
Chapter 167: Chapter 167: House Hierarchy

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Mio, Yuki, Shiro, Ketsueki, and Reiki were sitting around the dining table. On the table were two large pizzas topped with bell peppers, jalapeno, and pepperoni. The four girls almost finished their plates as they watched Reiki consume large amounts of food. Ketsueki finished the fries on her plate and thought. Eight monster-size burgers, the one in his hands is number nine. Reiki always brings pizzas in pairs, he finished twelve pairs on his own. Mio was staring at him with disbelief all over her face.

Mio thought. How many calories does his body even need? Yuki used the pizza crust she was holding to mop the remains of a small round sauce container. It had honey lemon in it as she ate the crust, which she chewed the pizza crust. Yuki said. "Excuse me. Thanks for the meal." She reached her hand out to pick up her glass of water as she downed half of it in one go. Shiro ate the last bite of her burger as she wiped the corner of her lips with a napkin that had some cheese on it. Reiki reached out his hand to grab a slice of pizza on the table as he ate like a machine and devoured it at a steady pace.

Ketsueki emptied her glass of water as she placed it on the table, a smile formed on her lips and said. "How were the burgers?" Yuki's eyes sparkled as she excitedly said. "They were Huge! Nowhere as big as Reiki's burgers." She pointed at the tall and large four-patty burger on his plate that had bacon, lettuce, and melted cheese next to a mountain of fries. Yuki continued. "And they were unbelievably good!" Mio managed to pry her eyes away from Reiki's rhythmic eating, she stole glances at the food he was and said. "Agreed, I usually avoid burgers because of how greasy they are. I especially liked the avocado and sunny side egg topping."

Ketsueki reached to her plate and felt it was empty as she moved her gaze and saw that it was clean, she reached her hand to grab a fry from her little brother's plate. Ketsueki said. "You two don't have to make a big deal out of it." Shiro let out a giggle as she covered her mouth with her left hand and stretched her right hand to steal a few fries on Reiki's plate. He thought. You make it sound as if you cooked it yourself. Ketsueki reached her hand out pretending to steal more fries on his plate as she suddenly moved her hand onto his cheek and started pulling on it.

[System: User has received 84 Damage.]

Ketsueki pulled on her younger brother's cheek while Reiki gulped down the food in his mouth and said. "Onee-chan, what did I do this time?" Ketsueki sweetly smiled at him and said. "I get the feeling you thought of something rude about me." Yuki and Shiro laughed at his misfortune while Mio glanced at what was left of the pizza on the table. Mio thought. From how he's reacting, Reiki seems like he could eat another twenty-four plates of pizza. Ketsueki pulled on his cheek even more while Yuki pointed and laughed at him alongside Shiro who was lightly smacking the table.

Mio stood up from her seat, she said. "May I be excused from the table?" Yuki turned her head to face her friend while Shiro had her hands on her stomach as her laughter slowly died down. Yuki said. "Why?" Reiki and his older sister moved their gazes onto her while Ketsueki let go of his cheek. Mio said. "I have a few things to do today and-." Before she could finish, Ketsueki interrupted her and said. "At least stay for dessert." Shiro's eyes sparkled like stars while Yuki had a bit of uncertainty in her eyes. Yuki said. "I don't know how to feel about dessert, especially when we ate all that before dinner." Shiro let out a chuckle as she smiled at her friend and said. "You don't have the right to say that since you're the runner up for eating the most." Reiki picked up the monster size burger on his plate and started taking bites out of it.

Yuki patted her toned stomach through her shirt, she said. "That's because I need calories to keep my body going." She pointed at Reiki while Mio rolled her eyes and sat back down on her seat. Yuki thought. The only thing that surprised me was Reiki, from our game of catch and his bottomless stomach. Ketsueki grabbed a few more fries on her little brother's plate, she said. "Reiki, I know you haven't finished eating. But how about you bring out dessert for our little friends here." She ate the fries she took on his plate while Reiki gulped down a mouthful of burger, he placed it on his plate as he picked up a napkin to wipe his mouth and hands clean.

Shiro's gaze was glued onto him as her eyes were filled with expectation while Ketsueki lips curved into a victorious smile. Yuki had a hint of confusion in her eyes, she said. "What's happening?" No one answered her which made her pout while Mio's brows furrowed, she thought. I'll at least see what they have in store. Reiki took out his pouch from his pocket and placed his hands inside of it. He took out a rectangular wooden box which he placed in the middle of the dining table. Yuki's eyes widened in disbelief, she thought. That's-. Mio suddenly stood up from her seat as she placed her hands on the table, she said. "Elven choco!" Her eyes sparkled as her mouth formed into a dazzling smile as Reiki pocketed the tattered pouch.

