
Chapter 190: Chapter 190: Cranky

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Arashi was wearing a red sports bra and loose black jogging pants, she had sand in her hair along with some sticking to her skin from her sweat. Her arms slightly wobbled as she slowly tried to get up. Arashi stood on her own two feet as she tried to wipe some sand off her cheek and said. "Madam, how is this supposed to help with my training?" Asami gave her a small smile, she said. "Just seeing how far I could push your limits, to see how I'll adjust your regimen." Arashi struggled to wipe the sand on her cheeks and gave up.

She dusted some sand on her jogging pants and pulled on her sports bra to look inside, Arashi said. "What did princess magic ask about Reiki?" She placed a hand inside her sports bra and dusted some sand on her large chest. Asami stared at her and thought. Hmm… Maybe I should've buried her in the sand instead so she couldn't hear the conversation… She said. "Nothing much, kiru just wanted to know if he's been intentionally avoiding him or not." Arashi let go of her sports bra as it made her chest slightly jiggle from the impact.

Arashi stretched her right arm around and said. "I know the answer for that." Asami placed a hand on her chin, she said. "I think you're wrong." Arashi raised a brow in confusion, she said. "What makes you say that?" Asami gave her a mysterious smile and said. "Intuition." Arashi pointed in the direction of the north and said. "In that case, you won't mind if I go out first? I need a shower because there's sand between and under my boobs." Arashi glanced at the clear blue sky with no sun and thought. He's taking his sweet time not visiting me.

Asami shook her head sideways and thought. Not even bothered by the meaning of my words. The corner of her lips curled into a smile as she spoke under her breath, Asami said. "At this rate, I might as well keep him for myself." Arashi let out a small yawn without bothering to cover her mouth, she said. "Madam, did you say something?" Asami let out a chuckle and faked a smile, she said. "Reiki's lucky to have met you." Arashi wiped a tear from the corner of her eye as she gave her a nod paired with a smile showing her pearly white teeth.

Arashi said. "You bet he is." She waved at her and continued. "Madam, I'm heading out first then." Asami gave her a nod as Arashi started running north every step she took a gust of sand was kicked off from the ground. Asami waved her hand as a barrier formed around her blocking the sand, she said. "I wonder what Reiki sees in her." The barrier around her disappeared as she did some light stretches. Asami continued. "I'm going to love watching him struggle to change her attitude."

Inside A Minimalist Room

Reiki put the painting inside his tattered pouch with Cherry on his right shoulder, he thought. That takes care of Nora's gift. He let out a sigh and patted the albino crow's head using his index finger. Reiki glanced at him and said. "Cherry, I'm going to need you to not disappear on me these next few days." Cherry enjoyed having her head caressed by him as she let out a caw, he continued. "I'll take that as a yes." Reiki let out a yawn as he made his way out of the room and closed the door behind him.

He quickly made his way to the first floor and saw his two sisters sitting on the couch. Shiro was playing with her pudgy belly through her shirt by trying to mold it. Ketsueki had both her feet on the coffee table as she watched a man eating a green bean followed by an overreaction. She glanced at her little brother by the stairway and said. "Reiki, already finished cleaning?" While making his way to the dining table with the pizza boxes, Reiki said. "Yes, the room doesn't have many items to gather dust in." He placed the top of the pizza boxes on the dining table and opened it.

Cherry flew off his right shoulder as she turned into a streak of white and landed on Ketsueki's left shoulder. She patted the albino crow's head using her index finger, Ketsueki thought. I should buy him a few things to fill up that empty room of his. She said. "Shiro, stop playing with your gut, or else you'll get attached to it." Shiro was pinching her pudgy belly with both her hands as she looked up at her older sister with a hint of confusion in her expression.

Shiro said. "What happens if I get attached to it?" She tilted her head sideways as her older sister stopped caressing Cherry's head with her finger. Ketsueki's expression turned dreadful which made her little sister worry, she said. "If you get too attached to it…" She paused for a dramatic effect as Shiro moved her hands away from her belly and placed them on the couch. Reiki finished one pizza box and closed it as he opened another one, he thought. I used to hate moments like this… His mouth formed into a small smile as he picked up a slice of room-temperature pizza and took a big bite out of it.

