
Chapter 180: Chapter 180: Plans

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Reiki was sitting on the leftmost side of a wooden bench as groups of people walked by as they went about their day. Behind the bench he sat on, was a narrow alleyway as he stared at the tall buildings and blue sky, Reiki thought. They sure do love taking their time… He let out a yawn as a few people glanced at him from the corner of their eyes. He glanced to his right and saw Chishiki and Akemi sitting on the wooden bench next to him. Akemi was sitting with perfect posture as she looked around her surroundings.

Chishiki lazily sat on the bench as she leaned on the backrest and gave him a charming smile, she said. "Did you wait long?" Akemi moved her gaze onto him and said. "How about we change locations so we can hide from the heat?" Reiki took out his pouch from his pocket and said. "Yes, you girls took forever to get here, and no it's your fault for picking a suit." Akemi rolled her eyes at him while Chishiki let out a chuckle as she glanced at the tattered pouch he was rummaging through. Reiki took out six copies of a contract and passed it to them.

Chishiki passed half of them to Akemi as the two girls started going through one of the copies. Reiki wiped some sweat from his forehead and thought. No matter how many times I've seen it, Japan's work ethic puts the rest of the world to shame. The two girls quickly finished reading through it as they placed it near their pockets and sucked inside. Chishiki and Akemi took out a thick contract from their pockets as they passed it to him. Reiki placed the contracts into the tattered pouch while Chishiki gave him a smile and said. "Not even going to check it?"

Akemi elbowed her in the ribs which Chishiki completely ignored while Reiki pocketed his pouch and said. "I'm not the one who's going to review them." Chishiki's eyes widened while Akemi slightly jolted in her seat. Chishiki was about to say something again when Akemi placed a hand on her lips, Akemi said. "How about we continue this conversation over a meal?" Reiki blocked the sunlight using his hand, he said. "I already had breakfast and other than convenience stores, nothing is open." He stood up from the bench and stretched his legs.

Reiki glanced at them and said. "You two do your jobs and-." From the corner of his eye, he noticed a streak of white land on his right shoulder. He glanced at his eight and saw Cherry as she let out a caw while flapping her wings. Akemi and Chishiki stared at her with surprise in their eyes as their pupils faintly glowed. The people walking by stopped for a split second as they stared at the albino crow on a child's shoulder. Reiki patted the top of Cherry's head with his left hand using his index finger.

Reiki said. "Hey, girl. Where have you been?" Cherry stared at Akemi and Chishiki with one side using her red eye as if she was observing them. Chishiki reached out her hand and said. "T-This bird has a class." She tried to pet Cherry but stopped when she saw her move closer to Reiki's cheek on his shoulder. Cherry cawed at her while Akemi stared at Reiki with a peculiar look, she said. "Reiki, how did you meet... Cherry?" Reiki stopped giving her pats and said. "Oh, they were kind enough to help me." Chishiki glared at Cherry, which she returned by staring back at her with her red eye.

Akemi glanced at the white bird and moved her gaze back onto him, she said. "Contract?" Reiki shook his head and said. "There is none." Chishiki had a mischievous smile on her lips as her left hand was enveloped with a thin layer of mana. Cherry flapped her wings and let out a caw as the mana around Chishiki's hand vanished. Chishiki moved her gaze back and forth from Cherry and onto her hand, she said. "Reiki, are you sure there isn't a contract?" He gave her a nod and said. "Positive, you aren't the only one who tried."

Akemi's eyes narrowed, she said. "You mean a few of them tried to?" Reiki nodded while Cherry was pecking something in her wing, he said. "Yeah." A smile formed on his face as he continued. "You should've seen the looks on their faces." Reiki gave them a wave and said. "I need to go, don't wanna get sunburned." Chishiki and Akemi's lips turned into a slight frown as they glanced at his pasty white skin. Cherry let out a caw as she flapped her wings, Reiki looked at her and said. "You want to fly again?"

Cherry let out another caw while people were glancing at him from the corner of their eyes as Chishiki and Akemi watched in interest. Reiki gave her a nod and said. "Sure, just be careful of strong winds." Cherry turned into a streak of light as she flew high above the air. Chishiki looked up with a narrowed gaze as she tried to look for Cherry flying in the air, she thought. I blinked and she's already above the buildings… Akemi cleared her throat which got both of their attention, she said. "How about we have breakfast?"

