
Chapter 169: Chapter 169: Bedroom Talk

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Yuki, Mio, and Shiro were sitting around the dining table. On top of the table were half a dozen large plates, one of them had four tall stacks of pancakes. Bacon, sunny side up eggs with half of them being scrambled, dark golden hash browns, sausages, and french fries. The food on the plates was piled up high and looked like it could fall onto the table at any moment. Yuki stared at the food on the table as if she was a dog that's been told to sit while her eyes sparkled. Mio's eyes were wide as they were filled with anticipation, she thought. Everything looks so good. Shiro was fidgeting on her seat while she impatiently waited for her older brother, she turned her head toward the kitchen and said. "Onii-chan! Hurry up!" Reiki walked from the kitchen while carrying a large bowl of mixed berries.

He had a towel around his neck while he made his way to the dining table and placed the bowl of mixed berries on the table, he said. "You three can start, I'll wake up Onee-chan." Yuki moved her slightly damped hair that was sticking to her forehead to the side and excitedly said. "Itadakimasu!" Mio and Shiro followed her and simultaneously said. "Itadakimasu." The three girls started placing food on their plates using a serving spoon while Reiki made his way to the second floor, he said. "Mio, watch over these two and make sure they eat some berries. Don't worry about the food, I made plenty so eat up." He made his way up the staircase and reached the second floor as he walked down the short hallway while he took his tattered pouch from his pocket.

From inside the pouch, he took out a couple of pieces of paper that were stapled together on the corner along with a pen. Reiki placed the towel around his neck in the pouch and pocketed it as he made his way to the door leading inside his older sister's room, he opened the door and went inside. He saw his older sister sleeping on the bed with the blanket over her body, Reiki walked toward her and placed the paper and the pen he was holding onto the nightstand. Reiki poked Ketsueki's left cheek a couple of times and said. "Onee-chan, wake up. Breakfast is ready." She didn't move a single muscle while her breathing was steady, Reiki thought. I know you're awake, Onee-chan. He poked her cheek one more time when Ketsueki moved her left hand and grabbed his wrist.

He said. "Onee-chan, if you're planning on sleeping in I'm going to eat." Reiki stood up and took a couple of steps away from the bed when he felt Ketsueki's grip on his wrist tighten. He thought. Bingo. He let out a sigh which he intentionally let her hear and made his way closer to the bed and squatted down. Reiki moved his face closer to Ketsueki's face and kissed her forehead, he said. "If you don't open one of your eyes, I'll leave." His older sister pretended to come awake as she drowsily tried to open her left eye. Ketsueki half-opened her left eye and glanced at her little brother, she said. "If you give me another kiss on my forehead. I might get up from the bed."

Reiki intertwined their fingers and said. "How about I do you one better?" He kissed his older sister on the cheek which she responded by closing her left eye letting out a long satisfied sigh as she wrapped her arms around him. The blanket on her fell off revealing the sports bra and shorts she wore underneath. Ketsueki tried to drag him into the bed while Reiki firmly placed his hands onto the frame, he said. "Onee-chan." She softly tugged on him while he let out a sigh and took off his indoor slippers. Ketsueki placed him beside her bed and hugged him as she positioned her face next to his. Reiki looked down at the sports bra her older sister was wearing and stared at her large breasts.

He tried to move his arms and hugged his older sister, closing the distance between them as Ketsueki's large chest pressed against him. Reiki positioned his arms behind her back and started a massage while her older sister let out a sigh dripping with contentment. With her eyes closed, Ketsueki said. "... Can't we just stay like this for the day?..." He slowly sat up straight along with his older sister who kept her eyes closed as she enjoyed the sensation on her back, Reiki said. "We could, but I'll end up starving." Ketsueki moved her head forward on the pillow closer to her little brother with their foreheads almost touching, she said. "And you're seducing me because-?"

Before she could finish her sentence she felt a strong wave of pleasure from her back coming from where her little brother's fingertips. Ketsueki hugged her little brother even closer as her entire body shivered in pleasure, she let out one long exhale and tried to calm down. Reiki thought. A little more. He continued to massage the back of his older sister and said. "I didn't want you to scare Shiro's friends." Ketsueki kept her eyes closed as she slowly moved her face closer to her little brother, she said. "And the real-?" Before she could blurt out a sentence Reiki suddenly leaned his head forward as she felt something soft touch her lips and enjoyed the kiss from him.


