsueki walked down the staircase and made her way back to the empty seat near the dining table. Namida reached for her cylinder-shaped teacup and took a sip, she let out a satisfied soft sigh and said. "Cottontail, now's your chance to tell her off for raising her hand against your brother."

Ketsueki pulled the empty chair back and sat down, she picked up her fork that was placed on the plate and said. "What did I miss?" Namida moved her gaze to Sachi and said. "Your advice, your problem." Sachi rolled her eyes at her friend, she said. "I was just telling Shiro that she shouldn't be so quick to say she'll never raise her hand against Reiki." Ketsueki aggressively stabbed the castella on her plate, she said. "You'll do it, Shiro."

Her little sister was about to say something when Ketsueki continued. "When you grow older, you'll be hitting him left and right. Then you'll realize how patient I am with him." Shiro was staring at the ohagi in her hand and softly said. "That'll never happen, Onee-chan." The three older women around the table smirked, Ketsueki said. "You'll understand, Shiro."


Arashi's Apartment

Asami was sitting in the middle of the couch with Arashi on her left. Reiki placed down two large plates, grilled steaks that were already in slices cooked to a perfect medium-rare, and wedge cut fries on the other. Reiki placed the two plates on the left side of the coffee table and used his right hand to search through his tattered pouch as he pulled out a pair of pink oven mitts. Asami and Arashi stared at each other and moved their gazes onto his swollen right cheek that was starting to bruise. Reiki took out a large bright red pot from his tattered pouch and placed it on the right side of the coffee table.

The two women's gazes were glued onto his bruised cheek while Reiki placed the pink oven mitts back into his pouch. He crossed his arms and looked at them, Reiki said. "What? Never seen someone with a bruise on their face before?" Asami took out a talisman from her pocket as it engulfed everyone in the room with a bright light. Reiki closed his eyes for a moment and when he decided to open them he was back in a luxurious apartment with Arashi and Asami sitting around a dining table that was already set up.

Arashi moved the large plates of fries and the sliced steak closer to her while Asami took the lid off the bright red pot revealing ratatouille. Arashi picked up a silver fork on her left and stabbed a couple of pieces of the cut steak, she said. "That's a good look for you, Lil bro." Reiki picked up a serving spoon and scooped some ratatouille and placed some on Asami's plate, he said. "Thanks, it only took me embarrassing my older sister in front of her two friends." He balanced the serving spoon in the middle of the pot and crossed his arms, Reiki continued. "It's all the rage these days, so if you want one you should ask Asami."

Arashi flashed him a mocking smirk and ate the two slices of steak in one go. Asami was about to reach for a fork but stopped, she gestured at him to come closer and said. "I can't eat like this, your swollen face is putting me off." Reiki made his way closer as Asami placed her right hand on his swollen cheek while her hand was enveloped in a thin layer of mana.

[System: User has been healed for 1,000.]

The bruise on his cheek vanished as Reiki's face was back to normal, he gave her a nod and said. "Thanks." Arashi gave him a nasty side-eye while Asami moved her hand away from his cheek and picked up a fork to start her meal. Arashi stabbed a few pieces of the steak, she said. "I could've healed you just as easily." Asami took her first bite of the thinly sliced vegetables and gave a nod of approval. Reiki let out a chuckle, he said. "Not after laughing and pointing your finger at me." Arashi let out a scoff as she grabbed a few fries with her left hand, she said. "If you were punished by your elder sibling, you deserved it." 

Reiki thought. Now, where did that train of thought come from? He moved his gaze onto Asami who was already serving herself a second helping of ratatouille. Reiki said. "Decent?" Asami stabbed some thinly sliced zucchini, eggplant, and some bell peppers as she moved the fork to feed him. Arashi dropped the fork she was holding as it fell onto the plate of fries while she watched Reiki get fed by Asami. Reiki chewed and thought for a moment as Asami continued with her meal while Arashi stared at the two of them in shock.

Reiki swallowed and said. "Hmm… A bit heavy-handed on the spices." Asami stabbed some more ratatouille as she stared at the food on her fork and said. "Really? It tastes perfect to me." She ate the vegetables she stabbed with her fork and slowly chewed trying to find what was off. Arashi quickly picked up her fork that was on her fries, she pointed at the steak on it and said. "Lil bro, I think the steak is a bit under." Reiki gave her an odd look and moved his gaze back and forth onto the steak on her fork and Arashi. He said. "It's steak, you'll live if it's a bit under. If it bothers you that much, I'll cook your steak well done."

