
Chapter 162: Chapter 162: Money Talks

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Reiki walked a few steps into the needlessly luxurious house and saw Kiru with disheveled hair sitting on the couch wearing dark red satin pajamas that complimented her figure. Reiki thought. She's almost exactly like her… Kiru struggled to open her eyes as she turned her head to the sound of footsteps and said. "Little brother?... Are you here to make me breakfast?" He raised a brow and thought. She just recognized me from my footsteps… Reiki stared at her and said. "No, I'm here to borrow your house for a few hours." Kiru did some light stretches on the couch as her eyes slowly opened, she said. "Already?..."

Kiru moved some stray hair behind her ear as she exuded a noble charm, Reiki thought. Too similar. Kiru let out a yawn as she covered her mouth with her right hand and gestured with her left at a door, she said. "Kanzei already moved the door handle." Reiki moved his gaze onto the right side of the room and saw Kanzei opening a door leading into a home office. He made his way inside as Kiru reached for the remote on the table and turned on the large flatscreen embedded in the wall.

Reiki walked into the room and saw a large wooden desk placed in the middle back of the room with a large office chair behind it. The entire wall behind the office chair was one big glass pane with a view of the back garden that had a pond. The three walls were bookshelves nearly organized in alphabetical order. There were a couple of large brown armchairs on the opposite corner with a small round wooden table beside a lamp. Reiki thought. Nice room. From the other side of the doorway, Kanzei said. "Is there anything you need?" Reiki pretended to think for a moment and said "Can you get me a liter of milk and prepare some green tea for our guests who'll arrive in." He raised his right hand and extended three fingers, he counted down by tucking in his extended fingers one by one as the sound of knocking came from the front door.

Reiki let out a chuckle as Kanzei stared at him from top to bottom. Reiki said. "If you please, Kanzei-san." Kanzei gave him a nod and closed the door as he made his way toward the front door. He opened it revealing a girl wearing a black suit with short hair along with a black car parked on the side. Akemi said. "E-Excuse me…" She peeked inside the room behind Kanzei and looked around, Akemi continued. "I'm Hana Akemi. Reiki should be expecting me." Kanzei flashed her a warm smile and gestured inside, he said. "Ah, yes. The young master said he was expecting a couple of visitors today. Please, come in." Akemi let out a soft sigh of relief and gave him a nod, she said. "Pardon the intrusion."

Akemi walked in and looked around the room as she tried to hide the surprise in her eyes, she thought. Maybe… Maybe his plan will work… She saw Kiru with disheveled hair while wearing pajamas watching tv as she let out a small yawn and covered her mouth. Kiru turned her head to look at Akemi as she gave her an amiable smile and said. "Good morning." Akemi was surprised for a split second before she gave her a slight bow and said. "G-Good morning." Akemi thought. It's almost eight… Kiru's gaze wandered from top to bottom before it stopped on Akemi's ample butt, Kiru thought. Secretary. Kiru pointed at the door and said. "He's over there." Akemi gave her a nod as she made her way to the door Kiru pointed to and opened it.

Akemi saw Reiki standing in front of the large wooden desk with a few books either stacked on top of each other or scattered around the desk. He was holding onto a book reading while Akemi caught herself staring and came back to her senses, she said. "Hey, Reiki." Kiru rolled her eyes at him and thought. He earned one of those oscars. Reiki moved his gaze from the book and said. "Kanzei-san, did you already…" Akemi waved at him and said. "Hello." He stared at her for a moment and said. "Akemi-san, correct?" Akemi was taken back for a moment as she was about to say something when Reiki let out a chuckle. He continued. "I'm joking."

The corner of Akemi's eye twitched while she made her way inside, closed the door behind her, and looked around the room. Akemi said. "Impressive collection." Reiki closed the book he was holding and placed it on one of the stacks on the desk, he said. "It calms my mind." The sound of knocking cane from the other side of the door as Kanzei opened it from the outside while he was holding a silver tray with one hand. Kanzei pointed at the entire tea set on the tray, he said. "Akemi-san, if you please." He made his way inside while he picked up one of the teacups by coaster and passed it to her.

