
Chapter 179: Chaprer 179: Kicked Out

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Shiro was wearing her black blazer, red tie, and skirt that reached past her knees. She was holding onto a croquette with her right hand and used it to point at her older sister who was sitting by the dining table drinking a cup of green tea with a cylinder-shaped glass. Shiro had her left hand on her hips as she tried to put on her most intimidating look and said. "Onee-chan, I told you last time to watch what you wear around Onii-chan!" Ketsueki took a sip from her tea as she stared at her younger sister throwing a small fit.

Seeing the lack of reaction from her older sister, Shiro started waving the croquette sandwich in her hand around. Shiro said. "Onee-chan! Don't you have anything to say?!" Ketsueki placed the cylinder glass on the table and pointed at the sandwich her little sister was holding onto, she said. "Are you going to eat that?" Shiro looked like a cat that got her tail stepped on as she stomped on the floor with her feet, she said. "ONEE-CHAN!!" Shiro's breathing was terrible as she took big long breaths to calm herself, she thought. Dealing with her is more tiring than exercising…

Shiro placed her left hand on the side of her head, as she had a serious look on her face and said. "Onee-chan, Onii-chan is a growing boy. I don't-. No, I'm sure it's a terrible idea for you to dress like that around him." She raised her left hand and extended her index finger while Shiro continued the lecture. "Onii-chan is at the age that in one wrong step he'll turn into a pervert." Ketsueki's eyes widened, she thought. Don't worry, Shiro. I'll take responsibility and make sure he only has eyes for me.

Ketsueki had a look of understanding on her face as she placed a hand on her chin and said. "I see." Shiro let out one long exhale, she thought. My head hurts… Reiki walked down the stairs with his hair slightly damp while wearing a simple white long-sleeved t-shirt and loose black pants, he saw his little sister with a stressed expression. While he made his way toward them Ketsueki took a sip of her green tea and said. "Back to a more serious topic." Shiro had a hint of confusion on her face while Ketsueki continued. "Are you going to eat that?"

Her gaze was on the croquette sandwich her little sister was holding, Shiro gritted her teeth and said. "Yes, I will!" She let out a hmph as she turned around and made her way to the front door. Reiki walked past an angry little sister as he stood by the dining table, he looked at his older sister and said. "What were you two talking about that made her so angry?" Ketseueki took a small whiff of her green tea and said. "My clothes." Reiki's gaze wandered all over his older sister's body as it stuck to her large breast and ample thighs.

He said. "I have no complaints." Ketsueki rolled her eyes at him and said. "Of course, you wouldn't." She took a sip of her tea while Reiki crossed his arms as his haze was glued onto Ketsueki's large chest. From the front of the house, the two of them heard their little sister's angry voice. Shiro shouted. "Onii-chan! I'm gonna be late!" Ketsueki's lips curved into a smirk, she said. "That's your cue." He gave her a nod and said. "So it would seem." Reiki turned around and made his way to the front door while she enjoyed her cup of tea.

Ketsueki stared at her little brother's back as he slid the shoe compartment open and took out a pair of sports shoes. Reiki took off the white indoor slippers and neatly placed them on the side as he quickly put on the sports shoes. He turned his upper body sideways to look back at his older sister, Reiki said. "I'm off." Ketsueki lazily waves at him and said. "Have a safe trip." He opened the front door as he closed it behind him and saw an angry Shiro stomping her leather shoe-wearing foot onto the ground.

Reiki smiled at her and said. "Shiro, shall we go?" Shiro glared at him from the corner of her eye and let out a hmph as she walked down the street. He went after her and walked beside his little sister, Reiki said. "I added extra croquettes in your bento, so that you can share them with Mio and Yuki." Shiro angrily took a bite out of the croquette sandwich in her hands, she gulped and said. "Onii-chan, don't think I didn't notice Onee-chan's odd mood and her portions being double mine!"

