
Chapter 163: Chapter 163: Appetite

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Reiki made himself comfortable on the office chair and said. "You two ask the weirdest questions… Unfortunately, that was the last one back to business." Chishiki picked up a platinum coin and stared at it with wide eyes, she thought. It's an elven coin… Akemi picked one up to inspect it and thought. … It's real… Maybe… Maybe this will work out for once… Akemi placed the coin back onto the pile while Chishiki tossed the coon she was holding onto it. Chishiki said. "Hypothetically, we could just take the money and start our own company." Reiki nodded and said. "Yeah, you easily could."

The two girls were taken back by his relaxed attitude, Reiki continued. "Just don't be surprised to wake up at midnight and the first thing you see is a firing squad of elves wielding bows." The corner of Chishiki's eye twitched while Akemi glanced at her and flashed her a smirk. Chishiki said. "I said hypothetically." Reiki did some light stretches on the chair, he said. "So did I." Akemi picked up a stack of ten thousand yen bills she placed on the wooden desk and pocketed them, she said. "Alright then, messenger. What's part one?"

Reiki moved some hair away that was blocking his view, he said. "Since you two are smart I don't need to tell you what to not do with that amount of coins." He gestured at the pile of platinum coins and continued. "For now you two have to lay the groundwork." Chishiki's brows furrowed, she said. "Why can't they tell us what to do since it's their money?" Reiki snapped his fingers and said. "Because you two need it to sell it." Akemi looked at him with confusion, she said. "... Sell it?..." Reiki gave them a nod, he said. "You two have to put up a front that you're running the company and aren't acting on someone else's orders."

Chishiki had a pondering expression on her face, she thought. I see… They don't want anyone knowing that the company is founded by an elf… Akemi was thinking as he placed a hand on her chin, she thought. Are they planning on controlling Japan's economy?... Her lips turned into a small smile as she continued her train of thought. I can get behind this. Reiki crossed his arms and said. "Right now, the most important thing is Chishiki's company declares bankruptcy." Chishiki came out of her thoughts as she moved her gaze onto him and said. "It'll be done within the day."

Reiki took out a folded note from his left pocket and placed it on top of the pile of platinum coins, he said. "When you two are setting up the company, place it under this name. It also contains all the details you need to make a credit card." He pointed at the piece of paper and continued a serious tone. "Everything goes to this name, land, equipment, bills, to the employee's salary, and give me the card the moment it's finished."

Akemi picked the piece of paper and unfolded it, her brows furrowed as she passed it to Chishiki and said. "The credit card is the easy part, but we're going to need a signature." Chishiki read the name on the piece of paper as she raised a brow and pocketed it, she said. "What's the reason for-?" She saw the smile on Reiki's face and stopped, Chishiki said. "You're the messenger?" He nodded at Chishiki while she rolled her eyes at him. Akemi glanced at the suitcase filled with money, she said. "Set up the company, lay the groundwork, and make sure to put it all under this name."

Reiki nodded as he pointed at the suitcase in front of him and said. "That's it for the day, now you can take the money and go." Chishiki pocketed the note as she reached her hand out toward the pouch on top of the coins when Akemi stopped her by blocking her using her hand. Akemi said. "Wait, where's the rest of the stakeholders? There are half a dozen positions in a company to ensure everything runs smoothly. Where's the rest of us?" Reiki moved his gaze onto the ceiling and pretended to think for a moment.

The two women waited for his answer, he said. "Besides me and a few others, you two are the only ones who know. The rest will be the only regular employees who can do the miscellaneous task." Akemi and Chishiki stared at him completely stunned. Akemi thought. He just brushed off managing a company… Chishiki thought. Is this going to be fine?... Reiki waved his hand at them and said. "I'll send word to the elves, the contracts should be finished by tomorrow and will arrive at your house." Akemi moved her hand away, which was blocking Chishiki's arm.

Chishiki picked up the pouch with her left hand and snapped her finger with her right. The platinum coins were being sucked into the pouch while Akemi moved the suitcase filled with cash closer to her as she stared at it for a moment before closing it. Reiki let out a yawn and didn't even bother to cover his mouth, he said. "Since you two are going to be busy, I recommend eating at a high-end restaurant in a private room to discuss the plan." Chishiki let out a chuckle, she said. "Just because we have the money, doesn't mean we'll spend it all at once."