Yuki and Shiro were stunned to see their friend like this while Reiki went back to eating his food on the plate. Ketsueki pointed at the two plates of pizza that had a few pieces left, she said. "Reiki, place the slices on your plate so we could make room for the main attraction." He quickly lifted the two plates and placed the few slices on his plate on top of the monster burger. Reiki stood up from his seat and said. "Feel free to help yourselves." He stacked the plates on his right hand as his left hand blurred as he took all the empty plates. Reiki made his way to the kitchen while saying. "Onee-chan, don't touch my fries." 

All the girl's gazes were glued onto the box of chocolates, Ketsueki cleared her throat and said. "Since there are two dozen pieces and four of us, we each get six." Shiro immediately raised her hand, she eagerly said. "Agreed!" Yuki stared at the chocolates with a hint of greed in her eyes, she said. "I'm in." Ketsueki nodded with a big smile on her lips, she said. "Since we've already come to a conclusion-." Shiro and Yuki moved their hands as they were about to pick up a piece of chocolate. Mio smacked her palm on the table which got all of their attention, she said. "Wait a second! There's five of us, Onee-san. We should wait for-." 

Ketsueki smirked at her and said. "Reiki is currently busy doing the dishes." Yuki, Shiro, and Ketsueki moved their gazes onto Mio which made her reel back. Mio took a deep breath to calm herself, she said. "We all understand how hard it is to get your hands on-." Reiki made his way from the kitchen as he dried his hands using his shirt, he said. "It's fine Mio, I have-." Ketsueki was suddenly standing in front of him as she had a sweet smile that sent a shiver down his spine. He took half a step back while his older sister placed a hand on his shoulder, Ketsueki said. "Reiki, how many do you have?"

Reiki completely froze as he looked up to his older sister, he said. "I-I have…" The corner of Mio's eye twitched, she thought. She was planning this from the start… Ketsueki turned her head sideways and gave the three young girls an amiable smile, she said. "Feel free to start without me." Yuki subconsciously gulped as she stiffly turned her head and moved her eyes onto the large box of elven chocolate. Yuki said. "L-Let's start." Shiro pretended her older brother wasn't in trouble and said. "Sure…" The two of them reached their hands out and picked up a piece of elven chocolate while Mio glanced at Ketsueki from the corner of her eye.

Yuki and Shiro took a bite of the chocolate as the two of them made expressions of pure bliss and enjoyed it. Mio picked up a piece with slightly trembling hands, she opened her mouth wide and took a big bite as she savored every moment. Ketsueki touched her little brother's cheek with her hand which made him flinch from the slightest touch, she said. "I'm not going to hurt you, Reiki." The sweet smile on her lips grew bigger, she continued. "Cat got your tongue?" Reiki subconsciously gulped and said. "... I only have twenty left…" The three girls sitting around the dining table froze as they glanced at him from the corner of their eye.

Ketsueki's eyes lit up as she reached her right hand out and said. "Give me your pouch." Reiki placed his hand in his pocket and took out his tattered pouch and handed it over to her. Ketsueki placed her left hand on top of her older brother's head, she continued. "I'll be sure to hide the boxes in a safe place." Yuki was holding onto a half-eaten piece of chocolate, she wiped her mouth with her thumb and spoke in a whisper. Yuki said. "Isn't this going to be bad for all of us?" Mio swallowed a mouthful of chocolate, she copied her friend and spoke in a whisper. Mio said. "I mean, we can't do anything. Onee-san rules the house with an iron fist."

The two of them moved their gazes onto Shiro who finished her second piece of chocolate. She noticed her friend's eyes on her and said. "We don't need to worry, regardless who 'wins' we still get chocolate." Mio and Yuki simultaneously thought. The youngest sibling is also scary in a way. The three of them went back to eating chocolate while glancing at Reiki and Ketsueki who were having a conversation. Ketsueki opened the pouch and placed her right hand inside, she said. "Thanks for your-." Her eyes had a hint of confusion as only her hand managed to fit inside it, she thought. It's the same pouch.

From the corner of her eye, she saw her little brother's mouth curved into a small smirk, Reiki said. "Did you forget, Onee-chan? Only I can use this pouch." Yuki's eyes had admiration in them, she thought. Retaliation! Reiki's not giving up without a fight! She threw the last bit of chocolate in her mouth while Mio's eyes had a hint of surprise in them. Mio thought. Oh? It would seem his rebellious phase came early. Ketsueki moved her hand out from the pouch as she looked down on her little brother, she said. "Reiki…" Shiro's eyes sparkled as she stared at her older brother in amazement, she thought. … Onii-chan… You're so cool-.