Reiki continued and spoke in a mutter, he said. "I might as well also give you a serving of an entire leather shoe." Asami placed a hand over her mouth while the corner of Arashi's eye twitched. Asami swallowed as she tried her best to keep her lips from forming a smirk, she said. "... Reiki, don't say things like that-." Arashi smiled and pointed at Reiki using the fork she was holding with some steak on it, she said. "How does it feel to have someone like her telling you off?"

Arashi smirked at him as she ate some fries and followed by the steak on her fork. Asami continued. "When I have my mouth full, I almost spat out food from your little comment." Reiki rolled his eyes and said. "If she complains about the food I served, she can always cook for herself." Asami stabbed some more ratatouille on her plate while Arashi's entire body stiffened. Asami said. "If she did that, Arashi would die within the week." Reiki raised a brow and said. "Do you have that much faith in her cooking? I'd give it two days tops."

Arashi stood up from her seat while she held the fork in her mouth as she made her way toward him and lifted Reiki by the collar of his shirt. She carried him and sat back onto her seat and placed Reiki onto her lap and continued with her meal. Asami stared at the ratatouille on her fork and said. "Now that you've said it… I feel a very faint sensation of something giving the vegetables a hint of spicier aftertaste. " Reiki was about to say something while Arashi's right hand blurred as she stuffed multiple slices of steak in his mouth.

Asami let out a chuckle as she enjoyed her meal while Arashi gave him a peculiar look. Arashi said. "I just don't get it…" Reiki chewed the steak in his mouth while she continued. "How can the two of you get along so well?..." Asami's eyes slightly narrowed, she thought. Now that I think about it… Reiki swallowed and reached out for the pitcher of water and poured some into Arashi's glass. He downed it in one go and said. "We're talking about food, it's not every day I can talk with someone that can understand food talk."

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Arashi glared at him for a moment before saying. "... Is that so…" Reiki reached for some fries as he rolled his eyes at her, he said. "You were like that when we talked about the wrist and ankle weights you gave me." Arashi's eyes suddenly lit up, she excitedly said. "Speaking of weights, when are you starting to lift some? Although you're still young it won't be too bad to start with-." She paused as she felt Asami staring at her from the corner of her eye while she ate some ratatouille while Reiki ate some fries.

Arashi faked a cough and said. "That doesn't count." Asami continued with her meal while Reiki picked up some fries and moved them closer to feed Arashi. He said. "That's normal, everyone gets passionate about the things they're knowledgeable about." Arashi opened her mouth as she let him feed her fries.

~One Meal Later~

Asami was sitting in the middle of the couch with Arashi on her left with Reiki on her lap with his head wedged in between her breasts. Asami lazily waved her hand as the remote on the coffee table flew into her palm, she flipped through the channels and said. "Are all tv shows in japan like this?" Reiki let out a sigh and said. "Unfortunately." Asami browsed through the channels and said. "I don't know how you watch these, Arashi." Arashi shook her head sideways as she wrapped her arms around Reiki and said. "I like to think that they're all being held hostage. That and I only use the tv for background noise."

Asami threw the remote onto the couch on her left, she said. "With that oddly forced smile on their faces, they might be." Reiki let out a chuckle, he said. "Don't worry, most people never watch them." Asami watched as a man surrounded by a few farmers who ate a freshly picked pea shoot. Asami said. "With how bad the shows are, I'm starting to think the government is doing this intentionally so no one is at their home all day." Arashi pointed at the top left, she said. "And the fact that they have a clock on all of those shows always bugs me."

Reiki stood straight up and moved his head away from the middle of Arashi's large chest, he said. "Almost everything is weird with our shows here." He tapped on Arashi's arms that were wrapped around him as she reluctantly moved her hands away. Reiki stood up and let out a small yawn that he covered with his hand, he said. "I'm hitting the hay. Night." He made his way to the window while Asami kept her gaze on the tv as she lazily waved her hand at him. Arashi watched him walk toward the window and said. "Night." He casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 6,250.』


Reiki's Room

He appeared by the window and did some light stretches, Reiki thought. Her body is soft yet firm at the same time, it feels oddly comfortable. He took a couple of steps toward the bed and glanced at the door, Reiki said. "It's open." The doorknob turned as Namida walked in the room and looked around, she said. "Ketsueki called for you in her room." Before he could say something, she continued. "This is where you sleep?..." Reiki nodded at her and said. "Yep." Namida gave the room one more good look and thought. Sachi was not kidding when she said his room is barren… 

Reiki said. "This used to be the storage room." Namida crossed her arms and thought. Explains why the only 'new' thing here is the light fixture. Her brows furrowed and said. "Then where did your mother sleep?" Reiki pretended to scratch his head to think, he said. "Onee-chan gave her old room to Shiro. The master or the biggest bedroom since it doesn't look like it is the one Onee-chan is staying in." Namida gave him an odd look and said. "Ketsueki sleeps on the same bed her mother slept in?"