Reiki blandly said. "I already ate." Chishiki nodded in agreement, she said. "What kind of restaurant opens at the first crack of dawn?" Akemi elbowed Chishiki in her ribs again as she rubbed the spot where she was hit. Akemi forced herself to maintain the smile on her lips, she said. "I think it's a great idea, we could use it as a chance to get to know each other better." Reiki crossed his arms and said. "But, I already know everything about you two." Akemi turned pale while Chishiki gave him a narrowed gaze and said. "What do you mean by that?"

Reiki closed his eyes and pretended to think, he said. "Chishiki. Single, nineteen, and loves to drink red wine and champagne." The color on Akemi's face instantly turned back to normal as she gave Chishiki an odd look. Chishiki's entire body jolted as she tried her best to maintain a straight face. Akemi gave her an odd look and said. "I'm not even surprised." Reiki tilted his head sideways and with his eyes closed, he continued. "While drinking, your favorite hobby is to mess with virgins and lead men into thinking they can get lucky."

Chishiki snapped back to reality as she stood up from the bench and said. "Hey, that's enough-." Reiki opened his eyes and looked up at her, he said. "Despite your hobby, you've never been with a-." Before he could finish Chishiki placed a hand on his mouth, she started walking down the street while dragging Reiki. Chishiki said. "Akemi, what are you sitting on your- butt for? Let's go, you have the keys to the car." Reiki stared at the odd looks he was receiving by being dragged by Chishiki and thought. I didn't even express my agreement.

Akemi stood up from the bench and appeared on Chishiki's left where she was holding onto Reiki. Akemi gave her an odd look and said. "Is that where those rumors come from?" Reiki glanced at Chishiki and thought. Out of all those, I'm surprised that's the only one true. Chishiki had a sweet smile on her lips as she glanced at Akemi from the corner of her eye. Chishiki said. "What rumors?" Akemi rolled her eyes at Chishiki and said. "You're not scaring anyone with that." Reiki raised his hand which caught both of their attention as Chishiki moved her hand away from his mouth.

While being dragged, he said. "Can I walk on my own now?" Chishiki turned her head sideways and glanced at him, she said. "Are you getting embarrassed by all the stares?" Reiki shook his head sideways and said. "Not really." Chishiki turned her head to look in front and said. "Then no." He shrugged his shoulders and crossed his arms, Reiki glanced at Akemi's plump butt. With every step she took filled her loose business pants, He thought. Secretary, indeed. Akemi glared at him from the corner of her eye and coldly said. "What is it?"

Reiki pointed at her attire and said. "How many suits do you own?" For a split second, Akemi's eyes were filled with awkwardness before she faked a cough and said. "About a closet and a half worth." He grabbed the edge of her suit as he felt the fabric, Reiki looked up to her and said. "Are all of them high-quality like this?" Chishiki and Akemi took a right turn while the crowd of people made way for them when they saw Reiki being dragged by the collar. Akemi's eyes sparkled as she looked at him while walking, she said. "You know suits?" Reiki smiled at her and said. "Last time we talked about it, I recommend you one worth ten thousand-."

Chishiki interrupted them and blandly said. "Akemi, the car." She pointed at a black vehicle that was parked near a parking meter.

Inside A Break Room

Ketsueki was wearing a white shirt, a half-zipped jacket, and loose pants. She was sitting on a chair by a table as she let out a yawn while lazily covering her mouth. Sachi wore a simple blouse and pants as she placed a complete tea set on the table. Namida was wearing a light grey dress shirt paired with jeans as she blatantly stared at her friend's large chest. Namida spoke under her breath and said. "Some people have all the luck in the world..." Sachi poured all the teacups with bright green liquid, she said. "Your jealousy is showing."

Ketsueki stretched her arms upwards making her large chest slightly jiggle, she let out a long sigh and made herself comfortable on her seat. Sachi moved the cups closer to her friends as she sat down and glanced at Ketsueki's chest and compared herself. Sachi let out a sigh as she picked up her cup of tea and took a small whiff of it, she said. "We're better off pretending those are pads." She gently blew on her cup and took a sip while Namida's eyes were still glued onto her friend's large chest. Namida leaned on the backrest of the chair and said. "What's your secret?"

