
Chapter 204: Chapter 204: Stew

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Ketsueki placed the plate along with the fork on one of the stylish boxes as she picked up the doughnut on her plate and said. “Parent’s still trying to find you a fiancee, Sachi?” Namida picked up a couple of potato chips in the bag as her brows furrowed, she said. “That’s still going on?”


Sachi placed her plate on the box of half-opened creampuffs, she said. “Yes, but you two don’t need to worry about it. I still have the final say in the family.” Ketsueki stared at the hole in the middle of the doughnut as she stared at Sachi and said. “Parents are that desperate to keep you tied to them.” She took a bite out of the doughnut while Namida was chewing on some chips as she let out a sharp breath by her nose. Namida swallowed and said. “I would be too since they also know they aren’t the ones paying for the lifestyle they have.”


The corner of Ketsueki’s lips curled into a slight smile while Sachi let out a small sigh and massaged the temples of her head. Sachi said. “If only I listened to both of you and decided to not let my parents retire.” Namida let out a chuckle as she shook her head sideways and said. “Can’t do anything about that now.” Ketsueki swallowed as she gave her friend a comforting smile and said. “Look on the bright side, you decided to only reveal eight percent of your income. I can see how’d those two be if you told them how much you actually make in a single day.”


Namida was about to eat a couple of potato chips as she dropped them back into the bag as she slapped the floorboards a couple times with her hand. She said. “I would love to see those two wearing a single expensive brand from head to toe! That would be hilarious!” Ketsueki had a disapproving look on her face as she shook her head sideways and said. “That would just be plain tacky and spell out bad financial decisions.”


Sachi let out another sigh as she picked up the creampuff on her plate and said. “Can we please stop talking about those leeches who happened to be my parents?” Ketsueki bit into the doughnut as she gave her a lazy nod while Namida said. “Fine, well make fun of them once you get into a better mood.” She reached for something on the table but ended up grabbing air. Namida glanced around the table and continued. “We don’t have any drin-.” She stopped herself mid-sentence and shook her head sideways. Ketsueki's lips curled into a smirk as she pointed at her friend using the doughnut.


Sachi let out a small laugh and said. “You know the rules.” Namida let out a long sigh as she placed the opened bag of potato chips on top of the rest of the pile and stood up. Namida said. “Yeah yeah, our crappy rules.” She made her way to the door and raised her middle finger at the two of them and continued. “This is what I think of the rules we made.” Namida placed her hand on the doorknob while Ketseuki and Sachi started laughing. Ketsueki said. “Doesn’t faze me anymore since you keep doing it every time.” Namida opened the door as she didn’t close it and left it slightly ajar as she kept showing them her middle finger.



Living Room


Yuki was sitting on the ground with her legs crossed showing a bit of the shorts she wore under her skirt, she was chewing as she pointed the potato chips at Mio sitting on the couch while eating a doughnut. Yuki said. “I say Shiro calls for me when picking up the glasses.” Mio rolled her eyes at her friend and said. “It’s not going to be much of a bet if it’s about Shiro’s strength.”


The two of them heard their friend's voice coming from the kitchen, Shiro said. “I heard that!” The two of them stared at each other for a few seconds while Yuki placed her hand inside the bag of potato chips on her lap and said. “I can’t wait for the tournament.” Mio glanced at the doughnut in her hands as she moved her gaze onto Yuki and said. “I’m also looking forward to having a few days off from having to study.” They heard the sound of a pair of footsteps coming toward them that came from the kitchen.


Yuki’s brows furrowed in confusion, she thought. Two footsteps? Mio had a hint of confusion in her faze as the two of them turned their heads sideways and saw Shiro walking toward them with Namida holding the same plastic tray with six glasses of water and two pitchers. Shiro had a triumphant smile on her face as Namida walked beside her. Shiro sat back down on the couch as she puffed out her flat chest and said. “I didn’t even need to call either of you to help.” Namida let out a chuckle as she passed a glass of water to Yuki and said. “You sure didn’t, cottontail.”


