
Chapter 161: Chapter 161: Meetings

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Reiki placed one of the greatswords into the tattered pouch. Asami suddenly appeared a few steps beside Arashi. Asami was about to say something when she gave him a peculiar look and said. "My oh my, I'm guessing the reason why you're so motivated is that you slept like a… Baby in a woman's embrace." He lifted the second greatsword with his right hand as it slipped through his sweaty palms and landed on the ground producing a loud thump. Reiki said. "Even as an adult you still have an active imagination." He squatted down and grabbed the greatsword by the handle as he tried to put it inside his tattered pouch.

Asami flashed him an enigmatic smile while Arashi crossed her arms and glared at him. Asami let out a chuckle and said. "No need to act ignorant, Reiki. We can tell with a single glance that you're enveloped with someone else's mana." Reiki managed to place the other greatsword into his pouch, he casted. God's Eye.

『God's Eye Has Been Activated.』

He pocketed his pouch and looked down at his body and saw his dense and rich mana pouring out of him, Reiki thought. I can't tell with my mana like this. Asami let out a peal of soft laughter which snapped him back to his senses, she said. "Oh, what's this? If you were innocent, why did you have to check yourself?" He rolled his eyes at her and said. "I was looking at my clothes." Reiki used his index finger to pull on his collar as it stuck back to his skin while making a noise similar to slapping. He said. "It's neither comfortable nor presentable."

Arashi's gaze narrowed while Asami flashed him a sweet smile. Arashi suspiciously said. "You're a pretty good liar, Reiki." Asami placed a hand on her chin and said. "This may be one of the rare times we agree." He let out a long sigh and said. "My sister and I shared the bed for the night, so what?" Arashi said. "And the reason being?" Reiki pulled on his shirt soaked in sweat and said. "She's currently sick." The suspicion in their eyes slightly lessened while he continued. "I wanted to make sure her fever stayed down and I offered to sleep on the floor in case she wanted a glass of water during the night."

Reiki thought. Which is technically true. He pointed at his soaked clothes and said. "Is this conversation finished? It feels weird being stewed in my sweat." The two women stared at him for a moment, Arashi said. "On a different note, where's Cherry? I kinda miss the white bird." Reiki was about to say something but stopped, he thought. Where is she?... I think I left her in my room… He shrugged his shoulders and said. "She'll be fine, Cherry is a smart bird." Arashi rolled her eyes at him and said. "If you told her to steal more things just say so, I won't judge."

Asami let out a chuckle and said. "Coming from someone who plundered daily over at the mainland." Arashi raised an index finger and said. "Plunder is such a barbaric word, the person overseeing the transaction forgot to charge me for it." Asami pointed at her using her thumb and said. "Reiki, take notes of her vocabulary changes." Arashi stomped the ground once making her large chest jiggle, she said. "Don't listen to this-." Asami's eyes had a hint of coldness in them, she indifferently said. "This, what Arashi? Don't forget I'm going back to the mainland today to uphold the favor Reiki gave you."

Arashi completely froze for a split second as she faked a cough and said. "This benevolent, intelligent, and admirable woman. There might have been a few false rumors about the store forgetting to charge me, but if given the chance I can easily explain." Asami let out a soft laugh and said. "That's more like it." Reiki subconsciously gulped and said. "Do you need me to make breakfast?" Asami moved her gaze onto him, she said. "None for me, thank you. I have to show my face from time to time. I should be back in time for lunch."

Reiki looked up to Arashi and said. "Meat?" Arashi nervously glanced at Asami and shook her head sideways, she said. "I'll pass on breakfast. I have training for the day and I should be done before lunch." He did some light stretches and said. "Then it's settled, I'll see you two lovely ladies later." Reiki made his way into his home while Arashi gave him a nod and said. "Make me something special for lunch, Lil bro." Asami let out a small yawn, she said. "I need to get going, see you two at lunch." The two girls vanished into thin air while Reiki made his way into the house and up the staircase.

When he placed his hand on the doorknob leading to the bathroom one of the other doors slowly opened as Ketsueki walked out while yawning. Her long inky black hair that reached all to her waist was completely disheveled, she slowly opened her eyes and saw her little brother. Ketsueki flashed him a big smile and said. "Morning, Reiki." He looked at his older sister's clothes who was still wearing the white loose tank top that exposed her midriff and black short shorts that tightly clung onto her butt and thighs.

