
Chapter 178: Chapter 178: Night visit

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Ketsueki was standing by the front door seeing Namida and Sachi out. Namida gave Ketsueki a half-assed salute by pacing her index and middle finger by the edge of her eyebrow, she said. "The food was delicious." Ketsueki crossed her arms making her large chest press against each other, she rolled her eyes at them and said. "Now stop dropping by my house just because you two want some elven chocolate." Sachi gave Ketsueki a sweet smile and said. "We've known each other for our entire life. I don't get why you're so stingy over a small wooden box."

Ketsueki let out a chuckle and said. "Ah yes, nothing like giving my two friends food that's worth thousands of platinum for free." The smile on Sachi's lips grew bigger, she said. "Now that's the benevolent leader we know and love." Ketsueki gave her a deadpan look while Namida let out a laugh, she opened the door as she made her way out of the house and leaned on the doorway. Sachi blew Ketsueki a kiss as she visibly shivered and looked at her friend in disgust, Sachi said. "Until next time." Ketsueki glared at her and said. "Do that again and I'll blow your face off."

Namida stood up straight and made way for her friend while Sachi made her way outside. Namida lazily waved at Ketsueki and said. "See you at work tomorrow." Sachi closed the door from the outside while Ketsueki hugged herself in comfort and thought. Sadistic freak, the last thing I needed was to imagine you with one of your clients. Shiro walked toward her older sister while holding onto a slice of pepperoni pizza, she pulled on her older sister's shirt and said. "Onee-chan, when are Namida-nee and Sachi-nee going to visit again?"

Ketsueki placed her hands behind her head and stared at the door leading outside, she said. "Hmm… I wonder…" Shiro looked up to her older sister with expectation in her eyes. Ketsueki turned her upper body sideways and looked down on her younger sister, she said. "Shiro, you just want to eat more sweets." Shiro failed to keep a straight face and panicked as she looked around the room and said. "O-Onii-chan is taking his time doing the dishes." Reiki walked away from the kitchen as he wiped his hands dry using his shirt, he said. "I did ask for your help, but all you wanted was a slice of pizza."

Ketsueki glanced at the slice of pizza Shiro was holding as she hid it behind her back, Shiro faked a cough and said. "I-I dried the plates!" Reiki stood beside his little sister and placed a hand on top of her head, Shiro looked up at him and gave him a meaningful look. Ketsueki stared at her two younger siblings and thought. Don't tell me Shiro's appetite is also growing? She said. "Reiki, is that true?" Reiki glanced at his little sister and saw the puppy dog eyes Shiro was giving him, he said. "Yeah, Shiro helped."

Shiro wrapped her left arm around her older brother's arm and waved the pizza she held in victory, she said. "Onee-chan, I told you I did!" Ketsueki let out a helpless chuckle as she turned around and walked toward her younger siblings, she said. "Yes, you certainly did." Ketsueki placed her left hand on her hips and used her eight to scratch the back of her head, she said. "Let me guess…" She used her right hand to point at her little sister and continued. "You're planning on watching tv until bedtime."

Shiro nodded at her older sister while she moved her pointing finger at Reiki, Ketsueki said. "Reiki, isn't it a bit early to hit the hay?" He gave her a nod while caressing the top of his little sister's head as she munched on the slice of pizza. Reiki said. "It is, but I have to do some chores and make both of your bentos for lunch." He let out a yawn without bothering to cover his mouth and continued. "So I need an early start." Ketsueki let out a chuckle and placed a hand on his head, she said. "Good night."

While she played with his hair, Reiki said. "Night, Onee-chan." Shiro looked up to her older brother and said. "Onii-chan, good night." He looked down at his little sister and smiled at her, Reiki said. "Night-." Shiro opened his right hand and pawned the pizza crust onto her older brother, she looked up to him and gave him a bright smile. Ketsueki moved her hand away from her little brother's head while he stared at the pizza crust Shiro gave him. Reiki had a wry smile on his face as he stared at his little sister, he said. "Shiro, what happened to not wasting food?"

Shiro laughed it off, her older brother spoke in a firm tone and continued. "Shiro." She started exaggeratedly shaking her older brother's hand, Shiro said. "It's because you took your time studying in your room! If it was hot I would've eaten it without a single complaint!" Ketsueki glared at her younger brother and said. "She's got you there, Reiki." He faked a cough and said. "I'll call it even since it's both our fault." Shiro let go of his hand and raised both her arms into the air in celebration, she said. "I knew Onee-chan would take my side."

