
Chapter 193: Chapter 193: Scratch

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Melanor glared at him while Moranor crossed her arms as her lips curved into a big smirk. Reiki gave her a wry smile and said. "Lady Mela-." Melanor spoke in a dry tone as she interrupted him, she said. "Reiki, you're not one to use formalities." Moranor let out a snicker while the smile on Reiki's face stiffened. He continued. "I bought my little elf the quiver." Melanor raised a brow at him and said. "What rarity is it?" Reiki shook his head as he spoke bluntly, he said. "If I'm being honest, I don't know." Melanor looked at him oddly while Moranor's eyes widened in surprise.

Moranor placed a hand on his shoulder and said. "Then what was the reason you bought it?" Reiki looked up at her and said. "Because you wanted it." Moranor was stunned for a moment as she let out a scoff to stop herself from smiling, she said. "I'm not impressed." She turned her head away from him and moved her hand away from Reiki's shoulder as she felt delighted by his response. Melanor let out a sigh and said. "Honey, that's not helping." She pinched the bridge of her nose and continued. "We're supposed to be intimidating him."

Reiki grabbed Moranor's hand and intertwined their fingers, he said. "What's the rarity?" Moranor glanced at him for a moment and said. "It's only a high-grade rare." Reiki thought. And I paid one hundred platinum for it… Fifty-four million yen for that… It's cheaper than I thought. Melanor moved some stray goldish hair behind her long and pointy ear, she said. "It's cheap because of how uncommon they are." Reiki started playing with Moranor's hand again while Melanor watched him play with her daughter's hand. Melanor pondered for a moment, she said. "Reiki."

Moranor had a faint blush on her cheeks as she let him play with her hand. Reiki looked up to Melanor and said. "Interrogation not over yet?" Melanor rolled her eyes at him and said. "I'll keep this interrogation until-." She was interrupted by Reiki who said. "I'll make a portrait of you on one special day." He thought. I don't mind painting you and Elora on your wedding day. Melanor was suddenly beside him as she patted his back, she said. "Reiki, this is what I like about you." She gave him a big smile and continued. "You can do everything she can't." Moranor's brows furrowed as she frowned at her mother, she said. "What is that supposed to mean?"

Melanor playfully poked the tip of her daughter's nose which made the frown more prominent, she said. "Dear, keep frowning like that and you'll end up with wrinkles." While playing with her hand Reiki glanced at Moranor as her expression quickly turned neutral. Moranor said. "I'm young, as long as I take good care of myself, wrinkles will never happen." Melanor nodded along while her daughter spoke. Moranor glared at her mother and continued. "To us, wrinkles are just a game to see who gets them first." Reiki thought. That's one way to pass the time.

Moranor spoke under her breath, she said. "Though I doubt I'll get them first." Melanor's pointy ear slightly twitched, she gave her daughter a sweet smile and said. "Moranor Amthir. I taught you manners, speak properly so other elves can hear you." Moranor felt a chill down her spine as she visibly shivered. She slightly reeled back while her mother was slowly reaching her hand out toward Moranor's cheek. Reiki pointed at Melanor using his left hand, he said. "No hurting my little elf now." Melanor moved her gaze onto him, she said. "Oh? And why is that?"

Reiki intertwined their fingers with his right hand again and continued. "Melanor, let's be honest now." Melanor's pupils had strings of lighting traveling around them as Moranor was trying to make Reiki let go of her hand. He continued. "You'll probably still look like that even in your late thousands." The lightning in Melanor's pupils vanished as she gave him a genuine smile and said. "Reiki, compliments like that don't work." Moranor stopped trying to slip off his grip as she let out a sigh. Melanor lazily waved at them and said. "I'll leave you two lovebirds alone."

The blush on Moranor's cheeks turned redder as Melanor vanished. Reiki glanced at the door at the back that lead inside the house. He moved his gaze back onto the blushing elf and said. "Ready to make good on your promise?" Moranor took a deep breath to cool down, she looked down at him and said. "What promise?" Reiki felt the back of her hand using her thumb, he said. "I asked you to teach me archery next time I paid a visit." Moranor's eyes brightened up as her voice had a hint of excitement, she said. "You were serious about that?"

