
Chapter 168: Chapter 168: Contract

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Reiki was holding onto three mini plates stacked on each other with his left hand. He stood beside Yuki who was sitting on the floor as the two of them were beside the bed. Shiro was pouting as she stared at the half-eaten piece of elven chocolate she was holding. He said. "It's as simple as that." Mio was attentively listening to him with a serious expression on her face, she thought. Simple? He just altered an inscription to the point you can even call it an entirely new one… Yuki tilted her head sideways with her arms crossed, she had her eyes closed and suddenly opened them and said. "I don't get what just happened but… Reiki did something amazing, right?"

Shiro took a bite of the chocolate in annoyance while Mio pointed at her friend using the piece of paper she was holding. Mio said. "Amazing? If I show this to my parents they could show this to the public and it would create an uproar!" Shiro ate the last bit of chocolate while she let out a soft hmph and turned her head to stare at a wall. Yuki looked at her friend in confusion, she said. "Why would you show it to your parents?" Mio turned the piece of paper toward Yuko showing her the two inscriptions side by side. One of them was written down using ink and a brush while the other was drawn using a pen.

Mio continued. "I don't think you're seeing the prospect of this-." Yuki interrupted her and blandly said. "No, I don't think you're seeing things. What happens when your parents ask." Yuki exaggerated a fake cough and said. "Demands." She faked another cough and continued. "Excuse me. You to alter another one? Are you going to ask Reiki to make it? Last time I checked mages are dead the moment they hand over their research." Yuki gave Mio a piercing stare as she waited for her response. Mio faltered as she thought for a moment and opened her mouth to say something.

Shiro's expression turned serious as she stared at her friend, she said. "Mio, Onii-chan didn't even say anything about giving you the inscription." Mio's grip on the piece of paper tightened, she looked at the inscriptions on it as the atmosphere in the room turned heavy. Reiki coughed which got all three girls' attention, he said. "I gave her the inscription-." Shiro turned her head and looked at her older brother and saw the relaxed expression on his face. Shiro said. "Onii-chan!" Yuki had a slight frown on her mouth, she looked up to him and said. "Reiki, I think-."

His left hand blurred as Reiki placed a hand on top of Yuki's head, he let out a sigh and said. "How about you two let me finish?" He made Yuki's unkempt hair even messier by rapidly giving her head pats which Shiro stared at with a hint of envy. Mio moved her gaze from the inscription and gave Reiki a look of confusion, he said. "I gave it to Mio for her to study." A look of realization dawned on Yuki and Shiro while Mio's eyes had a hint of hope in them. Reiki continued. "I said I would help her with her 'homework', not do it for her. She can use the inscription as a reference."

He raised his left hand that was holding the plates and continued. "Now, I'm going to do the dishes and eat my burger that has probably gone cold by now." Reiki flashed them a smile and said. "You three better make up when I'm gone." He made his way out of the room while Shiro grabbed the edge of the blanket and tugged on it as a hint of guilt slowly formed on her face. Yuki placed a hand behind her head as an awkward smile formed on her mouth, she forced out a chuckle. Reiki closed the door behind him as the sound of footsteps became fainter. Yuki said. "Mio, I'm sorry about my snarky comment about your parents."

Shiro took a deep breath as a look of resolution appeared on her face, she said. "I'm also sorry about stepping over the line." Mio hastily waved her hands and said. "I-It's fine, I was so surprised by the inscription that it took me completely off guard." The three of them stayed silent for a moment as they smiled at one another and burst into laughter. Yuki wiped a tear from her eye as Shiro was repeatedly hitting the bed with her two feet while Mio was clutching her stomach. The laughter slowly died down, Mio let out a chuckle and flashed a smile at Shiro. Mio said. "Shiro, how come you never told us about your brother?"

Yuki nodded in agreement and said. "Yeah, with a brother like that I'd make sure that the whole world knew him." Shiro gave her two friends a blank look and said. "Every time I tried to talk about him you two would change the topic." Yuki and Mio's eyes widened as they simultaneously thought. That's because we thought you had a brother complex… Yuki faked a cough and said. "H-How about you tell us more about him?"


