
Chapter 194: Chapter 194: Target Practice

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The hostility in the eyes of Moranor and Enora vanished. Enora smiled at him and said. "Was that so hard?" She placed a hand on top of Reiki's head and messed up his already unkempt and scraggly hair, he stared at her and thought. Were they always this scary? He heard Ender's voice in his head. [You should know what they'll do if you cheat on them.] Moranor tapped on Reiki's forehead which got his attention, she said. "What are you doing?" Moranor pointed at his arm that was wrapped around her thighs. Reiki pretended to be ignorant and said. "Hugging my two favorite elves."

He enjoyed the soft feeling of them as Moranor got irritated as she placed a hand on his face and tried to push him away. Moranor said. "This elf didn't ask to be hugged by your greasy hands." Reiki let go of her as Enora shoved the longbow to Moranor making her hold both the long and short bow in each hand. Moranor stared at the bows in her hand and turned her head toward Enora who was crouched while wearing a skirt. Reiki didn't even bother to hide his gaze as he saw a glimpse of Enora's panties, he thought. White lace.

Enora started playing with Reiki's hair as she combed through it using her fingers and tried to style it. Moranor gritted her teeth as her grip on the bows tightened, she said. "Young majesty, I think this human saw a glimpse of your underwear." Enora moved her gaze onto him as she continued to style his hair and said. "Did you get a good look?" Reiki shamelessly nodded, he said. "It looks very tempting on you." Enora pulled her collar down showing cleavage, she said. "Want a peek at my bra?"

Reiki felt the glade Moranor was giving him as he shook his head sideways and said. "Maybe when we're alone." Moranor used the short bow as she dragged him towards her by the neck, she thrust the bow onto him and said. "Shot the doll. Now." She passed him an arrow and pointed at the straw doll hanging by a rope that was tied to a tree branch a hundred feet in front of them. Reiki's hair was somewhat straightened as it quickly reverted to being unkempt. Enora slowly stood up straight as she stared at his hair and said. "Reiki, can I style your hair?"

Reiki gave her an odd look, he said. "I mean, you technically just did." Moranor picked him up by the collar of his shirt and plopped him down on her left farther from Enora. Moranor pointed at the straw doll and said. "Feet apart." Reiki did what he was told as he placed the end of the arrow against the bowstring while she continued. "Pull the bowstring to your cheek." Reiki carefully pulled the bowstring, he thought. Nice and slow, so that it won't break. Moranor continued. "Try to align the arrowhead at the doll and-."

Enora intentionally let out a long sigh for the two of them to hear, she said. "Moranor, you completely forgot the basics." She made her way around Moranor and stood on Reiki's left. Enora continued. "Reiki, if you're having trouble aiming, close your left eye." Moranor glared at her and said. "Don't hold your breath before shooting." Reiki closed his left eye while Enora ignored Moranor and continued. "If you want a more comfortable shooting position, you can kneel on one leg." The two elves glared at each other and simultaneously said. "If you miss, we can blame it on that elf!"

Reiki sharply exhaled, he thought. This is much easier than a sniper. He let go of the bowstring as the arrow flew across the air and split the arrow Enora shot. While holding onto the short bow Reiki placed his hand beside his body, he said. "Enora split Moranor's arrow and I split Enora's arrow." He glanced at the two elves and saw the surprised expression on their faces, Reiki continued. "How's my aim?" Moranor's lips curled into a smile as she was about to say something but was beaten by Enora, she said. "I take full credit for that."

Moranor slapped Enora's shoulder using the back of her hand. Enora raised a brow at her and said. "And you asked for my attention because?" Moranor had a look of disbelief on her face as she pointed at the straw doll, she said. "No, I'm the one responsible for that." Reiki stared at the two elves arguing and thought. I hope Cherry found something valuable. He felt something in his pocket and continued his train of thought. I still have to show her majesty this. Enora nodded at Moranor and said. "Of course, Reiki has talent in archery. But I was the one who gave him advice."

Moranor clenched her hands into fists, she said. "You wish, I already knew he had the talent hence I skipped the basics." Enora waved her hand at dismissal and said. "If it weren't for me helping him with his aim. Reiki's shot would've completely missed." Moranor deeply inhaled to calm down, she said. "If I didn't help Reiki with his posture and breathing he-." Enora interrupted her and said. "He would have been fine." Reiki slightly leaned back and stared at the arrows in Moranor's quiver, he thought. I should be able to reach that.

