
Chapter 189: Chapter 189: Pudgy

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In The Living Room

~One Hour Later~

Ketsueki was sitting on an armchair while tapping her feet on the ground. Shiro was holding onto a strawberry cupcake with her left hand that was missing its strawberry topping, she said. "Cherry, how about a strawberry?" She held a strawberry that had some cream on it closer to the white bird's beak. Cherry stared at it and ate it by pecking while in Shiro's hands. Ketsueki glanced at her little sister's pudgy belly and said. "Shiro, you aren't getting any desserts after dinner." Cherry ate the last bit of strawberry in Shiro's hands.

She turned her head and gave her older sister a shocked expression, Shiro said. "Onee-chan, why?" Ketsueki's gaze wandered to her little sister's pudgy belly for a split second, she said. "We don't need to have this conversation." Shiro looked down as she stared at her pudgy belly and poked it a couple of times. Cherry turned into a streak of white and appeared on Ketsueki's left shoulder. Shiro pouted as she puffed her cheeks and pointed at her older sister using the cupcake in her hand. She said. "Onii-chan gets to eat anything he wants!"

Ketsueki patted Cherry's head using her index finger, she said. "We've never seen his stomach expand like a balloon." Shiro threw a small fit making her pudgy belly jiggle, she said. "I demand a second opinion!" Ketsueki snapped her fingers as all the opened confectionaries on the coffee table and the dining table were enveloped with a thin layer of mana. The boxes of sweets instantly vanished leaving the boxes of pizza alone on the dining table, Ketsueki said. "Reiki would have the same answer." Cherry enjoyed being patted by her as Ketsueki snapped her fingers again.

A large plate of freshly fried croquettes with a fork on the side appeared on the coffee table along with a bowl of tartar sauce. Shiro flailed on the couch while carefully holding onto the cupcake she held with her right hand, she said. "You don't know that!" Kiru and Reiki simultaneously appeared in the room. Kiru was sitting on the other armchair while Reiki sat on the floor as he stood up and dusted his shorts. He said. "Would you like me to show you outside?" Cherry turned into a streak of shite and appeared on his right shoulder, she let out a caw and flapped her wings.

Ketsueki picked up the fork on the plate of croquettes and aggressively stabbed a croquette while glaring at him. Shiro struggled to get up from the couch and used her added weight to her advantage and managed to stand up. She grabbed her older brother's hand and pulled on it which got his attention, Shiro spoke in a pleading voice. "Onii-chan." Reiki stared at his little sister as a layer of water formed on her eyes. His gaze wandered onto her pudgy belly, he flashed her a smile that gave her hope. Reiki said. "I agree with Onee-chan."

Shiro's grip on her older brother's arm as he gestures at the front of the door and said. "If you will." Kiru stood up from the armchair and straightened her t-shirt, she said. "Lead the way." She gave him a smile as Reiki with Cherry on his shoulder made their way to the front door with Kiru behind him. Ketsueki glared at the two of them as they made their way to the front door. Shiro looked like she lost her soul as she plopped down on the chair in defeat, she went back to normal as she started eating the cupcake in her hand.

She quickly finished the cupcake in her hand and held onto the wrapper, Shiro said. "Onee-chan, can I have another creampuff?" Ketsueki dipped a croquette into the bowl of tartar sauce, she glanced at her little sister and said. "Acting as if it never happened won't change anything, Shiro." Shiro let out a hmph as she crossed her arms and said. "Why not? You do it all the time with Onii-chan." Ketsueki's grip on the fork slightly loosen as she almost let go of it, she thought. I need to stop… Playing with him in the same room as her.

Reiki made his way to the living room and stood beside the couch without Cherry on his shoulder. Shiro puffed her cheeks as she turned her head and let out a hmph. Ketsueki glared at him, she said. "What took you so long, Reiki?" Her pupils faintly glowed as she continued. "You two fooled around?" Reiki felt the gaze pierce through him as he let out a forced laugh and said. "I was just placing the other indoor slippers in the shoe compartment." Ketsueki's gaze narrowed, she said. "Sure…" She took a bite out of the croquette that was stabbed on her fork while Reiki sat on the couch.

He glanced at the boxes of pizzas on the dining table and said. "Is it me or did the stack of pizza get shorter?" Shiro somehow managed to peek above the backrest of the couch. Ketsueki wiped the corner of her lips using her thumb and swallowed, she said. "She brought twenty boxes." Shiro sat back down on the couch as she placed her hands on her pudgy belly, she said. "I counted eleven." She looked at the wrapper of the cupcake in the palm of her hand and tried to sneakily put it into her older brother's pocket.