Reiki continued his train of thought. Now, I wish they'll never stop. Shiro grabbed the end of her older sister's shirt and spoke with a hint of panic in her voice, she said. "Onee-chan, what happens if I get attached to it?" Reiki quickly finished a slice as he wiped his mouth using the back of his hand, he spoke in a whisper saying. "Aren't you already attached to it." Ketsueki did her best to keep herself from laughing as the corner of her lips almost curved upwards. She glanced at her little brother who was stuffing himself with pizza and thought. Since when did you have a sense of humor?

Shiro pulled on his older sister's shirt a couple of times which made Cherry turn into a streak of white and landed on the small girl's left shoulder. She said. "Onee-chan!" Reiki was standing by the dining table eating a pizza crust as he made his way toward the kitchen, he thought. Water. Ketsueki cleared her throat and pretended to look around the house to see if someone was listening, she whispered. "If you get too attached to it, it'll never go away."

Shiro stared at her older sister for a few seconds with a blank look on her face. Cherry turned into a streak of white and followed Reiki into the kitchen. Shiro snapped back to reality as she pulled her older sister's shirt even more, she said. "Onee-chan, what should I do!?" From tugging on Ketsueki's shirt the fabric was about to stretch while revealing a faint outline of a six-pack. She grabbed her shirt to prevent it from being stretched, Ketsueki said. "Shiro, I'll tell you. So stop pulling my clothes!"

Reiki walked away from the kitchen with a tall glass of ice water in his right hand and a small plastic bowl of cherries with the stems taken out in his right. Cherry couldn't move her eyes away from the bowl as Reiki placed the bowl on from the other side of the table. Shiro eventually managed to let go of her older sister's shirt while Ketsueki gave her a smile and thought. This is one of my favorites… Reiki has one like this. Cherry turned into a streak of white and appeared by the bowl of cherries while Reiki picked up a slice of pizza.

Ketsueki placed a hand on top of her little sister's head, she said. "All you have to do is eat vegetables." Shiro's brows immediately furrowed as her mouth turned into a slight frown, she said. "... Vegetables?..." Reiki watched Cherry happily eating cherries while Ketsueki kept a serious expression and said. "Shiro, I know how you feel about your veggies." Shiro puffed her cheeks and spoke in a spoiled tone. "Onee-chan, do I have to?" Ketsueki's expression turned slightly grave, she said. "Shiro, don't tell me you want to keep your…" Her gaze wandered to her little sister's pudgy belly for a split second.

Ketsueki continued. "Belly like a balloon?" Shiro looked down at her stomach and started molding it, while playing with it she said. "I don't know… It's kinda fun." Reiki finished another box of pizza and placed it on top of the other empty one as he let out a burp, he said. "Excuse me." He reached out for his glass of water while watching Cherry peck at cherries. Ketsueki's eyes had a hint of panic as she stared at her little sister, she thought. Shit… I never wanted to do this but… 

Ketsueki sneakily gestured at her little sister to get closer. Shiro thought. Onee-chan?... She tried to move closer to her but could barely make any progress. Ketsueki scooted closer to her and placed an arm around Shiro's shoulders. Ketsueki spoke in a whisper. "... Are you sure about that choice?..." Shiro had confusion all over her face as she tilted her head sideways, she was about to say something when Ketsueki interrupted her and whispered. "What about…" She glanced at Reiki who finished another box of pizza and stacked it among the empty ones. Shiro managed to peek above the backrest of the couch and saw her older brother opening another box of pizza

Shiro thought. Onii-chan?... She moved her gaze back onto her older sister as Ketsueki huddled closer to her. Ketsueki continued. "What if, Reiki won't like you anymore." Shiro turned slightly pale while Reiki finished another slice of pizza. He thought. Just pretend I'm deaf and nothing bad will happen. She quickly adjusted and kneeled on the couch to look above the backrest of the couch, Shiro said. "O-Onii-chan, y-you'll still love me even when I'm… Round, right?..." Reiki wiped his mouth clean with the back of his hand.

He pretended to not notice the dangerous glare Ketsueki was giving him and said. "Shiro, don't worry about the little things." Ketsueki's eyes turned hostile as Shiro's expression brightened up, Reiki continued. "Even if you decided to be a sumo wrestler, I would still love you wholeheartedly." Ketsueki's expression turned odd while Shiro's complexion turned slightly paler than before. Shiro said. "S-Sumo?" Reiki picked up a slice of pizza from the box and nodded, he said. "You remember, don't you? We accidentally came across that channel and saw a couple of… Large men pushing each other off the circle."

