
Chapter 196: Chapter 196: Ore

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Reiki placed his right hand on a tree as he leaned on it while covering his mouth using his left, he thought. How is she not getting motion sickness? Elora was leaning on a tree behind him as she watched Reiki trying not to throw up, she said. “I’m guessing you don’t like riding those things called roller coasters by your reaction.” Reiki slowly inhaled through his nose, he thought A rollercoaster doesn’t distort your vision. Elora saw a streak of white land on her left shoulder as she glanced at Cherry and said. “Your master is weaker than I thought.”

Elora patted the white bird's head using her index finger while Reiki managed to overcome his nausea as he slowly made his way toward her. He said. “I’m fine.” While petting Cherry Elora glanced at him from the corner of her eye and said. “Reiki, neither of us ask.” Her lips curled into a smile while Reiki shook his head sideways, he said. “A poor attempt to be funny but an attempt nonetheless.” He gave her a slow clap which made the smile on Elora’s lips turn stiff. Reiki continued. “Cherry, lead.” The albino bird flapped her wings as she let out a caw and turned into a streak of white.

Cherry flew down the forest as she went left to right to avoid the trees. Elora stared in the direction as her eyes slightly squinted, she said. “I’ve been here before on a picnic with Nora.” She walked the way Cherry flew as Reiki walked beside her, he let out a yawn and said. “How’d it go?” Elora shook her head sideways, she said. “It was a disaster. Ant’s inside the basket all over the food and we didn’t bring anything to burn the water in the tea kettle.”

The two of them walked in silence for a moment as Elora glanced at him from the corner of her eye, she said. “Not going to ask anything?” Reiki looked around their surroundings and said. “I can always ask your daughter.” Elora thought for a moment as they walked past a few trees, she said. “She wouldn’t tell you anything since she played with the kettle and spilled water all over herself.” Reiki quickly turned his head to look up at her, she said. “Tell me everything and did she cry?” Elora glanced at him from the corner of her eye and thought. Yeah, he’s definitely wearing the pants in their relationship.

Reiki placed his hands behind his head and said. “Was her father there?” Elora kept her eyes in front as she kept a straight face and casually said. “I never loved him, despite that. I did try my best to make sure they get along.” She shook her head sideways and continued. “Let’s just say he didn’t like living in a large house with nothing to do and a daughter who was never fond of him.” Reiki glanced at her and said. “Where did he go?” Elora shrugged her shoulders, she said. “I don’t know. When I gave him a lot of money that would easily last him of what was left of his lifespan he left.”

Reiki raised his left index finger as he kept his right hand behind his head and said. “Can I ask one question?” Elora let out a chuckle, she said. “I said all of that and you only have one question?” She rolled her eyes at him and continued. “Go for it.” Reiki placed both his hands in the pockets of his shorts, he said. “Did he have a similar bloodline as Melanor?”

Elora nodded as an understanding smile appeared on her face, she said. “Yes, my little Nora’s father had the same purity as Melanor.” She placed a hand on her cheek and thought for a few seconds, Elora continued. “If I remember correctly, he should be near the end of his lifespan.” Reiki looked at her as he felt cold sweat travel down his neck, he thought. Such a cold thing to say to someone who you had a child with. The two of them heard a bird caw as they stopped, turned their heads, and saw Cherry sitting on a tree branch.”

Elora pointed to her left which had a large grass area with a small hill that was barely noticeable, she said. “That’s where we had the picnic.” Reiki turned his head to look at it, he thought. That’s a good place to have a picnic and pass out from eating too much. The two of them heard a bird let out a caw as they turned their heads and saw Cherry sitting on a tree branch. Reiki and Elora moved their way toward the tree Cherry was sitting on. The closer they got Reiki noticed that the tree was oddly wide and had a few roots spread across the ground, he said. “That’s one fat tree.”

Elora let out a surprised gasp as she stared at him in disbelief and said. “Reiki, don’t be so rude to a tree you just met.” Cherry turned into a streak of white as she appeared on his right shoulder, Reiki pointed at the fat-tree and said. “Jokes aside, was this tree always this overweight?” Elora let out a laugh as stared at the tree with a reminiscing look in her eyes, she said. “Yeah, Enora said the same thing when she saw it.”

