
Chapter 195: Chapter 195: Quarry

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Ketsueki had both her feet on the coffee table as she balanced the wooden chair she was sitting on the back of its legs while browsing on her phone. Namida was browsing on her laptop typing something with one hand as she held a cup of tea by the handle with her left hand and took a sip, she said. “What are we going to order?” Sachi was reading the latest fashion magazine as she flipped to the next page, she said. “I want a cold drink with no ice and something sweet.” Ketsueki kept her gaze on the phone and said. “Didn’t we just have breakfast half an hour ago?”


Sachi flipped to the next page while Namida placed her teacup on the coaster as neither of them said anything. Ketsueki slightly tilted her seat back and placed both her feet on the ground as she sat up properly, she said. “Screw it, we’ll never get fat anyway.” She tapped on the screen of her smartphone a couple of times and continued. “Which restaurant are we going to make the workers get our food from?” Ahma suddenly appeared sitting on a chair as she poured herself a cup of tea, she said. “I know a good shabu-shabu place near here.”


Ketsueki swiped the screen on her phone and said. “Commander, we’re planning on what to have for-.” She stopped mid-sentence and glanced at Ahma who picked up the teacup that was emitting some steam, Ahma continued. “Only problem is it opens at twelve-thirty.” Sachi closed the fashion magazines in her hands and placed it face down on the table while Namida quickly closed every program she was using on the laptop. Namida casually closed her laptop and said. “Captain, here to give us our money and call it a day?”


Sachi picked up her cup of tea along with the coaster and covered the magazine, she said. “Namida, leader is here to give us a mission requested by a certain client.” Ketsueki pocketed her phone as she watched Ahma intentionally taking her time by enjoying her cup of tea, she said. “Commander, I would appreciate you more if it weren’t for that habit of you wasting other people's time.” Ahma gave Ketsueki a bright smile and said. “Can you say that again? I was thinking of something.” Ketsueki shook her head sideways and said. “Nothing.” She thought. Annoying Bitch.


Ahma let out a soft laugh, she said. “I’m messing with you.” She took another sip of her tea and placed it back on the coaster while Sachi cleared her throat and said. “Leader, is the tea to your liking?” Ahma gave her a bright smile and said. “Sachi, you don’t have to worry. I keep telling you that your tea is good.” Namida gently tapped on her closed laptop, she said. “What’s the job?” Ahma placed her cup of tea on the coaster, she said. “Nothing special, we just need to collect some money from a few businesses who owe us and steal a few guilds' high-value monster corpses.”


Ketsueki had a serious expression on her face as she gave Ahma a nod and said. “Alright, give us the names so we could leave.” Ahma moved a stray hair behind her ear, she said. “Is what I would say if there was something to do.” Namida’s eyes lit up as she spoke in an excited tone, she said. “So there’s nothing to do?” Ahma pretended to be regretful as she let out an exaggerated sigh, she said. “Yes, it’s one of those common slow weeks.” The corner of Sachi’s lips curled up into a smile as she moved her teacup and coaster that was covering her magazine away.


The corner of Ketsueki’s eye slightly twitched as she deeply inhaled through her nose and exhaled using her mouth, she said. “Can we use this room until noon?” Ahma stretched her arms upwards making her large chest jiggle, she said. “Feel free to, the only reason why I’m here is to tell you three to be on standby. Even though I highly doubt anything would pop up.” Namida opened her laptop as her lips curled into a smile, she said. “I love this job.” 


Sachi picked up her magazine and started reading again, she said. “I’ll agree with you on that, my only peeve about it is there's no room with a bed inside along with a bath.” Ahma placed a hand on her chin as a pondering expression formed on her face. Ketsueki took her smartphone from her pocket and turned it on using the button on the side, she said. “If that gets approved, we might as well ask for a flatscreen and a fridge to go with it.” Ahma picked up her teacup, she said. “That might not be such a bad idea…”


Namida started opening programs on her laptop, she said. “Now back to an important issue, what are we going to order?” Sachi was trying to find the page she was last on while rapidly flipping through them, she said. “I said mine.” Ketsueki swiped through her phone and said. “Anything as long it isn’t store-bought.” Namida typed on the keyboard on her laptop, she said. “Get me a dozen cans of soda. I have some snacks on me that go well with them.” Ahma, Ketsueki, and Sachi gave her strange looks.


Namida noticed the odd glances they were giving her as she slammed her hands on the table and said. “I don’t drink first thing in the morning!” A long moment of silence passed by as Ahma took a sip of her tea, she said. “Anyway.” she placed her cup of tea on the coaster and continued. “How about I take care of our food.” Sachi found the page she was last on as she moved her gaze onto Ahma and said. “You know a place that opens at this time of day?” Ketsueki kept her eyes on her phone, she said. “I already know what you're planning.”


