
Chapter 203: Chapter 203: Exercise

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Shiro had some whipped cream on the corner of her mouth as she picked up a napkin that was on top of one of the many boxes of confectionary on the coffee table. Shiro said. “I guess Onee-chan is taking a while to cut the cake.” She turned her head sideways to peek behind the backrest of the couch. Mio took out a handkerchief from her pocket as she used it to wipe her mouth clean, she said. “Shiro, don’t worry about us waiting. The only impatient one here is Yuki and she’s too busy stuffing herself with potato chips.”


Yuki ate four pieces of potato chips at the same time as she gave her friends a clueless look. Namida was staring into an empty potato chip bag as she lightly shaked it a few times and said. “She’s probably trying to cut it in a way so she could have the biggest slice.” Sachi reached out to one of the boxes on the coffee table and revealed brownies in one of them, she said. “At least give Ketsueki the benefit of the doubt.” She thought. That’s exactly what she’s doing. Sachi took a bite out of the brownie in her hands.


Yuki gulped down a mouthful of potato chips and said. “How many books do you think Reiki got for you?” Mio stared at her half-eaten cookie, she said. “Well, I did ask for some. So chances are he got his hands on at least one.” Shiro pointed at her friend using the creampuff in her hands and said. “Now, what are you hoping he brought back?” Mio pretended to think for a moment, she said. “I would like to see a book about introductions to mana and inscriptions.” Ketsueki made her way to the living room from the kitchen while holding a large rectangular plastic tray.


She said. “Sorry for the wait, I couldn’t find where the tray was.” On the tray were six small plates with equal slices of black forest cake and forks on top of some tissue. Ketsueki passed one to Mio as she stared at it with awe in her eyes, Mio said. “Thank you.” Ketsueki gave her a smile and said. “Don't mention it.” She passed one to Yuki who grabbed it with her other hand she looked up at her and said. “Aneki, I don’t have much of a sweet tooth.” Ketsueki gave her an understanding nod, she said. “That’s fine. Just try some and if you have any leftovers. Those two and I will play rock, paper, scissors for it.”


She picked up another plate with a slice of cake on it as Shiro looked up at her with bright eyes paired with an innocent expression. Ketsueki let out a chuckle and said. “How could I forget about my own?” She passed a plate to her little sister as Shiro gave her a bright smile, she said. “Thank you, Onee-chan!” Ketsueki saw Namida and Sachi sitting on their own armchairs as they acted casual. Ketsueki let out a scoff and said. “You two have your own arms and legs-.”


Before she could even finish two slices on the tray vanished as Namida placed her empty bag of potato chips on her lap as she was holding onto a plate of black forest cake. Namida cut off a piece using the fork and said. “What kind of treatment is this?” She stabbed the piece she cut off with the fork and ate it. Sachi pointed at Namida using her fork that had a small piece of black forest cake stabbed on it.


Sachi said. “To be fair we practically blackmailed her for it since we brought it up with the little ones in the room.” She ate the cake stabbed on her fork as Shiro was eating hers with bliss on her face. Mio watched the others eat it with a joyful look on their faces as she used her fork to cut off a piece using her fork and tasted it. Yuki stared at her beautifully slice with alternating layers of chocolate sponge and whipped cream, she moved her gaze onto Ketsueki who threw the plastic tray onto the dining table like a frisbee as it landed in the middle.


Yuki said. “Who came up with the idea of calling us the little ones?” Ketsueki was about to cut off a piece of her cake using her fork when she stopped and moved her gaze onto Yuki. Ketsueki said. “Oh, that’s what we decided to call your cute little group.” Yuki glanced at Namida and Sachi who were enjoying their slice of cake. Yuki said. “Aneki, what do others call your group?” Ketsueki froze while Namida turned her head to the side to look out the window.


Sachi placed her fork on the plate beside the brownie that had a bite taken out of it and pretended to rummage through one of her pockets. Shiro watched Sachi pretending to look for something in her pocket and said. “Sachi-nee, what are you looking for?” Sachi gulped down a mouthful of cake, she said. “Oh, I was searching for my purse in to order have some more food delivered here.” Shiro moved her gaze onto the coffee table that was completely filled with boxes of baked goods and bags of potato chips. Shiro moved her eyes back onto Sachi and continued. “I think we have more than enough food, Sachi-nee.”