Reiki pretended to think as he placed both his hands behind his head, he said. "Well, Onee-chan asked me for extra croquettes while you were still asleep." Shiro ate the rest of the sandwich in her hands as a hint of anger in her eyes disappeared. He continued. "If I were to solve Onee-chan's elevated mood, it would be due to her promotion in three months." Reiki glanced at his little sister as the two of them took a right. Shiro stared at her foot while walking while her older brother continued. "I guess she's happy we could move out of the old and dusty house."

The anger on Shiro's face faded as it was replaced with understanding. Reiki placed a hand on her shoulder, he said. "Shiro, red light." Shiro looked up and saw a red traffic light, he heard Ender's voice in his head. [Guilt tripping your sister.] Reiki thought. I'm not proud of it, but I am aware of her feelings for me. Whether she'll still feel the same when she's old enough only time will tell. The two of them patiently waited for the traffic light as Reiki placed his hand that was on Shiro's shoulder onto her head.

The traffic light turned green as Reiki and Shiro walked across the street. Shiro wiped her hands on her older brother's shirt, she said. "... That would explain it…" Shiro looked at the left turn and pointed down the street that had a couple of students making their way to school. Shiro said. "Onii-chan, this is where we part." Reiki playfully pinched his little sister's cheek and said. "When you get home, how about you apologize to Onee-chan." Shiro moved her hand back to her side as she looked at the ground and kicked an invisible can.

She said. "... Yes, Onii-chan…" Reiki had a wry smile on his face, he moved his hand away from Shiro's cheek and said. "I think you've forgotten about something very important, Shiro." Shiro looked up to her older brother with confusion on her face as she tilted her head sideways, she said. "What is it, Onii-chan?" With a serious expression on his face, Reiki spoke in a grave tone and said. "Onee-chan has all of the elven chocos in her hands. If you don't apologize to her, you won't be able to eat it."

Shiro's entire body stiffened as if she turned into stone as her eyes widened in realization. Reiki tilted his head sideways just like his little sister and looked into her eyes, he said. "Shiro, you okay?" He waved his hand at her to try and get a reaction as Shiro looked at him in a complete daze. Reiki continued. "If you don't start walking you're going to be late for school." Shiro snapped back to reality as she looked up at her older brother with a pitiful gaze, she said. "Onii-chan…" Her eyes turned watery as she was on the verge of crying, a few students who were passing by glanced at them from the corner of their eyes.

Shiro continued. "Can you be there with me when I apologize to Onee-chan?" Reiki gave his little sister a confident smile and said. "Shiro, don't worry I'll be with you every step of the way-." Before he could even finish the tears in Shiro's eyes instantly vanished as she turned back to normal and said. "Thank you Onii-chan, I knew I could trust you." She gave him a bright smile and suddenly dashed toward the direction of her school while waving at him without looking back. Shiro continued. "Onii-chan, don't forget the promise you made with me!"

Reiki watched his little sister hurriedly making her way to her school with a deadpan expression on his face, he thought. Yeah, she's Ketsueki's little sister alright… He let out a chuckle as he made his way back to his home while taking his time and enjoying the scenery. Reiki continued his train of thought. Thanks to Asami, I managed to make a couple copies of the contract I signed… He took a turn and looked around his surroundings, Reiki thought. I'm not even surprised anymore… She carries an entire house with her talisman so a copier isn't enough to faze me…

He did some light stretches as a few students walked past him, Reiki suddenly started sprinting down the street at full speed. He ran past the buildings along with a few people going by their day. Reiki saw Kiru's modern house from a distance and instantly came to a halt in front of his home. He felt a gust of wind follow after him making his unkempt and scraggly hair even messier, Reiki glanced at the modern house and thought. I don't like how quiet she's been lately… With a narrowed gaze he did a half-turn and made his way back inside his older sister's house.

Reiki closed the door behind him and said. "I'm back." He made his way to the shoe compartment and slid it open, Reiki quickly undid his shoelaces. He heard his older sister's voice from the inside, Ketsueki said. "Welcome back." Reiki took off his shoes revealing the white socks he wore on his feet and placed the sports shoes inside. He put on the indoor slippers he neatly placed by the side by sliding his feet in, Reiki made his way inside and looked around. Ketsueki was sitting on the couch with both her feet on the coffee table while watching tv.