Reiki pretended not to notice what Shiro was doing, he said. "Yuki brought home four boxes…" He raised a brow and continued. "She ate five by herself… I need to make more food when they drop by." Shiro smiled as she successfully placed the wrapper in her older brother's pocket. Ketsueki finished off the rest of the croquette on her fork and stabbed it into another one on the plate, she said. "Reiki, how about we talk again?" Ketsueki stood up from the armchair and effortlessly lifted his little brother from the couch by wrapping her arm around his waist.

Shiro raised her hand and said. "Onii-chan, if you survive, make something sweet for dinner." She glanced at the large plate of croquettes. Ketsueki was about to reach the stairway leading to the second floor, she suddenly paused and said. "Reiki, where's Cherry?" He looked up at her and said. "She flew outside again." Ketsueki continued walking as she intentionally let her little brother's head hit the wall. Reiki spoke in a monotone voice and said. "Ow." Ketsueki walked up the stairs while carrying him as she gave him a cold glare, she said. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did you want me to smash your face against the wall?"

Reiki turned quiet as he felt cold sweat travel down his neck. Ketsueki let out a scoff and said. "That's what I thought." The two of them quickly reached the second floor as Ketsueki placed her little brother down on the ground. She gave him a dangerous look and said. "Talk." Reiki gave his older sister a flattering smile and said. "We didn't talk about any-." Ketsueki interrupted him and said. "If you lie to me, I'll pummel you to the ground." She crossed her arms making her large chest press against each other, Ketsueki continued. "We have all day."

The two of them stared at each other as the atmosphere turned heavy. Reiki pulled the collar of his t-shirt and said. "She wanted me to work for her." Ketsueki just stared at him without blinking, Reiki thought. Good, she's not winding up for a punch. He continued. "I don't know where but Kiru-san managed to catch wind that I could speak elvish." Ketsueki's eyes narrowed as she glared at her little brother, she said. "She wanted you, a ten-year-old boy, working for her?" Reiki shrugged his shoulders and said. "It was more of a tax loophole disguised as a part-time job."

The two of them stared at each other in silence. Ketsueki raised her right hand which made his little brother flinch, she placed it on Reiki's right cheek as the swelling had already gone down leaving a slight bruise. Ketsueki thought. His regeneration got faster… Her hand was enveloped in a thin layer of mana.

[System: User has been healed for 1,000.]

The bruise on her little brother instantly healed as she moved her hand away, Ketsueki continued her train of thought. I've disciplined my boy well. The corner of her lips curved into a small smile while Reiki let out a long sigh of relief, he thought. I somehow managed to control my nerves. He suddenly heard Ender's voice in his head. [You're welcome.] Reiki looked up to his older sister and said. "Onee-chan, I'm planning on visiting the elves tomorrow." Ketsueki stared at him for a few seconds, she said. "What time are you leaving?" Reiki subconsciously gulped and said. "After I prepared you and Shiro's breakfast and bentos."

Ketsueki gave him a meaningful look, she said. "And?" Reiki obediently nodded and said. "I remember our deal. I only have until three to get back home." Ketsueki's gaze narrowed, she blandly said. "I gave you until one o'clock." Reiki smiled at her and naturally grabbed his older sister's hand, interlocking their fingers. He said. "Onee-chan, you don't have to worry about me." He took a couple of steps closer to her and continued. "With how friendly my relationship with them is, I doubt they'll do anything." Ketsueki caressed the back of her little brother's hand using her thumb, she said. "Reiki… Why are you paying the elves a visit?"

She smoothly positioned herself in front of her little brother and placed her left hand on his cheek. Ketsueki looked deep into his eyes and continued. "Don't tell me it had something to do with that talisman call before?" She slowly combed her fingers into his unkempt and scraggly hair, Ketsueki said. "I'll tell you this right now, it's never going to work." Reiki thought. The queen and her soon-to-be bride would say otherwise. He gave her a polite smile and said. "Money." Ketsueki was completely surprised by what he said as Reiki placed his right hand on the hand his older sister used to comb through his hair.