Ahma smiled at her and said. “It won’t be that expensive, one of the chefs in the company owes me a few favors so order whatever you want.”


At A Classroom


The desk and chairs were divided into multiple groups as the kids wearing uniforms while sitting at their desks talking while holding a small floating ball that was either made out of fire, water, earth, and wind. Shiro was sleeping on her desk with her head looking to the left as she laid on both her hands as a pillow while Yuki and Mio who grouped their desk and chairs together watched her sleep.


Yuki poked Mio’s shoulder and said. “We need to wake her up.” Mio took out her pouch from her pocket and said. “Yuki, that speech about willpower won’t work.” From the pouch, she pulled out a dark blue feather that was about six inches in length. Yuki scoffed at her and grumbled. “I was going to say that sleeping position is bad for her posture.” Mio placed the feather on her desk as she glanced at Shiro and thought. That does take a toll on her spine. She snapped her fingers as the was encased by a ball of wind.


The feather was slowly being lifted inside the dome of wind as it stood on the tip of its quill and started spinning. Mio said. “Then which one of us will wake her up? You know how Shiro is when she’s cranky.” Yuki opened her mouth to say something but didn’t as she scratched her cheek and stared at the spinning feather on Mio’s desk. Yuki said. “I… Didn’t think about that…” A few seconds passed by as Mio said. “Not it.” Yuki was a split second too late, she said. “Not-.” She slammed her hand on the desk which made all of the boys in the room visibly flinch.


Some of the boys lost concentration as the magic they were casting between their hands vanished while one of the groups' desks as a small ember of fire touched the wooden desk. The ember turned into a small flame as one of the girls who was sitting in the same group quickly threw a splash of water before the fire. Yuki said. “This isn’t fair!” She lifted her right hand off the desk and continued. “Let’s play rock, paper scissors instead!” Yuki made her hand into a fist and waved it in front of Mio.


All the students in the room nervously peeked at them while trying their best to practice magic. Mio glanced at the feather spinning on her desk as twirled her index finger in a circle which made it spin faster in the dome of wind, she said. “Yuki, we have rules for this.” Yuki crossed her arms and glared at her friend, she said. “Not it for things when there are only two of us and rock, paper, scissors for all three…” She let out a sigh and continued. “... I’ll make it quick…” Yuki hesitantly reached her hand out toward Shiro and placed it on her forearm.


Yuki softly shook Shiro’s arm and said. “Shiro, wake up.” Shiro’s eyelids slightly moved as Yuki quickly moved her hand away. The feather on Mio’s desk somewhat wobbled as she watched her friend slowly come awake. Shiro’s slowly opened her drowsy eyes as she lifted her head from her arms with part of her right cheek slightly red, she spoke in a sluggish way. Shiro said. “How long have I been-?” She let out a big yawn as she covered her mouth using her hand and continued. “Asleep?”


Mio let out one long sigh in relief as Yuki wiped some nervous sweat on her cheek. Mio said. “Not long, an hour give or take.” Shiro moved her hazy gaze onto the feather that was spinning on Mio’s desk. Shiro said. “Magic practice…” She let out another yawn and covered her hand, Shiro continued. “Give me a moment and I’ll-.” Before she could even finish all of the students stood up from their seats in a panic as the ones closest to the door had their hands on the handle, ready to slide it open.


Yuki’s instantly grabbed Shiro’s right hand as the spinning feather on Mio’s desk plopped down. Yuki grabbed Mio’s shoulder as she couldn’t get away and tried to pry her friend's hand off, Mio said. “Yuki, I have to go to the bathroom.” She gave her a stiff smile and continued. “Now, let go before I-.” Mio couldn’t even make Yuki’s hand on her shoulder budge. Shiro raised her left hand which Mio immediately grabbed by the wrist with her right, she said. “S-Shiro, I think you’ve misheard what the teacher said this morning.”


Shiro blankly stared at her friend for a few seconds while Mio and Yuki did their best to act natural. Shiro said. “We have self-magic practice” She moved her right hand which Yuki held by the wrist as Shiro pointed at the chalkboard and on it were big words written self-magic practice. Yuki let go of her friend's wrist as she turned her head to look at the chalkboard, she thought. Where are the two idiots who are in charge of cleaning duty? She glanced at the other groups from the corner of her eye and gave them a glare that made two students hide with one of them wearing glasses.


Yuki felt her hand being moved which made her turn her head as she saw Shiro playing with their hand by moving both of her hands and let go of her wrist. Yuki said. “Sorry about that.” Mio followed suit and let go of her friend's left wrist as Shiro shook her head sideways and said. “It’s fine.”. Mio faked a cough, she said. “Shiro, the teacher said all you needed to do was use your magic o put out fires.” Shiro tilted her head sideways as she stared at her for a few seconds too long, she said. “Then what do I tell her about my practice?”