Reiki didn't even bother to hide his staring and said. "Morning, Onee-chan." The smile on Ketsueki's lips grew bigger as she slowly sauntered her way closer to him, giving him a closer view of her body, she said. "What's on the menu for breakfast?" He moved his gaze onto her face and said. "That depends, where's the porridge I cooked yesterday?" Ketsueki pouted as she squatted down giving him a clear view of her cleavage, she grabbed his hand and playfully shook it around making her chest bounce. Ketsueki said. "Can you bear to make me eat more soup rice?"

Reiki's eyes were glued onto his older sister's chest that was jiggling with every time she moved his arm, he said. "Bacon, sunny side up eggs, bread, avocados, and a handful of mixed berries." Ketsueki placed her right hand on his cheek, she said. "I knew you would see things my way." Reiki grabbed her hand that was on his cheek and interlocked their fingers, he said. "But, you have to give me the pot I used to cook the porridge."

A faint blush appeared on Ketsueki's cheek while she felt her little brother softly squeeze on her hand repeatedly, she said. "D-Deal…" Reiki immediately let go of his older sister's hand and said. "Make sure to lie down, I'll mop the floor and then take a shower." Ketsueki hid her right hand behind her, she said. "I'll clean the floor, you can just go ahead and take your freezing shower." Reiki wiped some sweat on his neck while Ketsueki intently watched him, he said. "Onee-chan, are you sure? You still need to rest-." She pointed at the floor he was standing on which made him look down, Ketsueki said. "Just go take one, Reiki. The longer you dawdle the messier the house gets."

Sweat was trickling down his legs to his barefoot and onto the floor. Ketsueki slowly stood up as she raised a brow, she said. "And where did you place your shoes?" Reiki looked up at her and said. "I placed them outside so the sun could burn the smell." She gave him a nod and pointed at the door leading to his room, Ketsueki said. "Now, shower. You've stunk the place enough." He turned around and opened the door revealing the bathroom that had a toilet next to a sink with a mirror. A bathtub on the right side with a shower in the left corner, Reiki walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. Using her right hand Ketsueki snapped her fingers as the sweat on the floor vanished along with the smell.

Another door slowly opened as Shiro trotted her way out and closed the door with her eyes half-opened. Ketsueki watched her little sister let out a big yawn without covering her mouth, she let out a chuckle and said. "Morning, Shiro." Shiro slowly turned her head and looked up at her older sister. Shiro stared at her older sister for a moment and said. "... Onee-chan… Morning…" Shiro's eyes wandered to the clothes Ketsueki was wearing as her eyes widened in surprise as she carefully rubbed her eyes. Shiro looked at her older sister's attire one more time and blinked a couple of times seeing it was still the same.

Shiro's eyes were filled with shock as she looked up to Ketsueki and said. "O-Onee-chan… What are you wearing?" Ketsueki looked down at her clothes, she thought. This is what I get for dressing as a guy for my entire life. She flashed her little sister a smile and said. "Oh, I just got out of bed." Shiro blinked a couple of times and said. "That's it?" Ketsueki let out a chuckle, she said. "They're comfy." Shiro pointed at what Ketsueki was wearing and said. "Change your clothes before Onii-chan catches a glimpse of you!"

Ketsueki thought. My boy has done more than look. Her smile turned into a small smirk, she said. "So what if he catches me like this?" Shiro frantically waved her hand she used to point and said. "I-Its inappropriate wearing things like that in daylight." Ketsueki raised a brow and thought. Her choice of words is becoming more and more like mine. She waved her hand in dismissal and said. "It'll be fine, Shiro. My- I mean, Reiki has already seen me."

Shiro froze in disbelief, she said. "... When?..." Ketsueki pointed at the bathroom using her thumb, she said. "Just now, you missed him by a few seconds when he went to the bathroom." The door leading to the bathroom suddenly opened as Reiki went out with his damped hair pulled back. He wore a simple shirt and shorts and had a small white towel that loosely hung around his neck that caught droplets from his damped hair, Reiki said. "I'm guessing either of you needs to use the bathroom-." Shiro quickly dashed toward him as she turned into a blur and climbed up to him by using his clothes.

