
Chapter 199: Chapter 199: Jar

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Sachi took a bite of her scone that had a generous dollop of whipped cream and jam as it looked like it could drip onto the table at any moment, she gave Ketsueki an ok sign using her free hand. Ketsueki looked at the table that was filled to the brim with all sorts of snacks, it had a plate of sandwiches, scones, dozens of different pastries, small bowls of whipped cream, jam, and some marmalade. A small plate of assorted fruits along with a few bowls of salad with some vinaigrette. Ketsueki thought. This would be a fancy table if not for…


She moved her gaze onto Namida’s side of the table as it had a few large bags of potato chips along with wedge-cut fries beside a bowl of garlic mayo as a dip. Namida chugged down half of the entire can of soda as she squished the aluminum can with her hand and placed it inside her pocket, she felt a pair of eyes staring at her. Namida saw Ketsueki’s blatant stare at her food as she spoke with a hint of chilly tone, she said. “What? You three always knew I hate these pretentious afternoon tea times.”


Ketsueki nodded respectfully and said. “Yes, sir. You’ve told us that whenever we judge on your…” She watched Namida take out another ice-cold can of soda from the same pocket she placed the crumpled one in as she open it up letting the carbonation out. Ketsueki continued. “Meal…” Ahma took a sip of tea as she placed her teacup on the coaster, she said. “How come you’ve never explained about your distaste for English tea.” Sachi wiped some jam on the corner of her lips using a napkin and said. “Yeah, doesn’t your family throw banquets all the time and love making tea? You’d think it rubbed off on you.”


Namida placed her can of soda on the table beside the plate of wedge-cut fries, she said. “My parents are the one who throws those banquets.” She picked up a potato chip and pointed it at Sachi as she continued. “And I do like making tea despite the tedious process of it.” Namida pointed at all the lavish food on the table using the potato chip in her hand, she said. “Every time I see this I just think traditional Japanese food would be better.”


Ketsueki was holding onto a half-eaten scone that had some marmalade on it while in the middle of chewing, she swallowed and said. “I would’ve paid you anything to eat at your house again… That is until Reiki started cooking at home.” Ahma picked up a croissant as she ripped a smaller piece off, she said. “Can I drop by your house again?” Ketsueki let out a laugh that almost sounded genuine, she blandly said. “No.” She finished off her scone while Sachi stopped herself from finishing off the scone in her hand, she said. “Speaking of, Namida. When can we drop by again?”


Namida had a hesitant expression on her face, she said. “I don’t know…” Ahma ate the smaller piece of the croissant she tore off while Sachi ate the rest of the scone she was holding. Ketsueki picked up half of a fruit sandwich as she pointed it at Namida and said. “Why not? It’s not like we trashed the place.” Ahma picked up her cup of tea by the handle as she took a sip to help the croissant go down, she said. “I’m obviously going to tag along the next visit. I do miss the thick slices of tuna sashimi they made.”


Sachi picked up the silver spoon on her plate along with the other half of her scone, she said. “I love that oddly chunky dark gold tempura.” She started adding whipped cream to it while Ketsueki smiled and said. “I just want to eat some unagi again.” She moved her gaze onto Namida who ate a few pieces of potato chips and continued. “I’m bringing Shiro and my boy next time.” Namida took a sip of her soda as she was about to say something but stopped, she said. “Sure, you three can visit sometime next week.”


The three girls had a hint of surprise in their eyes as Namida picked up a wedge cut fry and continued. “But, you have to convince Reiki to cook.” Sachi placed the spoon she used to spread whipped cream onto her scone on her plate and picked up the other one that had some jam on it. A hint of confusion appeared on her face, she said. “That’s it?” She scooped up some jam and placed it on her scone while Ketsueki let out a chuckle and said. “Consider it done, my opinion on the food would’ve changed after eating his cooking.”


Ahma placed down her teacup as she put it on the coaster and tore off a small part of the croissant, she said. “Speaking of Reiki, when is he going to be back from elven territory?” The spoon that Sachi was using to spread on top of the whipped cream on her scone fell onto her plate as she froze. Namida took a sip from the can of soda she was holding onto while Ketsueki observed her two friends. Ahma enjoyed the three girls’ reactions, she said. “What? You three think I didn’t know?” She ate the small piece of croissant and started chewing.