Ketsueki let go of the pouch she was holding as it slowly fell onto the floor, she lifted Reiki off the ground and put him in a headlock. Ketsueki spoke in a sweet voice and said. "Hand it over." Reiki tried to pry one of his older sister's arms around his neck, he thought. She's stronger than Arashi! He couldn't even make it budge while the three girls sitting around the dining table watched with blank expressions. Yuki, Mio, and Shiro simultaneously thought. Pretend that nothing is happening. The three of them reached out their hands and picked up a piece of chocolate.

Ketsueki slowly tightened her arms around his neck, she said. "Reiki, hand them over. While I'm still asking nicely." Yuki peeked at them from the corner of her eye, she moved her gaze back onto the dining table and thought. That's supposed to be you asking nicely? Reiki felt the back of his head touching his older sister's large chest, he thought. No matter how much I enjoy this, Onee-chan is not holding back on strangling me. He took a deep breath and barely managed to speak, Reiki said. "I-I'll give you… F-Five." Ketsueki let him go as he fell on the ground with a soft thud, he coughed a couple of times and turned around as he looked up to his older sister.

Reiki while trying to catch his breath, he said. "Five and not…" The atmosphere around him turned heavy as cold sweat traveled down his back, he continued. "N-Not a single more…" Ketsueki looked down on him as she glared at him to intimidate him. Shiro carefully stood up from her seat and took a single step heading toward the kitchen. Yuki grabbed Shiro's shirt with her left hand which made her stop, Yuki spoke in a whisper. "What are you doing?" Mio was holding a piece of elven chocolate with both her hands as she spoke softly

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Mio said. "Shiro, I don't think it's a good idea to grab your older sister's attention. Especially when the tyrant is in a bad mood." Ketsueki felt the sting of words while she glanced at them from the corner of her eye, she thought. I can hear you… Ketsueki moved her gaze back onto her younger brother, she said. "Give me nineteen." Shiro leaned lower as she glanced at her older sister and raised her hands to cover her mouth. Shiro said. "I'm planning on taking a few small plates from the kitchen."

Yuki's expression turned confused, she said. "Why would we need plates when we can use our hands?" Mio pointed at the ceiling, she said. "The second floor, you're planning on using the plates to put the chocolate on them and hide in your room." Shiro gave her friend a thumbs up while Yuki had a look of understanding as she placed a hand on her chin. Shiro said. "My thoughts exactly." Yuki glanced at Reiki who was being interrogated by his older sister, she said. "We can't just leave him here." Mio and Shiro gave Yuki a blank stare.

Mio and Shiro spoke in a bland voice and simultaneously said. "Would you rather take his place?" Yuki glanced at Reiki that was being head locked once again by Ketsueki as he struggled to even move her arms. Yuki moved her gaze onto Shiro and resolutely said. "Shiro, go. Our fate depends on those plates you get from the kitchen." Shiro gave her friends a nod as she quickly made her way to the kitchen. Ketsueki's lips formed into a slight frown as let go of him again as Reiki landed on the floor, she said. "Reiki, don't be stubborn."

He felt his neck using his hand and thought. I still have a use for these. Reiki looked up to her and said. "Onee-chan, I'm not being stubborn. You're just being unreasonable." Ketsueki gritted her teeth while Mio and Yuki moved their gazes on the dining table as they placed their hands on their lap. The two girls were nervous as they kept to themselves while Ketsueki's frown turned into a smile as her entire body was enveloped with a thin layer of mana. Ketsueki said. "Reiki… I don't think you understand the situation you're in."

Mio and Yuki glanced at each other, the two of them came to a mutual agreement as their eyes said. (Shiro's older sister is terrifying.) Shiro dashed from the kitchen as she was holding three mini plates with both of her hands as she quickly made her way to the dining table. Reiki's subconscious took a step back and raised his hands in case she tried to hit him, he said. "Onee-chan, d-don't forget these are mine not… Yours…" Ketsueki's pupils faintly glowed with mana while Shiro passed her two friends a plate each. 

Shiro didn't even whisper anymore and spoke with a hint of panic in her voice, she said. "Get your share and hurry!" Mio, Yuki, and Shiro picked up two pieces of chocolate and placed them on their plates. The three girls quickly made their way up the stairs leaving the two siblings in the living room. Ketsueki looked down on her little brother as her pupils shined brighter than the sun, she let out a sigh as the glow in her pupils dissipated. Ketsueki said. "Eighteen." Reiki wiped some cold sweat from his cheek, he said. "Six." The two of them stared at each other in silence, Ketsueki said. "We'll meet in the middle and go with ten."

He held his right hand out and said. "Deal." Ketsueki reached out her hand as the two of them shook on it, the two of them let go as Reiki took his pouch from his pocket. He rummaged inside the pouch while Ketsueki leaned down and moved her lips closer to her little brother's ear. Ketsueki spoke with a hint of allure in her voice and said. "Naughty boy, since when did you learn how to say no to me?" Reiki took out ten boxes stacked on top of each other that he held using both of his hands.