Reiki glanced at the door leading deeper into the house again, he thought. Now her mother is gone. He gave her a smile and said. "Well, it would be a good way to bond." From the corner of his eye, he saw a streak of white as Cherry appeared on his right shoulder. The white bird let out a caw as Reiki and Moranor moved their gazes on the large stainless steel table. They saw a small bowl with stems neatly piled on one side. Reiki gently scratched the bottom of Cherry's head using his other hand and said. "I'm guessing you've enjoyed your meal."

Cherry let out a caw as Moranor used her free hand to pat the albino bird's head using her index finger. Moranor stole a glance at him and said. "When do you want to start?" Reiki pointed at the bowl using his thumb, he said. "I'll give that a quick wash and then we can go." Cherry turned into a streak of white as she appeared on Moranor's left shoulder. Reiki made his way to the metal table and grabbed the bowl.

Inside A Large Living Room

Melanor appeared by the door and saw Enora was putting the portrait she got from Reiki on the west side of the wall. Elora watched her daughter pacing the painting on the wall, she said. "That's good." Enora carefully as she slowly moved her hands away from the painting. Melanor made her way beside Elora while glancing at the painting's frame. Elora's lips curved into a satisfied smile as she placed her hands on her hips, she said. "Melanor, what do you think?" Enora was staring at the portrait of herself as she couldn't stop smiling.

Melanor had a helpless smile on her lips, she said. "This is the third time you've asked me that." She glanced at Enora who kept her gaze on the painting as Melanor sneaked a playful pinch on Elora's butt. Elora didn't have any visible reactions as she glanced at Melanor from the corner of her eye. Melanor gave her a wink that was paired with a smile. Elora moved her gaze onto her daughter who kept staring at the portrait, she said. "Can't take your eyes off yourself?" Her hand blurred as Melanor felt a light touch just above her crotch.

Moranor glanced at her mother and said. "Mom, can you repeat that? I wasn't listening." She noticed the hint of red on Melanor's cheeks and continued. "Melanor, are you okay?" Elora's lips curled into a smirk as she glanced at her while Melanor quickly nodded. Melanor said. "I'm fine, Reiki tempted me to eat something spicy." Enora's brows furrowed in confusion, she said. "And you fell for it?..." Melanor gave her a smile and said. "I was curious about the taste." The smile on Elora's lips turned cruel as she placed a hand on her hips.

Elora said. "How come you didn't bring us some?" The cold smile on her lips grew even bigger and continued. "I could go for something spicy." Elora sneakily moved her hand on Melanor's butt as she felt it through the clothes, she grabbed a handful of it making the tip of her fingers sink. Enora wasn't even phased by how close the two were as her eyes lit up, she said. "Reiki made food?!" She slightly tilted her head sideways seeing how Melanor's face slowly turned red as her eyes had a layer of water in them.

Enora had an innocent expression on her face as she straightened her posture, she said. "It's been a while since I've seen you sick." Elora glanced at Melanor's red face as she tried her best to keep her breathing steady. Elora said. "It happens a lot more often than you think." Enora crossed her making her large chest press against each other, she raised a brow and said. "I'm starting to think it's more severe than I thought. Especially since it happens so frequently." Elora shook her head sideways and kept on molesting Melanor's butt as she pinched, kneaded, and massaged.

Melanor took deep long breaths as her face started to turn red, she said. "A-Archery." Enora stared at her and said. "What about it?" Elora started to increase the intensity of groping Melanor's butt as she desperately tried her best to maintain her composure. Melanor's eyes turned slightly hazy, she said. "Mora said he'll teach him the next time he visits-." Enora interrupted her as she spoke in a hurried tone, she said. "I just remember I had something to do, bye." She ran toward the door and vanished as Melanor threw herself into Elora's arms as the two elves landed on the ground with a soft thud.

Melanor desperately kissed Elora as she inserted her tongue inside her mouth which surprised Elora. The two elves deeply kissed and wrapped their arms around each other. Melanor and Elora parted lips as the two elves gasped for breath. Elora seductively licked some mixed drool on the corner of the lips, she said. "Not going to wait until we're in my bedroom?" She glanced at Melanor's crotch and saw a sticky stain by her nether regions as it slowly got bigger. Melanor had an intoxicated look and spoke through raspy breath, she said. "Shut up and strip."

Somewhere In The Forest

Reiki was standing beside Moranor who was holding onto a wooden longbow while wearing a dark brown quiver on her back with the strap traveling between her average size chest. About a hundred feet in front of them was a human-sized straw doll that was tied by a tree branch and wrapped by worn-out torn fabric with a few stitches. Moranor took an arrow from her quiver while Reiki glanced at her and said. "I like your quiver." Moranor let out a scoff as she placed the end of the arrow on the bowstring.