Reiki ignored the piercing gaze Ketsueki was giving him, he raised the pizza crust and said. "I'm going to bed." He quickly made his way toward the staircase leaving his two sisters. Ketsueki glanced at Shiro who had her hands on her hips as she had a triumphant expression on her face. Ketsueki said. "Shiro, don't disturb your brother since he's going to bed." Shiro looked up to her older sister and said. "Yes, Onee-chan." The two of them stared at each other for a few seconds before Ketsueki continued. "The documentary about peacocks should've started a minute ago."

Shiro's eyes widened as she ran toward the couch and sat on it, she quickly picked up the remote on the coffee table and turned the tv on. Ketsueki's lips curved into a small smirk, she waved her hand as the front door leading outside locked itself. Ketsueki did some stretches and made her way to the staircase, she said. "Shiro, make sure you turn the light off." Her little sister's eyes were glued onto the small baby peacock, Shiro said. "I won't forget."

Reiki's Room

He was lying down on the bed in a dimly lit room with the only light source was the faint moonlight seeping from the window. Reiki stared at the ceiling, he thought. Where is that white bird… I need to bring her with me to the elves… He closed his eyes and slowly exhaled and continued his train of thought. I just hope she doesn't steal anything that'll bring me neck deep into trouble… Reiki opened his eyes and glanced at the door from the corner of his eye, he said. "Onee-chan, it's opened." The door opened as Ketsueki was standing on the other side letting some light in.

Ketsueki forced out a chuckle as she had a stiff smile on her lips with her left hand behind her head, she said. "Sorry about that, I was trying my best to walk by without making a sound." Reiki stared at her and thought. I'll pretend that you weren't standing by the door with your ear on it. He sat up from the bed and said. "Onee-chan, what is it?" Ketsueki fidgeted by playing with her hands, she had a faint blush on her cheeks that added to her charm from being caught.

She faked a cough and said. "I… I…" Ketsueki looked around the room with a hint of panic in her eyes, she continued. "I was going to ask if you wanted to sleep in the same bed again…" Reiki who was in the middle of yawning with his eyes half-open instantly widened, he managed to keep himself calm and said. "Are you going to wear the same clothes as last time?" Ketsueki stared at the floor and said. "... If I felt like it…" She felt the stare from her little brother, Reiki said. "... Sure, I don't see why not…" Ketsueki gave him a nod as she intentionally avoided eye contact, she grabbed the doorknob and said. "Give me a minute to change."

She closed the door leaving her little brother as the faint blush on her cheeks vanished while her lips curved into a smile, Ketsueki thought. He caught me eavesdropping, but I still got the upper hand. She quickly reached the door leading to her room and opened it. Ketsueki went inside her room and closed the door as she quicked started removing her shirt while making her way to the closet. She exposed her toned upper body with a faint outline of a six-pack, her slightly pasty skin reflected a small amount of moonlight. Ketsueki wore a black bra with some simple flower patterns underneath as she held her shirt with her left hand.

Ketsueki made her way to the closet and opened both of the doors to it. She threw the shirt she wore onto a basket that was on top of cardboard boxes. Ketsueki took out a pouch she was wearing from her loose shorts and placed her right hand inside of it, she thought. Thank you, Sachi. For buying these clothes as a joke. From the pouch, she took out a white loose tank top along with black short shorts.

Ketsueki placed them beside the basket as she took off her shorts revealing her childbearing hips and a matching pair of black panties with flower patterns. She quickly undid the hook of her bra revealing her large chest and pretty pink nipples and threw it in the basket along with her loose shorts. Ketsueki reached for the tank top making her large chest jiggle she put it on as it just barely managed to cover her underboob while showing off her cleavage. She reached for the short shorts as she lifted her left leg and put it through the hole and did the same with her right leg.