Shiro had a serious expression on her face as she grabbed her older sister's shoulder and said. "Onee-chan, all I have to do is eat vegetables for dinner. Right?" Ketsueki gave her a nod and was about to say something when Shiro fluidly turned around and stood up from the couch. She grabbed her older sister's arm and continued. "Onee-chan, we're going outside for a walk." Ketsueki pretended to reluctantly stand up from the couch, she said. "I'm fine with it, but are you sure?" Reiki watched her older sister place her right hand behind her back and gave him a thumbs-up, he thought. As long as I don't get pummeled to the ground.

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Shiro tried to drag her older sister to the front door while Ketsueki walked beside her little sister. Shiro said. "Onee-chan, move faster." Ketsueki turned her head sideways while Reiki devoured pizza slices one after another. Ketsueki waved at him and said. "We'll be back in five minutes." Reiki gave her a nod as he wiped some grease on his mouth, he said. "So until Shiro gets tired, noted." Shiro pouted as she puffed her cheeks and started adding weight by dragging her older sister's arm, she said. "Onee-chan!"

Ketsueki slid open the shoe compartment and said. "Yes yes, I'm moving. I am moving." She took out two pairs of sports shoes as the two sisters put them on while Reiki finished another box of pizza. He thought. At that time I should be done with this. Reiki closed the empty box and placed it among the others as he saw a streak of white land on his right shoulder. Cherry pecked something in her wing as she let out a caw, Reiki said. "You've been quiet as always, Cherry." He glanced at the bowl on the other side of the dining table and saw it was empty.

Reiki continued. "More cherries?" Cherry excitedly flapped her wings followed by a caw as the sound of the front door opening came from the front door. Ketsueki said. "Reiki, we'll be back in five." It was followed by his little sister who spoke in a tone of anger, Shiro said. "Onee-chan, why are you-!" It was cut off by the door closing as Reiki made his way to the kitchen with Cherry on his shoulder. He said. "Cherry, how do you like the peaceful life so far?" Cherry let out a caw as Reiki gave her a nod and continued. "Same here, today's just another lazy day for us."

~First Crack Of Dawn~

Reiki's hair was slightly damped as he wiped a stray strand of hair to the side. He was holding onto two bentos and placed them on the dining table as Cherry ate in a small plastic bowl of cherries with the stem taken out. The albino bird ate the last one and turned into a streak of shite and appeared on Reiki's right shoulder, he said. "Cherry, let's get moving." She flapped her wings and let out a caw.

The sound of a pair of footsteps came from the staircase as Shiro wearing her school uniform followed by Ketsueki who wore a baggy jacket and pants. Reiki's gaze wandered onto his little sister's stomach and saw it was back to normal, he thought. Well… At least she's happy. Shiro puffed her flat chest out and placed her hands on her hips, she said. "Onii-chan, look. I told you I'll lose my belly." She let out a hmph as Reiki tried to place a hand on her head which she swatted away. Cherry turned into a streak of white and appeared on Shiro's left shoulder, Reiki said. "Yeah… It's as if your body magically turned back to normal."

He glanced at his older sister who pretended to be ignorant of his gaze, Reiki thought. If it weren't for Ender. I wouldn't have noticed the tiniest fluctuation of mana from Onee-chan using magic. Shiro patted Cherry's head using her index finger while Ketsueki placed a hand on top of her little brother's slightly damped hair. She ruffled Reiki's hair and said. "Now do you believe me, Shiro? I told you all you had to do was eat vegetables."

He felt Ketsueki's grip on his head tighten and continued. "Add this as another reason why you should always listen to me." She gave her little brother a cold side glance and gave her little sister a sweet smile. Shiro's eyes sparkled as she looked up at her older sister and firmly nodded, she said. "Yes! Onee-chan!"

[System: User has received 63 Damage.]

Reiki managed to keep a straight face as Cherry turned into a streak of white and appeared on Ketsueki's left shoulder. He said. "O-Onee-chan, it-." 

[System: User has received 72 Damage.]

Ketsueki tightened her hand on his one last time before ruffling his messy hair and moving her hand away. Shiro looked up to Cherry on her shoulder and reached out both her hands toward her. Ketsueki said. "Reiki, what seems to be the rush?" Cherry glanced at Shiro with one of her blood-red eyes before turning into a streak of white and appearing on her left shoulder. Ketsueki's eyes narrowed as she continued. "To me, it looks like you're eager to meet someone." Shiro admired the albino bird's feathers as she let out a yawn and covered her mouth. Reiki rubbed his head and thought. So that's why she woke Shiro up so early.