Sachi moved her hand away from her pocket, she said. “Fine, just make to tell me if you think we need just a bit more.” Mio stole glances at Namida who was staring outside the window and thought. Looks like they don’t want us to know. Mio cut off another piece of her cake and ate it using the fork while Yuki stared at Ketsueki waiting for an answer. Ketsueki somehow managed to keep a straight face and said. “Unfortunately, we don’t have one.” She moved her gaze onto the untouched cake on Yukis’s plate.


Ketsueki continued. “Yuki, stop stalling and eat your cake.” She sliced a piece of her cake and ate it while Yuki moved her gaze onto her slice of black forest cake with a slight frown on her mouth. Shiro stabbed the cherry that was resting on top of a small swirl of whipped cream as she ate in bliss. Mio ate some cake as she watched her friend hesitate in tasting the cake, she huddled closer to Shiro and whispered. “Should we just tell her it’s good?” Shiro shocked her head sideways and spoke in a similar hushed voice. “I think we should let her decide.”


Yuki used her fork to slice a bit of the cake and tasted it as her eyes widened in surprise. Ketsueki was standing beside the couch as she wiped some whipped cream on the corner of her lips and said. “Shiro, the three of us will be in my room and leave you three here.” Shiro’s eyes sparkled as she spoke with a hint of excitement in her voice, she said. “Onee-chan, you're going to leave everything here?!” Yuki ate another bite of cake as she stared at it while Mio softly elbowed her friend in the stomach.


Ketsueki made her way to the front of the couch as she playfully poked the tip of her little sister’s nose and said. “You wish, we’re taking half of everything.” Yuki gulped down a mouthful of cake as she looked up to Ketsueki. Yuki said. “Aneki, what’s this cake called?” Namida took half of the potato chips on the coffee table while Sachi stood up from the armchair. Ketsueki gave Yuki a smile and said. “Black forest.” Mio used her fork to scoop some whipped cream from the top of her cake.


She said. “Another dessert added to the list.” Sachi was about to walk past the couch but stopped and said. “List?” Mio turned her head sideways to look in Sachi’s direction, she said. “Yuki has a list of desserts that she eats.” Namida made her way around the couch as she stood at the back and said. “What’s on the list other than the cake?” Shiro shook her head sideways as she cut off a piece of her cake using a fork, she said. “Not much, two of them are technically the same thing.” She glanced at her older sister and continued. “Namely pudding and bread pudding.”


Yuki turned her head as she glared at Shiro and spoke with a slightly angry tone. Yuki said. “Those are two completely different things!” Mio's mouth curled into a slight smile, she said. “They’re both pudding.” Yuki leaned forward while sitting on the couch as she used the plate with cake on it to point at Mio and said. “I can’t do anything about it since my diet changes depending on my exercise!” Ketsueki was about to eat a mouthful of cake but stopped, she said. “What kind of exercise?” Yuki moved her gaze onto her and said. “Mostly cardio and muscle training never exceeds a hundred reps.”


Ketsueki pointed at the ceiling using the fork that had some stabbed cake on it, she said. “We’ll leave you three here, we may not have much but help yourself what’s inside the fridge.” Yuki waved at her using the hand that was holding onto a fork and said. “I’ll make Reiki go up the stairs to call you, Aneki.” Sachi was chewing as she shook her head sideways, she said. “Don’t worry about that, we can tell when he's home. Just send him to the kitchen and force him to make our meals.”


Yuki’s eyes lit up like stars as she spoke with a hint of excitement in her tone, she said. “That’s a great idea!” Mio had a pondering expression on her face, she said. “What should we tell him to make?” Sachi had a straight look and spoke in a serious tone and said. “Millionaire shortbread as my dessert.” Namida pocketed the empty bag of potato chips, she said. “I want a few beefy burgers.” Ketsueki was using the fork that had some cake on it to draw small circles in the air, she said. “I want an assortment of tempura.”