Living Room

Reiki made his way down from the second floor as he looked around and saw Ketsueki sitting on the couch with a large plate of fries on the coffee table. He thought. This is what I get from taking too long. He turned his head toward the dining table and saw his plate with a slice of pizza, a small hill of fries along with his monster burger. Reiki made his way to the table and was about to say something when his older sister suddenly spoke. Ketsueki said. "Good job, Reiki." She had a smile on her face as she reached for a couple of fries. A smile formed on Reiki's face as he pulled back a chair and sat down, he said. "Onee-chan, I drew a bath so it should be ready in a few minutes."

Without turning around Ketsueki waved her hand at him and said. "I'll finish my fries off first, let Shiro and her friends go ahead." Reiki devoured the food on his plate, he wiped his mouth using the back of his hand and gulped down a mouthful of food. While he stood up from his chair Reiki grabbed his plate and said. "I'll tell them after I do the dishes." Ketsueki flipped through the channels with the remote she was holding with her left hand, she kept her eyes on the tv and said. "Leave the plate there, I'll do the last two dishes after I finish."

He stopped for a moment and placed the plate on the table, Reiki said. "Thanks, Onee-chan." He made his way upstairs while his older sister grabbed a couple of fries from the plate on the coffee table. Ketsueki closed her eyes as she listened to the sound of her younger brother's footsteps as a smile formed on her lips. She made herself comfortable on the couch as she moved the plate to the side of the coffee table and placed both her feet on it. Ketsueki let out a relaxed sigh and looked at the ceiling as she faintly heard the sound of a door being opened, she said. "Maybe I should've asked for a massage to help loosen me up…"


Shiro's Room

Reiki looked in the room and saw Yuki and Mio laying down futons next to each other on the ground while Shiro was hugging her pillow watching her friends. The three girls moved their gaze onto him, Yuki tossed down a pillow onto her futon and said. "I call dibs on taking a bath first!" She ran toward the wooden closet and opened it as Yuki took out her grey backpack, a mischievous smile formed on her face as she glanced at Reiki blocking the doorway. Yuki turned to face him and was about to sprint at full speed when Reiki suddenly took a step to the right making way for her.

Yuki pouted at him as her cheeks puffed up, she stomped the floor once in anger and said. "Reiki, you're no fun." She let out a soft hmph and walked out of the room while Mio and Shiro giggled at their defeated friend. He placed a hand on top of Yuki's head as she walked past him, Reiki caressed her head and said. "Which one of you is going to be last?" Mio neatly arranged her futon on the ground and straightened the pillow Yuki threw on her friend's futon. Mio said. "I would like to go second." She made her way toward the closer that was left open as she took her side bag from in it and closed it, Mio continued. "I can this time to study the inscription you gave me before going to bed."

Mio and Reiki turned their heads onto Shiro, Mio said. "Are you fine with going in last, Shiro?" Shiro gave her friend a nod while she played with the pillow in her arms, she said. "I don't mind." Reiki said. "Shiro, make sure to not drain the bath after you. Onee-chan is going last." Shiro covered her mouth with her hand as she let out a yawn, she said. ".. Yes, Onii-chan." A smirk formed on his face while Mio gave him an odd look from the corner of her eye, she thought. What is he-? Before she could finish her thought, Reiki said. "Shiro, do you need me to-." Shiro's entire face became red from embarrassment as she threw the pillow at him.

Her older brother closed the door as the pillow hit the door as it fell onto the floor, Shiro said. "Onii-chan!" Mio looked at her blushing friend with puzzlement all over her face.


Arashi's Apartment

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 6,250.』

Reiki appeared by the window holding onto his tattered pouch with his right hand, he saw Asami sitting in the middle of the couch watching tv. Reiki said. "Where's the spoiled princess?" He made his way toward the couch while he placed his left hand in the pouch and held it with his right hand. Asami kept her eyes on the show and said. "She's taking a shower." Reiki took out two large plastic tupperware and placed them on the coffee table, he said. "You two already ate?" Asami leaned on the backrest of the couch and glanced at him, she said. "Unfortunately, yes. One of my vassals dropped by and reported to me. They also brought some food with them."