Yuki rearranged the bag of potato chips on the coffee table as she placed her glass on it, she said. “In this situation, do we both lose?” Namida passed a glass to Mio and said. “The result is up to you two, but in cases like this. It’s a draw.” Mio took the glass off her hands as a pondering expression formed on her face, she said. “That does make sense.” Namida passed the last glass to Shiro who was searching through all the boxes of confectionary to pick what to eat next.


Shiro gave Namida a bright smile and said. “Thank you for helping me, Namida-nee.” She took the glass off her hands as Namida ruffled the top of Shiro’s head which ruffled some of her long white hair. Namida ignored the pout Shiro was giving her and said. “Mio, can you stack some boxes to make room for the pitcher?” Mio gave her a nod, she said. “Sure, I’ll try to stack the boxes so the food doesn’t get flattened.” Yuki started shoving the bags of potato chips onto the floor as she gave them a thumbs up and said. “Consider it done.”


Shiro looked at the bags of chips on the floor as she picked up a couple of them and placed them on the couch, she said. “I’ll share this with Onii-chan.” Mio gave her friend a disapproving look and said. “Stacking the boxes would’ve been cleaner.” Yuki rolled her eyes at her friend and said. “There sealed, it’s not like I threw food all over the floor.” Namida placed one of the pitchers on the coffee table where Yuki made space. Namida said. “That’s arguable depending on how you look at it.”


She waved at them and continued. “I’ll be in cottontails sister’s room, feel free to call us if something happens.” Yuki returned the wave as she gave her a bright smile, she said. “Thanks for helping Shiro get water and for the chips.” She picked up the opened bag of chips in her lap and showed it to Namida. Mio showed the half-eaten doughnut in her hands and said. “Give Sachi Onee-san my thanks for the sweets.” Shiro had a guilty expression on her face as she was in the middle of chewing while she was holding onto a brownie.


Namida let out a laugh and said. “Cottontail, don’t worry. I’ll also tell Sachi you’re thankful.” She made her way to the staircase while under the gazes of the three girls. Yuki pointed in the direction Namida went using her thumb, she said. “When did she even get down from there?” Mio shook her head sideways and said. “I would guess she used a teleportation spell.” The two of them moved their gaze onto Shiro who picked up the glass of water and took a big sip. Shiro let out a sigh of relief and noticed her two friends staring at her, she said. “I don’t know, when I turned around Namida-nee was already there.”


Shiro took another bite of the brownie she was holding while Mio moved her gaze onto Yuki and said. “Draw?” Yuki ate a couple of potato chips as she chewed while pondering, she picked up her glass of ice-cold water and took a sip. Yuki said. “Eh, we didn’t even make any stakes anyway.” Shiro glanced at all the baked goods on the coffee table and the bags of chips on the ground, she said. “I hope this won’t be considered as lunch.”


Mio nodded in agreement as she glanced at what was left of the doughnut in her hands and said. “Me too, sweets are nice and all but I want rice in my meals.” Yuki placed her hand inside her bag of chips, she said. “Worst comes to worst, I’ll open up the chicken I brought and Shiro uses the rice cooker.” She took out a rather large potato chip from the bag and used the light on the ceiling to try and see through it. Mio was about to take a bite of the doughnut but stopped, she said. “Now would be the perfect time to execute your plan.”


Shiro ate the rest of the brownie she was holding while she started to look through all the boxes again. Yuki placed the large chip inside the bag as she folded the potato chip bag she was holding as she placed it on the couch and stood up from the floor, she said. “Shiro, let’s do the thing again.” Shiro was about to grab a doughnut as she gave her friend an odd look and said. “Which thing?” Mio’s expression had a hint of worry, she said. “Why do I get the feeling I won’t like this plan of yours.”


Shiro picked up a chocolate doughnut while Yuki pointed in the direction of the kitchen, she said. “Just like last time when we needed the glasses on the top cabinets.” Mio shook her head sideways and said. “Of course it is…” Shiro lost her grip on the doughnut as it fell back into the box as a hint of horror appeared on her expression. Yuki took a couple of steps toward the kitchen and gestured for her friends to come with her, she said. “Come on, so everyone can have some karaage.” Mio scratched the side of her head and said. “Can’t we ask one of the adults for help?”