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Ketsueki picked up her glass and she took a sip while Sachi rolled her eyes, she said. "Namida, I highly doubt she has something like that." Sachi's eyes had a hint of hope as she looked at Ketsueki and said. "Do you?" Ketsueki let out a chuckle as she placed her teacup onto the coaster and said. "Nope."

Namida crossed her arms as she looked like she could burn a hole through Ketsueki's chest. Namida said. "So, did you have a part in your life when you were like me or?..." Ketsueki had a pondering expression on her face, she said. "No, when I was in grade school I was almost a D cup. It only grew bigger onward." With her arms crossed Namida clenched her fist as her knuckles produced a cracking noise, with gritted teeth she said. "Show off."

Sachi took a sip of her tea and placed it on the coaster, she said. "You don't have any problems with them?" Ketsueki placed a hand on her chin as she let out a long exhale and said. "Not really, thanks to my body refinement. I don't have to worry about back pain or them sagging…" Namida and Sachi's eyes turned hostile as they glared at her. Ketsueki pretended to be ignorant of the dangerous eyes of her friends, she said. "There is one thing recently..." Namida and Sachi's eyes were filled with hope. Namida slapped the table and said. "I knew it, big breasts are nothing but a nuisance."

Her lips curved into a smirk while Sachi faked an understanding smile and said. "We're your friends, you can talk to us about anything-." Ketsueki interrupted her and said. "My bras are a tight fit lately, so I don't wear them here and there." The two girls completely froze from what she said while Namida snapped back to reality and said. "S-So you're going braless to work?" Ketsueki had a disgusted look on her face, she dryly said. "Around those pieces of shit? I'm wearing a sports bra." Sachi's hand that was holding onto the teacup was visibly shaking.

Sachi said. "I-I get what you mean, it happens to me every year or so-." Ketsueki picked up her teacup as she stared at the bright green liquid in her cup and said. "A single sports bra didn't work so I had to wear two of them." Sachi almost spilled some tea onto the table while Namida stared at Ketsueki's breasts. Namida and Sachi simultaneously thought. She's wearing two sports bras?! With a hint of desperation in her voice, Sachi said. "W-When was the last time you bought new bras?" She took a sip while Ketsueki took a sip from her cup.

Namida tapped on the table with her fingertips while staring at Ketsueki's chest. Ketsueki furrowed her brows and said. "I think it was five or six months ago?" Sachi almost spat out the tea in her mouth and managed to swallow it down with great difficulty. Namida ripped a chunk of the wooden table off and she threw it behind her as it hit the floor a couple of times. Namida stared at her friend as she spoke in a slightly shaky voice, she said. "W-What's your bust size?" Ketsueki pondered for a moment and said. "Last time I measured at 87 cm."

The atmosphere in the room turned heavy as Namida stared at her cup of tea and thought. She's guaranteed to be an F cup next time she measures herself… Sachi stared at Ketsueki's chest and thought. How nice… She glanced down at her chest and continued her train of thought. Compared to my average size… Ketsueki glanced out the window and thought. It's a good thing my boy likes them big. With a genuine look of concern, Ketsueki said. "Do you think I'm too big?"

Namida's eyes looked like the light of a candle was snuffed out as she looked at her with dead eyes. Sachi placed down her cup of tea as she placed her elbows on the table and ran her fingers through her hair in complete utter defeat. Sachi glanced at her friend and thought. What hurts is that she's being honest… She moved her gaze onto Namida and said. "You're right, some people have all the luck in the world…" Namida nodded blankly as she faked a smile that was paired with her dead eyes, she said. "Sure, we can easily do that." Sachi shook her head and thought. She can't even hear me…

At A Classroom

Written on the chalkboard were big bold words self-study. Most of the student's desks were grouped as they all had their books out while taking notes. Shiro, Yuki, and Mio's seats were by the window as their desks were grouped. Shiro was reviewing some magic circles and tried to draw them in her notebook while Mio studied some monster biology and in the book was a picture of a slime. Yuki had a mechanical pencil on top of her ear paired with a bored expression, she let out a sigh and said. "There's nothing to do."

