
Chapter 198: Chapter 198: Clarify

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Reiki let out a long sigh as he wiped some sweat on the back of his neck and said. "For the third time." He moved his gaze onto Moranor and Enora who had doubtful expressions on their faces and continued. "I have no interest in them." He thought. They didn't even bother listening to my plan. Enora crossed her arms making her large chest press against each other as she placed her right foot on top of her left knee giving him a glimpse of her white lace panties. Enora said. "Is that all?"


Reiki rubbed the back of his neck as he glanced at Cherry who was still sitting in between two brown paper bags, he thought. At least one of us is stress-free. Moranor tapped on the floor using the tip of her thick combat leather shoes as she spoke with underlying dissatisfaction in her tone, she said. "Do you at least have a picture of either of them?" Reiki moved his gaze onto Moranor and thought. I finally made progress! He pretended to scratch the side of his head under the scrutinizing gazes of the two elves. Moranor's gaze narrowed as she stared a hole through him, she said. "We're waiting."


Reiki shrugged his shoulders and said. "I don't have a picture of them." Moranor's pupils faintly glowed while Enora rolled her eyes at him. Reiki spread his arms as he continued. "What? I have a different standard of beauty." Enora raised a brow at him as she spoke with a hint of sarcasm in her tone and said. "Standard?" Moranor let out an exaggerated sigh, she said. "Can you show us what this standard is?" She emphasized the word standard while Reiki gave the two elves a meaningful look.


Enora's brows furrowed for a moment before realizing what his stare meant as she faked a cough and said. "Is that supposed to mean something?" The anger in Moranor's expression visibly lessened as she tried to keep a straight face, she said. "Reiki, flattery won't get you out of trouble." Reiki gave her a cheeky smile and said. "Won't it?" Moranor let out a scoff while Enora clicked her tongue and said. "Moving on." Reiki thought. Did she just click her tongue? Enora glared at Moranor from the corner of her eye and continued. "Reiki, you're saying you have no interest in those two?"


He gave her a smile and said. "Popsicle, I've been saying that for the last fifteen minutes." The corner of Moranor's lips curved into a smile as she failed to suppress it while Enora visibly winced at the pet name as she let out a sharp breath and said. "We'll trust your words." Her tone turned serious as she continued. "For now." Reiki smiled at her and said. "I love you too." Enora ignored Moranor who was internally laughing at her while her lips slowly curled into a smile. Reiki moved his gaze onto the laughing elf and said. "Hey, sparkplug. What's so funny?"


The grin on Moranor's lips immediately vanished as she stared at him with an unbelievable expression. Enora started laughing as she tried to cover her mouth using her hand while Reiki continued. "Why the long face?" Moranor stared a hole through him while Enora was slapping the cushions around her. Moranor said. "Really?" Reiki smiled at her as he tried to reach out to grab her hand, he said. "What? I also gave Nora a pet name she didn't like." Moranor moved her hand away to prevent him from grabbing it as she pointed at Enora whose laughter was slowly dying down.


Moranor said. "It's different this time." Reiki turned his head sideways and saw that Cherry was still asleep, he quickly moved his gaze onto the pouting elf and said. "How is it different?" Moranor's arm blurred as she picked up a cushion on the couch and threw it at him as it hit Reiki square in the face. Moranor said. "She's laughing at me!" Reiki moved the cushion away from his face and threw it onto the side of the couch, he gave Moranor a wry smile and said. "Didn't you do the same thing when I called her popsicle?"


Enora wiped a tear from the corner of her eye as she turned her head sideways to see a pouting Moranor and said. "I'm deducting this from your pay." Moranor stared at her in disbelief for a couple of seconds, she said. "You can't do that!" Enora let out a chuckle and blandly said. "Yes I can, and I will." Moranor was searching for the nearest cushion she could grab on the couch, she said. "You-!" Before she could make a sentence Moranor felt something hold her hand that she used to search for a pillow.


She turned her head and saw Reiki holding her hand which calmed her down. He turned his head to look at Enora and said. "Nora, why are you shaving her salary?" Enora gave him a smile, she said. "Because I felt like it." Reiki interlinked their fingers as he intentionally showed it off to Enora and said. "Then you won't mind Moranor and me leaving you in this room alone." Enora stared at him and glanced at Moranor who was trying to maintain the glare she was giving her. Enora said. "And why would you do that?"