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Shiro had a nervous look on her face as she glanced at the cabinets, she said. “Yeah, what Mio said. Can’t we ask for one of our Nee-san’s help?” Yuki put on her best-coaxing smile and said. “Come on, guys.” Mio raised a brow at her, she said. “We are all girls.” Shiro nodded in agreement while Yuki managed to maintain the smile and continued. “We’ve already done it once and think of it as our way to say thank you for the food.” Mio and Shiro glanced at the coffee table filled with food along with the bags of chips on the floor. 


Mio let out a sigh as she stood up from the couch and said. “Shiro… We know you don’t have a fear of heights.” Shiro reluctantly stood up from the couch as she grabbed the edge of her sleeve and said. “If I said I developed a fear of trying to open cabinets would you two believe me?” Yuki did some stretches as she gave her friend an odd look, she said. “What do you mean adults? Aren’t all of them eighteen?” Mio raised a brow at her and said. “Isn’t that practically an adult? They even have jobs too.”


Shiro gave her two friends a deadpan stare as she spoke in a bland tone, she said. “Don’t ignore me, we’re in the same room it’s impossible that you didn’t hear me.” Yuki had a pondering expression on her face, she said. “Then why aren’t they in college?” Mio crossed her arms and said. “Shiro told us her older sister got an accelerated course in college when she was seventeen. I’m guessing Namida nee-san and Sachi nee-san is similar seeing how well they get along.” Shiro was slightly infuriated by her two friends as she picked up one of the pillows on the couch, she said. “Hey.”


Yuki’s eyes had a hint of awe in them, she said. “Accelerated course… Sound tough…” Shiro threw the pillow at her friends as it didn’t even made it halfway and landed on the floor, a hint of blush appeared on her cheeks while Yuki and Mio stared at the pillow on the ground. Yuki moved her gaze onto Shiro and said. “You threw it farther than last time.” Mio patted her friends shoulder as she gave her a potable look, she said. “Someday, Shiro. Someday…”


Shiro tried to slap her friends hand away from her shoulder as Mio moved her hand away before it could get hit. Shiro started flailing her arms around in a cute manner and was on the verge of shouting, she said. “No one here needs your chicken! Go back home-!” Her stomach let out a loud rumble as froze while flailing her arms as the blush on her cheeks become more prominent. Yuki nodded as she stared at her friend's stomach and said. “Yeah, your Reiki’s little sister alright. Thinking about food in a situation like this.”


Shiro placed both her hands on her stomach as she spoke in a slightly panicked tone, she said. “I-It’s because lunchtime is close!” Mio had a serious expression on and said. “Yuki, I think we need to make rice for the hungry little rabbit.” Shiro tried to give her friends a menacing look but failed, she stomped on the floorboards a couple of times and said. “Perish!” Her stomach let out another growl while both her friends made their way to the kitchen, Mio said. “Yuki, have you ever made washed rice before?” Yuki had a proud smile on her face and said. “I have never cooked in my entire life."



At A Large Kitchen


Reiki was standing beside Moranor as she tried to cut up a few potatoes with the skin on into roughly the same size whilst using a wooden chopping board. She stared at the sliced-up potato that was roughly cut up into equal sizes and let out a sigh, Reiki let out a chuckle and said. “See, was that so hard?” Moranor’s eyes narrowed as she glanced at the wooden chopping board in front of him that had celery, potato, onion, broccoli, lettuce, and bok choy that were all skillfully sliced.


She said. “I don’t need to hear that from you.” Her tone had a hint of bitterness to it while Reiki glanced around the kitchen and thought. This is twice the size of Melanor’s kitchen for the restaurant. He saw all the latest appliances, a deep sink, and a couple of rows of light brown wooden cabinets on two of the walls each. Reiki continued his train of thought. All stainless steel too. He moved his gaze onto Enora who was raiding the large double-door fridge as she took out an apple and spun it on the tip of her index finger along with a small basket of strawberries.