Shiro covered his eyes with her hands as she frantically said. "Onii-chan, you're not allowed to look!" Shiro wrapped her arms around his face with her legs around his chest like a koala, Reiki said. "Why? What did I do this time?" Ketsueki let out a chuckle and said. "I'm getting a glass of water downstairs." Shiro glared at her older sister while covering her brother's eyes. Ketsueki made her way down the flight of stairs and eventually climbed down her Reiki. Shiro pouted with puffed cheeks as she looked up to him while he dried his hair using the towel around his neck.

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Reiki looked down on his younger sister and said. "Shiro, what's wrong?" Shiro spoke in a frustrated tone and said. "I'm still growing! Onii-chan!" He gave her an odd look and nodded, he said. "I know." Shiro frantically waved her arms around, she said. "That's right! So-." Reiki interrupted her and said. "Bacon and eggs?" Shiro instantly stopped moving and stood up straight, she said. "Can I have my eggs scrambled?" He nodded at her and said. "Sure." Shiro ran toward him and gave her older brother a big hug, she said. "I'll set up the table."

Shiro sprinted down the stairs while Ketsueki walked past her and said. "Shiro, don't run on the stairs." Her little sister was already on the first floor and said. "Yes!" Ketsueki sauntered her way toward Reiki who took out his tattered pouch from his pocket and brought out a pair of white indoor slippers. He threw them on the ground and put them while Ketsueki stood in front of him and said. "Did you just bribe Shiro with food?" Reiki pocketed the pouch and stared at his older sister's clothes again, he said. "Nope." Ketsueki flashed him a smile and playfully pinched his cheek, she said. "That's enough staring from you."

She made her way to her room while she slowly walked while she moved her hips side to side like a model. Reiki stared at his older sister's peach butt that was slightly shaking with each step she took. Ketsueki stared at him from the corner of her eye with a smirk on her lips, she thought. I could do this all day. She opened the door leading to her room as she went inside and closed it. Reiki did some light stretches and thought. The CEO and her new assistant should be visiting me today. He made his way downstairs and saw Shiro sitting on the couch watching a documentary about a baby turtle.

While drying his hair with the towel around his neck Reiki made his way toward the kitchen and took out his pouch from his pocket.

~Thirty Minutes Later~

Shiro and Ketsueki were sitting on chairs around the dining table, on top of it was a large plate of sunny-side-up eggs, bacon, sliced avocados, two loaves of bread, and a large bowl of mixed berries made out of raspberry, blueberries, and strawberries. Reiki walked back to the table from the kitchen as he was holding a large bowl of steamed vegetables with a bottle of syrup in his free hand. He placed the bottle of syrup in the middle and the bowl of vegetables near his plate, Reiki sat down and said. "Shiro, don't empty the bottle. Okay?" Shiro's plate already had scrambled eggs on it as she quickly placed mixed berries onto it and reached for the bottle of syrup.

Shiro rapidly shook the bottle up and down as she drowned the berries with a copious amount of syrup. Shiro said. "Yes, Onii-chan." Ketsueki used a serving spoon and placed a couple of eggs on her plate along with some berries, a handful of bacon, avocados, steamed vegetables, and a slice of white bread. She watched her little brother place a large volume of food on his plate, Ketsueki thought. My boy has been serious about his exercise… She picked up her fork and stabbed a piece of steamed asparagus and took a bite on one side as her lips formed into a small lewd smile. Ketsueki continued her train of thought. At this rate, he's going to be big and strong when he grows up.

Shiro stabbed some berries that were covered in thick syrup with her fork as she stared at her older sister with a suspicious look. Ketsueki swallowed and said. "You didn't tell me about the vegetables, Reiki." Ketsueki reached for the pitcher of water as she extended her hand and filled the three glasses on the table with water. Reiki folded an entire slice of white bread in half and shoved it into his mouth, he reached for his glass of water and downed it in one go. He said. "It's mainly for me." Ketsueki moved her gaze on the bowl of steamed broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, and thick slices of bell peppers.

Shiro quickly ate the berries on her plate while Ketsueki said. "Oh." Reiki ate four entire strips of bacon followed by all the vegetables on his plate, he swallowed and said. "It's fine, Onee-chan. There are still four more bowls near the sink cooling down and a couple of bowls of berries in the fridge. So eat to your heart's content." He wiped his mouth using a napkin and continued. "Speaking of food, where was the pork and cabbage gyoza I made for dinner?" Ketsueki continued with her meal while she ignored her little brother's stare. Reiki moved his gaze onto his little sister while she quietly ate her scrambled eggs on her plate.

