
Chapter 202: Chapter 202: Intimacy

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~Thirty Minutes Later~


Large Livingroom


Reiki was lying on the couch facing the ceiling as he had Moranor in his arms as she listened to his heartbeat, he thought. Now… What’s going to be my excuse when Nora catches us like this?... He gently caressed the back of Moranor’s head as she let out a soft groan in delight. Elora and Enora appeared in the room beside the coffee table. Enora had a big smile on her lips, she said. “We’re back-.” She saw Reiki and Moranor lying on the couch in each other’s embrace. Elora stared at the two of them on the couch as she glanced at her daughter who was completely frozen.


Elora said. “I just remembered, Melanor and I have something to do today.” She gave Enora a couple of pats on her shoulder and whispered in her daughter’s long pointy ear, Elora continued. “Good luck.” She vanished as Reiki and Enora stared at each other for a few seconds in silence. Reiki raised his left hand and casually said. “... Hi?...” Enora didn’t respond as she slowly made her way toward him as the sound of her footsteps filled the quiet room, she reached for his cheek and gave him a hard pinch.


[System: User has received 67 Damage.]


Enora stared at him and spoke in a bland tone, she said. “Looks like the two of you have been enjoying each other's company.” She gave Moranor who was sleeping in his embrace a cold side eye glanced and continued. “Or should I be more specific and say each other’s embrace.” Enora let go of the cheek she was pinching as the area quickly turned red. Reiki rubbed his cheek using the tip of his fingers, he said. “Are you gonna let me explain?” Enora’s eyes narrowed as he felt the gaze pierce through him.


She said. “That depends, am I going to like your excuse?” Reiki glanced at Moranor who was sound asleep, he said. “If you give me enough time.” Enora’s pupils faintly glowed an icy blue color as he felt the temperature in the room drop. Reiki quickly raised his hand at her and said. “Alright! I’ll wake her up!” He placed a hand on Moranor’s back and gently shook her awake, Reiki said. “Mora, it’s time to wake up.” Moranor snuggled her face onto his chest just like a cat, she spoke in a soft voice and said. “... Five more minutes…”


The expression on Enora’s face was slowly becoming more hostile as Reiki started softly shaking Moranor with more urgency. He said. “Mora, you need to wake up before Nora shoots an icicle at us.” Moranor slowly opened her eyes as a bit of drool dripped from the corner of her lips, she saw Enora from the corner of her eye and let out a sigh. Moranor said. “Did you even find the dagger?” Enora had a dangerous sweet smile on her face, she said. “I got the dagger and more.”


Moranor reluctantly sat up straight on the couch while gently rubbing her right eye while staring at Enora. Moranor said. “You should’ve taken your time.” Enora glared at her while Reiki stood up from the couch and did some small stretches. Enora let out a spine-chilling laugh and said. “You would've like that, won’t you?” Moranor had her right eye closed while she glared at Enora as the air around them started to turn tense. Reiki faked a cough and said. “Nora, how about that shoulder rub I offered you?” The two elves suddenly moved their gazes onto him which made him slightly flinch back.


Enora sat on the couch roughly an arm's length away from Moranor, Enora said. “... Sure…” Reiki let out a sigh of relief and said. “Mora, I need you to sit somewhere else because Enora needs to lie down on the couch with her back facing the ceiling.” Moranor stood up from the couch as she slowly opened her right eye and let out a yawn, she said. “Can I go after her?” She covered her mouth with her hand while Enora undid the shoelaces on her thick leather shoes.


Reiki gave her a smile while Moranor was almost done with her yawn, he said. “Why not.” Moranor stood next to the trolly as she made herself a peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich. Enora laid down on the couch with her back facing the ceiling as she glared at him from the corner of her eye, she said. “This back rub better be good.” Reiki gave her a flattering smile as he placed his hand on her back and said. “Don’t worry, it’ll the best.” He added some pressure on acupuncture points on Enora’s back as she let out a soft moan of pleasure as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.


Moranor quickly turned her head sideways as she heard Enora let out a moan while she took a bite out of the sandwich in her hands. Enora snagged the nearest pillow she could grab as she tightly hugged it and used it to muffle her moans. Moranor took the lid off the large container of milk and poured herself a glass as she heard Enora let out a sharp moan which made her jolt as some of the milk spilled onto the trolly. Moranor thought. What a horny bitch.



