
Chapter 201: Chapter 201: Interview

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Somewhere In The Hallway


Elora was rummaging through her pocket while Enora was standing beside her with a frown on her lips paired with a sour expression. Enora crossed her arms making her large breasts press against each other, she said. “Mom, did you have to take me with you? For all we know those two could be making out right now.” Elora gave her daughter an odd look as she took out a simple key made out of iron, she said. “Making out?” Enora had a serious expression on her face as she spoke in a firm tone, she said. “You never know what kind of thoughts that skank has in her head.”


Elora unlocked the door using the key and pocketed it, she said. “Dear, we are thinking of the same elf, right?” Enora gave her mother a nod while Elora rolled her eyes at her and continued. “Fine, go back to your lovers' arms then.” Enora’s eyes lit up, she said. “Great! Thanks, mom-!” Before she could finish Elora placed her hand on the doorknob, she said. “I was going to give you a couple of things inside. But, since you’ve made your stance clear-.” Enora blocked the door using her hand as she stared at her mother with a hint of anticipation in her eyes and said. “W-What kind of things?”


The corner of Elora’s lips curved into a smile, she raised her right hand with her middle and index fingers up and said. “Two items of your choosing.” Enora was stunned for a moment as she quickly came to her senses, she said. “R-Really?” Elora let out a soft laugh as she waved at her daughter to make way and said. “What happened to rushing into your lovers’ arms?”


Enora moved her hand out of the way as Elora opened the door. Enora said. “Reiki’s a big boy he can handle himself. Plus I trust him.” Elora made her way through the door and said. “I’m sure you do.” She didn’t turn her head back to look at her daughter as she continued. “Make sure to lock the door.” Enora walked in as she made sure to lock the door and slowly turned around. A gigantic room lit up by a large crystal that looked like it was growing on the ceiling, the room was filled with platinum coins as far as the eye could see, all sorts of jewels, a few vases gilded with gold, half a dozen bows mounted on the wall that was made out of dark wood that looked ancient, a few large cabinets and closets that were closed.


Elora was kicking platinum coins to the side as she scratched the side of her head while looking around the room and spoke in a whisper. “Where was that dagger again?” Enora slightly struggled as she tried to make her way beside he mother as she kicked small hills of platinum coins that easily reached past her ankles, she said. “I thought those old fogies had more wealth on them.” Elora nodded as she turned her head sideways as Enora made her way beside her.


Elora said. “They did, I’m letting the clean-up team slowly move the coins and item here.” Enora managed to place her footing on a solid mountain of platinum coins, she said. “So how big would the renovations be?” Elora looked around the room to admire the wealth as her lips curled into a smile, she said. “We’ll get four or five rooms like this, more or less.” Enora pretended to look around as she tried to speak in a casual tone, she said. “Mom, you won’t mind if I take a few coins. Right?”


Elora gave her daughter a knowing look as she refused to meet her gaze as Enora moved some coins around the floor using one of her feet. Elora said. “How much are you going to give him?” Enora gestured at the room filled with nothing but treasure, she said. “Does it even matter?” She turned her head as she gave her mother a small smile and continued. “You won’t even notice it.” Elora stared at her daughter for a couple of seconds, she said. “Even if I said it would be coming out of your pocket?”


Enora gave her mother an even bigger smile. Elora let out a sharp breath and thought. Look at this little elf of mine… He’s not even engaged to her yet and she’s already trying to dip her hands into the treasury… She said. “... Fine.” Enora picked up a big handful of platinum coins as she pocketed it and said. “Thanks, mom.” She kept on pocketing coins by the handful while Elora had a helpless smile on her lips. Elora said. “Keep this up and it’ll affect your gift for next year.” Enora was in the middle of pocketing more platinum coins as she stared at them in her hand.


She moved her gaze onto her mother and said. “All the more reason to grab more to make it an even trade then.”  Enora pocketed the coins as her mother waved her hand at her and said. “You can take coins while you help me search for the dagger.” Elora gently pushed her daughter as Enora made her way to the nearest vase and picked it up. Enora said. “I will.” She started placing coins inside the vase while looking around.