Reiki sat in between the two elves which made them move aside as he snuggled closer to Moranor. He gave Enora a smile and said. "I felt like spending some time with her." Enora's gaze wandered onto their hands with their fingers interlinked, she said. "Fine, the elf who still needs to use a straw dummy can won't have their income slashed in half." She placed a hand on his shoulders and added some force to it while trying to pull him closer to her side of the couch.


[System: User has received 33 Damage.]


Reiki could hear the fabric of his shirt being torn as he kept a straight face, he said. "Then I feel like spending time with my two elves." He quickly grabbed onto his shirt that was being pulled on and said. "Now stop pulling my shirt." Enora let go as she placed an arm around his neck, she said. "How about." She gave Moranor a side-eye glance and spoke in a bland tone, she said. "You let go." Moranor ignored her as she used her right hand to grab Reiki's arm and said. "Let's go outside so I can give you a tour around the village."


Enora reminded Reiki she had an arm around his shoulders as she drew elvish letters on his cheek. Enora said. "I think Reiki would prefer it if we went to the library so he could familiarize himself with the layout." Reiki kept his gaze on Cherry who was sleeping between two brown paper bags, he let out a chuckle and said. "How about we just laze on this couch and talk?" He gently tightened his grip on Moranor's hand which had their fingers interlocked and tilted his head sideways to lean on Enora's shoulder. 


Moranor made herself comfortable on the couch as she placed both her feet on the coffee table while wearing her leather shoes, she said. "You won't hear a complaint with me." Enora tilted her head as she leaned on Reiki's head while her long gold hair was sprawled around the cushions beside her, she said. "I could use a break from working too much." The three of them occupied the entire couch as they sat on it, Reiki glanced at Enora and said. "How'd you trick Mora into being your bodyguard." Moranor pinched the back of Reiki's hand.


[System: User has received 17 Damage.]


Moranor said. "Enora didn't trick me, she promised me very loose work hours and high pay." Enora let out a chuckle which made Reiki turn his head at her, she said. "Hook, line, and sinker. It took me three days to convince her." He gave her a smile and said. “I bet you one copper I can convince her to do something she doesn’t want to before I go back home.” Moranor had an offended look on her face, she said. “Hey!” Enora let out a laugh as she playfully poked his cheek and said. “You’re on.” Moranor leaned onto Reiki as she intentionally added some weight to him She said. “The elf that’s involved in the wager is right here.”


Elora’s Room


Elora was sitting in by the workbench as she stared at a large floating rectangular screen that was being emitted by a crystal in the center of the wooden table. Melanor was holding onto a half-eaten veggie sandwich as she made her way toward the workbench, she said. “I heard the word bet.” She used the sandwich she was holding onto to point at the floating screen and continued. “What’s the steaks?” Melanor was about to take a bite out of the veggie sandwich when Elora stole it off her hands.


Elora shook her head sideways and said. “The bet only amounts to two copper coins.” She took a bite out of the half-eaten veggie sandwich as Melanor looked at the screen with furrowed brows as she watched Reiki and Enora engage in a conversation with an angry Moranor being left out. Melanor said. “What kind of bet is this supposed to be?” Elora passed the sandwich to Melanor as she swallowed and said. “They’re betting to see if Reiki can make your daughter do something she wouldn’t before he goes back home.”


Melanor eyes lit up as her lips curled into a smile, she said. “What happens to the loser?” Elora pointed at the screen. Melanor moved her gaze onto the floating screen as she was about to take a bite out of the sandwich as Elora stole it from her hands again. Melanor glared at her as Elora gave her a sweet smile and said. “I love you.” Melanor rolled her eyes at her as Reiki’s voice came from the screen, he said. “Winner gets to force the loser to say anything.” She saw Enora and Reiki shake on it followed by her Moranor saying. “I’m glad that I could be part of this conversation.”


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Elora finished off the sandwich as she gulped down a mouthful of food and had some crumbs on the corner of her lips, she said. “I say he fails.” Melanor slowly and seductively licked her thumb as she gave Elora a wink which made her stare at her lover's light pink tongue. Melanor wiped the breadcrumbs on the corner of Elora’s lips and said. “Loser is the submissive one in bed for a week.” Elora's expression had a hint of boredom as she pursed her lips into a line.