She moved her gaze onto him and continued. “Where’s the goldmine?” Reiki crossed his arms as he stared at the tree, he said. “Let me look around.” He thought. The last time Cherry stood on a tree she got me some change. Reiki patted Cherry’s head using his index finger and said. “In the meantime keep an eye on her for me.” The albino bird turned into a streak of white as she appeared on Elora’s left shoulder, she said. “Fine, but if you wasted my time. I’m going to take my daughter away from you.” Reiki let out a chuckle, he said. “Yeah, good luck with that.”

He made his way to the other side of the tree and scanned from top to bottom as Elora spoke from the other side of the tree and said. “Reiki, are you still with us?” Reiki kept his eyes on the tree and said. “Were you expecting me to leave?” He heard Elora let out a laugh from the other side, she said. “I can freeze half the entire forest, just in case you were planning something.” Reiki stared at the fat-tree and thought. I can see her smiling even with a tree between us… He leaned his ear onto the tree and knocked on it a couple of times.

Elora appeared a few feet behind him and saw Reiki listening to the vibrations of the tree with his eyes closed, she thought. If I remember correctly, elves claimed this part of the forest five thousand years ago during the stone age. Reiki moved his ear away from the tree as his mouth formed into a smile, he crouched on the ground and stomped on the ground using his right foot. Elora glanced at Cherry on her left shoulder as she continued her train of thought. Then the late middle ages came as humans were running away from the war and the plague. That or searched for food during the famine.

Reiki slightly crouched down and jumped in place as he managed to effortlessly jump six feet up into the air. Cherry let out a caw as she saw him jump while Elora caressed the birds’ head and thought. We’ve been here for so long and he-. Well, Cherry found a goldmine? Reiki came back down and landed on the dirt in a crouch position as he saw the ground slightly shake, he said. “I found it.”

Elora’s point ears twitched as she quickly walked toward him and grabbed his shoulder, she said. “Where?” Reiki stood up as he pointed at the earth they were standing on and said. “We’re standing on it.” Elora glanced at the ground as she gave him an odd look from the corner of her eye, she said. “Then how did Cherry get inside?” Cherry flapped her wings which got both of their attention, she turned into a streak of white and appeared by the roots on the ground and cawed at them.

Reiki and Elora made their way toward her as Cherry walked toward one of the roots. He squatted down and tilted his body sideways and saw a deep dark rift hidden between the roots that was about four inches wide that led underground. Reiki said. “Cherry, how did you even get down there?” He glanced at her while Elora stared at the chasm with furrowed brows and said. “You’re telling me, a bird who flies in the air decided to dive into that?” Reiki stood up from his squat as Cherry turned into a streak of white and appeared on his right shoulder and let out a caw.

Reiki started making his way back to the elf village while thinking of a plan, he said. “Let’s get a few of your trusted aid and have them dig up an area that’s wide enough for us to go in.” Elora stared at the rift as she stood in place and raised her right hand as mana gathered while Reiki kept on walking as he didn’t notice what she was doing. Elora glanced at him as her entire arm was quickly enveloped with blue mana, Reiki said. “It’ll take a week or two to dig down a hundred feet or so depending on how many they are.”

Elora raised her right foot and used the tip of her thick heavy brown leather shoes to gently touch the earth as ice started to rapidly spread on the surface of the ground along with the chasm. Cherry had her head turned sideways as she watched the elf make a perfect ice circle that was ten feet wide. Reiki felt the temperature drop and thought. Let me guess. He turned his head to the left and saw the ice circle Elora was standing on.

Elora easily skated toward him as she gave him a smile, she said. “Reiki, I liked your plan but. I’ll take it from here.” She was arms-length in front of him as he glanced at the mana surrounding her hand was slowly fading. Elora snapped her fingers as the ground visibly shook as the ice circle shattered into thousands of pieces. Reiki raised both of his hands to block as he saw snowflakes falling from the sky, with wide eyes he thought. Snow?... Cherry looked around her as she watched snowflakes before flying off his shoulders turning into a streak of white.