Ketsueki's brows furrowed as a hint of confusion appeared in her eyes, she said. "... Money?..." Reiki felt the back of his older sister's hand as he let out a chuckle and continued. "Yep, your only two friends did say elvish speaking people are in demand. Just having a good relationship with them would easily triple my value." Ketsueki's gaze slightly narrowed, she said. "And you don't have your eye on any of them?" Reiki intentionally paused for a few seconds and pretended to think about what he was going to say. Ketsueki's eyes had distrust all over them, she firmly said. "Reiki."

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Reiki shrugged his shoulders and said. "Yes, I admit the elves are attractive in their own right." He felt his older sister pull on his hair, Reiki said. "But, I have no interest in them." Ketsueki moved her hand away from his hair and swatted Reiki's hand which had their fingers intertwined.

[System: User has received 73 Damage.]

She let out a scoff and said. "Now I'm just tempted to lock you in this house." Ketsueki placed her hands on her hips while Reiki grabbed one of her hands and tried to hold her hand again. He said. "They do have some serious competition though."

Ketsueki immediately turned serious as she glared at him and said. "Competition?" Reiki gave her a meaningful look, he said. "Onee-chan, asking for a friend. What kind of guy would you date?" Ketsueki raised a brow at him and tried her best to control her lips from forming a smirk, she thought. Do you even have friends? She placed a hand on her chin and pretended to think, Ketsueki said. "Well…" she moved her hand away from her chin and measured his height which barely reached her shoulders. Ketsueki's lips curved into a smile as she continued. "Tell your friend I'll date him if he's taller than me."

She let out a laugh while placing her hand in the pockets of her shorts. Reiki had a serious expression on his face, he said. "My friend can easily do that." A faint blush appeared on Ketsueki's cheek as she glanced at a wall while scratching her cheek. She faked a cough and said. "L-Let's get down, Shiro might get suspicious if we stay here any longer." Reiki nodded at her, he said. "Fine." The two of them made their way down the stairs while walking side by side. With the blush slowly fading away from her cheeks, Ketsueki said. "Reiki, what did you paint?"

Reiki scratched the back of his head and said. "I tried my hand at painting by making a simple portrait of hills, blue sky, and some trees." Ketsueki's eyes had interest all over them, she said. "Can you show me?" Reiki let out a self-mocking chuckle, he said. "Once the paint dries, I'm ripping it in half." The two of them quickly reached the first floor and saw Shiro chewing while holding onto a croquette dipped in some tartar sauce.

Ketsueki moved her gaze onto the plate of croquettes and saw that it was visibly smaller, she said. "Shiro… How many did you eat?" Shiro gulped down a mouthful of croquettes and spoke with a hint of nervousness in her voice. She said. "... One…" Shiro showed them the croquette in her hands while Reiki's gaze wandered onto her pudgy belly which visibly got bigger, he thought. If she keeps this up, she'll need to go on a diet. Ketsueki's lips formed into a slight frown, she said. "Shiro, be honest."

Shiro gave them a nervous smile and said. "This is the fourth one…" Ketsueki stared at her little sister in disbelief, she said. "No dinner for you." Shiro started flailing on the couch making her pudgy belly jiggle around, she smacked the couch a couple of times using the palm of her hand and said. "Why!?" After a few seconds of flailing her breathing was haggard as she tried her best to slow it down. Shiro went back to eating the croquette in her hands while both Reiki and Ketsueki watched her in concern.

Ketsueki said. "Shiro-." She felt her hand being grabbed by her little brother as she glanced at him and saw the reassuring look Reiko gave her. He said. "Shiro." Shiro ate the last bit of croquette in her hands as she looked at her older brother with a hint of confusion on her face. Reiki continued. "Until you've lost your bloated belly… You're not allowed to eat anything sweet." Shiro stared at her older brother while she struggled to comprehend what he said. She saw the serious expression on his face and fainted on the couch.

Luxurious Living Room

Kiru was wearing silk pajamas that showed off her slim figure as she lazily laid down on the couch. The door leading to the kitchen opened revealing Kanzei holding a tray with freshly brewed tea. He made his way toward the couch as Kiru picked up one of the pillows on the couch and repeatedly squished it. Kanzei placed the teacup and the marching coaster on the coffee table close to her. Kiru stared dazedly at the action movie playing on the large flatscreen tv and said. "Kanzei… I'm supposed to be good at negotiations, right?"