Ketsueki slowly pulled the shorts up as they snuggly fit on her while showing the outline of her panties, she thought. I think Sachi bought this, one size too small. She faintly heard the sound of a door being opened outside as her eyes widened and made her way to the bed. Ketsueki raised her hand as the closet doors shut themselves as she laid down on the bed while covering her body using the blanket. Ketsueki thought. I never understood why women loved to show off their bodies…

Her lips curved into a small lewd smile as she continued her train of thought. Until I saw that Reiki couldn't take his eyes away from me… If it's him I wouldn't mind-. The sound of knocking came from her door, Ketsueki moved her gaze onto the door in anticipation, she said. "R-Reiki?" She subconsciously started panting as her little brother responded from the other side of the door, Reiki said. "Yeah." Ketsueki felt as if her heart would beat out of her chest as she gripped the blanket with both her hands, she said. "Come in."

The door opened as Reiki made his way inside the room and closed it behind him, he saw his older sister lying on the bed with the blanket on. Ketsueki smiled at him and said. "No need to be shy-." She watched her little brother speed walk toward her as Reiki took off the white indoor slippers he wore while standing. He grabbed the blanket and lifted it, seeing Ketsueki's attire and exposed midriff. Reiki stared at it for a few seconds as he snapped back to reality and laid down next to her, he said. "Don't mind if I do."

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Reiki quickly wrapped his arms around his older sister, she did the same while he placed his head between Ketsueki's large chest. He buried his head as deep as he could while Ketsueki's lips formed into a smirk, she thought. He can visit Arashi's apartment, Kiru only has money, and that elf is too far to compete… At the end of the day, my boy is in my embrace. She felt Reiki looking up from her cleavage as she looked down in curiosity. He moved his head closer and kissed Ketsueki on the lips, Reiki said. "Good night, Onee-chan."

He places his head back in between her large breasts while she was stunned for a split second before coming back to her senses. Ketsueki smiled as she placed a hand on the back of her little brother's head and gently pushed Reiki's head deeper into her cleavage. Ketsueki said. "Good night, Reiki."

~Five Hours Later~

Reiki's head was still in between his older sister's large chest, he thought. If only I didn't have a habit of waking up at midnight… He reluctantly moved his head away from Ketsueki's chest, Reiki slowly opened his left eye and glanced around the room lit by the moonlight.

He laid his head back on the bed and opened his right eye and admired his older sister's sleeping face. Reiki could feel her arms around him while he was still in the same position before sleeping as he embraced her. He thought. … Time to go. Reiki tried to gently move away from Ketsueki and felt her arms around him preventing him from moving. Reiki let out a sigh as he stared at his older sister and spoke in a whisper. "Onee-chan, I need to go." He stared at Ketsueki who kept her eyes closed and a steady breath.

Reiki had a helpless smile on his face and continued. "Onee-chan, I know you're awake." Ketsueki kept pretending to be asleep and ignored him as if she couldn't hear him. He moved his head closer to her face but stopped when his lips were half an inch away from hers, Reiki said. "How am I supposed to do all the work when you won't let go?" He didn't get a response from her which made him roll his eyes and kiss Ketsueki on the lips, Reiki said. "Alright sleeping beauty, you got your kiss."

Ketsueki kept her eyes closed as her arms wrapped around her little brother became even tighter, she said. "... Reiki… It's just one day… You can afford to take it easy." He let out a helpless chuckle and said. "I'm still responsible for doing chores." Reiki's hands roamed around his older sister's back, he thought. If only I could sleep next to her every night. He hugged his older sister tighter which made Ketsueki's upper body move closer to him, she thought. Maybe with a little more coaxing… She lazily half-opened her right and said. "I can buy a bento from the convenience store.

Reiki moved a stray strand of hair from Ketsueki's face and moved it behind her ear, he said. "Not when I'm planning on making croquette sandwiches for breakfast and the bentos." Both her eyes were suddenly wide open as she coquettishly smiled at him and said. "Can you double the croquettes for my portion, please?" He gave her a nod and said. "I'll make sure." Reiki moved his left arm away from his older sister's back but couldn't move his right because Ketsueki was lying on it. The two of them stared into each other's eyes in silence as Ketsueki slowly moved her face closer to him.

Ketsueki kissed her little brother on the lips as she reluctantly moved her arms wrapped around him, she said. "Don't overwork yourself." Reiki placed a hand on his older sister's cheek as he cupped her face, he smiled at her and said. "I won't." He stood up from the bed, messing up the blanket in the process revealing Ketsueki's loose tank top. Reiki made his way toward the door with his head turned sideways as he stared at Ketsueki's chest with her underboob exposed.