Reiki gave her a nod and tapped on the lid of the plastic tupperware, he said. "Well, here's some dessert." He took off the lid using one hand and picked up a brownie and handed it to her. Asami took it off his hands as she stared at it and said. "You're going to ask me?" He let out a chuckle and said. "Can you do me a small favor and stop her from joining my training tomorrow?" Asami took a small whiff of the brownie and looked at him, she said. "Why? Are you finally fed up with her?" Reiki let out a chuckle and said. "No, not yet, surprisingly. My little sister has a friend who's going to train early so I would appreciate being spared a massive headache." Asami took a bite of the brownie she was holding, she thought. Good as always.

Asami's lips turned into a mysterious smile as she swallowed and said. "Sure, but don't forget. You owe me two whole favors now." Reiki rolled his eyes at her and said. "Two small favors, don't try to make it sound like I owe my life." He made his way to the window and casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 6,250.』


Reiki's Room

Reiki appeared by the window as he looked around the room with the light turned on. He made his way to the switch beside the door and turned the light off. Reiki let out a yawn and thought. Let's see… The credit card is on its way tomorrow… I still need to forge Onee-chan's signature… And lastly, I need to figure out where Cherry is before dropping by at the elves… He let out another yawn and made his way to his bed and sat on the edge. Reiki took off the white indoor slippers as he laid down on the bed, he looked at the ceiling and stared at it before closing his eyes.

His eyes suddenly opened as he sat up straight on the bed, Reiki thought. The contracts… He let out a stressed sigh and stood up from the bed and put on the white indoor slippers. Reiki made his way to the window and casted. Flash.

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『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 6,250.』


Arashi's Apartment

Reiki appeared by the window and saw Asami sitting in the middle of the couch with Arashi sitting on the leftmost side. He made his way toward them and said. "Asami-san, can I borrow a laptop and a printer?" Asami turned her head to look at him from top to bottom, her lips curved into a smirk, and said. "I'll lend those to you, in exchange for a small favor." The two of them started a staring contest while they ignored Arashi who was stiffly sitting on the couch. Arashi gulped and said. "L-Lil Bro I think you should-." Before she could finish, Reiki suddenly said. "Fine." The two of them were completely caught off guard while he rubbed the back of his neck, Reiki thought. I'm too tired to play a game of words with her.

Asami took out a pouch from her pocket and tossed it at him, she said. "The laptop and printer are already paired via bluetooth, so all you need to do is turn it on." Reiki thought. Laptops have usable bluetooth this year? He caught it mid-air and pocketed it and gave her a nod as he turned around and walked to the window. Reiki let out a yawn without bothering to cover his mouth, he said. "You can stop now, you're scaring our little spoiled princess." Asami glanced at Arashi from the corner of her eye. Arashi instantly felt nervous as she moved her gaze onto the coffee table. Reiki reached the window and casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 6,250.』


Reiki's Room

Reiki appeared by the window as he took a couple of steps and thought. Two contracts coming right up-. His brows furrowed as he suddenly felt a slight headache.

[System: User is experiencing minor mana drawback.]

He continued his train of thought. That's weird. Ender suddenly said. [It's mana deviation.] Made his way to the light switch that was near the door and turned it on, he thought. Is this similar to the pouch having so many names? Reiki made his way to the workbench that was placed at the corner of the room. Ender said. [More or less just like how 'gods' are called by countless things. Higher being, deity, supreme, divine, and my favorite which I proved wrong. Immortals.] He took out the pouch Asami gave him as he placed his hand inside of it and rummaged through it.

Reiki took out a silver laptop that didn't have a logo on it and placed it on top of the workbench, he thought. While we're on the topic of names, who was the idiot that gave it a nickname bag of holding? He flipped the top and saw the screen and he turned the laptop on, he thought. Ender?... You there?... He let out a long sigh as he closed his eyes and gently rubbed them using his fingers, Reiki said. "Hopefully I could get a couple of hours of rest…"

~Four Hours Later~

Reiki was putting a printer back into the pouch Asami lent him, he thought. She even lent me a stapler, how thoughtful. He placed the laptop inside followed by a black stapler as he casually threw the pouch onto the workbench that landed on one of the two contracts. He fanned an inch's worth of pages using his thumb and spoke in a whisper. "It took me a while but they should have no objections…" He let out another sigh and continued. "... Might as well get started on exercising since it's an hour before midnight…" He stood up from his seat as he stretched his limbs and made his way to the closet.