Elora’s Room


Melanor was sitting by the workbench as she stared at the floating rectangle screen that was being emitted by the crystal, she thought. Now that was a good moan. One of the doors opened as Elora was wearing a loose white bathrobe while she was continuously emitting steam as she was visibly getting dryer by the second. Elora left the door leading to the bathroom open as she made her way to the workbench where Melanor was and said. “I heard the moan! Which one of our daughters was it?!” Melanor pointed at the screen as Elora saw her daughter getting a back massage by Reiki.


Melanor said. “It was your daughter.” Elora leaned forward the screen giving Melanor a clear view of her pink nipples. Elora raised a brow and said. “She let out a moan by getting a back rub?” Melanor snapped back to her senses as she took out a wooden comb from her pocket and started brushing Elora’s long gold hair. While brushing the long golden hair Melanor stood up from the chair as Elora sat down on it. Melanor said. “Reiki did offer us the same thing.” Elora gently moved her long flowing gold hair behind the backrest of the chair so Melanor would have an easier time brushing it.


Elora watched her daughter turn into putty as Reiki continued with the massage on screen. Elora said. “True, we can make our way to the living room after I get dressed.” Melanor gently and meticulously combed Elora’s long gold hair. Melanor said. “Agreeing to every little thing won’t make me forget that I won the bet.” Elora let out a sigh as she rubbed the temples of her head, she said. “Can we even say he won? Reiki forced the spoon into her mouth.”


Melanor brushed her hair and said. “I don’t know why you’re so surprised when he did the exact same thing last time.” Elora let out a scoff as she watched Reiki wave his hand beside Enora’s head to see a reaction. Elora said. “I thought my daughter wouldn’t fall for the same cheap trick.” Melanor grabbed some of Elora’s long gold hair and brushed it. Melanor let out a chuckle and said. “Don’t you remember? Love is both blind and dumb.” Elora placed her right elbow on the workbench and rested her head on her palm.


Elora said. “You do know that also applies to us.” Melanor brushed the long gold hair she was holding in her palm and said. “I know.” She took a small whiff of Elora’s hair and let go of what she held in her palm as she stared at the long golden straight hair. Melanor planted a kiss on Elora's cheek and continued. “And here we are, after making the bad decisions our parents once called it.” Melanor wrapped her arms around her lover's body as she coped a feel of Elora’s large chest. Elora nuzzled up to Melanor’s cheek as the two of them watched Reiki trying to make Enora sit up straight on the couch while Moranor watched him while eating a sandwich.


Elora let out a chuckle filled with joy as she watched him take care of her daughter, she said. “Do you regret killing your parents? Just to be with me?” Melanor enjoyed her partner's presence in her arms as she watched her daughter finish off the sandwich she was eating and sat on the left side of the couch next to Reiki. A big smile formed on Melanor’s lips as she shook her head sideways and said. “I’m grateful that they raised me and taught me everything they know…”


She watched her daughter show her back to Reiki as he started giving her a massage, Melanor continued. “But, I love this life we have. I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.” Elora let chuckle as she planted a kiss on her beloved cheek and said. “Aww, how sweet.” Melanor grabbed one of Elora’s hands as Moranor placed a hand on her mouth to keep herself from making noises with her mouth. Melanor said. “Love, how about you?” Elora smirked seeing Moranor’s reaction from the screen.


Moranor was rapidly panting as her entire face was a flush pink as she tried her best to sit up straight while her eyes were halfway into rolling into the back of her head. Elora said. “Me? Other than the fact I’m a little cold from the draft from the bathrobe I’m currently wearing. I’m fine.” Melanor let out a soft sigh and interlocked their fingers, she said. “I wasn’t the only one who had to kill their own parents.” Elora let out a sharp breath and watched Moranor trying her best to endure the massage, she said. “What did they expect when they overthrew the previous king and queen?”