Melanor gently stroked her lover's cheek, she said. “Yeah, too boring…” Elora enjoyed the feeling of Melanor’s hand on her cheek as her eyes lit up like stars and her smile brightened up the room. Elora said. “Winner gets to indulge in any kink they have in bed, loser has to obey.” Melanor’s cheeks turned red as Elora stared at her lover and said. “Love?...” A small trail of blood started to flow from one of Melanor’s nostrils as the blush on her face slowly reached to her long pointy ears.


Elora stood up from the chair and moved closer to Melanor as she cupped her lover's face. Elora spoke with a hint of worry and said. “Love, are you alright?” Melanor looked down and saw the small trail of blood coming from her nose as she took out a silk handkerchief from her pocket and wiped it off. Melanor faked a cough and said. “A-Anything?” Elora had a hint of worry on her face, she said. “Yes… Any kink no questions allowed.” For a split moment, Melanor’s lips subconsciously formed into a blissful smile as she accidentally let out a laugh. 


Elora gave her an odd look with a hint of doubt in her eyes, she said. “Honey?” Melanor snapped back to reality and said. “D-Darling is there a problem?” She had a calm expression on her face as the doubt in Elora’s eyes slowly became more apparent. Elora said. “You do know we’re talking about your daughter.” She gave her a smile and glanced around the room. Melanor placed a hand on her hip, she said. “Angel, I know my daughter best. Mora won’t last an hour before doing it.” Elora let out an exaggerated chuckle, she said. “We are talking about little Mora, right?”


Elora poked the tip of Melanor’s nose and continued. “The same Mora who camped outside your house for an entire week just so she could eat an entire ice cream cake on her birthday.” Melanor placed a hand on her chin as a thoughtful expression formed on her face, she said. “That was mostly my fault for letting her discover what ice cream is at sixty years of age.” She shook her head sideways as her eyes had a hint of nostalgia and continued. “Sweety, we’ve both heard the saying that love makes you do crazy things.”


Elora waved her hand and said. “We’ll know the result before Reiki goes home.” She looked around the room and continued. “Onto the more important things, where’s the paper bag? The sandwich was surprisingly good.” Melanor pinched her lover’s cheek, she said. “Oh, it’s in my-” Before she could even finish her sentence, Elora’s arm blurred as she buried her hand into Melanor’s pocket. Melanor watched Elora riffle through her pocket with a smile as she took out a large brown paper bag. Elora said. “Thanks, muffin.” She planted a kiss on Melanor’s cheek as she crossed her arms and watched Elora sit back down on the chair by the workbench.


Melanor let out a sigh as she spoke in a complaining tone, she said. “Glad to see you value food more than me.” Elora took out a sandwich that was meticulously wrapped in tissue, she said. “Only reason why I’m eating is because of the workout you gave me today.” She unwrapped the sandwich revealing ham and cheese inside of it while Melanor’s lips curled into a proud smile. Melanor said. “Fair point, doesn’t matter who wins. Both of us are going to need the energy.”


At A Classroom


Shiro, Yuki, and Mio were sitting in a group as most of their classmates were practicing controlling magic or slacking off by doing nothing but sitting in their seats. On Mio’s table was a dark blue feather six inches in length that was surrounded by a sphere of wind as it spun on her table by the tip. Yuki had a bored expression as she watched the feather on her friend’s desk spin as she let out a long sigh and said. “There’s nothing to do.” Shiro let out a yawn as she cover her mouth using a hand, she said. "Why aren't the teachers calling it early?"


Mio looked around as she observed her classmates enjoying their time, the sphere surrounding the feather vanished. The feather spun around a few more times before falling onto the desk, Mio said. "They're busy with the-." Yuki drummed on her desk using both her hands which interrupted her friend, she said. "Preparations for the tournament…" She let out an annoyed groan and continued. "Tournament for what?" Yuki glanced at her classmates from the corner of her eye, she said. "A real tournament has capable individuals participating." She pointed at them using her thumb as she continued. "Unlike this one that's more of a glorified show and tell for parents to show off."


Mio picked up the feather and used it to point at Yuki. Mio said. "Mio, you can't be that harsh to our classmates." The students pretended not to hear them as they tried to continue with their conversations and or practice. Yuki rolled her eyes at Mio and said. "I'm just ranting about how much time and effort the school has to put in so that those parents that donated money. Make them show off their talents."