Shiro had a hint of drool on the corner of her mouth and said. “Tempura sounds good.” Yuki imagined a large burger in her head as her mouth subconsciously formed into a smile, she said. “A burger is obviously better.” Mio gave Sachi an odd look and said. “Reiki can make shortbread?” Sachi shrugged her shoulders, she said. “I don’t know, but he made me castella when I asked.” Mio started thinking as she glanced at the cake on her plate and said. “I wonder what I should ask him…”


Sachi picked up the brownie on her plate, she said. “I recommend asking for something else so I could trade it for you using some shortbread.” Mio’s eyes slightly squinted as she went into deeper thought while Ketsueki rolled her eyes at her friend and placed the fork onto her plate. Ketsueki snapped her finger which got all of their attention, she said. “Alright, enough about food talk. That’s all we’ve been talking about for the past half hour.” She moved her gaze onto her little sister and continued. “Shiro, make sure to be a good host for your friends until Reiki comes back.”


Shiro gave her older sister a nod and said. “Yes, Onee-chan.” Ketsueki pointed at her two friends, she said. “You two, in my room so we can talk about something.”


You are reading story Re:World at


Large Living Room


Reiki was eating a peanut butter sandwich while holding a tall glass of milk with his left hand. He stared at the four elves gasping for breath on the couch and thought. Ok… Maybe I went a bit too far for my prank… He took a swig of milk while Melanor let out one long sigh and moved the silk handkerchief away from her face revealing a faint blush on her cheeks.


Melanor tried to stand up as she slightly wobbled before managing to catch her footing, she said. “That was certainly a… Pleasant experience…” Reiki stared at the elf as he took another bite of the sandwich in his hands. Elora moved her arm away from her face as she looked around the room and grabbed Melanor’s green dress as she tried to stand up. Elora said. “I think it’s better than our exercise.” Melanor and Reiki gave her an odd look as Elora continued. “I do love our exercise but we’re always tired afterward.”


Enora was staring at the ceiling with a dazed expression on her face as she moved her gaze onto them and said. “Is it me or did I feel violated?” Melanor and Elora pretended they didn’t hear her as Enora moved her gaze onto Moranor who was staring into a wall. Enora continued. “Mora?” Moranor’s pointy ears slightly jolt as she turned her head sideways and said. “Did you say something?” Enora shook her head sideways, she said. “It’s probably just me then.” Reiki tried to hand Enora the glass of milk he was holding as she stared at it and took it off his hands.


Enora nodded at him and said. “Thanks.” She took a sip while Elora conjured a floating ice mirror in front of herself as she tried to fix her slightly messy hair with Melanor’s aid. Elora said. “Nora, I’ll try to make it for lunch but no promises. I still have a few meetings in half an hour or so.” Melanor took out a wooden comb from her pocket as she started brushing Elora’s hair. Melanor said. “Make that fifteen minutes, one of the representatives of the store owners managed to make the orders early.”


Elora turned her head sideways to get a better look of herself at different angles and nodded in satisfaction, she said. “They wouldn’t hear a complaint from me if they were five minutes late for being inefficient for once.” She waved her hand as the floating ice mirror made itself closer to Melanor as she looked at her reflection and started brushing her hair. Melanor said. “They’re just doing the jobs that were assigned to them.” Elora let out a soft scoff and spoke under her breath, she said. “More like they just want their budget raised.”


Enora made herself comfortable on the couch as she lay on the backrest and said. “Consider yourself lucky, mom.” She pointed at Moranor using the glass of milk as she sat on the other side of the couch and continued. “Moranor’s cooking something for lunch so you might want to skip it.” Enora took another sip of milk while Moranor glared at her and said. “Hey!” Reiki was chewing while holding onto a half-eaten sandwich, he said. “What kind of vegetable stew are you making?” Melanor looked at herself from different angles using the floating ice mirror as she pocketed the comb as Elora snapped her fingers as the mirror turned into steam.


Melanor moved her gaze onto him and said. “It’ll be potato and carrot base, thickened with roux, flavored with tomato and wine.” Reiki thought for a few seconds, he said. “Do we have any rice or pasta?” Enora’s eyes lit up, as she spoke with a hint of excitement in her tone and said. “You’re cooking instead of Mora?” Moranor stared at Enora and said. “I’m right here you know.” Reiki shook his head sideways, he said. “No, I’m making something similar to vegetable stew.”