Shiro finished drawing a magic circle and tiredly let go of the pencil she was holding, she glanced at her friend and said. "Then how about you study?" Mio flipped to the next page and said. "Because of the tournament, the teachers are busy with preparations." Yuki picked up her notebook lying on her desk and showed both her friends three subjects worth of neat and detailed notes. Mio and Shiro simultaneously thought. Why are you the smartest in our group? Yuki closed her notebook as she placed it back down, she took the mechanical pencil on her ear and placed it on the desk.

Yuki placed her arms on the desk and rested her head on the palm of her hand, she said. "Speaking of the tournament, are you two planning on joining?" Mio let out a chuckle as she scribbled something in her notebook, she said. "I think you mean, participate." Shiro closed the book with the magic circles on it as she raised her hands and said. "Just one more left." She placed her hands on her desk and continued. "I won't since my highest affinity is water."

Yuki let out a sniffled laughter and said. "A tournament has to have competitors… Pass, I know it's going to be boring." Mio closed the book about monster biology and did some hand stretches while sitting, she said. "Even if I wanted to, my parents would have refused because of…" She glanced around the classrooms and saw most of the students were either fooling around or talking. Mio thought. Yuki's right about the competitive thing… Shiro took out an ocean blue pouch from her pocket and placed the book inside. Mio and Yuki stared at the pouch while Shiro said. "What are your plans?"

Shiro took out another book that was about magic basics as she placed it on her desk and placed the pouch beside the book. Mio gave Yuki an odd look and said. "Wait, why did you answer your question?" Yuki smiled at her friend and said. "Just because." Mio rolled her eyes at Yuki while she pointed at Shiro's ocean blue pouch and said. "Shiro, where did you buy that?" Mio took out a pouch from her pocket as she picked up her book about monster biology and placed the book inside.

Shiro had a big smile on her face, with her hands on her hips she puffed out her chest and confidently said. "Onii-chan got it for me." Mio stared at the pouch and thought. I wonder where he got that. She gave her a smile and said. "Now you don't have to carry a backpack around." The smile on Shiro's mouth grew bigger, she said. "Yeah, I don't even feel tired after walking." Yuki rolled her eyes at her friend and said. "I think you just need to exercise more." She thought. That's a high-quality pouch… Would Reiki give me one if I asked nicely?

Shiro picked up her pencil and pouted, she said. "I am exercising." Mio and Yuki had surprised expressions all over their faces as they simultaneously spoke, they said. "You do?" Shiro puffed her cheeks as she opened the book and said. "Of course I do, I walk an extra five minutes during my commute." Mio took out another book from her pouch while Yuki glanced at her and said. "Back to the tournament." Shiro softly slapped her desk with the palm of her hand and said. "Hey, don't just change the subject."

Mio opened the book and browsed through the index, she said. "With our grades even if we don't participate and are absent for the three days, it'll barely affect our standing." Yuki nodded as she made herself comfortable on her chair, she said. "I wish we could, but on the first day everyone has to attend or the entire class will lose points." Shiro had a pondering expression on her face as she poked her cheek with the eraser on her pencil, she said. "Onee-chan's busy on that day, Onii-chan would be the one going with me." Yuki pointed at her and spoke in an excited voice, she said. "That's it!"

Mio shook her head in disapproval and thought. I don't like the way this is going. Shiro looked at her friend with a hint of confusion on her face. Yuki snapped her fingers and continued. "We persuade Reiki so that we put our names on the list so it looked like we attended. Then we ditch halfway through the day and head to my house." Mio raised a brow at Yuki and said. "Now that you've announced your master plan." Using her thumb she pointed at their classmates who were glancing at them from the corner of their eyes, Mio continued. "Now what?"

Yuki let out a chuckle and said. "Them? They're secretly happy that the top three aren't participating in the tournament." She glanced at them from the corner of their eye as they pretended to be busy jotting down notes. Yuki moved her excited gaze onto her friend, she said. "How about it, Shiro?" Shiro gave her a nod and said. "I can easily convince Onii-chan, as long as you can guarantee we can get inside your home." Yuki had a deadpan expression, she waved her hand and said. "Don't worry, even if I tore down half the house Aniki won't go outside." Mio gave Yuki a weird look and thought. Why do I get the feeling she tried that once.

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