Living Room

The three girls were talking while eating breakfast, their plates were filled with food with slight differences. Mio's plate had a handful of mixed berries and looked like a balanced breakfast while Shiro and Yuki's plate had more bacon, sausages, and hash browns on them and no berries. Yuki used the back of her fork to smear butter on her pancakes, she glanced at the ceiling and said. "Don't you think they're taking too long?"

Mio used her fork to slice the three pieces of pancakes on her plate that were stacked on top of each other with syrup in between layers with some butter on the top. She said. "I think we should focus on our meal." Shiro awkwardly used the fork she was holding to scoop some scrambled eggs on her plate, she glanced at the ceiling and said. "I don't care if they take all day. More food for-." The three of them heard the sound of footsteps coming from the staircase and turned their heads toward the sound. Reiki made his way toward the dining table, he flashed them a smile and said. "How's breakfast going?"

Yuki simultaneously ate three pieces of bacon in one go as Shiro ate a slice of pancake with a copious amount of syrup. Mio was in the middle of trying to cut her pancakes into bite-size pieces, she said. "It's delicious." Ketsueki made her way down the stairs as she made her way to the dining table by the empty seat and sat down. She was in a bit of a daze as she blankly looked at the empty air in front of her, Shiro's brows furrowed as she looked up to her older sister and said. "Onee-chan?" Yuki and Mio gave Ketsueki odd glances from the corner of their eyes as they continued with their meal.

Ketsueki snapped back to her senses and quickly picked up a fork, she said. "I-I'm fine, a bit tired but I'll survive." She stabbed her fork onto an empty plate and stared at it for a moment. Shiro's eyes filled with suspicion while Ketsueki placed the fork down and picked up a serving spoon and started putting food on her plate. Shiro had a slight frown on her mouth and said. "Onee-chan!?" Yuki smirked and pointed at Shiro with her left hand using her thumb while Mio shook her head at Yuki. Reiki silently made his way to the kitchen and thought. That's my cue to leave. Ketsueki placed some mixed berries on her plate using a wooden spoon before going back into a daze.

Ketsueki came back to her senses and looked at her little sister with an odd look, she said. "What is it, Shiro?" She moved her gaze onto the spoon she was holding and continued. "You wanted some berries?" Yuki let out a laugh and stabbed a hash brown using her fork on her plate, she said. "She asked, why isn't Reiki eating with us?" Shiro stabbed a sausage on her plate, she said. "That's not-. Why isn't Onii-chan eating with us?" Ketsueki held the wooden spoon in her hand before she could say anything Mio raised her index finger which caught all of their attention. Mio said. "There are only four seats. Plus Onee-san hasn't even eaten yet so Reiki is in the kitchen making more."

Ketsueki nodded at her and said. "That's less or more it…" The three girls' eyes widened as they looked at her weirdly. Yuki, Shiro, and Mio simultaneously thought. Less or more? Ketsueki shook her head sideways and looked at the younger girls' plates, she picked up the bowl of mixed berries and said. "You two need to learn what a balanced diet is." She started placing roughly two handfuls of mixed berries onto Shiro and Yuki's plate. Yuki frowned at the berries on her plate, she poked a blueberry a couple of times while Shiro pouted and stabbed a strawberry and a raspberry using her fork. Ketsueki placed the wooden spoon in the bowl of mixed berries and started placing bacon, fries, sausages, and some eggs on her plate.

Ketsueki picked up her fork and used it to stab the yolk of an egg, she said. "You two better not act as if I just placed something inedible on your plates. Reiki put in a lot of effort into making breakfast so you two are obligated to eat it." Reiki walked out of the kitchen wearing a pink oven mitt in his right hand while holding onto a large cast-iron pan. He walked toward the dining table with a pair of tongs in his left hand while the pan was filled with sausages and bacon that was still sizzling. Reiki started placing them on the plates, he said. "Onee-chan, thanks for the help."