Large Livingroom


Reiki was lying on the couch with one of the couch cushions on the back of his head as he stared at the ceiling. Moranor was on top of him one of her pointy ears listening to his calm and steady heartbeat as it almost sound melodic to her. The two were wrapped in each other’s arms as Moranor’s eyes were half open as she looked like she could fall asleep at any moment. Reiki spoke in a soft tone and said. “Mora?” A moment of silence passed by before she could muster a half-hearted reply.


Moranor said. “... What?...” He gently combed her long goldish hair using his finger, Reiki said. “You were about to tell me more about yourself.” Moranor let out one long soft groan as she lazily looked up to him with hazy eyes, she said. “... Oh…” She slowly inhaled and exhaled from the nose as she moved her left arm and repeatedly drew circles on his chest, Moranor continued. “I pretty much spilled everything last time. Mom was forced into marrying my dad to lower her status and he taught me everything he knew.” Reiki placed his right hand on Moranor’s face as he cupped her left cheek, he said. “Then we'll leave it at that.”


Moranor’s eyes pierced through him, she said. “Are you even interested in my past?” Reiki gently stroked her cheek and said. “I’d rather spend time with you like this than ask about your past.” The corner of Moranor’s lips curled into a small smile, as she gently tapped his chest a few times and said. “You pass.” She placed her left hand around him again and lazily listened to the rhythmic beating of his calm heart, Moranor spoke in a slightly enchanted tone and continued. “Your heartbeat sounds so nice…”


Reiki placed both his hands on her back and gently caressed it, he said. “Talk about ominous.” He thought. She’s wearing a bra. Moranor pinched the side of his stomach as he felt a sharp pain from it.


[System: User has received 44 Damage.]


Reiki looked down at her and spoke in a monotone, he said. “Ow.” Moranor let out a hmph and said. “I’m not Enora who goes out commando.” Reiki’s eyes slightly lit up, he said. “She doesn’t wear underwear from time to time?” Moranor expression turned hostile as she glared at him and said. “Don’t do anything that’ll earn a spanking.”


Reiki gave her a smile, he said. “A spanking? I’m not a child.” Moranor eyes had a hint of hostility in them, she said. “You are in my eyes.” Reiki raised a brow at her and said. “Wouldn’t that make you a criminal for having an interest in me then?” Moranor slapped the side of his chest using her left hand.


[System: User has received 39 Damage.]


She said. “Minor details, now be quiet and let me enjoy what’s left of our little moment.” Reiki rubbed the spot where he was slapped, he said. “Add child abuse to the list of crimes.” Moranor let out a soft yawn as she tried her best to stay awake. Reiki placed a hand on the back of her head and gently hugged her as close as possible which made Moranor let out a soft moan, he said. “How about a short nap?” Moranor rubbed one of her eyes with her hand and said. “I don’t want to… If I wake up chances are you’ll be gone.”


Reiki spoke in a whisper, he said. “I won’t disappear.” Moranor let out a soft scoff and said. “That’s rich coming from someone who planned to leave away at midnight.” Reiki faked a cough, he said. “And one of you two decided to put a spell on me to put me to sleep.” Moranor felt her eyelids turn heavy as she closed them as she let out a small yawn without covering her mouth and said. “We didn’t cast a spell on you. We just added a small dosage of sleeping dust in everything you ate.” Reiki thought. That would explain the excessive yawning after the meal. Moranor snuggled closer to him as she made herself comfortable on top of Reiki as she fell asleep.

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Inside Ketsueki’s House


Namida sat on the couch with both her feet on the coffee table while wearing white indoor slippers, she glanced at Sachi who sat on the opposite side, and said. “How long does it take to go to the convenience store to buy something?” Ketsueki suddenly appeared on her right as she balanced a plastic bag on top of Namida’s head. Ketsueki said. “Not long enough.” She pointed at the plastic bag that was balanced on Namida’s head and continued. “Sachi, look. Even the top of her head is flat.”


Sachi’s lips curled into a smug smile as she chuckled at Namida who suddenly stood up from the couch and started throwing punches at Ketsueki. The plastic bag fell onto the couch as Sachi grabbed it while sitting and started searching the contents of it. Namida threw a sharp left hook which Ketsueki effortlessly dodged, Namida said. “I don’t want to hear that from you!” She follow it with a left cross as Ketsueki casually took a step back while Namida continued. “You Glorified obese pig! Kid loving! Pervert!” Namida slightly ducked down as she aimed for Ketsueki’s chin with an uppercut.