Reiki effortlessly vaulted over the couch and sat next to her, the cushions slightly bounced from his landing. He tried to place his foot on the coffee table but missed, Reiki thought. Fuck. I keep forgetting. Ketsueki watched her little brother miss the coffee table which made her lips form into a slight smile, she said. "How was walking your little sister part way to school?" Reiki made himself comfortable on the couch as he moved his haze onto the show, he said. "Same as always."

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The two of them watched tv in silence as a moment passed, Ketsueki glanced at him from the corner of her eye and thought. Why are you here? Before she could say anything her little brother spoke first, Reiki said. "How long until you have to go to work?" Ketsueki kept her eyes on him, she said. "I have an hour or so to burn." He nodded and continued. "By lunch, the croquettes I made for you would've gone long cold. But it should still taste the same more or less." Ketsueki moved her gaze back onto the show, she slightly moved closer to him as Reiki leaned his head on her left arm.

Ketsueki adjusted her sitting position on the couch as she slightly lowered herself, making her little brother sit up straight. Reiki rested his head on his older sister's shoulder as Ketsueki rested her head on his. Her eyes widened in realization as she sat up straight while Reiki fell onto the cushions of the couch. She had an angry look on her face and spoke in a reprimanding tone, Ketsueki said. "Wait a second! Reiki! Why aren't you at school?!" She turned her upper body sideways and saw her little brother face-plant on the couch.

Ketsueki stared at him with furrowed brow and thought. He did everything so naturally that I almost forgot about it. She grabbed Reiki's shirt by the collar and helped him sit up straight. He flashed her a smile and said. "Oh, yeah… I forgot." The corner of Ketsueki's eye twitched, she thought. He forgot?... She kept her grip on the collar of his shirt, lifted him from the couch, and made her way to the front door, Ketsueki said. "School, now. I don't care about what kind of special treatment you got."

She let go of the little brother's collar as he landed on the floor with a soft thud. Reiki looked up to his older sister while Ketsueki pointed at the shoe compartment, she said. "You are going to school. I'm not going to give you an excuse letter on why you're late, so good luck on explaining to your teacher." The two of them stared at each other for a moment as Ketsueki's eyes were slowly becoming unfriendly. Reiki suddenly grabbed his older sister's leg, he kept his head lowered and spoke in a desperate voice, he said. "Onee-chan, please!"

Ketsueki was caught completely off guard by his actions while Reiki continued. "I don't want to study in that third-rate school! They don't even have anything to teach me!" Ketsueki's gaze softens as she places a hand on top of her little brother's head, she thought. I know… The only value you have to gain is a chance to go to a better high school… Reiki had a smirk on his face while hiding the expression from her and thought. As if, I'll never attend school again. Ketsueki let out a sigh as she moved her hand from the top of his head to Reiki's cheek.

The smirk on his face grew bigger as he suddenly froze when he felt the leg vanish from his hug. The smirk on Reiki's face disappeared as he slowly looked up at his older sister. Ketsueki raised her right hand and said. "That doesn't give you an excuse to skip school." He saw a thin layer of mana around his older sister's hand as he heard the front door suddenly open behind him. Ketsueki's expression turned stern as she continued. "Now, be good and go to school." From the corner of his eye Reiki the shoe compartment slid open.

He felt a strong force push him out of the house and land on the street on his butt. Reiki stared at his older sister with a blank look on his face, Ketsueki continued. "Reiki, don't look at me like that. I'm doing this for our-. I mean your future." He felt the white indoor slippers he was wearing fly off from his feet and into the house. Ketsueki faked a cough and said. "Don't worry about our bentos, I enveloped it with mana so it would stay warm." A pair of sports shoes flew toward him as one of them landed beside him while the other hit him square in the face.