Moranor placed the knife onto the chopping board she was using and was about to take something out of her pocket. Enora slightly shoved Moranor to the side as she moved about four large potatoes along with a few sticks of sliced carrots to the side as she placed the apple onto the chopping and the basket onto the tabletop. Moranor had a look of irritation on her face as she glared at Enora and said. “Why are you even here? You can’t even peel the skin of a potato while using a peeler!”


Enora ignored her as she picked up the knife as she glanced at Reiki and said. “That’s rich coming from someone who didn’t bother peeling off the skin herself.” She pointed at the potato that was cut into quarters that still had the skin on. Moranor took out a piece of parchment from her pocket and showed it to them, she said. “It’s part of the recipe my mom gave me!” Reiki glanced at the knife in Enora’s grasp and said. “Nora, I won’t mind if you just watch us while you eat.” Enora rolled her eyes, she said. “Just watch.”


She placed the knife in the middle of the apple and sliced it as she managed to cut the wooden chopping board along with it. Reiki stared at the broken chopping board and thought. She’s an elf… Right?... Moranor let out a scoff with a hint of smugness in it as she took the half of the chopping board that had her sliced vegetables on it and said. “Very impressive display.” Reiki took the knife away from Enora’s hand as she let him take it from her, he glanced at the knife and thought. Yep, it’s dull now.


Enora picked up the apple she sliced in two as she took a bite of one of the half while Reiki patted her forearm in comfort. He said. “Nora, just watch. Okay?” Enora gulped down a mouthful of apple as she spoke under her breath and said. “Cooking is boring anyway.” She left the small basket of strawberries and made her way to the large double-door fridge and leaned on it while she watched them with narrowed eyes as they cooked. Moranor crossed her arms as she stared at the ruined knife Reiki was holding onto, she said. “At least we finished chopping all the ingredients.”


Reiki placed the knife onto the tabletop and moved his gaze onto her and said. “Can you check the cabinets to see if there are a few plastic bags of pasta along with a couple of bags of rice?” Enora took another bite of her apple while Moranor pointed at the cabinets using her thumb and said. “They're right there.” She gave him an odd look while Reiki nodded, he said. “I can see that but I can’t reach them.” Moranor glanced at the cabinet and moved her gaze back onto him and said. “You’ll grow taller, right?”


Reiki let out a chuckle and said. “Don’t worry, I’ll tower both of you when I grow up.” Moranor looked at him oddly while Enora had a hint of doubt in her eyes. Moranor pursed her lips into a straight line and said. “You do know we’re five foot ten, right?” Reiki rolled his eyes at her, he thought. You two are only five foot ten, in western countries you’d be average. He said. “How about you worry about the dish you’re cooking and I worry about growing big and strong for the both of you.”


Moranor glanced at the chopping board that had a portion cut off. Enora was holding the apple that was cut in half in the middle using her right hand, she said. “Is that the only thing you think about?” Reiki glanced at her and said. “If I’m being honest, that’s the only thing that’s in my head these days.” He thought. The first time I told the complete truth and it’s about this… Moranor placed a hand on the top of his head as she gave him a smile, she said. “You don’t need to worry about being strong.” She played with his hair which they made straight.


Reiki stared at Moranor who gave him a dazzling smile as he spoke in a bland tone and said. “I’m not letting you braid my hair.” Moranor slightly jolted as she moved her hand away from his hair as her eyes slightly narrowed, she said. “Come on! Just let me have another go at it!” Reiki crossed his arms at her as he stared at Moranor while Enora made her way toward him and placed an arm around his shoulder while holding the apple sliced in half with her right.


Enora said. “That’s right, he already gave you a shot-.” Reiki turned his head sideways as he moved her gaze onto Enora and said. “You also had your chance.” Enora showed him the other half of the apple, she said. “Not even for an apple cut by a princess?” Reiki grabbed her hand that was placed around his shoulders and said. “Even if her majesty herself offered me the apple, the answer would be still no.”  Moranor gave him a friendly smile, she said. “We might make it work this time.” Reiki shook his head sideways as he moved his gaze onto Moranor and said. “It won’t work with a plain face.”


Moranor glanced at Enora from the corner of her eye while Reiki pointed at the cabinets and continued. “Now, search the top cabinets for some pasta and rice. So we can get back to cooking.”

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