Ketsueki saw Namida’s fist coming at her in slow motion as the air around it seem to split. Ketsueki vanished in front of Namida as she appeared in the middle of the couch on Sachi's right. Ketsueki said. “You excited to try on the elven dress?” Sachi took out a pint of chocolate mint ice cream, she said. “I’m getting so impatient that I gave you money to buy me ice cream.” She passed the plastic bag to ketsueki while Sachi took out a silver spoon from her pocket and took the lid off the ice cream.


Ketsueki took out a plastic bottle of cider from the bag and placed it on the couch on her right, she said. “Namida, have you calmed down yet?” Namida was standing by the couch as she took a deep breath and made her way back to her seat, she said. “I wouldn’t be so infuriated in the first place had you not riled me up.” She picked up the plastic bag on the couch and sat down on Ketsueki’s right. Namida took out a large bag of salt-flavored potato chips and opened it, she said. “One of these days-.”


She stopped as the three of them heard the front door open followed by a voice saying. “Huh? The door’s open? Did Onee-chan forget to lock it today?” Sachi gently elbowed the side of Ketsueki’s abdomen and said. “Shiro’s back.” It was followed by the sound of two pairs of voices who simultaneously said. “Pardon the intrusion.” Namida grabbed a potato chip from the bag and said. “Looks like she brought a couple of her friends.” She ate half of the potato chip as it produce a satisfying crunch. Ketsueki rolled her eyes at her and said. “We already sensed all three of them.”


She stood up from the couch and made her way to the front door and saw Shiro, Mio, and Yuki put on a pair of white indoor slippers. Ketsueki gave them a friendly smile, she said. “I”m guessing you two couldn’t wait until tomorrow.” Yuki waved at her and said. “Aneki, good morning.” She rummaged through her pocket on her skirt as she took out a pouch while Mio returned the smile at Ketsueki. Mio said. “Onee-san, good morning.” Shiro quickly made her way to her older sister and wrapped her arms around her thigh as she looked up at her and said. “Onee-chan, I’m back.”


Ketsueki playfully pinched her little sister’s cheek, she said. “Welcome back, Shiro.” Yuki brought out three large see-through plastic containers that were filled to the brim with karaage, she said. “I bought some of my favorite karaage.” She pocketed the pouch and held it with both her hands as Mio brought out three large white boxes from her pouch as she somehow managed to hold them with one hand. Mio said. “I bought some cream puffs from one of the branches of the cafe I drop by to eat.” She pocketed the pouch and held the rectangular boxes with both her hands.


Shiro let go of her older sister as she gave her a starry-eyed look. Ketsueki let out a chuckle as she made her way toward Mio and said. “I’ll help you with that since you look like you’d topple over.” Ketsueki took two of the boxes off Mio’s hands as she hastily said. “T-Thank you for the help.” Ketsueki gave her a small smile and said. “It’s fine.” She moved her gaze onto her little sister and continued. “Shiro, help Yuki with the food she’s carrying.”


Shiro gave her older sister a bright smile, she said. “Yes, Onee-chan.” Yuki raised her left hand and said. “Aneki, I’ll be fine on my own. Plus I’m afraid Shiro might not be able to carry even one of them and trip.” Shiro pouted as she puffed her cheeks and stomped on the floor a couple of times, she said. “I can carry things!” Ketsueki gave Yuki a nod and said. “Fair point, now let’s not stand here and make our way inside… You two get to meet my friends today.” She thought. I don’t even know how we became friends in the first place.


Shiro’s eyes lit up as she spoke with a hint of excitement in her tone, she said. “Sachi-nee and Namida-nee are also here?” Ketsueki ruffled the top of her little sister’s head which made her pout at her, she said. “You three aren’t the only ones who couldn’t wait to get their hands on their present.” She gestured at the three of them to come in and continued. “This time we’ll talk in the living room.” Ketsueki led the way as Yuki, Mio, and Shiro followed behind her as they made their way to the living room.


Sachi was sitting on the couch eating a pint of ice cream while pretending to watch tv, she turned her head sideways and gave the three little girls a kind smile. Sachi said. “Hello, I’m Akiyama Sachi. Just call me Sachi.” Yuki raised her right hand as she gave her a wave and said. “Good morning, Sachi-san. I’m Nozomi Yuki. Feel free to call me Yuki.” Mio gave her a polite nod and said. “Sachi-san, pleased to make your acquaintance. I am Nakamura Mio, you can call me using my given name just like Yuki.”