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With a wave of her hand, the rectangular screen that was emitting from the crystal vanished as the crystal itself slowly lost its glow. Elora continued. “All I asked for them was a normal life and the moment I was born they wanted the throne.” Melanor placed her lover in a tight embrace as Elora let out a hmph and continued. “All I did was backstab both families and kill them with my own hands.” The two of them enjoyed each other company as Melanor let out a chuckle and said. “I’m still making you do something refused to do last time I asked.”


Elora let out one long sigh as she slapped Melanor’s hand away that was slowly reaching for her crotch. Elora said. “It was worth a shot.” She stood up from the chair and snapped her finger, Elora continued. “You go to the living room first and I’ll catch up.” Melanor rubbed the back of her hand which was slightly red and said. “Fine.” She pointed at her and continued. “But, I’ll remember this later in bed so be prepared.” Elora made her way to the large closet as she let out a scoff and said. “I’m not afraid of you.”


Melanor's eyes narrowed as she stared at the hourglass figure of Elora’s body that was faintly outlined by the loose bathrobe she wore. Melanor vanished from the room while Elora revealed a couple of dozen green dresses inside the closet and said. “Shit.”


Large Livingroom


Moranor was sitting on the couch fanny herself using her hand as she tried her best to calm down, she had a flushed face that made her more alluring as she took deep and slow breaths. Enora was on the other side with rugged breath as she covered her eyes using her forearm while her blush reached all the way to her pointy ears.


Reiki stared at the two panting elves as Melanor appeared in the room by the trolly, he noticed her from the corner of her eye and said. “Oh, Hi Melanor.” Melanor stared at the two defeated elves on the couch as she moved her gaze onto him. Melanor said. “What happened with them?” Reiki shrugged his shoulders, he said. “They got too relaxed during the back rub.” The two stared at each other before the corner of Melanor’s lips curled into a smirk, she said. “I’ll be the judge of that.”


Reiki gestured at the empty spot in the middle of the couch and said. “Take a seat then.” Melanor made her way around the trolly as she sat on the middle of the couch beside her daughter as she showed her back to him. Reiki sat next to her and placed his hand on her back and started adding pressure on her acupuncture points. A blush appeared on Melanor’s cheeks as she quickly placed a hand over her mouth, she thought. Now I can understand why those two went limp so easily.


She felt the pleasure-like sensation travel through her entire body as she gripped her green dress with her left hand. Reiki placed his left thumb near the spine as he slowly added pressure to it while in a small circular motion as Melanor's entire body visible shivered. She slowly exhaled and thought. Deep breathes. Melanor tried her best to keep a level head as Elora appeared in the room beside the coffee table and said. “What did I miss?” Melanor stood up from the couch with a flushed face as she made a beeline toward Elora and wrapped one of her arms around hers.


Melanor dragged Elora closer to the couch while talking. Melanor said. “Honey, you're just in time.” Melanor made Elora sit beside Reiki and continued. “Reiki, how about you show Elora what you can do?” Elora had a hint of disbelief in her eyes as she stared at her lover while Reiki stared at Melanor for a moment and said. “Honey?” Melanor’s expression turned slightly stiff as she noticed the two gazes on her, she said. “It’s just what girls call each other. We call our daughters that all the time.”


Reiki rolled his eyes at her and said. “Save your excuses, I know you two are like that.” Elora and Melanor’s expressions turned awkward as the two of them glanced at each other as a hint of blush appeared on Elora’s cheeks. Reiki made himself comfortable on the couch and continued. “Just consider yourself lucky that both of your daughters are out of commission.” He pointed at the two young elves who were trying to gather themselves. Elora kept a straight expression on her face, she said. “You don’t find our relationship odd?” Reiki shook his head sideways and said. “Honestly. I don’t even care.”


He thought. In the future, your type of relationship will become so common. Elora’s eyes widened by his blunt response while Melanor’s brows furrowed. Melanor said. “That’s all you have to say?” Reiki moved his hair that was styled to be straight to the side, he said. “I mean, it’s not like your hurting anyone. So why do anything about it?” Elora placed a hand on his shoulder as her lips formed into a friendly smile, she said. “Can you-.” Before she could even form a sentence Reiki interrupted her and said. “Sure.” Elora and Melanor’s eyes lit up. Melanor spoke in an excited tone, she said. “Really?”