Ketsueki watched Sachi give her a flattering smile as she placed the scone she meticulously topped with whipped cream and jam onto her plate beside the plain scone. Sachi said. “I didn’t do it.” Ketsueki moved her gaze onto Namida wiped her lips using her thumb, she said. “You think I’d invite you three to my home just to apologize?” She let out a chuckle and continued. “My family already hates you three and that’s supposed to be my way of saying sorry?” Ketsueki moved her gaze onto Ahma who was enjoying her croissant. Ahma said. “Nothing happens around here that I don’t know about.”


Ahma feigned ignorance to Ketuseki’s glare that was slowly becoming hostile. Ahma placed the one-third eaten croissant onto her plate as she picked up her cup of tea and gently swirled the light green liquid in it, she said. “Any chance he’ll bring back some elven wine? I’m hoping it’ll be at least be fifty years old, but at best Reiki will be given twenty to thirty years old wine.” Ahma took a sip of her tea while Sachi had an odd expression on her face as she waved her hand as the vertically sliced scone beside the one topped with whipped cream and jam flew into her hand.


Sachi picked up the spoon on her plate as she placed a generous amount of whipped cream on the scone, she said. “You think they’ll give a child wine?” Ahma took a sip of her tea while Namida kept her eyes on Ketsueki as she ate a few pieces of potato chips. Namida thought. Any moment now, she’ll stand up from the chair and rip her face off. Ketsueki’s pupils faintly lit up while Ahma had a pondering expression on her face and said. “Since he’s asking for souvenirs chances are they’ll agree.”


Ketsueki slowly inhaled through her nose as the glow in her pupils slowly faded, she said. “If my boy brings home any wine regardless of age. I’ll send it your way.” Ahma pretended to be surprised as she covered her mouth using her other hand, she said. “Really? Hopefully, you won’t mind me accepting your kind gesture.” Sachi finished placing whipped cream and jam on her scone as she glanced at Namida. Sachi said. “When are we supposed to sneak away?”


Namida shook her head sideways as she picked up a wedge-cut fry and said. “On the first the of work.” Ahma moved her hand away from her mouth as she pondered for a bit, she said. “How long have we three known each other?” Ketsueki faked a chuckle as she spoke with a hint of dryness and said. “Far too long.” She took a bite out of her fruit sandwich while Sachi was holding onto her scone as she raised a brow at Namida and said. “Are you sure that’s the only time frame?” Namida tossed half a half-eaten wedge-cut fry into her mouth as she gave her friend a regretful nod.


Ahma placed her cup of tea on the coaster and tore off a small bit of her croissant, she said. “How’s the food?” Ketsueki showed her the fruit sandwich she took a bite out and said. “It’s good, what else did you expect from the company.” Namida pointed at the two arguing, she said. “You think this is the day we’ll need to arrange a funeral while she gets promoted?” Sachi shook her head sideways and said. “I doubt it, not when the three of us are this close to getting out.”


~Two Hours Later~


Large Livingroom


Reiki was sitting in between two elves while Enora rested her head on his shoulder as Moranor held onto his right hand with interlocked fingers. Moranor had suspicion all over her eyes as she constantly glanced at him from the corner of her eye, Reiki said. “I already caught up?” Enora lazily nodded her head on his shoulder, she said. “Yeah, the week has been boring. Other than eradicating those old fogies nothing special happened.” Reiki moved his gaze onto Moranor and said. “How about you Mora? Forgot anything?” Moranor snapped back to her senses, she said. “No, mom only made me help out in the restaurant in my free time.”


Reiki glanced around the room, he thought. Can’t move… He let out a chuckle and said. “I have something for the two of you.” Enora glanced at him from the corner of her eye, she said. “You’re not just saying that because you can’t move. Right, Reiki?” Moranor slightly leaned forward on the couch as she gave Enora a glare. Moranor said. “What happened to my turn on resting on his shoulder?” Enora let out a small yawn as she cover her mouth with her hand, she said. “I forgot.”


Moranor’s eyes narrowed as Reiki tried to escape the two elves' grasp, he said. “Nora, can you get one of the elves to send some sliced bread here? Along with some wheat bread, please.” Enora reluctantly moved her head away from his shoulder and budged her arm around his shoulders, she said. “That’s simple, but is that all you want? No spread?” Reiki tried to coax Moranor’s hand to let go and said. “Add some two smallish jars of both your favorite jam along with a few liters of milk.” Enora took out a talisman from her pocket as it was enveloped in a thin layer of mana.