The smile on Sachi’s lips grew bigger, she said. “Nice you meet you two.” Namida gave them a nod and said. “Hi, my name is Igarashi Namida. You can call me Namida.” Yuki gave her an energetic wave and said. “Namida-san it’s nice to meet you.” Namida showed her the opened bag of potato chips from above the backrest of the couch, she said. “Want some?” Yuki’s eyes lit up as she dashed toward the couch and placed her hand inside her bag as she gave Namida a bright smile and said. “Thank you, Namida-aneki.” Yuki took out a couple of chips from the bag while Mio let out a soft sigh and said. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Namida-san.”


Shiro trotted her way to the couch as she looked up at the two sitting on the couch with expectation in her eyes, she said. “Namida-nee, Sachi-nee. Do you have something for me?” Yuki ate one of the potato chips in her hand while Namida let out a chuckle and said. “Cottontail, I always have something for you.” Yuki had half a potato chip in her mouth as she stared at Shiro while Mio gave her friend an odd look. Shiro stomped the floor in anger as she glared at Namida trying to look infuriated only made her look cuter.


Shiro said. “Namida-nee! Stop calling me cottontail! I’m Shiro! S-H-I-R-O!” She was slightly out of breath and started panting as Yuki had a smile on her face while Mio tried her best not to laugh. Sachi placed a hand over her mouth to hide a smile while Namida shook her head sideways and said. “What’s the difference?” Shiro took a deep breath and pointed at Sachi and said. “I’m not made out of cotton! I don’t have a tail either!”


Namida had a confused look on her face, she said. “You don’t?” Shiro quickly shook her head sideways while Namida picked up a potato chip in her bag and continued. “How about I help you get one? So you live up to your name.” Shiro placed her hands behind her back and shouted. “I DON’T WANT ONE!” Yuki and Mio burst into laughter while Ketsueki made her way around the couch and elbowed Namida’s shoulder. Namida dropped the potato chip as it fell back in the bag as she rubbed her shoulder in pain. Ketsueki said. “Now that you’ve had your fill of fun. How about we bring out our food and celebrate?”


Mio managed to stop herself from laughing as she took deep breaths and said. “What about Reiki?” Ketsueki passed the two large boxes of cream puffs to Namida as she placed them on the coffee table, Ketsueki said. “We can set aside some chicken along with the other savory stuff and he won’t complain.” She pointed at Sachi and Namida who were sitting on the couch while eating. Ketsueki continued. “You two, on the armchairs. Let the little ones sit on the couch.” Namida stood up from the couch as she tossed a potato chip into her mouth and waved at Ketsueki in dismissal.


Sachi stood up from the couch as she scooped some ice crime in the pint when Yuki quickly shooked her hand sideways and said. “Aneki it’s fine. You and your friends were here first.” Sachi placed the spoon back into the pint of ice cream as she turned her head sideways and said. “Don’t worry about it. This will be better for when we interview you two.” Mio’s brows furrowed in confusion, she said. “Interview?” Sachi picked up the spoon she placed in the pint as she ate a spoonful of ice cream.


Ketsueki gestured at the couch and said. “Don’t just stand there, sit.” Yuki stared at the backrest of the couch as she held the three plastic containers with one hand and grabbed the backrest with her right. Mio and Shiro walked around the couch as they saw their friend vault over it Yuki landed on the couch as it slightly bounced from the sudden weight. Yuki had a proud smile on her face as she placed the three large plastic containers filled with karaage onto the coffee table next to the cream puffs. Yuki said. “Safe.”


Yuki sat on the right side while Shiro sat in the middle and Mio sat on the left. Ketsueki made her way to the armchair Namida was sitting on as she leaned on it with her back and stole a potato chip from the bag and ate it. Sachi took out half a dozen sweets from her pouch and placed them on the coffee table as it looked like it could fall, she said. “Mio, Yuki. How about you tell us more about yourselves?” She pocketed the pouch while Namida took out dozens of chips from the pouch as she placed them on the coffee table as a few fell onto the floor.

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