Reiki shook his head sideways, he said. "No, Onee-chan redecorated the room when she had the money. She also upgraded a few things in Shiro's room too." Namida scratched the back of her head and thought. Is she trying to make him thankful when she decides to use money? This room is downright depressing. Namida pointed at the open door behind her and said. "Sachi and I, we'll take our leave. No need to see us out." Reiki gave her a nod while Namida made her way to the first floor while he walked out of the room and closed the door.

Reiki made his way to the door leading to Ketsueki's room and knocked a couple of times. Inside the room, he heard his older sister speak. Ketsueki said. "It's open." He opened the door and walked inside a brightly lit room with the curtains undone. Reiki said. "Onee-chan you called for-..." Ketsueki was wearing a loose white tank top that exposed her midriff and showed a faint outline of a six-pack. She stretched both of her arms upward giving him a sneak peek of her underboob. Reiki stared and thought. Sachi, thanks for the help.

Ketsueki slightly leaned backward as her large chest filled the loose tank top while the clothing outlined her nipples. His gaze wandered to the black short shorts she was wearing which hugged her ample peach butt and ample yet toned thighs. Ketsueki's lips curved into a triumphant smirk, she thought. Those two blonde harlots aren't even on the stage as far as I'm concerned. She sat up straight while sitting crossed leg on the couch, Ketsueki gestured at him to come closer and said. "Reiki, what are you looking at? I can't have a proper conversation with you if you're over there."

He quickly walked past the kotatsu table on the floor with four cushions around it and stood right beside the bed while looking at his older sister from top to bottom. Ketsueki let out a charming chuckle and thought. My guess if he's curious about a woman's body is correct. Ketsueki patted the spot next to her and said. "Reiki, can you spend the night with me? Just in case my fever relapses or if I need a glass of water." Ketsueki patiently waited for his little brother to answer while she let him get a good look at her, she said. "Reiki?"

He snapped back to his senses and said. "R-Right, a glass of water-..." His gaze wandered back to his older sister's large chest as he stole a few glances at her butt. Ketsueki let out a confident hmph as she reached out her arms and wrapped it around her little brother, she said. "You got one of the three things correct." She dragged him onto her bed while the white indoor slippers he was wearing slid off and fell on the floor. The two of them laid down on the bed while Ketsueki used her left hand to turn off the light using the switch near the nightstand, she said. "Goodnight, Reiki."

She used her right hand to move his face in between her breasts, Reiki thought. I can already tell these eight years are going to feel like an eternity. He moved his face as deeply as possible which made the smirk on Ketsueki grow bigger, she placed her left hand on his head and twirled some hair using her index finger. She thought. I call you 'my' boy for a good reason. Her eyelids slowly closed as the two of them fell asleep in each other's embrace.

~Five Hours Later~

Reiki half-opened his eyes as some moonlight went inside the room from the small gaps at the curtain. He slowly opened his left eye and saw Ketsueki's sleeping face and buried his face into her large chest. Reiki thought. I don't want to work out today… A woman's embrace is a man's tomb indeed… The only other one who can make me relaxed is… Her… Reiki let out a sigh and slowly opened his right eye as he tried to get Ketsueki's arm that was wrapped around him. He let out a chuckle and moved his face closer to her face and moved some hair away behind her ear. Reiki kissed Ketsueki on her forehead and thought. I'll be back to call you for breakfast.

He placed his hands on the arms her elder sister placed around him and was able to easily move them. Reiki carefully placed them on the bed as he made his way toward the door and closed it behind him. With her eyes closed, Ketsueki's lips curved into a small smirk.


Reiki's Room

He made his way toward the closet leaving the door behind him open, he thought. Getting stronger is top priority, I can place my head between my girl's chest whenever I want some other time. He took out a tattered pouch from his pocket and opened the closet. Reiki deeply inhaled as his eyes turned sharp.

~Five Hours Later~

Reiki carefully placed two greatswords onto the floor, his cloth stuck to him like skin as a puddle formed where he stood from his sweat. Arashi was wearing a sports bra along with baggy jogging pants as she stood with her arms crossed and stared at him from top to bottom, she said. "Reiki, did anything happen last night?" She wiped some sweat from her cheek while her exposed six-pack had a layer of sweat giving her a different allure. He took out his tattered pouch and lifted one of the greatswords as he tried to put it inside. Reiki said. "No, why?"

Arashi let out a scoff as her lips curved into a frown while the jealousy in her eyes became prominent, she said. "Whatever."

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