Reiki thought. I'll stop placing food on the table before I call them. He inhaled the food on his plate and picked up the serving spoon as he placed a large amount of food on his plate. Reiki said. "Shiro, what time are your friends dropping by? And when do they depart?" Reiki placed some bacon and sliced avocado on his little sister's plate along with a few pieces of steamed vegetables. Shiro stared at the avocado on her plate and said. "They should arrive at around three o'clock, and they'll go home after lunch." She sliced a part of the avocado using her fork and stabbed the smaller piece as she tried it. Shiro's eyes widened as she enjoyed the avocado while her older siblings continued with their meal.

Reiki devoured the food on his plate, he swallowed and said. "I'll make something special." His older sister's plate was suddenly empty, Reiki thought. When did she… While placing food on her plate, Ketsueki said. "How bout you make some pastries and cookies for a light snack. Then an entire cake for dessert." The corner of Reiki's eye twitched, he thought. Don't try and take advantage of the-. From the corner of his eye, he saw his little sister looking up to him with a hopeful expression. Reiki let out a sigh and said. "... Sure… It's a special occasion." Ketsueki gave her little sister a confident nod while Shiro looked up to her older sister in awe.

Reiki thought. Great, now Shiro thinks I'm a pushover when it comes to Onee-chan. He suddenly heard Ender say. [You are.] Reiki watched his older sister placing berries on her plate while Shiro placed more bacon, avocado, and some vegetables on hers as a smile subconsciously formed on his face.

~One Hour Later~

Ketsueki was sitting on the couch with Shiro hugging her left arm with her right. Shiro was pointing at the TV with her left as she excitedly said. "Onee-chan! How about a turtle?!" Ketsueki flashed her little sister a wry smile, she said. "Do you even know how to take care of one?" Shiro playfully hugged her older sister's arm, she said. "It's fine! We can have Onii-chan take care of it." Ketsueki's lips curved into a small smile, she said. "That idea does sound tempting." Reiki made his way out of the kitchen as he wiped his hands that had droplets of water on his shirt. He said. "I don't mind, as long as the two of you can live with me having less time to make desserts." The two girls sitting on the couch suddenly froze.

Ketsueki faked a cough and said. "I think we should pass on this idea, Shiro." Shiro glanced at her older brother by poking her head above the backrest of the couch, she said. "I think so too, Onee-chan. Since none of us know how to take care of a turtle, we should spare it the pain and hardships." Reiki let out a chuckle and said. "Onee-chan, I'll be outside for a while. I should be back in time to make lunch." Ketsueki turned her head sideways to look behind her, she acted surprised and said. "Reiki, since when did you arrive?" Shiro kneeled on the couch to look at her older brother, she said. "Thank you for your hard work, Onii-chan."

He nodded at them and said. "Any time." Reiki made his way to the front door as he slid the shoe compartment and took out his sports shoes. He placed them on the floor as he grabbed his pouch from his pocket and took out a pair of fresh socks in them. Reiki pocketed the pouch and slid the shoe compartment shut as he quickly put on his socks and shoes while he placed the white indoor slippers he wore neatly on the side. Reiki said. "I'm off." He heard his two sisters say. "Have a safe trip." Reiki opened the door and closed it behind him as he made his way toward Kiru's house across the street.

He easily vaulted over the window gate that was as tall as him and looked around the neatly trimmed grass. Reiki thought. I'm guessing Kanzei-san likes to garden. He reached the door and was about to knock as it suddenly opened revealing Kanzei wearing his usual suit, he gave Reiki a nod and said. "It's been a while, Reiki." Reiki nodded back at him and said. "Nice garden, I'd recommend planting some flowers." Kanzei opened the door for him and made way, he said. "Ojou-sama refused me, she doesn't want to be too attached to them." Reiki let out a yawn and said. "Then have you considered a bonsai tree? If she still refused then Kiru's just being unreasonable-."

Reiki suddenly went quiet as he closed his eyes and listened, he thought. A car is close… Showtime. Kanzei looked at him oddly, he said. "Reiki-?" His pupils slightly dilated as he heard something from a distance. Reiki walked in and said. "I'll be borrowing your house for three hours."

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