He reached out to grab a couple of arrows while the two elves continued to argue. Moranor pointed at Enora and spoke with a hint of anger in her voice. Moranor said. "Then how about we tell our mothers what we said to Reiki and hear what they have to say." Enora had an odd look on her face as she grabbed her chin, she said. "Speaking of our mothers, Nora. Melanor's sick again." Reiki managed to get two arrows from the quiver as he gave Enora an odd look, he thought. Wait a minute.

Moranor's brows furrowed in confusion, she said. "What are you talking about? Mom was fine when I saw her in the restaurant's kitchen." Reiki raised his hand that was holding onto the short bow, he said. "Did she have a flushed face and a raspy breath?" The two elves moved their gazes onto him. Enora said. "You know what illness it is?" Moranor's eyes had concern in them as she spoke with a hint of worry, she said. "Is it serious?" Reiki thought. She only needs a few rounds of intense sex with her majesty… He shook his head sideways and said. "Melanor is going to be fine, humans get it all the time."

Reiki continues his train of thought. So those two get off by playing in front of their innocent daughters… Kinky. Moranor gave him a skeptical look, she said. "How do you know this?" Reiki pointed at her using the feather tips of the arrow, he said. "I bet one favor when we drop by her majesty's place. Melanor will be in tip-top shape." Enora's eyes sparkled, she said. "I'm in. I say she's resting on the couch." Moranor had a pondering expression on her face, she said. "Nora, her majesty was with my mother when she got sick, right?"

Enora looked at her oddly, she said. "Not even concerned about your mother?" Moranor rolled her eyes at Enora and continued. "I'll take that as a yes… I say mom needs a night's rest to feel better." Reiki glanced at the straw doll, he thought. Oh, she's feeling better alright. Enora moved her gaze onto him as she gave him a puzzled look. Reiki smiled at her and said. "Melanor is with her majesty. If she gets sick your mother will call someone to check on her."

Reiki adjusted his footing as he casually stood with both feet and placed the end of the arrow against the bowstring, he said. "Wanna shoot some arrows on that dummy?" He let go of the string as the arrow flew across the air and hit the center of the doll. Reiki held the other arrow to Moranor who was holding onto the longbow. Moranor took the arrow out of his hands and loaded it onto the bow, she said. "Sure, why not." She let go of the bowstring as the arrow flew across the air splitting the arrow Reiki shot.

Moranor's lips curved into a smile as she gave him a wink. Reiki let out a chuckle and said. "So we're splitting arrows? Challenge accepted." Enora's brows furrowed as stared at the straw doll that was hanged by a tree branch, she said. "Now that I think about it. Why are we using a straw doll used for kids?" Moranor turned her head to stare at the trees on her left while Reiki looked up to Enora. He said. "What?" Enora moved her gaze onto him and continued. "Reiki, we have target boards in a variety of sizes."

Reiki glanced at the straw doll that was hanged by a tree branch. Enora continued. "Those are used for elves below the age of one hundred." The two of them moved their gazes onto Moranor who was ignoring the piercing eyes, she said. "N-No one was around and I grabbed the lightest thing." The corner of Enora's lips slightly curled upwards, she said. "At this time they should be busy with distributing some to the archers." Reiki gently poked Moranor's arm with the tip of the short bow he was holding. He said. "Mora, be honest."

Moranor swatted the short bow Reiki was holding as a faint blush appeared on her cheeks, she said. "I broke too many of them!" She passed the longbow to Enora and let out a huff as Moranor crossed her arms. Enora let out a laugh as she elbowed Reiki's shoulder and said. "This happens every month." She reached out her hand and took out an arrow from Moranor's quiver. Reiki stared at her in amazement, he said. "When using the target boards, do you input mana into your arrows or?" Enora loaded the arrow onto the longbow while Moranor let out a sigh and said. "No, I just ruined them by shooting too many arrows."