Ketsueki gestured at Shiro and said. "How about you walk your little sister halfway to school?" Reiki looked up to her older sister and saw the coldness in them which made him visibly shiver, he said. "W-Well, you only gave me so much time. I also have to get all your souvenirs." Cherry rubbed her head against Shiro's cheek as she stopped yawning and let out a giggle. Ketsueki stared at him, which made her little brother take a step back subconsciously. Ketsueki said. "And you expect me to believe that?"

Reiki pulled on the collar of his shirt, he said. "I also have to put it in the order of elven chocolates." The coldness in Ketsueki's eyes immediately vanished as Shiro looked up at her with a straight expression. Cherry pecked something in her wing as Ketsueki faked a cough and spoke with a hint of awkwardness. She continued. "Then you should get a move on." Reiki pointed at Shiro by nodding at her and said. "What about-." Ketsueki interrupted him, she said. "I'll walk her to her school." She leaned her upper body lower and whispered in his ear, Ketsueki continued. "But, if you don't come back here with chocolate. I will make you regret returning home."

Reiki felt cold sweat travel the back of his neck, he said. "Y-Yes, Onee-chan." Ketsueki stood up straight as Shiro let out another yawn and covered her mouth using her hand. Cherry turned into a streak of white and appeared on Reiki's right shoulder as he wiped the sweat on the back of his neck. Ketsueki poked her little sister's cheek, she said. "Wake up sleepy head." Shiro slowly opened her eyes as she puffed her cheeks and said. "Onee-chan… You're the one who woke me up so early!"

Reiki slowly backed away as Cherry turned into a streak of white while his little sister's attention was on Ketsueki. He felt the glare from his older sister but kept on backing away, Shiro continued. "If you haven't been so forceful! I could've slept for another hour and a half!" Reiki made his escape as he quickly opened the shoe compartment while Ketsueki tried to calm down her little sister, she said. "Shiro, calm down. I'll buy you chocolate ice cream." Reiki put on his shoes and quickly tied his shoelaces, he thought. Bribing with food already? 

He noticed Cherry on the floor standing beside him on the floor. Shiro flailed her arms around as her mood turned increasingly cranky, she said. "Why did you wake me up in the first place?! Onii-chan, didn't even prepare breakfast yet!" Ketsueki's smile slightly faltered and placed a hand on her little sister's shoulder, she said. "Shiro, I was just making sure-." Shiro swatted her older sister's hand away from her shoulder, she said. "Onee-chan, you're a stick in the mud." Ketsueki felt the words sting a bit, she thought. Was I also like this toward Namida and Sachi when I went to work with little to no sleep?

Reiki was halfway out of the front door with Cherry on his right shoulder, he said. "I only had time to make karaage today, breakfast is in the oven so it should still be warm. I love you both, bye." He quickly closed the door and escaped while Ketsueki continued his train of thought. My boy decided to ditch me… She scratched her cheek and couldn't hear what Shiro was saying as she angrily pointed at her and stomped on the floor a couple of times. Ketsueki continued her train of thought. I mean… I was only cranky a few times… 

She stared at her little sister without hearing a single word she was saying and crossed her arms, Ketsueki thought. I wonder how many boxes will he bring back home. She heard her little sister's angry voice. Shiro said. "Chan! Onee-chan! Are you even listening?!" Ketsueki stared at her little sister as the two of them stared at each other for a moment. Shiro's breathing was ragged, she said. "Onee-chan, what did I say a few seconds ago?" Ketsueki blinked a couple of times and said. "You wanted to eat breakfast and me to keep my promise of buying you ice cream."

Shiro stared at her older sister for a few seconds with a hint of awkwardness in her eyes she said. "Oh… You were listening…" Ketsueki kept a straight face and thought. I got it right? She let out a chuckle and patted her little sister's head, Ketsueki said. "That's my job as an older sister." Shiro deeply inhaled and sharply exhaled, she said. "I'm sorry for my outburst, Onee-chan. I just want to go to bed again." Ketsueki smiled at her and said. "Come on, let's set up the table so we can eat. I'll let you sleep until it's time." Shiro pointed at her uniform and said. "What if my black blazer gets wrinkled?" Ketsueki let out a chuckle and said. "Just drape it over a chair for the time being."

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