Ketsueki quickly took it off his hands as she held it with her left hand by the bottom, she said. "Now… Punishment for defying me." Reiki tried to take a step back as her older sister's right hand blurred as Ketsueki grabbed his shirt. She said. "Reiki, grit your teeth." A smirk formed on Ketsueki's lips as her right hand blurred.

[System: User has received 183 Damage.]


Shiro's Room

Yuki was sitting on the ground with her elbows on the edge of the bed along with the plate in front of her. Shiro sat by the head of the bed with her legs extended, her plate of chocolate was on her right as she hugged her pillow with both her arms. Mio sat by the edge of the bed with her legs crossed with her plate on her lap. Yuki picked up one of the chocolates on her small plate and said. "Mio, what's your homework-." She stopped as all three of them heard the sound of a young boy screaming at the top of his lungs from the first floor.

Shiro hugged her pillow even tighter while Mio glanced at the floor as she picked up one of the chocolates on her plate. Yuki looked down at the floor before she moved her gaze back onto her friends and continued. "Your parents assigned you this time?" Yuki took a big bite of the chocolate in her hands while Mio placed her piece of elven chocolate that had a bite on it onto her plate, she said. "It's-." The door suddenly opened which made them all tense as the three girls instinctively turned their heads at it.

They saw Reiki with a bruise on his right cheek that was almost completely healed, he flashed them a smile and said. "Hey, did I miss anything?" Shiro's eyes had a thin layer of water, she spoke with a hint of happiness in her voice and said. "Onii-chan… You're alive." He made his way inside and closed the door as he sat Yuki's left on the floor, Reiki said. "Don't make it sound like the punishment for defying our older sister is death." Yuki slightly moved her plate to the right, she playfully elbowed him and said. "Glad to see you didn't kick the bucket."

Shiro pouted at her older brother as she stared at the chocolate on her small plate, she said. "I wasn't worried about you, Onii-chan. Not even a tiny bit!" He rolled his eyes at her and said. "Sure you weren't." The three girls ate their sweets while Reiki continued. "When I was outside I heard the word homework. Didn't you three already finish?" Yuki gulped down a mouthful of chocolate, she looked at Shiro and said. "Should you tell him or should I?" Shiro poked a piece of chocolate using her index finger, she said. "I'll do it. Mio has homework from her parents."

Reiki moved his gaze onto Mio who already finished both her elven chocolate, she said. "I have to alter an inscription, I have to complete it before coming back home." A faint smile formed on his face, he said. "Can I see it? I might be able to lend you a hand." Mio thought. I doubt he'd be able to help, but I'll be nice. She took out a piece of paper folded in half and passed it to Yuki who ate the last bit of chocolate as she passed the paper to Reiki. Shiro looked at her older brother with anticipation in her eyes while Yuki looked up to him with expectation. 

Mio gave him a polite smile while Reiki unfolded the paper and thought. Oh, it's just a one-time use fireball inscription… The quality of it is even worse compared to the one I saw at the elves. He held the paper with his left hand and extended his right hand, Reiki said. "Do any of you have a pen?" Yuki and Shiro simultaneously turned their heads onto Mio who was about to place her hand in her pocket. Shiro smiled at her while Yuki let out a snicker as she took the pen off her friend's hand and passed it to Reiki.

He took the pen from Yuki and thought. Are their pockets also enchanted? Reiki looked at Mio, he said. "Is that also enchanted?" Mio shook her head, she said. "No, I had that in my pocket the whole time." He took off the cap as Reiki's right hand blurred while the three girls watched him work. Reiki folded the piece of paper and passed it to Mio, he said. "Done." Mio took it off his hands as he unfolded it and saw what was inside, she thought. I can always use the-... Her eyes turned serious all of a sudden as she moved the paper closer to her eyes.

Yuki passed the empty plate to Reiki which he placed on the floor on his left, Yuki said. "I'll never understand those inscriptions, in my eyes they all look like a bunch of adults playing with scribbles." Shiro held the last piece of elven chocolate in her hand as she passed the empty plate to her older brother, she said. "I think it was a fire-type inscription." Reiki took the plate off her little sister's hand and picked up the one he placed on the floor, he stood up and said. "Yuki, can you pass me Mio's plate?"

Shiro was munching on her last piece of chocolate while Reiki held a small stack of plates and said. "Now that I have the plates, I have no reason to be here-." Mio looked up to Reiki with awe in her eyes, with a hint of blush on her cheeks from embarrassment, she said. "Um!... Can we talk about the inscription?..." Yuki's mouth widened as she looked at her friend in disbelief while Shiro dropped her chocolate onto her bed as she froze.

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