Reiki thought. What kind of training is that supposed to be? Enora pulled the bowstring back as she inserted some mana into the arrow as the arrowhead was enveloped in a thin layer of ice. The arrow flew across the air while producing a faint glint of icy blue. Moranor glared at Reiki as she couldn't handle his stare, she said. "Stop ogling me." The arrow easily pierced through the dummy as it hit a tree and cleanly cut off one of the legs of the straw doll as it fell onto the field.

Reiki reached out and grabbed one of Moranor's hands which made the blush on her cheeks more prominent. He said. "Make sure to relax." Enora glared at him from the corner of her eye as Moranor pulled her hand back. Moranor said. "I take a break once a week." Enora waved her hand as an arrow made out of pure ice was rapidly forming. Reiki stared at Moranor while pondering for a few seconds, he said. "How about a backrub?" Enora loaded the ice arrow onto the longbow as tried to keep a straight face and pulled back the bowstring.

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Moranor let out a mocking chuckle and said. "You just want to take advantage of a beautiful elf such as me." Reiki didn't miss a beat and said. "Did I make it too obvious?" Enora's eyes slightly widened as her grip on the bowstring slipped making the arrow fly across the air as it missed the straw doll. The ice arrow hit a tree as half of it was shrouded in jagged and sharp ice. Moranor rolled her eyes at him and said. "At least try to cover your true intentions."

Reiki smiled at her and said. "Potential accidents aside, I can at least rub the tension off your shoulders." Moranor raised a brow at him, she said. "Potential accidents?" Enora's pupils faintly glowed as Reiki let out a short laugh, he said. "Can't blame me for trying to take advantage of a beautiful elf such as you." Moranor glanced at Enora who was glaring at him with a jealous gaze. Moranor let out a sharp exhale and said. "I'll settle for not adding more knots to my shoulders." Enora placed a hand on Reiki's shoulder as he turned his head sideways and looked up at her.

He said. "Nora, are you interested?" Enora stared deep into his eyes as she spoke in a flat tone, she said. "That depends, what was the offer?" She passed the longbow to Moranor while adding some strength which made her take a step back. Moranor glared at Enora as she took out an arrow from her quiver and loaded it onto the bow. Reiki grabbed Enora's hand as she kept a straight face but felt happy inside, he said. "A back rub, I'll try to get the stress out of your body."

Moranor infused mana into the arrow as it had a couple of strings of lightning traveling around it as she let go. The arrow bolted across the air as it punctured a large hole in the right arm of the straw doll. Enora watched Reiki playfully squish her hand with his left, she said. "If your hands touch something else besides my shoulders. I'll give you frostbite." Reiki smiled at her and said. "No promises." Enora faked a sigh to hide the smile on her lips while Moranor was about to take another arrow from her quiver. Reiki let go of Enora's hand and quickly grabbed Moranor's sleeve.

He said. "Stop destroying the doll." Reiki stared at the large hole on the straw doll and saw the area around it was slightly burnt, he showed Moranor the short bow he was holding and continued. "I call dibs on the next shot." Moranor took out an arrow from her quiver as she passed the arrow to him, she said. "Don't miss." Reiki loaded the short bow and pulled the bowstring back, he said. "Who's going to do the clean-up?" Enora glanced at the tree half wrapped in ice, she said. "The ice will melt in a day or two." While aiming, Reiki thought. I'm tempted to touch that now.

Moranor watched him making the adjustments on the short bow and said. "I'll call someone using a talisman to clean it up." Enora gave her an odd look and said. "Is that where the money I pay you usually goes?" Moranor glanced at her from the corner of her eye, she said. "They owe me a favor." Reiki let go of the bowstring as the arrow flew across the air and hit the middle of the straw doll where the heart would be, he said. "So we just riddle the doll with arrows and catch up?"

~One Hour Later~

Inside A Large Living Room

Elora was lazily lying down on the couch with Melanor on top of her as she placed her face buried between Elora's large chest. Their long gold hair was sprawled across the couch as the green dresses were loosely draped over them exposing skin. The two elves' skin seemed to glow as they looked relaxed and energetic, Melanor looked up to Elora as she let out a sigh. Melanor said. "We need to get dressed before we give either of our daughters a heart attack."

