
Chapter 206: Chapter 206: Laze

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Large Living Room


Reiki was sitting in the middle of the couch while Melanor was holding his hand with their fingers intertwined while Enora was leaning on him as she rested her head on top of his. The two elves were in a slightly sour mood Reiki stared at the two large mugs of peanut butter milkshakes topped with plenty of whipped cream, he said. “You two haven’t touched your drinks.” Enora faked a sigh and said. “Does it matter? Whether we drink it now or later, we’ll still drink it in the end.” Reiki thought. No matter what you two say, I’m going to leave…


He slightly leaned forward as he felt Moranor’s grip tighten on his hand.


[System: User has received 21 Damage.]


Reiki moved his gaze onto her and said. “Mora-.” Moranor gave him a cold glance from the corner of her eye as she spoke in a slightly cold tone and said. “What?” He thought. Come on… Lunch was fifteen minutes ago… I only have to leave in an hour or so. The atmosphere in the room was slowly turning awkward as the door leading outside was opened as Enrel who still had faint bags under her eyes walked into the room.


She was holding onto her large mug of peanut butter milkshake and said. “Reiki, Mela, and Lora told me all about how good you are at back rubs.” Enrel took a sip of her milkshake and said. “Mind giving me one?” She made her way to the couch as Reiki somehow managed to stand up from the couch as Moranor stubbornly held onto his hand. He said. “Sure.” Reiki thought. Those two want her to experience the same thing. He gently pinched Moranor’s pointy ear as her entire face instantly blushed as she let out a high-pitch yelp and go off his hand.


She covered the ear Reiki pinched while ignoring the hostile glare Enora was giving him. Enrel sat in the empty spot in the middle of the couch as Moranor moved to the edge like a frightened rabbit while Enora moved to the other side and made herself comfortable. Reiki pointed at the milkshake and said. “You’ve taken a liking to peanut butter.” Enrel had a mustache on the top of her lip that was made out of whipped cream, she said. “Yes, I have. Mela showed me the jar and I immediately thought it was peanut cream.”


Enrel slightly turned sideways on the couch to give him an easier time for the massage, she continued. “They made me a sandwich along with the milkshake you made.” She took another sip of it while Enora’s brows furrowed in confusion and said. “When did you make those?” Reiki placed his hands on Enrel’s shoulder, he said. “I made those before lunch.” Moranor gave him an odd look and said. “How come we didn’t notice it?” Reiki moved his gaze onto her, he said. “You and Nora were too busy arguing about if you were even cooking or not.”


Enrel wiped the whipped cream on her top lip using her thumb as Reiki started the massage. She lost her grip on the mug as Enora waved her hand as it was enveloped in a thin layer of mana and gently landed on the coffee table next to theirs. Enrel placed a hand over her mouth to stifle the moan that was about to escape from her mouth, she took a deep breath and said. “N-Now I understand why they recommended me the massage so much.” She turned her head sideways to look at one of the walls as her pupils faintly glowed.



Elora’s Room


Elora was sitting by the workbench as she stared at a floating rectangular screen that was being emitted by a crystal, she saw Enrel staring directly at her and said. “Hourglassless bitch.” Melanor was standing beside the chair with her arms crossed, she said. “This is a show worth watching.” They watched Enrel's face slowly turning red as she tried her best to not let out a moan while covering her mouth. The smile on Elora’s lips turned cruel while Melanor watched their daughter’s expressions and said. “Should we leave those four alone?”


She watched Enora’s and Moranor’s faces slowly turn pink while their gazes wandered onto Enrel who was trying her best not to let out a moan. Elora waved her hand in dismissal, she said. “It’s fine, they’re basically a sheet of paper.” Melanor watched her daughter who couldn’t move her gaze away from Enrel who was quivering in pleasure from Reiki’s massage. She said. “That’s what I’m afraid of.” Elora rolled her eyes as she did some stretches on the chair and said. “Our babies are almost two hundred years old.” She turned her head sideways, Elora continued. “Do you want to sit down and give Mora the talk about sex?”