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Mio gave her a bright smile as she waved her hand in dismissal, she said. “Don’t worry about it.” She pointed at Mio using her thumb and continued. “Mio and I will tell the teacher how hard you worked.” Shiro moved her gaze onto Mio who placed a hand around Yuki’s shoulder. Mio flashed Shiro a smile and said. “Yeah, we’ll make sure of it.” Shiro stared at the phony smiled on her friend's face and thought. The teacher on the first day was fired by the school… Right?...


At A Large Dining Room


Elora was sitting on the end of the table drinking a cup of freshly brewed tea with Melanor on her right and Enora on her left. Moranor was sitting on her mother’s right as she watched Reiki eating a large plate filled with cured meats, cheese, bread, and sausages. Elora took a sip of tea and watched Reiki make a makeshift sandwich as a small smile formed on her lips, she said. “Reiki, slowdown. If you keep eating like that we’ll think they’ve starved you over there.”


Enora let out a chuckle as she took a small whiff of her cup of tea, she said. “Mom, they’re cruel. But they aren’t that cruel.” She gave him a piercing gaze as she spoke in a slightly cold tone and continued. “Are they?” Reiki was about to wipe his mouth clean using the back of his hand when Moranor used a napkin to clean it for him, he thought. No reaction from Nora? Moranor pinched his chin using her thumb and index finger which was separated by the napkin as she made him look up, she said. “Reiki. Answer the question.”


Melanor had a smile on her lips as she watched her daughter, she said. “Young love.” She took a sip from her teacup and from the corner of her eye saw Elora wink at her. Reiki glanced at Enora and saw the serious expression on Enora’s face, he said. “I’m eating properly you two don’t need to worry.” Reiki poked Moranor’s hand that was pinching his cheek as she moved it away while observing his expression for anything off, he thought. If anything, I’m eating too well to the point I’ve been going through the groceries Namida, Sachi, and Ahma gave me when Onee-chan was ‘sick’.


Reiki picked up a few slices of cured meat along with a bite-sized piece of cheese and ate it, he continued his train of thought. At this rate, it’ll only last me a week at best. Moranor grabbed his shoulder and slightly shook him as a hint of worry appeared on her face, she said. “Reiki?” While chewing he moved his gaze onto Moranor, Reiki tried to speak but remembered his mouth is full and swallowed. He said. “I’m just thinking about the amount of food I eat. A normal household won’t have the money to feed me one meal.”


All four elves glanced at the large amount of food on his plate that was already half-empty. Reiki felt the odd stares they were giving him and said. “What?” He ate a piece of cured meat while Moranor’s brows furrowed as she stared at him and thought. How is he so thin when he eats so much food?. Enora gently swirled the tea in her cup, she said. “You don’t need to worry about food here.” Elora smiled at her daughter and said. “And if he eats everything in the freezer?” Enora rolled her eyes at her mother, she said. “We’ll just make another deal with the beastmen.”


While chewing Reiki kept a straight face and thought. They have a relationship with beastmen? Melanor was about to take a sip of tea but stopped, she said. “Reiki, where’s Cherry?” Reiki shoved a slice of wheat bread into his mouth as he stared at her while Moranor placed a hand on his head and combed his unkempt and scraggly hair using her hand. Moranor glanced at her mother and said. “When we went near the firing range, Cherry flew off his shoulder.” Elora raised a brow at her and said. “That makes it sound like you don't know where she went.”


Moranor picked up her cup of tea with her left hand as she took a sip and avoided Elora’s eyes. Enora puffed out her large chest in pride as she let out a chuckle, she said. “Speaking of the firing range. I discovered Reiki’s talent and taught him a few things.” Moranor placed her teacup on the coaster while adding some force to it making the liquid inside jump as it somehow didn’t spill, she spoke in a dry tone and said. “You wish.” 


Reiki gulped down a mouthful of food and leaned forward the table to get a better look at Melanor and said. “Melanor, look at what you’ve done.” Melanor smiled at him as she spoke in an innocent tone and said. “I have no idea what you're talking about.” The edge of Elora’s lips curved upward, she said. “Nora, tell me all about it.” Reiki stared at her while Elora pretended to not notice as Enora placed her teacup on the coaster and said. “It’s nothing, I intentionally gave him a few vague pointers and started from there.”


Reiki shook his head sideways as he continued with his meal while Moranor glared at Enora for a few seconds as her lips curled into a cold smirk. Moranor said. “As if you have a good judge of character, especially since you hanged around with Valen out of all the other elves.” Reiki almost spat out the food in his mouth as his lips formed into a smile. Melanor covered her lips with her hand to hide the smirk while failing to pretend to be shocked. Elora started laughing as she slapped the table a couple of times making her large chest jiggle.