She placed both her hands on Elora's large breasts and started playing with them. Elora placed a hand on top of Melanor's head as she lovingly caressed her head, she said. "Fine." Elora looked around the room and continued. "Where did you throw our undergarments?" On the floor were two pairs of lace panties one of them being white and the other being purple. The green dress outlined her hardened nipples as Melanor playfully pinched them which made Elora let out a seductive moan. Elora gave Melanor an intoxicated look as she cupped her face and gave her a deep kiss.

Elora's hands wandered onto Melanor's butt as she aggressively grabbed it as she inserted her tongue into Melanor's mouth. The two elves separated their lips as they stopped their deep kiss and placed their forehead against each other and stared into each other's eyes. Elora tenderly planted a kiss on Melanor's cheek as she whispered into her ear and said. "I've given you my payment, now clothes." She slapped one of Melanor's ass cheeks as she reluctantly got up from her lover's embrace and stood up looking for their underwear. Melanor saw two white and purple bras on the drawers with one of them hanging on a potted plant.

Melanor casually threw the loose green dress draped on her onto the coffee table revealing her slightly slim waist and slightly big chest with pink nipples. Elora stared at Melanor's ass and saw a faint outline of her hand on her left cheek which was quickly covered by her long goldish hair as a smile crawled onto her lips. Elora watched her lover wave her hand as a pair of white lace panties flew into Melanor's hand as she put them on while being watched by Elora. Melanor waved her hand again as a pair of purple lace panties flew into her hand as she threw them onto Elora's face. Melanor said. "Enjoying the show dear?"

Elora moved the purple panties on her face away using her hand as she saw Melanor putting on a white bra. Elora said. "Love, I can watch you all day." Melanor intentionally bent down while keeping her butt up to pick up her green dress on the coffee table as she slightly shifted her hips side to side. Elora couldn't move her eyes away from her lover's butt as Melanor took out an oversized white cotton t-shirt from her green dress pocket.

Melanor put on the oversized shirt, she said. "Honey, clothes." She carefully pulled out her long goldish hair from the inside of the shirt while Elora lazily stood up from the couch as the green dress draped over her fell onto the couch. Melanor was stealing glances at Elora's large chest and pretty pink nipples while putting on a green dress. Elora put on purple lace panties as her large chest jiggled with each movement, she said. "What do you think they're taking so long?" She looked around and saw her bra on top of the drawer and waved her hand.

The purple bra flew toward Elora as she put it on while Melanor gently pulled her hair out from the inside of her green dress. Melanor said. "Reiki's babysitting them." She took out a leather belt from the pocket of her dress as she placed it around her waist and adjusted it. Elora stretched her arms upwards while deliberately puffing out her large breasts under Melanor's gaze. Elora said. "One of us has to thank him-." Their pointy ears slightly jerked as they heard something outside the room by the door.

A female elf said. "Why do we need to knock? This is my house." It was followed by a young boy who said. "We're just being careful so that we don't… Hear anything we shouldn't." Elora and Melanor's eyes widened in panic as Elora quickly turned around and rummaged inside the locket of her dress and took out a similar oversized white cotton t-shirt. Elora hastily put on the shirt followed by the green dress in one swift motion she dragged her long golden hair from the inside of her clothes and made herself presentable.

 Another female elf's voice. "Reiki, now you're just being weird." Elora sat on the couch and spoke as softly as possible, she said. "The smell, Mela. The smell!" She took out a stack of random documents from the pocket of her green dress while Melanor snapped her fingers as the sound of knocking came from the door. Melanor appeared on the couch sitting next to Elora as they pretended to be busy. An annoyed elf said. "Reiki, I'll open the door." The door swung open as Enora walked in and said. "See, they're…" She saw the document spared across the coffee table and both Melanor and Elora with their heads turned sideways as they stared at her.

Enora made way, showing Reiki and Moranor behind her. Enora pointed at Reiki and said. "Reiki was too scared to knock and made me open the door." She grabbed Reiki's arm and pulled him into the room, he said. "Hopefully, we're not disturbing you two." Elora smiled at him and said. "It's fine, Melanor and I were already done." Moranor glanced at Enora and said. "Some royalty you are, shifting blame to someone else." Melanor gathered the documents on the coffee table, she said. "We'll finalize this next time." The atmosphere in the room turned awkward which was broken by Reiki, he said. "Second breakfast anyone?"

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