Akemi took it off his hand using both of hers, she said. "Thank you." Kanzei rummaged through his pocket on the side of his pants as he took out a liter of milk and gave it to Reiki. Kanzei said. "Young master." Reiki took it off his hands and said. "Thanks." Kanzei made his way out of the room and carefully closed the door. Akemi took a blow on her cup of tea a couple of times and took a sip, she thought. It's good… Reiki took out his tattered pouch and placed the milk inside, he said. "Can I assume you're here to tell me your answer?" Akemi stared at the green liquid in her cup, she said. "What would happen if I said no?"

Reiki crossed his arms and said. "Nothing." Akemi's brows furrowed, she moved her gaze onto him and said. "Nothing?" Reiki nodded at her, he said. "Yeah, the plan will continue with someone else." Akemi moved her gaze back on her tea and stared at the reflection on the surface as a hint of conflict appeared in her eyes. Akemi deeply inhaled as a resolute expression, she confidently said. "I'll try my best." Reiki acted surprised as he spread his arms while his eyes widened as a smile formed on his face paired with a wrinkle on the corner of his eye. He said. "That's great then." Akemi took a sip from her teacup, she pretended to look around the room and said. "Just out of curiosity… I'm option one… Right?..." 

Reiki shook his head sideways and placed his hands back to his side, he blandly said. "No, you were the last pick…" Akemi was stunned for a moment as a smile formed on his face, Reiki said. "I'm messing with you, they preferred it if you were the secretary." Akemi let out a soft humph and said. "Just because you're the messenger doesn't mean you can play tasteless jokes on adults." Reiki waved his hand at her, he said. "I just wanted to lighten the mood, the last time we talked you were a complete train wreck." A faint blush appeared on Akemi's cheeks as she faked a cough and covered it with her left hand while she held the coaster with her right. Akemi said. "That is a secret between us and will be taken to our graves."

Reiki rolled his eyes at her and said. "I'll never understand why girls are so obsessed with their image." Akemi raised her left hand threateningly as her eyes narrowed, she said. "I'll discipline you, don't think just because we met I won't do it." He let out a mocking chuckle and pointed at her, Reiki said. "You hit me and my Onee-chan will own you." Akemi remembered Kiru who she met sitting on the couch, she thought. How does he have an older sister who can cast lightning and ice… She took a sip of her tea as she swallowed and said. "You told me the end goal of your plan… How do we start?" Reiki picked up the same book he placed on the desk, he said. "Wait three hours." Akemi looked at him oddly and said. "What?"


Outside The House

A red vehicle parked behind a black car as a woman with slightly pale skin made her way out of the red car. She wore a traditional Japanese kimono, Chishiki stared at the black car and thought. I should've dropped by earlier… She moved her gaze and saw Kiru's large modern home and thought. That's what I'll call a house. Chishiki made her way to the front and opened the window gate that reached up to her hips while she walked toward the front door and knocked. The door opened from the inside as she saw Kanzei, Chishiki said. "Yuno Chishiki, I believe my appointment with Reiki is today."

Kanzei made way and gestured for her to come inside, he said. "Young master already told me about your arrival." Chishiki gave him a nod, she said. "I'll be intruding." She walked in and looked around the luxurious room. Chishiki saw Kiru who still hadn't moved away from the couch with disheveled hair. Chishiki thought. Ice and lightning… Kiru turned her head to look at as she flashed Chishiki a smile and said. "Good morning." Chishiki smiled back at her and said. "Good morning." Kiru made herself comfortable on the couch and said. "I'm guessing you're here to meet Reiki." Chishiki gave her a nod and said. "Yes, I am." Kanzei made his way to the door as he opened it and walked inside.

Kanzei closed the door behind him and saw Akemi sitting in one of the armchairs near the back reading a book while Reiki sat in the office chair doing the same. Kanzei said. "Young master, your second guest has arrived." Reiki flipped through the next page and said. "Tell her I'm busy with someone." Akemi gave him a side glance while Kanzei said. "When should I let her in?" Reiki didn't even take his eyes from the book, he said. "Call her after three hours have passed. No need to come back inside the room." Kanzei nodded at him as he turned around, opened the door, and made his way out.