Mio used a pancake as a mop and used it to wipe the syrup off her plate, she chewed with her mouth closed and gulped and was about to say something. When Reiki placed some sausages and bacon on her plate straight from the pan he was holding, he said. "Mio, eat up. No need to be shy." He placed the tong in the empty pan and put his left hand on top of Mio's head, Reiki flashed her a smile and continued. "You're a growing girl so you need to make sure to eat your fill." Mio was taken back by the sensation of her head being caressed, she came back to her senses and said. "Y-Yes, I just wanted to refill my glass."

Yuki smirked and pointed at the glass of water near Mio's plate using the fork in her hands, Yuki said. "Oh, you mean that untouched glass?" Shiro stared at her older brother's hand that was on top of her friend's head in envy. Mio and Ketsueki moved their gazes onto the glass that hadn't even moved. Mio sat back down and crossed her arms and said. "I was talking about your glasses-!" She pointed at her friend's glass and saw it was the same as hers. Yuki started laughing while Ketsueki smiled at them and continued with her meal. Reiki made his way back to the kitchen and said. "You girls make sure to eat up. I'll be making more and everything left over is my job to finish off."

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~Forty-Five Minutes Later~

Reiki was sitting on a chair by the dining table surrounded by plates filled with a mountain of food. Ketsueki sat beside him as she watched her little brother look with an infatuated expression on her face. Shiro, Yuki, and Mio were sitting on the couch while watching tv. Reiki placed more food onto his plate and was about to pick up his fork when he heard something making his ears perk up, he thought. They're here. He picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth and stood up from his seat. Ketsueki looked at him with confusion, she said. "Reiki, you're already full?" The three girls glanced at the two of them from the corner of their eyes and listened in on their conversation.

Reiki shook his head and said. "No, I forgot to wipe my sweat from the front yard." He made his way to the front door leading outside while Ketsueki turned her head at him and pointed at the food on the table, she said. "Reiki, at least finish your meal first." Shiro's mouth turned into a frown as she grumpily hit the couch cushion she sat on. Yuki nodded as she crossed her arms and said. "It confirms my suspicions… The two of them had a serious fight and are acting nice-!" Mio slapped the back of Yuki's head which made her stop, Mio said. "Do you even understand what you're saying?"

Shiro let out a hmph as she grabbed the pillow beside her and put it in a headlock. Mio glanced at Ketsueki who was happily humming a soft tune to herself while sitting on a chair by the dinner table. Mio thought. I mean… Something happened between those two… But what could it be? For Onee-san's attitude to be like this?... Ketsueki picked up a fry and tossed it into her mouth while her little sister was trying to beat the stuffing out of a pillow. Yuki shook her head sideways, she said. "Shiro, don't just randomly start punching a pillow."

Mio raised a brow at Yuki and said. "That's a surprise coming from you-." Yuki grabbed the pillow she was leaning on the backrest and excitedly said. "You gotta put some weight to it, like this." She placed the pillow on her lap and threw a couple of quick jabs at it. Mio blankly stared at her friend and thought. Why did I even expect something from her…


Outside The House

Reiki walked toward Kiru's modern building across from his side as he made his way down the street to the left and took a left. He saw a black vehicle make a left turn and park on the street near him as the car window slowly went down. Chishiki sat on the right where the window was down while Akemi sat on the left with both her hands on the steering wheel. Reiki acted surprised as he placed a hand over his mouth, he said. "What. Brings. You. Two. Here?" The two of them stared at him in silence for a moment while Chishiki faked a cough and said. "You need some acting lessons."

Akemi turned her head toward him and nodded, she said. "Good to see you're doing well, Reiki." He let out a chuckle and moved his hand away from his mouth to his side, Reiki said. "You two should have a couple of things for me." Chishiki gave him an enigmatic smile and said. "You should also have our contracts." He let out a chuckle and took out his tattered pouch from his pocket, Reiki placed his hand inside the pouch and took out two contracts. They were about an inch thick as he passed it to her, Reiki said. "Here, feel free to read it at your leisure and complain to me if you see a problem."

Chishiki took it off his hand while he continued. "The top is for you while the bottom is for her." Chishiki passed the second one on the bottom to Akemi while the two of them started reading it. Reiki thought. Talk about work ethics. He moved closer to the car and grabbed the bottom of the open window and pulled himself up, Reiki said. "I know you two are excited and all, but can you gyarus read the contract someplace else?" The two of them ignored him and flipped through the next page with scrutinizing eyes.