Enora saw the smile on Reiki’s face as she slammed her hand against the table making all the teacups visibly shake as she glared at Moranor. Enora spoke in a cold tone and said. “The only reason I was so close to him was to monitor his movement.” She stealthily glanced at Reiki’s face to see his reaction as he finished the plate of food. Reiki picked up his teacup that was slightly warm and downed it in one go, he wiped his mouth using the same napkin Moranor used. Moranor had a mocking expression as she shook her head and said. “Then how would you explain the rumors about you two?”


From the corner of Reiki’s eye, he saw a streak of white coming from the window as he turned his head and saw Cherry standing outside by the small window perch. He made his way toward the widow while Enora’s pupils faintly glowed an icy blue color as Melanor and Elora picked up their teacups on the table along with the coaster. Enora’s hand that was on the table was radiating a cold air as it slowly spread across the table, she said. “Those were spread by those senile old elves.”


Reiki opened the window as Cherry turned into a streak of white and appeared on his right shoulder, he said. “Hey, Girl. Where have you been?” The albino let out a caw as Reiki rubbed her head using his index finger, he thought. Let’s hope the mine is decent. Moranor's smirk turned even bigger, she said. “Then explain the time when elves saw Valen trying to grab your hand in public.” Reiki made his way toward the table while taking out something in his pocket as Melanor and Elora noticed Cherry on his shoulder.


Elora nodded at the albino bird and said. “Hi Cherry.” Melanor caressed Cherry’s back as she glanced at Reiki and said. “You’re not planning on stopping them?” The area near Enora’s palm that was touching the surface of the table was slowly being enveloped in ice, she said. “We all know his character well enough so I won’t need to explain.” Reiki glanced at the two elves arguing and said. “I love both your daughters with all my heart but I’m not going to that battlefield.” The two elves smiled at his answer while Melanor picked up her teacup by the handle and said. “I’m guessing you have something to show us?”


Reiki nodded as he held out his right hand showing a small pebble size gold nugget that had bits and pieces of stone embedded in it, he said. “Cherry found a gold mine in your land.” Enora and Moranor’s pointy ears twitched as they suddenly stopped arguing and listening in on their conversations. Elora stared at the gold nugget in his hands as she placed her teacup on the table, she said. “How sure are you?” Melanor rubbed the top of Cherry’s head using her finger, she said. “Good girl. Elora reach out her hand and was about to take the gold nugget off his hands.


Reiki pocketed the gold nugget and said. “Let’s talk about how we’ll split it.” Elora and Moranor turned their heads at him with worried expressions. Melanor raised their hands which prevented them from saying anything as she stared at him. Elora pretended to think for a moment, she said. “It’s in our territory so wouldn’t it mean it belongs to us?” Reiki smiled at her and said. “How long have you been in this territory?” Elora let out a chuckle, she said. “How much do you want?” Reiki raised his left hand and showed her four fingers.


The worry on Enora and Moranor’s faces became more prominent as Melanor stared at them from the corner of her eye. Elora's eyes narrowed as she kept her gaze on him, he thought. Forty percent… That’s steep for just discovering it… She said. “How big is the mine?” Reiki shrugged his shoulders and said. “Don’t know, I’ve never seen it yet.” Enora looked at him with disbelief while the corner of Moranor’s eye twitched. Melanor looked at him oddly, she said. “You’ve never been to the mine before?...” Reiki glanced at her and said. “Yep.” Elora stared at him with furrowed brows, she thought. I can’t read him… She said. “And you want that much for just finding it?”


Reiki raised a brow at her and said. “Since when was four percent that much?” The worry in Moranor and Enora's expressions vanished as they looked at him oddly. Melanor looked at him in disbelief while Elora was trying to process what he said. Elora said. “F-Four percent… And ninety-four percent leaning my way?...” She quickly regained her calm and continued. “Your reason” Reiki turned his head and looked at two confused elves, he said. “Consider it part of the wedding gift.” Enora and Moranor immediately blushed and started acting shy as they couldn’t meet his gaze.


Melanor smiled at him and thought. A natural-born casanova. Elora stood up from her seat, she said. “I’ll be the judge of that.” Reiki was taken aback for a second and said. “We’re already going?” Elora waved her hand as the window Cherry was at slid open, she said. “Cherry will lead us and I’ll drag you.” Melanor pointed at the two shy and blushing elves, she said. “I’ll stand guard of the two red tomatoes in case a fly decides to land one either of them.”


Reiki moved his gaze onto the white bird on his shoulder, he took out the gold nugget he hid in his pocket and showed it to her Reiki said. “Cherry, lead.” Cherry turned into a streak of white as it flew out the room by the open window. Elora grabbed his collar as Reiki’s vision turned blurry as his surroundings seems to stretch and bend.

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