Her smile subconsciously formed into a small smile, Reiki thought. Whatever you say. He moved his gaze onto Akemi who was staring at him, she said. "What happens if I exceed their expectations? Can I be the CEO then?" Chishiki pocketed the pouch and gave Akemi a wide eye look and said. "Why do you want my position? Your salary is already equal to mine." Reiki placed his elbows on the desk and rested his head on his hands, he said. "Other than a big bonus, nothing."

Akemi let out a soft sigh and said. "... Fine…" Chishiki made her way toward the door and said. "Until next time, messenger." Akemi gave him a nod while Chishiki opened the door and made her way out. Akemi followed after her as she closed the door while Chishiki stopped near the couch with Kiru with her long flowing hair that was newly brushed occupied a good space on the couch as she wore her pajamas. Chishiki thought. Wow… She combed her hair and now she looks like a different person. Akemi walked beside where Chishiki was standing as her gaze was stuck onto Kiru.

Chishiki gave Kiru a slight bow, she said. "The two of us will be taking our leave." Akemi did the same and said. "Thanks for having us." Kiru flashed them an amiable smile and said. "Feel free to drop by anytime." Chishiki and Akemi made their way toward the front door. Kanzei suddenly appeared behind the couch and said. "Ojou-sama, may I recommend purchasing indoor slippers?" Kiru let out a soft sigh and said. "No, we may be in Japan. But that does not mean we have to follow every single thing they do over here." 

She glanced at him from the corner of her eye and continued. "You just don't want to sweep the floors every time someone visits." Kanzei moved his gaze onto the tv and said. "What made them respect you all of a sudden?" Kiru let out a small yawn as Reiki walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. He was chugging down the liter of milk and downed half of it in one go, Kanzei smiled at him and said. "Was everything to your liking, young master?" Reiki wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, he said. "They're gone, Kanzei-san. You can stop."

Kiru lazily stretched on the couch as she grabbed the nearest pillow and laid down on it. Kanzei let out a laugh as he placed his hands behind his back and said. "Sorry, it's not every day I call someone else like that. How was the room?" Reiki pointed behind him by nodding, he said. "Bet you a billion yen she never set foot in it." Kiru didn't even move a single muscle while lying down on the couch, she said. "What makes you say that?" Reiki made his way toward the front door and said. "Because you let me use it." He started chugging the other half of the liter of milk and emptied it in one go.

Before the door closed the two of them heard Reiki say. "Thanks for the help." Followed by a door being closed. Reiki walked across the street as he felt a pair of eyes stabbing him, he thought. Guessing that's Arashi's way of demanding an explanation. He made his way inside his home while holding the empty carton of milk, Reiki opened the door as he undid his shoelaces and took them off. He took off the white socks he was wearing while simultaneously sliding the shoe compartment open as Reiki took out a pair of indoor slippers.

He placed his sports shoes inside the compartment and closed it, Reiki said. "I'm back." From the living room he heard his older sister's voice, Ketsueki said. "Welcome back." That was followed by the sound of footsteps quickly making their way toward him. Reiki put on the pair of white indoor slippers he felt something bash into him as a pair of arms wrapped around him. Shiro looked up to her older brother and said. "Welcome back, Onii-chan." Reiki looked down and placed a hand on top of his little sister's head, he said. "Are you hungry, Shiro?" Shiro quickly nodded as Reiki let out a chuckle, he said. "What do you want?"

Shiro thought for a moment while she enjoyed the feeling of her older brother gently caressing her head, she said. "I want a hotpot!" Reiki flashed her a smile, before he could say anything Ketsueki suddenly appeared beside them and said. "I don't mind having a hotpot, the question is. Shiro, you won't complain every single moment like last time?" Shiro hugged Reiki even tighter, she said. "Onee-chan, I told you the soup was too hot! I told you to lower the heat!" Reiki thought. I want something spicy, but… He moved his gaze onto Shiro and continued his train of thought. She'll cry if she eats something that high on the scoville scale.

Ketsueki was staring at her little brother as she placed a hand on top of his head, she said. "Reiki, how about we use two pots today?" He looked up to his older sister while she felt his hair between her fingertips, Reiki said. "One is more than enough-." Ketsueki suddenly ruffled his hair as it covered his eyes, she let out a chuckle while Shiro giggled at him. Ketsueki said. "Because I said so." Reiki tried to comb his hair back using his hand, he said. "What's the second pot for?" Ketsueki flashed him a smile and said. "You." He gave his older sister an odd look while Shiro started pouting from being excluded from the conversation.