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Reiki struggled to make Moranor let go as she kept a straight face, she said. “What are you going to show us?” He gave her a smile and said. “I would be more than willing to show you two if you’d let go.” Enora whispered something into the talisman while Moranor glanced at their interlocked hands and said. “Can’t you use your other hand?” Reiki let out a laugh, he said. “I’m making a sandwich and I’d prefer to use both of my hands.”


Moranor hesitantly let go of his hand as Reiki stood up from the couch and did some stretches as Enora pocketed the talisman. Enora moved her gaze onto Reiki who was doing some simple stretches to help his blood flow and said. “I also asked for a few glasses, something to spread the jam with, along with some plates.” Reiki threw a few quick punches and turned his head sideways to look at Enora, he said. “Thanks, Nora.” He rubbed the back of his neck and continued. “How long until-?” Before he could even finish a sound of knocking reverted from the door from the outside.


Enora gave him a smile as she stood up from the couch and made her way to the door. Moranor leaned on the backrest of the couch as she glanced at Reiki’s clothes while he rummaged through his pocket, she said. “Reiki, how about a shower?” He took out his tattered pouch from his pocket and said. “I’ll pass.” Reiki gave Moranor a knowing smile and continued. “Only way you’ll get me in a green tunic and brown pants is if my clothes get drenched in mud.” Moranor raised a brow at him, she said. “Is that all?”


Reiki gave her an odd look and thought. I don’t like how she said that. Enora opened the door as a male elf wearing simple clothing was pushing a trolly with two large sliced loaves of bread that were on a plate, two tall liters of milk in a glass container with a lid on top, and two medium-sized glass jars filled with jam. Four silver spoons of various sizes lying on a folded napkin, in the second layer below the first one was a stack of plates along with tall glasses. Enora checked the items on the trolly as she made way for him and said. “Place it beside the coffee table.”


The male elf nervously nodded as he pushed the trolly into the room while Enora walked beside him as he placed it near the left side of the coffee table. Reiki placed his arm inside his tattered pouch, he smiled at the male elf and said. “We probably won’t need anything else.” The male elf had a nervous expression on his face as he glanced at Enora and gave him a nod. Moranor gave Enora a sarcastic smile as the male elf quickly made his way to the opened door and stood outside the room.


The male elf gave them a deep bow as he closed the door. Reiki let out a chuckle while the sound of footsteps hurriedly got farther away, he said. “Looks like the help around the house is still scared of you.” The smirk on Moranor’s lips grew bigger while Enora let out a long sigh and said. “It’s… Getting better.” Moranor let out a chuckle as she moved her gaze onto Reiki and said. “Believe it or not, it’s true.” Reiki took out a large plastic jar of peanut butter as he twisted the lid open and peeled off the seal.


The two elves stared at the jar with a hint of confusion on their face as Reiki showed them the contents of the jar. Enora was put off by the familiar-looking spread, she said. “Is that peanut cream?” The bridge of her nose wrinkled while Moranor picked up the nearest cushion on the couch and used it as a shield, she said. “Reiki, we’ve already had that. It’s terrible.” Reiki glanced at the inside of the jar and said. “I’ve also tried peanut cream and I agree.” He made his way to the trolly and placed the seal near the napkin by the spoons.


Reiki picked up a spoon and used it to scoop some peanut butter, he said. “This is completely different, it’s called peanut butter.” Enora had an odd expression on her face as she glanced at the spread on the spoon and said. “Your kind mixed peanut with butter?” Moranor peeked behind her pillow shield, she said. “That’s gross.” Reiki placed the jar of peanut butter beside the two glass containers of jam and said. “We did not mix peanut with butter.”


He pointed the spoon at Moranor as she hid it from her view using the pillow, Reiki continued. “I can promise it’s good.” Enora had a doubtful look on her face as she shook her head sideways, she said. “Do you even know what peanut cream tastes like?” Reiki moved his gaze onto Enora and said. “It tastes like peanut-flavored frosting and has that melted caramel texture.” Enora pointed at him, she said. “That, let’s go with your analogy.” Reiki made his way toward Moranor as the closer he got to the elf, she spoke with a slightly hostile tone and said. “Reiki, you take one more step and I’ll unzip this pillow and shove your head in it.”


He let out a chuckle and spread his arms, Reiki said. “It’s not peanut cream.” He moved the spoon closer to Moranor as she blocked it using the pillow, she said. “Reiki, I’m being serious.” She unzipped the pillow and gave him a threatening look. Enora stared at the spoon with a look of disapproval, she said. “Mora, are you sure? From the way I see it, it doesn’t look that bad.” Moranor turned her head as she gave Enora a glare and spoke in a dry tone. Moranor said. “Then how about you taste it.”