Moranor moved her gaze onto him as she spoke with a hint of sarcasm in her voice, she said. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.” Reiki gave her a helpless smile and said. “It’s not going to be that bad, we get to cook beside each other.” Moranor crossed her arms as she glanced at a wall, she said. “And my dish would be compared to yours.” Melanor tapped the top of her wrist a couple of times which Elora noticed as she gave her a nod. Elora moved her gaze onto her daughter and said. “Honey, I need to go now if I want to make it on time.”


Enora waved at her mother, she said. “I’ll see you at lunch, mom.” Elora gave her a nod as she moved her gaze onto Enora who picked up the closest cushion and started squishing it using her hands. Elora said. “Nora, I’ll call someone using a talisman to show you two the kitchen.” She had a hint of worry on her face as she moved her eyes onto Reiki and continued. “Reiki, make sure she doesn’t burn down my house.” The corner of her lips curled into a smile as Elora and Melanor vanished from the room as Reiki let out a chuckle.


Moranor glared at him as she threw the pillow she was holding at it hitting him square in the side of the face. Enora let out a chuckle as the pillow fell onto the floor as Reiki squatted down to pick it up, he said. “Are you ready to cook?” Moranor let out a soft sigh as she shook her head sideways and said. “Can you lend me a hand?” Reiki tossed the pillow onto the couch as it landed beside Moranor, he said. “Melanor gave you the recipe, right?”


Enora had a straight expression on her face as she watched the two’s interaction with each other. Moranor nodded at him as she was about to say something when Enora beat her to it. Enora said. “What about me?” Moranor gave her a side eye glare while Reiki moved his gaze onto her and said. “Nora, have you ever held a knife before?” Enora waved her hand at him, she said. “It’s a dagger you use to cut vegetables and fruits with.” Reiki thought. This is going to be a disaster. Moranor’s brows furrowed, she said. “A knife isn’t a dagger you use to cut vegetables.”


The sound of knocking came from the door leading outside of the room as Enora stood up from the couch and clapped her hands once. Enora said. “I’ll show you how an elf cooks.” She slowly made herself toward the door while Moranor stood up from the couch as she felt her legs slightly wobble. Moranor managed to stand on her own two feet as she moved her gaze onto Reiki who was about to take a bite out of the sandwich in his hands, she said. “Can you at least give me a couple of tips?”


Reiki gave her a smile and said. “Sure, cut all the vegetables roughly the same size and read each step of the recipe twice before doing it.” Enora was standing by the door as she impatiently tapped her foot on the floorboards and said. “We don’t have all day.” Reiki pointed at Enora using the sandwich he was holding, he said. “Let’s go, before the princess starts lowering the temperature.”



Ketsueki’s Room


Sachi, Namida, and Ketsueki were lazily sitting around the kotatsu table that was filled with snacks. Namida opened a large bag of potato chips and said. “I hope Reiki won’t be that late when coming back.” Sachi used a fork to stab the last of the black forest cake on her plate, she said. “I hope he takes his time so that Reiki doesn’t forget about our souvenirs.” Ketsueki opened one of the dozen boxes on the kotatsu table as she stabbed a doughnut using a fork and placed it on the plate she was holding. She said. “I hope he brings me something.”


Namida rolled her eyes at her friend while Sachi let out a scoff and said. “He’ll definitely bring you something. The moment you said, surprise me. Reiki was internally sweating.” Ketsueki placed the fork onto her plate and picked up the doughnut as she used her hand. Namida pointed at her using a couple of potato chips, she said. “You should think of this as some kind of test for him?” Ketsueki took a bite of the doughnut as Namdia continued. “Depending on what he gets you is how much effort Reiki’s willing to go through.” Ketsueki wiped some strawberry glaze on the corner of her lips and said. “Why does that sound similar to a toxic relationship?”


Namida and Sachi glanced at each other and moved their gaze onto their friend who had a genuine confused expression. Namida placed her bag of potato chips onto the rest of the pile as she took out a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped her hands clean. She adjusted her black frame glasses and said. “You and Reiki have anything but a normal relationship.” She spoke a little bit louder and continued. “He’s an entire eight years younger than you!”


Sachi opened one of the boxes as she stabbed a cream puff using her fork, she said. “Give her some credit, the legal age for a woman is sixteen over here with their parent's permission.” She let out a sigh as she spoke under her breath and continued. “Not like the male can bribe the parent’s daughter or anything.”

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