Reiki said. "Why would I need an-." Before he could continue, Ketsueki playfully pinched his cheek.

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[System: User has received 57 Damage.]

Ketsueki said. "Reiki, you don't have to keep pretending. Your appetite has grown to such an obvious proportion that it's hard to not notice it." He scratched the side of his head and thought. I can always eat my fill at Arashi's place. Reiki said. "I'll try to eat less from now on, Onee-chan." Shiro pulled on her older brother's shirt and said. "Onii-chan, get started on preparing the-." Ketsueki suddenly violently pulled on his cheek.

[System: User has received 103 Damage.]

Reiki grabbed his older sister's hand and tried to make her let go, he said. "Ouch! Onee-chan, that-!..." He saw the sweet smile on her older sister's lips while Shiro immediately let go of his shirt and made her way toward the couch. Shiro hid on the couch as she peeked at her older siblings by peeking above the backrest. Ketsueki let out a chuckle, she said. "I only pointed out you were eating more and what you got from it was to eat less?" He tried to take a step back but stopped when he felt the pain from his chek being tugged. Reiki moved his gaze onto Shiro who was poking her head above the backrest watching.

The moment Shiro saw her older brother turn his head toward her she hid on the couch to avoid eye contact. Reiki felt Ketsueki's gaze piercing through him, he subconsciously gulped and said. "I-I just didn't want you to get mad at me for eating too much food again." Ketsueki let go of his cheek which made her little brother let go of her hand and take a couple of steps back. The glare on Ketsueki's eyes lessened, she thought. Oh yeah… I yelled at him for eating too much and slapped him on his back… She came to a sudden realization as a hint of guilt appeared in her eyes, Ketsueki continued her train of thought. That's when it started…

Ketsueki looked down at her little brother while Shiro poked her head from the couch watching. Ketsueki thought. Have I been starving him these past few months?... Reiki cautiously took another step back, he nervously said. "... O-Onee-chan?..." His right hand was suddenly fully extended while Ketsueki was inspecting and feeling his arm with her right hand. While thinking Ketsueki's brows furrowed, she thought. His body has gotten more toned and surprisingly the fat in him hasn't increased despite the sudden change in diet…  Reiki glanced at his younger sister who was still hiding by the couch as Shiro hid her head when he looked her way.

Ketsueki let out a sigh of relief as she stared at her little brother's arm with scrutiny, she thought. It's a good thing the Fuka group died, or else it would have been a hassle asking Sachi or Namida to buy groceries for me. She let go of her little brother and arm and noticed the nervous look on his face, Ketsueki said. "You can eat until you're full, Reiki." He looked up to his older sister and said. "What about our…" Reiki glanced at Shiro who was cautiously watching them, he continued. "... Situation?..." Ketsueki flashed him a confident smile and said. "You don't have to worry about that. I got a promotion."

Reiki's eyes had a hint of suspicion, he thought. I don't like the sound of that. Shiro's eyes had a hint of sparkle in them as she stood up from the couch and made her way toward her older sister. Shiro pulled on Ketsueki's pants, she looked up to her and said. "Onee-chan, is that a good thing?" Ketsueki picked her little sister up and carried her with her left arm, she said. "It'll take a few months to be finalized, but when it does we can live in a bigger house." Shiro's eyes sparkled like stars, she excitedly said. "Really? Onee-chan!?"

Ketsueki flashed her little sister a smile and said. "Shiro, how big do you want your room to be?" Shiro extended her arms as wide as possible, she said. "I want it to be this big." Ketsueki let out a chuckle as she playfully pinched the bridge of her little sister's nose. Ketsueki said. "Only that big? I mean, sure but what would happen when you grow up?" Shiro puffed her cheeks and pouted, she said. "Onee-chan, stop being mean to me-." The two girls stopped when Reiki joined in the conversation and said. "Onee-chan… Do you have to go away or work longer hours?" He looked up at his older sister with a hint of loneliness in his eyes.