Mio glanced around the classroom as she felt the awkward atmosphere around her classmates, she turned her head onto Shiro who was intentionally being quiet as she pretended to be in deep thought. Mio said. “Shiro, what are your thoughts on the tournament?” Shiro pretended she didn’t hear her friend and said. “Mio, can you repeat the question? I didn’t hear it.” Yuki let out a laugh as she smacked her desk while Mio gave her friend a wry smile. Mio said. “If you didn’t hear it how did you know I asked you a question?” Yuki’s laughter only got louder as it reverted through the entire room.


Shiro was stunned for a moment as she stared at her friend for a moment before pouting, she said. “You were staring at me so I thought it was a question.” Yuki’s laughter eventually died down as she poked Shiro’s cheek and said. “Shiro, you’re a terrible liar.” Shiro swatted her friend's hand away while Mio let out a chuckle and said. “Terrible acting and filling the entire school with the sound of laughter aside.” Yuki let out a fake laugh and said. “You’re just jealous you can’t laugh because of the perfect image you made.”


Mio used the feather in her hand as a fan as she gently waved it once in Yuki’s direction. A small gust of wind passed through Yuki’s head as her tomboyish and unkempt hair was slightly pushed back, Yuki let out a chuckle and said. “Jokes on you, I don’t style my hair.” Mio placed the feather on her desk, she said. “Anyway. Shiro, what do you think about the tournament.” Shiro quickly took the feather on her friend's desk and waved it like a fan at Yuki making a small breeze with it. Shiro said. “I like it.”


Yuki enjoyed the small breeze Shiro was doing as her eyes widened in surprise, she said. “Really?” Mio had a wide smile on her face as she tapped Yuki’s shoulder with the back of her hand. Mio said. “See, Yuki. Take a page from Shiro. She’ll enjoy the event despite-.” Shiro interrupted her friend and said. “We’re barely going to attend on the first day and skip the rest so.” She placed the dark blue feather down on Mio’s desk as Shiro let out a long exhale from moving her arm around.


Yuki had a smug look on her face as she glanced at Mio who couldn’t say anything. Yuki gently elbowed Mio’s stomach and said. “Mio, face it. You’re one of us.” Shiro took a deep breath as she joined in the chant and said. “One of us.” Mio let out a small sigh, she said. “And I’ll do everything in my power to make sure it doesn’t happen.” Yuki let out one long exhale, she said. “Back on a serious note. Why are they taking so long to call it a day?” Mio gave her an odd look and said. “Oh, you were being serious about that.”


Shiro placed a hand on Mio’s shoulder and said. “It’s my turn to break it to her.” Yuki felt the two odd looks her friends were giving her, she said. “Break what to me?” Mio picked up the feather on her desk and pocketed it, she said. “Thank you, Shiro.” Shiro pretended to clear her throat and said. “The high schoolers are having a mock battle today.” Yuki’s eyes had a hint of realization in them, she said. “So that’s why they haven’t called it early today.” Mio stared at her friend and said. “You were the one who was excited to watch the fights today.”


Yuki nodded as she remembered, she said. “I lost all interest when Shiro told us we’re going to get our souvenirs today.” Mio stared at her friend for a moment as she had an understanding expression on her face and said. “I can agree, I’m impatient to get my hands on those books.” Yuki pointed at her friend, she said. “Usually I would make fun of you for books but can’t, knowing how rare they are.” Mio couldn’t hide her smile as Shiro let out a yawn and glanced at the door. Shiro said. “I just want to go home and close my eyes for a moment.”


At A Break Room


Namida opened a can of soda as it let out a sharp hiss of carbonation, she said. “Captain, they still haven’t announced it yet?” Ahma was holding onto a cup of tea as she took a small whiff of it, she said. “Namida, I’ll tell you once the moment I get notified.” Sachi was holding onto a scone that was sliced vertically as she used a spoon to put whipped cream and jam on it, she said. “I don’t know why you’re in such a hurry.” She placed the spoon down onto a white ceramic plate and continued. “It’s not like we have somewhere to be the moment we’re off duty.” Ketsueki was holding onto a scone with some marmalade on it, she said. “Sachi, once you finished with your scone can you make my other half with whipped cream and jam?”

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