Enora let out a scoff as she stared at her and said. “I’ll stick to jam on my bread.” Reiki rolled his eyes at Moranor, he said. “If you don’t like it I’ll do one thing for you.” Enora was reaching for the jar of jam as her long pointy ears slightly twitched from hearing their conversation. Moranror stared at him for a few seconds as she managed to keep a disinterested look, she said. “What kind of thing?” Reiki gave her a meaningful smile and said. “Anything.”


Moranor slowly lowered the pillow she used as a shield as she pretended to hesitate and said. “Well-.” Reiki’s arm that was holding the spoon blurred as he fed Moranor against her will, she gave him a wide eye look as her expression turned angry. Moranor quickly moved the spoon away from her mouth while she ignored Enora’s laughter. Moranor pointed at Reiki who gave her an innocent smile her angry expression slowly turned into one of enjoyment, she said. “This… Is pretty good.” Moranor nodded her head in approval as she ate the peanut butter in her mouth while Reiki smiled at her and said. “Told ya.”


Moranor placed the spoon with the peanut spread in her mouth while Reiki turned his head sideways and glanced at Enora, he said. “Already won the bet.” Reiki made his way to the trolly while Enora’s eyes had a hint of realization in them. Moranor zipped the pillow and threw it onto the side of the couch as she stood up while Reiki was already making a sandwich using the sliced bread. Enora pointed at him as she spoke in a slightly infuriated tone, she said. “Stop cheating the bets!” Reiki balanced a piece of bread that had some peanut butter spread on his wrist.


He was holding another slice of bread in his palm as he spread some jam on it, Reiki said. “You could’ve done the same thing.” He placed the spoon in the jar of jam and pressed the two slices against each other with the spread in between. Reiki passed the sandwich to Moranor as she placed the spoon on the trolly and took a bite out of the sandwich. Enora placed a hand on her hips as she gave him an intimidating stare, she said. “You can’t just shove a spoon in her mouth and call yourself the winner.”


Reiki took out a few glasses on the second layer below as he took out the lid on one of the tall containers of milk, he said. “The bet was to get Moranor to do something she didn’t want to, no one ever said anything about forcing her.” He poured the glasses with milk as Moranor felt the bread get stuck on the ceiling of her mouth, Reiki passed the glass of milk to her and said. “Here, it’ll help it go down.” Moranor took the glass off his hands as she took a big swig of it.


Enora lightly smacked the trolly a couple of times, she said. “Exactly!” Moranor let out a sigh of relief as she had some milk on the top of her lip while Reiki let out a chuckle and said. “Nice mustache.” Moranor had a confused look on her face while he picked up one of the napkins stacked on the spoons and tried to hand it to her. Reiki moved his gaze onto the angry elf and continued. “Nora, it wasn’t cheating. I just used a loophole.” He made another sandwich while Moranor placed the glass of milk on the trolly and took the napkin from Reiki’s hand.


Moranor wiped her lips clean and said. “He’s telling the truth.” Enora gave her a cold glare as she spoke in a hostile tone, she said. “Of course, you’d take his side.” Reiki placed the spoon back in the jar of peanut butter as he tried to hand Enora the sandwich, he gave her a smile and said. “It’s not like you’ll lose anything from losing the bet.” Enora crossed her arms making her large chest press against each other, from the corner of her eye she stared at a wall and said. “Doesn’t mean I like losing.”


Moranor placed the napkin on the trolly beside the plastic jar of peanut butter as she gave Enora a meaningful smile and said. “Don’t forget we still have something to do with him.” Enora raised a brow in confusion, she said. “Do what?” Moranor moved her gaze onto Reiki’s hair while he was making room on the first layer of the trolly. He felt the gazes of the two elves on him as Moranor stood on his left while Enora made her way around the trolly and stood on Reiki’s right.


Reiki looked up at the two elves and said. “What?” Enora took out a dark wooden comb from her pocket as she showed it to him. Reiki tried to take a step back as Moranor placed a hand on his shoulder while taking a bite out of the peanut butter and jam sandwich, he let out a sigh and said. “Ladies, one of you is royalty. While the other has a high position and a very bright future-.” Enora let out a chuckle as she slowly moved the comb to his hair. Reiki grabbed Enora’s wrist as he spoke with a hint of alarm in his voice, he said. “You filthy animals! Get that comb away from my hair!”

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