With a wave of his hand, the tray Kanzei was holding vanished, he gave her an odd look and said. "... Ojou-sama, you're one of the few billionaires in the world…" Kiru slowly tore off one long piece of the pillow she was squeezing, she thought. Yet I barely got anything out of him, especially when I just flushed a trillion yen down the drain. Kanzei watched Kiru tearing the pillow as he took out a smartphone from the inside of his breast pocket and turned it on. Kiru threw the pillow behind the couch as white stuffing and small bits of feather scattered around the floor.

Kanzei tapped on the screen of his smartphone a few times and sent a message, he said. "Ojou-sama, would you like something sweet?" Kiru waved her hand in dismissal and said. "No, make me something bitter instead." Kanzei's eyes had a hint of surprise in them, he thought. What kind of negotiation did she have with him? He gave her a nod and said. "Yes, right away." Kanzei made his way to the kitchen as Kiru watched the movie with a straight expression. Her eyes slightly widened in realization as she took out a talisman from her pocket and inserted some mana into it.

The talisman faintly glowed, Kiru said. "Asami-san, you don't have to keep the tiger on a leash anymore." From the talisman, she heard Asami's voice with a hint of sadness in it. Asami said. "Already? Are you sure about that? I'm having fun messing with her in the pretense of training." Kiru let go of the talisman as it floated mid-air as she reached for the remote and changed the channel. She said. "Positive, Reiki and I…" Her face had a visible hint of bitterness in it as she continued. "Reached into an agreement."

From the talisman, Asami let out a resounding laugh that filled the room Kiru was in. Asami said. "I can't see your face, but I can tell you barely got something out of him!" Kiru deeply inhaled and let out a sigh as she massaged her forehead with one hand, she said. "And this is how I know we're friends, you laughing at me by losing seventy-five billion dollars." Kiru eventually stopped browsing through channels and lazily placed the remote on the couch. Asami's laughter slowly died down from the talisman, she said. "Us meeting at that cheap cafe was truly a stroke of fate."

At A Desert

Asami was sitting on top of Arashi's back who was completely exhausted and could barely muster the strength to groan. In front of Asami was a floating talisman that was faintly glowing, she said. "What did you get out of it?" From the talisman, Kiru let out another sigh and said. "It's more like what I could've got my hands on… But the negotiation proceeded without a problem." Asami raised a brow as she adjusted her legs on Arashi's back and said. "From your tone, it sounds like you were denied."

From the talisman, Kiru said. "He only gave me five percent of the dividends." Asami burst out into laughter as she repeatedly smacked Arashi's back with the palm of her hand. Asami said. "The darling of the magi institute failed to negotiate with a ten-year-old boy." She continued her laughter while Kiru was silent on the talisman. After a moment passed on Asami's laughter eventually died down while Kiru said. "It was more of an exchange than a negotiation." Asami looked around the dunes around her and said. "What kind of exchange?" Arashi who she was sitting on let out one long groan as Asami glanced at her.

From the talisman, Kiru said. "He wanted two of the substantial potion dispensers. Automated if possible so he wouldn't have to manually place each cork." A curious expression appeared on Asami's expression as she tapped her index finger on her knee, she said. "What did you use your billions for?" Kiru said. "I tried to replicate a potion Reiki made." A few seconds of silence passed by as Asami stared at the talisman, she said. "What kind of potion is that? The fountain of youth?" From the talisman, Kiru said. "Yep." Asami's eyes lit up as she excitedly said. "Really?!"

Kiru shattered her hopes and coldly said. "No." Asami stared at the talisman with her lips pursed into a straight line, she said. "We are friends alright." From the talisman, Kiru said. "It was a status debuff immunity that lasted for ten minutes." Asami lost interest in the conversation and placed her elbow on her thigh and rested her head on her palm. Asami said. "Talismans can also do that." Kiru let out a small laugh from the talisman and said. "Oh, let me clarify myself a bit. It neutralizes one class of debuff for ten minutes."

Asami was taken back for a moment before a hint of gleam appeared in her eyes, she said. "Now that's something I could sink my teeth into." She heard the sound of someone taking a sip from the talisman, Kiru said. "Let's continue this conversation in person." Arashi let out another groan as she looked around and muttered. "What time is it?" Asami nodded as she levitated off Arashi's back and stood on her own two feet. Asami said. "I'll drop by sometime before dinner." Asami pocketed the talisman while Arashi tried to lift herself off the sand using her arms. Arashi said. "... Everything hurts…"

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