~Six Hours Later~

Reiki was standing by the side of the front door while the doorknob turned and opened as Yuki who was wearing a thick black cotton shirt with grey jogging pants paired with sports shoes. Yuki didn't notice him as she closed the door and did some light stretches, a smirk formed on Reiki's face. He moved his head closer as he softly blew on Yuki's beck which made her scream at the top of her lungs. Yuki placed a hand on her beck with a faint blush on her cheeks as she turned around and saw Reiki smiling at her. He said. "Morning." Yuki stared at him for a moment before she rained a barrage at first at him.

[System: User has received 21 Damage.]

[System: User has received 38 Damage.]

[System: User has received 42 Damage.]

[System: User has received 50 Damage.]


The blush on Yuki's cheeks slowly faded as she noticed her knuckles were wet, she thought. What the… She looked at his clothes and saw that he was soaked in sweat and noticed a puddle of sweat on the ground from the corner of her eye. Reiki let out a chuckle and said. "What's your regimen?" Yuki looked up to him and said. "J-Jogging is the first thing I do." He thought. It's a good thing I already did most of my training including the sword swings. Reiki said. "You won't mind if I join, right?" Yuki's eyes lit up, she excitedly said. "No! I wouldn't mind at all!" Reiki walked toward the street with Yuki who was skipping behind him with a big smile on her face.

He pulled on the collar of his shirt soaked in sweat and said. "Let's start." Reiki sprinted down the street at full speed while Yuki was beside him, he thought. Impressive. Yuki looked up to him and said. "Not bad."

~Thirty Minutes Later~

Reiki and Yuki ran back to the front of the house. Yuki's thick black shirt stuck to her small frame as she used the sleeve to wipe the sweat on her face, she looked up to him and thought. His breathing became steady. Reiki let out one long exhale, he said. "What's next?" Yuki tried to control her breathing and said. "I-I do a hundred push-ups, sit-ups, and squats." He gave her a nod and said. "Let's finish strong." Yuki subconsciously took a step back seeing the smile on his face, she said. "W-What do you mean?"

~One Hour Later~

Yuki was lying on the ground with a small puddle of sweat around her while her legs and arms were visibly shaking. Between her gasps for air she said. "Y-Your… A… Demon…" Reiki let out a chuckle as he extended his hand at her and said. "Get up and take a bath, leave your clothes inside the bathroom and I'll do the laundry." Yuki grabbed his hand and used it to pull herself off the ground, a faint blush appeared on her cheeks. She said. "... Um…" A smirk formed on his face, Reiki said. "What? You don't want anyone to know the animal on your underwear?"

The blush on Yuki's turned redder, he thought. Here I thought Shiro was a late grower. Reiki let out a chuckle and said. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." Yuki grabbed the end of her shirt and gripped it as sweat dropped onto the ground. Reiki took off his shirt revealing his pasty and toned body as he wrung it as a large amount of sweat fell onto the ground. Yuki stared at the amount of sweat that came from his shirt while Reiki continued to wrung his shirt and said. "Enough stalling, Yuki. I still have to make breakfast."

Yuki's eyes lit up like stars, she said. "What's for breakfast?!" He glanced at her from the corner of his eye and gave her a smirk, Reiki said. "A lot of delicious food." Yuki wiped some drool on the corner of her mouth, she said. "I-It can't be helped then. I don't want everyone to go hungry because we took too long." Yuki tried to walk with her two feet that were slightly shaking with each step she took. Reiki put his shirt back on while Yuki opened the door and left it slightly ajar for him. He whispered to himself and said. "Now… Onee-chan's signature… Hopefully, her drowsiness will overtake her commonsense."

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