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Moranor said. "It's nothing compared to a portrait." She glanced at him from the corner of her eye.  Reiki gave her a wry smile and said. "It's just a painting." Moranor pulled the bowstring back along with the arrow as she kept both her eyes open to aim. She let go of the bowstring as the arrow flew across the air and hit the straw doll's head right in the center. Moranor held onto the bow and stared at him, she said. "Do what I did." Reiki eyed the long bow she was holding as beheld out his right hand and said. "Then lend me your bow and along with an arrow."

Moranor shook her head sideways as she placed her hand inside the bow and took out a short bow from the inside. Reiki thought. Now that's how you know an item is a good purchase. Moranor passed him the short bow along with an arrow as the corner of her lips curved upwards, she said. "This is better for you, height-wise." Reiki stared at the short bow in his hands and glanced at the longbow that was nearly twice his height. He was about to say something when Enora suddenly appeared beside him.

Enora placed an arm around him, she said. "Reiki, I never thanked you for the masterpiece." Her lips curved into a smirk as she gave Moranor a side glance and continued. "Let's leave the training freak alone and eat." Moranor's pupils had strings of lightning traveling in them as she glared at the other elf. Enora smiled at him and tried to drag him away, she said. "You can order anything you want." Reiki ignored Enora's attempts to make him move, he looked up to her and said. "Nora, I'm trying to learn archery."

Enora moved her hand away from his shoulders and used it to ruffle his unkempt hair, she said. "Then how about I teach you instead?" She ignored Moranor as strings of lightning traveled around her body producing crackling sounds. Enora continued. "Since I'm the one who won the bet last time." She moved her gaze onto Moranor as the lightning in her pupils became more prominent. Enora held out her hand toward Moranor and said. "Mora, you won't mind me using those for a moment, right?" Enora's pupils glowed while faintly radiated cold air around her as a faint outline of icy blue surrounded her figure.

Reiki felt the temperature around Enora drop as he exhaled from his mouth seeing his white breath. Moranor refused to back down as more strings of lightning traveled around her body while the sound of crackling slowly turned louder with each crack. Moranor spoke in a bland tone and said. "Enora, don't push your luck." Enora slightly tilted her head sideways as she spoke with an innocent tone, she said. "I'm not pushing anything?" Her lips curved into a smirk as she continued. "As my guard and a member of the ruling family. I order you to lend me your longbow and…"

Enora's gaze wandered onto the quiver on Moranor's back and continued. "Your quiver." Parts of Moranor's hair started floating as thick veins of lightning traveled around her body, she said. "Your majesty-." Reiki grabbed her hand which snapped Moranor to her senses as she looked down and saw the comforting smile on his face. Moranor felt warmth from his hand while Reiki stared at the hand he was holding and thought. Oh wow, I was expecting to get shocked. He felt suddenly the temperature drop around him and moved his gaze onto Enora whose eyes were vividly glowing.

[System: User has received 33 ice Damage.]

Reiki let out a sigh, he said. "Popsicle, why are you doing this?" Enora was surprised by what she heard as the glow in her pupils slowly dissipated, she said. "W-What did you just call me?" She ignored the mocking smirk on Moranor's face while Reiki continued. "You heard me loud and clear, popsicle." Enora had a weird expression on her face as she couldn't say anything, she thought. I hate the fact he's saying it without a double meaning to it… With a faint blush on her cheeks that reached to her pointy ears, Moranor raised a brow at her.

Reiki turned his head sideways to look at Moranor, he said. "Sparkplug, now's not the time." Moranor looked at him with surprise as she blushed as her pointy ears slightly drooped. Reiki moved his gaze back onto Enora whose blush made her look more alluring, he said. "You know what the quiver means to Mora." Enora avoided his gaze by looking to the side, she said. "I only wanted to teach you." Reiki gave her a smile and said. "How about you both teach me?" He thought. Two beautiful blushing elves and yet I can't touch them.

Reiki looked up to Moranor and said. "Mora, lend her the longbow and an arrow." Enora's gaze wandered onto Reiki's right hand that was holding onto a short bow as she looked at his left which was holding onto Moranor's hand. Enora thought. Fucking bitch. Moranor hesitated as she felt Reiki gently tug on her arm, he said. "It's a lot better than letting her borrow your quiver." Moranor passed the longbow to Enora as she took out an arrow from the quiver and threw it on the ground.