Reiki watched the front door close on its own as a female student that was passing by stared at him from the corner of her eye. He heard Ender's voice in his head. [Kid, I like your woman. She's a keeper.] Followed by a chuckle, Reiki stared at the door and thought. What just happened? Ender said. [You got kicked out.] He reached for one of the sports shoes that hit him in the face and put it on while sitting, Reiki thought. Strange…

He put on the other shoe and started tying his shoelaces, Reiki continued his train of thought. Our relationship should still be the same just as in the 'normal' world… He finished tying his shoes and stood up from the street and patted some dirt on his butt, Reiki thought. Then Ketsueki should've let me ditch school today… He wiped some dirt from his nose and heard Ender's voice. [I guess you didn't factor in the 'intimate' moments.] Reiki scratched the back of his head and thought. Oh yeah… In the end, those kisses cost me one way or another. I'll be careful next time.

He did some light stretches and spoke in a whisper, Reiki said. "I have my flip phone with me so I can contact Chishiki and Akemi… But where should we meet?..." Before he could think of something, Ender said. [Don't you have that fancy phone that you got from the blonde one?] Reiki made his way down the street that had students of all ages and a few men and women heading toward work. He thought. Arashi? I can't use it yet, at least not until she sees me as an equal.

Reiki was looking up at a red traffic light while surrounded by people, he heard Ender's voice in his head. [And you think that ten-level training is going to work?] Despite wearing simple clothes and the rest of the crowd either wearing school uniforms or suits, Reiki blended in. He thought. Nope, that's just something to improve her fighting capabilities. Right now in her eyes, I'm nothing but a child that's worth the investment and gives out opportunities. The traffic light turned green as Reiki and the crowd near him crossed the street. He made sure to stand in between two people to hide his face.

Reiki heard Ender's voice in his head. [That's the reason why you haven't been using the phone?] He thought. I'll use it when she sees me as an equal. Reiki took a right while weaving his way between people while keeping his face hidden from the cameras, Ender said. [So, you're going to use these eight years to swoon her.] Reiki's mouth curves into a smile, he thought. Eight years? It took me less than a week to get into Nora's and Mora's hearts. Two months at most, then Arashi and I will see eye to eye.

He let out a yawn and looked around, Reiki thought. Hmm… I guess I can spend the day goofing around… He felt the side glances around him and continued his train of thought. Or not… I didn't want to laze around all day either. Reiki let out a sigh and took a sharp left while using the briefcase a man wearing a suit was holding to hide his face. He let out a sigh and looked around the streets that was slowly starting to fill with more people, Reiki thought. I need to send one of those two a text.

Reiki brought out his pouch from his pocket and took out a simple flip phone from the inside. He flipped it open and saw a new message, Reiki took a sharp right and walked beside a group of teenagers wearing uniforms. He thought. This is either Chishiki or Akemi. Reiki tapped on the button and read the message in his head. Messenger, we're on our way to your house. P.S. You owe me a cup of tea. He thought. It's Chishiki. Reiki continued his train of thought. I already memorized both your numbers from the notebook Yuko gave me. But this saves me the trouble of typing it myself.

He casually did a one-eighty degree turn and walked side by side with a woman wearing stylish clothing. Reiki replied. I went out, I'll text you my location when I'm finished with my report. He places the flip phone in his left pocket and the tattered pouch in his right, he continued his train of thought. If I remember correctly, there should be an alleyway here with no cameras and completely unused. Reiki made his way between the crowds like a ghost as they didn't even notice him. He let out a soft sigh and spoke under his breath, Reiki said. "So much effort on a day off."

He quietly made his way while a man turned his head toward the woman he was walking with and said. "Did you say something?" The woman gave him a confused look and said. "Maybe if you bothered to listen when I spoke, you wouldn't have to ask so many questions."

Inside A Vehicle

Akemi was in the driver's seat as she kept her eyes on the road and attentively observed the traffic lights. Chishiki was in the front passenger seat as she was reading something on her smartphone, she said. "Our little messenger isn't home." Akemi's eyes widened as she glanced at her before moving her gaze to the road, she said. "What?!" The car slowly came to a halt as it stopped at a red traffic light letting people cross the street. Akemi continued. "Tell him that we came all this way-." Chishiki interrupted him and showed her the message on her phone, she said. "Reiki said, he'll text us when he's done with his report." Akemi saw the message and continued. "To make sure all the paperwork is in order."

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