Reiki raised his right hand and said. “But, on one condition.” He felt the hand Elora placed on his shoulder slightly tightened. Elora said. “Don’t ask for too much. All we need you to do is tell them.” Reiki let out a chuckle and said. “When I tell your daughters about your relationship. You have to be in the same room.” Melanor pursed her lips into a straight line as she crossed her arms, she said. “Can we negotiate it into a personally written letter?” Reiki combed his straight hair to the back giving him a slightly wild look, he said. “Ladies.”


He clapped his hands once and continued. “Things like this have to be confronted face to face.” Reiki heard Ender’s voice in his head. [That’s rich coming from a hypocrite like you.] He pointed at the two elves and said. “They will let the fact I’m the one breaking it to them slide. You being there would soften the blow.” Elora moved her hand away from his shoulder as the bridge of her nose had a small wrinkle, she said. “... You make it sound like they’ll be devastated once they found out.”


Reiki was silent for a few seconds while Melanor's eyes narrowed as she gave him a piercing gaze, she spoke in a firm tone and said. “Reiki.” He scratched his cheek, Reiki said. “How long have you two started your relationship.” Melanor and Elora glanced at each other and moved their gazes back onto him. Melanor glanced at her right hand and did some numbers in her head, she said. Two hundred and fifty, three hundred years give or take.” Reiki stared at them and thought. How an elf perceives time is so interesting.


He cleared his throat and said. “Melanor, can you convert that into human years for me?” Melanor's eyes had a hint of realization in them, she continued. “Roughly thirty years.” Reiki stared at the two elves' eyes as he noticed a hint of hostility in them the longer the conversation went on, he said. “The sooner they know, the less shocking it is to them.” Melanor softly tapped her food on the floorboards as she burned a hole through him while Elora was softly biting the tip of her tongue. Elora stopped biting her thumb as she crossed her arms in frustration making her large chest press against each other, she said. “I hate it when someone else is right.”


Elora let out a long sigh as she moved her gaze back to him and continued. “So? Can you tell me why our daughters are a wreck?” Melanor gave Reiki a meaningful look and said. “You know what to do.” Reiki gave her a nod while Melanor moved her gaze back onto Elora as she continued. “Love, kindly show your back to him.” Elora stared at the two of them with squinted eyes for a few seconds, while sitting on the couch she slowly turned giving Reiki an easier time placing his hands on her back.


He glanced at Melanor from the corner of his eye as she gave him a nod while her lips curled into a cruel smirk. Elora glared at her lover and said. “I don’t like that look-.” Before she could finish Reiki added slowly added pressure on one of the acupuncture on Elora's back as her eyes widened while a pink blush appeared on her cheeks. Elora attempted to stand up from the couch as Melanor placed a hand on one of her shoulders and leaned closer to whisper into one of Elora’s long pointy ears. Melanor spoke in a seductive voice and said. “Darling, show me an interesting expression.”


Elora gave her an angry look as a moan escaped from her mouth. Melanor placed a hand on her lover's cheek as she enjoyed the intoxicated look on Elora’s face, she thought. That’s a good expression. Elora's breath was slowly becoming erratic as her entire face had a hint of red making her even more alluring as it was paired with a hint of empressement. Reiki had a straight face as he continued with the massage and thought. Mora, Nora. This would be the perfect time to wake up to get me out of this situation.



Ketsueki’s House At The Livingroom


Shiro was eating a large creampuff in her hands whilst sitting on the couch. Yuki was holding onto a large bag of salt-flavored potato chips as she had her right hand halfway in the bag. Mio was chewing as she held onto a large soft chocolate-chip cookie. Namida was sitting on one of the armchairs as she pointed a potato chip at them and said. “Cottontail, you flooded half the entire school on the first day?” Shiro was about to take another bite of the creampuff she was holding as she puffed her cheek to pout at Namida.


Yuki let out a laugh as she took out a couple of potato chips from the bag she was holding and said. “Namida Aneki, you should’ve seen it for yourself. It was awesome! The windows were shattered along with some of the desks in the room being broken in half!” Sachi was sitting on the other armchair as she pointed at Namida and said. “Namida, you’ve had more than your fill of poking at Shiro.” Namida shrugged her shoulder and said. “Hey, I’m just making conversation since the head of the house is taking her time cutting the cake.”

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