The arrow landed in front of Enora as the arrowhead hit the ground as Reiki picked up the arrow and wiped the dirt off the arrowhead using his shirt, he said. "Was that so hard?" He passed the arrow to Enora as she took off his hands. Enora placed the end of the arrow on the bowstring and pulled the string back while keeping both her eyes open, she said. "Reiki, where's Cherry?" Reiki looked up at her and said. "She's flying around the forest." He thought. Hopefully, she'll bring me something valuable. He held his hand out to Moranor and said. "One arrow, please."

Moranor stared at him as her eyes had a hint of cruelty in them that was slowly becoming prominent. Enora took her time aiming at the straw doll, she spoke with a chilling tone and said. "Last question." She turned her head away from the straw doll hanging by a rope on a tree branch and let go of the bowstring. The arrow flew across the air as it spilt the arrow Moranor shot in the head in half as the arrow cleanly pierced through the straw doll's head reaching the back of the head.

Enora did a half-turn as she and Moranor surrounded Reiki. Enora's eyes turned hostile as she placed a hand on his shoulder, she said. "That scratch on your cheek." The cruelty in Moranor's eyes was only increasing as she finished Enora's sentence and said. "How did you get it?" Reiki tried to keep a straight face as cold sweat traveled down his back. Enora gently touched the faint scratch on his cheek using her thumb, she said. "It was the first thing we noticed when you came back." Reiki thought. We? Moranor placed a hand on top of his head and carefully tilted his head sideways to get a better view of the scratch on his cheek.

Moranor said. "You distracted us with the portrait and then immediately asked me to teach you archery." Reiki felt both their gazes pierce through him, he thought. How did the conversation take a sudden turn to this? Enora moved her hand away from the scratch on his cheek, she said. "I asked my mother about it and she told me that you said it was a small mishap." Reiki forced himself to smile, he said. "Mora, I heard something about you being a royal guard."

Moranor slowly moved her thumb across the scratch on his cheek, she said. "It's nothing special. I'm just Enora's guard now." Reiki pretended to be intrigued, he said. "Really? So you're moving up in life. How much is your salary?" Moranor moved her hands away from him while Enora tapped her foot on the ground with a hint of impatience. Enora said. "Four platinum a month plus food allowance." Moranor crossed her arms as she didn't move her gaze away from him, she said. "I get a lot of free time in exchange for following her every whim." Reiki thought. So that's why she wanted to quit.

Moranor and Enora simultaneously said. "Reiki." Which made him subconsciously gulp, he spread out his arms and said. "Is this so important right now?" He tried to place the two elves in front of him as both of them didn't budge, Reiki continued. "I'm only here an hour or so after lunch and I want to spend it with my two little elves." Enora and Moranor glanced at each other while he tried to make them move, Reiki said. "C-Can you two stand in front of me for a moment?"

The two elves moved to stand in front of him as Reiki passed the short bow onto Moranor. He hugged both of their thighs with one arm each as he looked up and said. "How about we enjoy ourselves?" He noticed the dangerous gazes in their eyes didn't even falter, Enora said. "Reiki, we won't hurt him." Reiki had a doubtful look on his face, he thought. Of course, you're not… You just want a public execution. Moranor placed a hand on his shoulder, she said. "She's right, Reiki. We just plan to warn him." Reiki glanced at her and thought. Not with those eyes you don't.

Reiki gave them a bright smile and said. "I'm fine, let's just enjoy our company and shoot some arrows." Enora's gaze narrowed as she spoke in a firm, she said. "How did you get that scratch." Reiki kept a straight face and said. "A tree did it." Moranor stared deep into his eyes, she said. "Tree barks can't make a clean cut like that." Reiki forced out a fake laugh, he said. "What I meant was, Cherry scratched me for feeding her late." Enora examined his face for a few seconds and said. "Then why is there only one?" 

Reiki let out a long sigh, he said. "If I tell the truth will you drop the case and go back to archery?" The two elves didn't answer and only stared at him in silence, he continued. "One of the elves guarding the entrance hands slip and shot the arrow." Reiki thought. I did all I could. Hopefully, the population doesn't mysteriously drop by one.

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