Kanzei closed the door behind him as he made his way toward Chishiki who was admiring one of the paintings hanging on the wall. Kanzei said. "My apologies but, the young master is currently busy with someone with a prior appointment. He told me it should not take long, so please." He gestured at the couch Kiru was sitting on and continued. "Feel free to make yourself home and take a seat." Chishiki glanced at the door Kanzei walked out and moved her gaze back onto him, she said. "I see…"

Chishiki let out a sigh and thought. The kid knows how to hold a grudge. She said. "I don't mind waiting for a few minutes." Chishiki made her way to the couch and sat at a respectful distance from Kiru who was watching a soap opera. Chishiki took out her smartphone from her pocket as she turned it on and tapped it a few times. She tapped on the clock app and placed it on a timer and pressed start. Chishiki placed her phone beside her on the couch as she watched the soap opera with Kiru.

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~Three Hours Later~

Chishiki glanced at her phone beside her as it was about to reach the three-hour mark. The moment it reached three hours, Kanzei appeared behind the couch and said. "Young master is ready to see you now." Chishiki pocketed her phone and slowly stood up from the couch, she thought. I wasn't even offered tea… She made her way to the door on the right side of the room and opened it. Chishiki saw Akemi standing in front of the large wooden desk with Reiki sitting on the office chair. He said. "Chishiki-san, it's nice of you to join us."

Akemi and Chishiki observed each other from top to bottom as the two girls made eye contact. Chishiki gave the room a quick scan and saw an empty teacup on the round wooden table beside the armchair, she thought. She's been here the whole time… Akemi thought. So she's supposed to be my new boss… Reiki made himself comfortable on the office chair, he said. "Chishiki-san, meet your new secretary." He gestured at Akemi and moved his hand toward Chishiki, Reiki continued. "Akemi-san, meet the CEO of the company."

Chishiki stood on her left as Akemi gave her a nod and said. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Chishiki moved her gaze onto him, she indifferently said. "CEO? What makes you so sure I'm not here to turn you down?" Reiki smirked at her and said. "Then why wait three hours?" Akemi had a confused look on her face as she moved her gaze on Chishiki and Reiki. Akemi said. "Am I missing something here?..." Chishiki glared at him while Reiki flashed her a smile, Chishiki said. "I made him wait three hours when he came to recruit me."

Reiki spread his arms, he said. "I don't know why you're so angry. You wasted my time, I waste yours, in my book we're even." Chishiki's gaze narrowed while Akemi awkwardly coughed and said. "Um… Chishiki-san, since he's only trying to get even, I think you two should bury the hatchet." Chishiki took a big breath, she said. "Fine… But in exchange I want you to guarantee me that ten percent share." Reiki placed his hands on the armrest of the office chair and said. "Done." Chishiki was stunned for a moment, she said. "T-That's it?..." Reiki gave her an odd look and said. "Yeah."

Akemi placed her hands on the large wooden desk and said. "Speaking of money, you've never told me how much I'm getting paid. I get that you're a child and all but-." Reiki pointed at Chishiki and said. "Easy, the same as her." Akemi was stunned while Chishiki frowned and glanced at her from the corner of her eye. Chishiki said. "What kind of secretary gets paid the same amount as the CEO?" Reiki looked up to Chishiki and said. "The capable kind." Akemi came back to her senses while the frown on Chishiki's lips deepened before any of them could say anything. Reiki raised his hand and said. "Before the two of me bombard me with questions, let me ask mine for the time being."

Reiki looked up to the two women and waited for a few seconds before he moved his gaze onto Chishiki and said. "So, what did your investors say?" A hint of annoyance flashed in Chishiki's eyes for a moment before it disappeared, she said. "At the start they refused, but the moment I dropped the Fuka group-." Akemi's eyes widened in shock, she said. "Are you two insane?! What if there's secretly a fish near us?!" Chishiki turned her head and moved her gaze onto Akemi. Chishiki said. "All of them are dead." Akemi's eyes were filled with disbelief, she said. "H-How?... With their numbers and reach it should've hit the news."

Chishiki pointed at Reiki using her thumb, she said. "That's what I thought at first…" She glanced at him and moved her gaze back onto Akemi who was trying to process the information. Chishiki continued. "I spent a large amount on a trusted source and… From their smallest pond to the last sardine, they've been cleanly wiped out." Akemi glanced at him with a hint of fear on her face. Reiki rolled his eyes at them and said. "Can you not make it sound like it was all my doing?" The two girls moved their gazes onto him, Chishiki said. "Then who did?" Reiki let out a chuckle and said. "How many times do I have to remind you two? I'm just the messenger."