He hit the door which made Reiki take a step back and rub the side of his head while Ketsueki giggled at him like a little girl, she said. "Are you alright?" He glanced at the door and moved his gaze back onto his older sister, Reiki said. "I am." He opened the door, walked out of the room, and closed it behind him. Ketsueki stared at the door while lying down on her sides, she posed naturally as her long black hair was sprawled behind her giving her an alluring look. She turned on the bed making the blanket slide off her white skin revealing the short shorts she was wearing underneath.

Ketsueki adjusted the back of the shorts and thought. This pair has been riding up on me and making my panties give me a slight wedgie. She stared at the ceiling and touched her lips as it subconsciously formed into a big smile. 

~Seven Hours Later~

Ketsueki and Shiro were sitting by the dining table eating croquette sandwiches cut horizontally and were filled with lettuce, tomato, and spread with tartar sauce on one side and light mayo on the other. Ketsueki was wearing a simple black shirt that clung to her figure emphasizing her chest paired with light blue loose shorts.

Shiro was wearing a simple pink t-shirt and grey shorts, she looked like she could fall back to sleep at any moment as her head bobbed up and down. Ketsueki picked up one of the halves and took a bite out of it and placed a hand on her little sister's head. Ketsueki swallowed and said. "Shiro, be careful. I don't want you to face-plant onto the plate and food." Shiro managed to half-opened her eyes as she looked up at Ketsueki and said. ".... Onee-chan… Morn…" Ketsueki took another bite of the sandwich she held in her hand, she thought. At least finish your sentence.

She gulped down a mouthful of food and poked her little sister's cheek, Ketsueki said. "Shiro, wake up…" Shiro's eyes looked hazy as she looked like she could fall asleep on the table, she gently rubbed her eyes and looked around the table. Shiro said. "... Onii-chan?..." Ketsueki quickly finished the sandwich in her hand as she gulped it down and said. "Reiki's busy with making our bentos." She reached for her glass of water and took a sip while Shiro moved her drowsy eyes onto her plate and saw her sandwich.

Shiro turned her head and saw her ice-cold glass of water and used both her hands to pick it up as she took a sip. Ketsueki placed her left hand on the bottom of the glass to make sure it didn't slip while she grabbed the other half of her sandwich on her plate. Ketsueki took a bite of her croquette sandwich as she quickly moved her hand away from the bottom of Shiro's glass and placed it back on the table. Reiki made his way from the kitchen as he was holding two bentos in his left hand and a large plate of sandwiches in his right.

He quickly made his way to the dining table and placed the plate on the table as Reiki pulled the chair back and sat down. He placed the bentos on the table side by side and was about to grab one of the many halves of the sandwiches on the plate. Reiki noticed a few missing from the top and saw there were more sandwiches on Ketsueki's plate. Reiki said. "Good?" With her mouth full while chewing Ketsueki gave him a nod as she held a half-eaten sandwich in her hands with stretched-out cheese.

Shiro's eyes had suspension in them as she stared at her older sister's shirt that clung to her figure. Her eyes narrowed as they closed again while Shiro looked like she could fall asleep again. Ketsueki took a sip of water and nodded, she said. "Cute." Reiki was devouring his sandwiches as he swallowed and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, he said. "Very." He moved a stray strand of hair that was on his forehead to the side as he picked up another half of a sandwich, Reiki said. "You're in a good mood."

Ketsueki gave him a sweet smile while waving a croquette sandwich at him, she said. "Just excited for lunch, did you remember my request?" Reiki shoved the entire half of a sandwich in his mouth as he chewed and picked up his glass of water. He took a sip to help it go down and said. "I didn't forget to put extra croquettes." Shiro's eyes suddenly widened as she gave her older sister a narrowed stare. Ketsueki stared at the sandwich in her hands and said. "Shiro, if you don't hurry up you'll be late."

Shiro stood up from her seat as she picked up one of the halves on her plate and made her way up the stairs, she said. "Onee-chan, I have some questions to ask you about your choice of clothes!" Reiki picked up two halves with his right hand and said. "Onee-chan, give my thanks to your friends for lending us those mugs and the parfait glass." Ketsueki raised a brow while pointing a sandwich at him, she said. "You have to specify." Reiki let out a chuckle and said. "You have other friends?" Ketseuki's left arm blurred as she slapped her little brother's left cheek.

[System: User has received 201 Damage.]

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