Shiro's eyes slightly dimmed as she grabbed her older sister's shirt and said. "... Onee-chan, is that true?..." Ketsueki looked at the sadness on both of her younger siblings' faces, she flashes them a confident smile and said. "I said promotion, but all I'm getting is a pay raise." Ketsueki squatted down and placed her right hand on Reiki's cheek, she thought. Such a spoiled child, he can't even bear to part with his older sister. She gently caressed his younger brother's cheek and moved some of his hair giving herself a better view of his jet black eyes. Ketsueki said. "Reiki, you don't have to worry. Even if you tried your best to drive me away, I'll still be right beside you."

She flashed her little brother a warm smile, Reiki thought. Good, the future I know hasn't changed. Shiro softly tugged on her older sister's shirt, she said. "So you're not going somewhere, Onee-chan?" Ketsueki let out a chuckle, she slowly stood up and said. "No, you two are stuck with me until I say so." She moved her gaze onto her younger brother and said. "Now, go and prepare lunch. Shiro and I are starving." Reiki gave his older sister a nod and said. "Alright, I'll prepare the pot." He made his way toward the kitchen while Ketsueki moved some stray hair on Shiro's head and placed it behind her ear. Ketsueki's brows furrowed as she realized something, she said. "Wait a minute, Reiki. I said, prepare two pots!"

She placed her little sister down and said. "Shiro, give me a moment so I can scold your brother." Ketsueki angrily followed after him while Shiro smiled and let out a giggle. Shiro said. "Onee-chan, don't be too hard on him."

~Twenty Minutes Later~

Shiro, Ketsueki, and Reiki were sitting on chairs around the dining table. On the table were two mini stove burners surrounded by plates filled with shiitake mushrooms, enoki, sliced spring onion, cabbage cut in half quarters, thick-cut tofu cubes, long strips of thinly sliced beef and pork. Shiro and Ketsueki were placing everything that could fit in their pot that was filled with boiling dried kelp-based broth. The two of them glanced at the pot Reiki was using as the broth was a dark blood red broth that was boiling as he placed tofu and beef in it. Ketsueki took a small whiff and felt a faint burning sensation in her nostrils, she thought. How many chili peppers did he put on that? 

Reiki already finished his first bowl of rice as he reached down to his left and opened the rice cooker on the floor by pressing the button. The rice cooker's lid flipped open revealing freshly cooked rice with a white plastic server inside. Reiki placed more rice in his bowl while his two sisters stared at him, Ketsueki thought. How is he not sweating?... Shiro ate a piece of thinly sliced pork while staring at the red pot her older brother was using. Shiro swallowed and said. "Onee-chan-." Using her chopsticks Ketsueki picked up a shiitake mushroom and dipped it in the broth a couple of times for good measure, she said. "No, Shiro. Trust me when I say this, you will cry if you eat that."

Ketsueki ate the mushroom followed by a couple of scoops of rice, she thought. From how dark it is, my eyes would turn red and leak. Reiki let out one long exhaled breath while he wiped some sweat from his cheek, he thought. Three months until her 'promotion'… He placed vegetables into his dark spicy pot and continued his train of thought. Assuming everything goes to plan, the company should be making money in two months… An additional week and a half in the worst-case scenario. Reiki pinched a small bundle of enoki mushrooms using his chopsticks and ate it followed by half of the rice in his bowl. A serious expression formed on his face while Shiro was about to eat a piece of tofu, she said. "Onee-chan, Onii-chan is-."

While chewing Ketsueki placed her right index finger on her lips making a shushing gesture while she was holding onto her pair of chopsticks. Ketsueki spoke in a hushed tone and said. "I know, let's be silent and enjoy our meal while he arranges his thoughts. Okay?" Ketsueki winked at her little sister as the tofu pinched between Shiro's chopsticks fell onto her bowl of rice. Shiro nodded at her older sister and spoke in a whisper, she said. "Yes, Onee-chan." The two girls continued with their meal while Ketsueki watched her little brother with an intoxicated look on her face. Ketsueki thought. The last time he was that focused, Reiki was contemplating how to make his swings faster.

Reiki ate three thin slices of beef in one go and emptied his bowl of rice, he thought. From the way things are going… I need to pay the elves another visit… And prepare Nora's gift before I drop by… He came back to his senses and noticed Shiro staring at him while Ketsueki was looking at him with an enamored look, Reiki said. "What happened?" The two girls laughed at him and simultaneously said. "Nothing."

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