The two girls came to a sudden realization, they simultaneously said. "The elves did it?" Reiki pointed at them and said. "That is something that I cannot confirm nor deny." Akemi and Chishiki blankly stared at him for a moment while he waved his hand around and placed it back onto the armrest, Reiki continued. "The three of us are getting off-topic, Chishiki-san. Please continue." Chishiki came to her senses, she said. "In short, the investors want five million each." Akemi's lips formed into a slight frown as she crossed her arms, she said. "They want five million? From a dying potion shop that could barely scrape by?"

Chishiki glanced at her and blandly said. "At least I'm not dumb enough to mix business and pleasure." Akemi blushed and pointed at Chishiki and said. "I was dizzy and wasn't in the right mind! They must've put something in my drink." Chishiki moved her gaze onto the wall on her left, she said. "Then I'm guessing you're no longer a pure maiden." Akemi blushed even more as she stomped on the floor once, she said. "I still am! They don't have the courage because of-!" She stopped herself and cleared her throat, Akemi continued. "At least I don't have dozens of alchemists leaving from my company left and right." Chishiki nodded and glanced at her from the corner of her eye, she said. "Agreed, you prefer to let them go all at once under your nose."

Before the two girls could continue, Reiki faked a cough and said. "Five million, that's going to be a lot of money. How many investors are in your company?" Chishiki froze while a smirk formed on Akemi's lips. Reiki continued. "I think you told me you had eighty? That's four hundred million." A faint blush appeared on Chishiki's cheeks. Chishiki softly spoke and said. "... Even…" Akemi tilted her head sideways and spoke with a hint of mocking in her tone, she said. "What was that? We couldn't hear you." Chishiki turned her head to face him, she said. "There are only seven investors! Are you happy?!" Reiki raised his hand and said. "Quick question, have you two met each other before?"

Akemi glanced at Chishiki from the corner of her eye and said. "We've been invited to the same gathering here and there." Chishiki let out a hmph, she said. "Just say it how it is, in those gatherings we kept tabs on each other's business." Reiki thought. This is going to be easier than I anticipated. Akemi waved her hand in dismissal, she said. "Moving on, how are you going to pay for the thirty-five million she needs?" The two girls moved their gaze onto him and intently watched his every move. Reiki rummaged through his pocket and said. "I already have a solution." He took out his tattered pouch and placed his left hand inside it, Reiki continued. "Just give me a second to find it."

Reiki took out a large brown suitcase and placed the suitcase in the middle with the pouch beside it. He unlocked the suitcase and revealed it was filled with ten thousand yen bills, Reiki said. "This suitcase has thirteen million." Chishiki raised a brow and spoke with a hint of sarcasm in her voice, she said. "You expect us to pay the difference?" Reiki pushed the suitcase toward them and said. "Nope, this is for you two to share. That's six million five hundred thousand each." Chishiki's right hand blurred as she grabbed a stack of ten thousand bills and started counting, she thought. These are all freshly printed…

Akemi's gaze was glued onto the suitcase full of cash, she subconsciously gulped and said. "Is that an advance payment or?" Reiki picked up the pouch and started rummaging inside again, he said. "A good show of faith is what they told me." He glanced at the kimono she was wearing and continued. "Chishiki-san, you need a custom kimono worth at least five hundred thousand. Akemi-san…" Reiki moved his gaze onto Akemi's suit while he ignored the glare she was giving him. Akemi indifferently said. "You expect me to wear a pencil skirt?" He shook his head sideways and said. "How does a custom-tailored louis carbbermarche sound?"

Akemi paused for a moment as her lips formed into a smile as she immediately tried to suppress it, she said. "I-I'll think about it." Chishiki pocketed the stack of bills and slammed her hand onto the table, she said. "Wait a minute! How come she gets a ten thousand dollar jacket while I, the CEO, is stuck with a five hundred thousand yen kimono?" Reiki gave her an odd look and said. "Then splurge some more, it's your money." Chishiki blinked twice and said. "Oh yeah." Akemi grabbed a stack of bills from the suitcase and stared at it, she thought. It's authentic. The two of them were startled when Reiki suddenly said. "Found it." He took out a green pouch from his tattered pouch and started shaking it as platinum coins started piling up on top of the bills inside the suitcase.

Reiki shook the pouch a couple of more times and casually threw it. On top of the pile of platinum coins, he said. "We have some extra time, any questions before we continue?"

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