Akemi flipped through the next page followed by Chishiki a few seconds after. Reiki extended his left hand and poked Chishiki's cheek, he said. "Hello? Anybody there?" Chishiki snapped back to her senses and felt his finger pressing on her cheek, she glanced at him from the corner of her eye and said. "What?" Reiki repeatedly drew circles on her cheek while adding pressure. Akemi flipped to the next page and said. "Pass him the card and the contract."

Chishiki placed the contract she was holding onto her lap and said. "Oh yeah." Reiki stared at their clothes and thought. I wonder how much they've splurged on delivery. Akemi was wearing a new black suit that had a similar texture to velvet as it reflected a faint light from the sun. Chishiki wore a simple plain white kimono with a simple yet elegant design with thin black edges to complement the color scheme. She placed her left hand into the sleeve of her right hand while Reiki thought. Is that silk? From her sleeve, Chishiki took out a mini envelope the size of a card and a contract as she passed it to him.

Reiki took the items off her hands and placed them in his tattered pouch, he waved at them and said. "After you two are done signing it, print yourselves a few copies and give me the original." He raised the contract he was holding and continued. "I'll get this signed and send you two a few copies as well." Reiki placed the items in his pouch while holding onto the side of the car. Akemi went back to the first page and placed it near her pocket as it was sucked inside, she turned her head to face him and said. "Where did you get this contract?"

Chishiki placed her contract inside of her right sleeve as she stared at Reiki who pocketed his pouch. He looked up to them and said. "The elves sent it to me to translate. That's the most clear and cut contract I've ever seen, with no play on words nor hidden meaning. If you two have any complaints about it you know where to find me." Akemi's lips curved into a slight frown she thought. Wait a minute, doesn't that mean-. Chishiki gave him a flattering smile and placed a hand on top of his head, she said. "What about my debt? You can't expect me to sell everything and-."

Reiki pretended to think, he said. "Use the company funds." Akemi's eyes widened in disbelief from what he said while Chishiki's eyes lit up as she made his unkempt hair even messier, she said. "Thanks for helping me out of my small situation-." Before she could finish Akemi managed to control herself from shouting, she said. "You two can't just use the funds however you want! It's entirely your fault you racked up the debt in the first place-!"

Reiki moved his gaze onto her and said. "How much debt do you have left?" Akemi gritted her teeth as a sweet smile formed on her lips, she pointed at him and said. "And you need to stop acting as if you-." Reiki interrupted her again and casually said. "I'm allowed to make this kind of decision." The two girls stared at him with disbelief, he continued. "Akemi, how much debt do you have left?" Akemi came back to her senses and stared at him for a few seconds, she said. "And it won't result in anything negative?" He gave her a nod while Chishiki moved her hand away from the top of his head with a hint of awkwardness.

Akemi placed her left hand on the steering wheel and tapped her finger on it, she said. "I'm shy by seven million yen." Reiki gave her a nod and said. "Take the difference from the funds. How many alchemists do you two have between you that stayed? Their ranks don't matter." Akemi and Chishiki glanced at each other before moving their gaze back onto him, Akemi said. "Five." Chishiki let out a chuckle as she made herself comfortable on the seat, she said. "Same." Reiki pretended to think for a moment and said. "Sometime next week, gather all of them so I can examine their capabilities." He let go of the side of the car and landed on the ground with a soft thud, Chishiki raised the window and stopped when Reiki tapped on the door as she lowered the window back down again. 

Reiki pulled himself up to the side of the car again, he said. "Can you two buy me a few things? Put it on my tab I'll be sure to pay it in full." Akemi turned the car off as the engine turned off. Chishiki gave her a look of confusion and said. "What's the matter with you?" Akemi raised her hand at her and said. "I'm wasting gas!" She suddenly turned back to normal and moved her gaze onto him, Akemi said. "What about the main problem? A hundred and sixty million is nowhere near enough capital for what we're doing." Reiki waved his hand at her and said. "Don't worry about that, I'm dropping by elven territory to make a report and pick up some money." He reached into his pocket and took out a paper folded in half and continued. "Here's my number."

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