Elora smiled at him and said. “No need to put your guard up, Reiki. Nora wouldn’t like it if I put a scratch on you like that guard on duty this morning.” He stared at her while moving his hands back to his side, Reiki thought. As long as he doesn’t go mysteriously missing after I leave-. From the corner of his eye, he saw something sparkle and moved his gaze and saw thick veins of gold with tree roots curling around it that came from the fat tree. Elora noticed his stare and turned her head sideways and saw the veins of gold.

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Reiki and Elora slowly made their way to the circular hole Elora made with her ice magic and saw even bigger gold ore, he said. “I wonder how much you destroy by your little stunt.” Elora stared at the countless gold veins as her lips subconsciously curved into a smile, she came back to her senses and faked a cough. Elora said. “Reiki, about those damages.” Reiki glanced at her from the corner of his eye and said. “No, the gold you destroyed will not be deducted by my share.”

Elora stared deep into his eyes and enticingly said. “I’ll help you get a nude picture of my daughter.” Reiki was about to say something but stopped as Elora gave him a devilish smile from seeing his reaction, she said. “Both front and back view along with her crotch and a pose of your choosing.” Reiki stared at her and thought. What kind of devil deal is this? He said. “The answer is no, I need money for the company.” Elora crouched down as her green dress clung to the outline of her hourglass-like figure, she wrapped an arm around his shoulder and pressed the side of Reiki’s cheek into her large chest.

Elora said. “Reiki, didn’t you say this was part of the wedding gift?” Reiki tried to move her arm around his shoulder but couldn’t even make it move, he thought. I need to learn body refinement if I can’t even beat an elf in an arm wrestle. Elora pressed half of his face deeper into her chest, she continued. “So you wouldn’t mind if we cut your share for a few payments to cover the damages.” Reiki managed to move his face away from her breast that was smoldering him and said. “This deal is unethical!”

Elora waved her hand in dismissal as she continued. “Minor details, your Mora is one hundred seventy-two years old. Technically she’s the one who’s committing a crime.” Reiki watched a snowflake slowly drop to the ground and thought. And her mother is the one trying to sell me her nudes… But still an elf’s nudes… Elora smiled as she saw him thinking a streak of white flew across the air and did a loop as Cherry landed on a branch flapping her wings in excitement. Reiki glanced at her and said. “Hypothetically.”

The smile on Elora’s lips grew even bigger as it seemingly lit up the atmosphere around her. Reiki continued. “How would you get those pictures?” Some snowflakes landed on Elora’s long gold hair, she said. “It’s simple. I tell her that you want them.” Cherry, who was on a tree branch, was trying to catch a snowflake using one of her wings. Reiki gave her a deadpan look and said. “That sounds like a good way to get myself frozen.” Elora moved her hand away from his shoulder and slowly stood up, she shook her head and said. “If you did it yourself, it would be.”

She raised an index finger and placed it in front of Reiki’s face and continued. “But, after your little comment about the wedding you made plus this.” Elora moved the finger she placed near his face and pointed to the gold veins, she said. “I can easily convince her to take a few pictures in return.” She elbowed Reiki’s shoulders and gave him a wink, Elora continued. “Plus it’ll give you some material.” Reiki thought. That’s something I never thought I'd hear coming from royalty, especially from an elf. He turned his head to the right and stared at a tree as Reiki held out his right hand toward her and thought. This is one of the most idiotic business decisions I’ve made.

Elora smiled as she reached out for his hand as the two of them shook on it, she said. “It’s a pleasure doing business with you.” Reiki heard Ender’s voice in his head. [This isn’t the first kind of ‘deal’ you’ve made.] Reiki had a helpless smile on his face, he said. “If your daughter freezes me, the deal's off.” He thought. But it’s an elf’s nudes. Elora let go of his hand as the smile on her lips seemed to brighten, she said. “Don’t worry about it.” Reiki heard Ender’s voice in his head. [You need to stop collecting nudes on your phone.]

Reiki watched the snowflakes fall as he let out one long exhale and saw his white breath, he thought. Hey, those pictures were all from my lovers so it’s fair game. He said. “Cherry, let’s go.” Reiki glanced at the fat tree that had half of its dirt removed and still managed to stand. Elora let out a charming laugh which made her large chest jiggle, she said. “It’s only an hour past dawn and it’s already a wonderful day.”

At A Large Living Room

Melanor was sitting on a large armchair with two pillows on her back as she stared at Moranor sitting on the edge of the couch with a dazed look on her face and a hint of blush that reached her pointy ears. Melanor moved her gaze onto Enora who was completely shy as she played with the edge of her sleeve while trying to make the blush on her cheeks subside. Melanor placed her elbow on the armrest and rested her chin on her palm, she thought. I thought this would be an opportunity to tease them.

Melanor let out a sigh and tapped on the armrest using her fingers as she continued her train of thought. I wonder how big the mine is. Elora appeared by the door while holding onto the collar of Reiki’s shirt as he placed a hand on the nearest wall to lean on it. Melanor quickly stood up from her seat as she made her way toward Elora who had a straight expression on her face. Melanor said. “How was it?” Elora stared at her for a moment as she couldn’t contain her lips from curling into a big grin.

Elora said. “We found a large deposit.” Melanor’s eyes lit up in excitement with a hint of confusion she said. “You dug into the ground?” Elora slightly stiffened as she faked a cough and said. “Reiki might have broken some veins of gold…” Melanor glanced at Reiki who was trying to overcome his nausea as she moved her gaze back onto her. Elora continued. “... He used ice magic to break it…” Melanor raised a brow at her as the excitement in her eyes slowly faded, she said. “Then he must be a very powerful ice mage then.”

Reiki deeply inhaled as he made his way toward the nearest window while slightly wobbling. While Elora nodded at Melanor and spoke in a serious tone and said. “I’m considering teaching him a thing or two.” She did a half-turn and walked toward the couch and saw two blushings elves. Reiki slid open the window as a streak of white flew inside the house and as Cherry appeared standing on the coffee table. Elora stood by the side of the couch as she stared at her daughter who couldn’t stop blushing which made her blush even more.

Enora slammed her hand onto the cushions of the couch which absorbed the impact as she faked an angry expression, she said. “M-Mom, is there something on my face?” Elora shooked her head sideways and said. “No, I’m guessing you're happy by what he said about-.” Enora picked up a pillow on the couch as she threw it at her mother and spoke in a shy tone. “Me, marry a human? That’ll never happen.” Moranor shyly raised her hand as she spoke in a soft tone, she said. “If you don’t want him I’ll take Reiki off your hands.”

Her voice was slowly getting softer as she spoke but everyone in the room still heard what Moranor said. Enora’s pupils glowed an icy blue as she glared at her from the corner of her eye and said. “Who said I was going to give him to you?” Elora threw the pillow in the middle of the couch and placed a hand on her daughter’s shoulder as the glow in Enora’s pupils immediately vanished. Enora looked up to her mother and said. “W-What is it?” Elora didn’t say anything as she gave her daughter a smile in response which made her blush.

Melanor sat down on the couch as she sat beside her daughter and grabbed her hand, she said. “When are you going to show him what I taught you?” Moranor jolted while sitting on the couch as she spoke in a slightly nervous tone, she said. “T-Taught me what?” Melanor stared at her daughter who looked like a frightened rabbit who would jump at the smallest sound, she said. “Vegetable stew, you already have an advantage since you had bridal training first.” Enora faintly leaned forward on the couch as she glared at Moranor and said. “You, cook?”

She let out a chuckle and continued. “Last time I remembered you-.” Elora placed a hand on her daughter’s mouth which earned made Enora glare at her. Elora said. “What kind of training? I’m planning on doing the same to mine.” Enora’s glare immediately vanished as she stared at her mother in disbelief. Moranor kept her head down as she played with the sleeve of her green tunic. Melanor gestured at her daughter and said. “I’m planning on catching up on things she needed to know hundreds of years ago.” Elora nodded in understanding, she said. “So, household chores.”

Enora moved the hand her mother placed on her mouth, she said. “Chores?! Reiki can already cook and I bet he already knows how to-.” She stopped when she saw the cold looks Melanor and Elora were giving her as she lowered her head in fear. Melanor gestured at the window that was left open and said. “Reiki’s here so we can-.” She turned her head and saw an open window letting a small draft in and continued. “Where did he go?” Cherry was on the coffee table flapped her wings and let out a caw.

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