Melanor glanced at the floating screen and saw her daughter covering her eyes but was peeking between the gaps, she said. “Let’s just have Reiki do everything since it’s going to be his problem sooner or later.” Elora smiled at her lover as she patted her forearm a couple of times and said. “Now, where’s our milkshake?” Melanor stared at her for a few seconds as she rummage through her pocket and took out a large mug of peanut butter milkshake.


Elora took the mug off her hands, she said. “I love you.” Melanor rolled her eyes at Elora and said. “Can you stop asking me to use a pouch and pocket that cost a thousand platinum to store food?” Elora took a sip of the milkshake as she watched Melanor take out another mug from the same pocket. Elora gave her lover a stare as she spoke under her breath and said. “Double standard.” She took another sip of her milkshake while Melanor watched Enora subconsciously gulping from watching Reiki giving Enrel a massage. Melanor said. “So how long are we going to let Reiki massage Enrel?”


Elora moved the mug closer to her mouth and said. “She needs the full experience.” She took a sip while Melanor watched the floating screen as Enrel grabbed the closest pillow and hugged it with all her might as it looked like it was about to explode. Melanor said. “It’s only fair.” She took a sip of her milkshake as the two elves watched their friend get a massage.


~Twenty Minutes Later~



Living Room


Reiki passed a large mug to Moranor as she took a sip while glancing at Enrel who was covering her face with a pillow. He said. “She’s fine, right?” Reiki picked up the other mug on the coffee table and took a sip. Moranor had some whipped cream on the corner of her lips and said. “Does she look fine?” He made his way to the other side of the couch where Enora was sitting as Reiki passed the mug to her and said. “Let me take a look.” He turned his head at Enrel who was still covering her face with a pillow and continued. “I can’t tell when she has a pillow for a face.”


Enora was about to take a sip of her milkshake as she moved the mug away and let out a laugh, she said. “Did you need a degree to make that sort of analysis?” She took a sip of her milkshake as Moranor rolled her eyes at her and said. “I was just showing my concern for Enrel.” Melanor appeared in the room by the door as she quickly made her way to the couch, she said. “Don’t mind me.” She grabbed Enrel by the shoulder as she waved her other hand as the mug on the coffee table flew into her palm. Melanor continued. “Bye.”


The two of them vanished from the room under the gazes from all of them. Reiki sat back down on the couch as he leaned on the backrest making himself comfortable. Enora and Moranor hastily moved closer to him as they sat on his left and right while they glared at each other from the corner of their eye. Moranor passed him the mug and said. “Not planning on going to any of the shops?” Reiki took a small swig of the peanut butter milkshake as a whipped cream mustache formed on his upper lip, he said. “I just want to spend time with you two.”


The two elves' lips curled into a smile as Enora rummaged through her pocket and took out a silk handkerchief and passed it to him. Reiki took it off her hands and said. “Thanks.”  He wiped his mouth clean while Enora said. “And the real reason?” Reiki folded the handkerchief so that the damped side was inwards, he said. “I don’t want to adjust inscriptions for an hour straight ever again.” He passed the mug back to Moranor who took it off his hands and said. “You don’t mind doing them for free?”


Reiki shook his head sideways, he said. “Depends on the inscription itself, if I’ve already seen it I’m going to ask for payment.” Moranor took a sip of her milkshake while Enora raised a brow and said. “What about us? You planning on extorting us for money too?” Reiki let out a chuckle as he moved his gaze onto Enora, he said. “I talk about asking for payment and it somehow turned into extortion.” Moranor wiped the corner of her lips that had some whipped cream and said. “That doesn’t answer our question.” Reiki moved his gaze onto the ceiling as he saw a large sphere of light floating.

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He said. “I probably should, seeing as one of you is royalty and the other one has a thriving business.” Moranor and Enora's expressions turned odd while Reiki let out a sigh as he gave them a smile, he said. “But, knowing you two would beat me up for it.” Moranor tried to look offended as she let out a scoff, she said. “Beat you up for it…” She moved her gaze onto Enora and continued. “Can you believe him, Nora?” Enora took a sip of milkshake as she nodded, she said. “I mean, that’s something we’d do so.”


Enora used her index finger to scoop some of the whipped cream on her milkshake as she ignored the glare Moranor was giving her. Enora placed the finger that had some whipped cream into her mouth as she had an innocent expression on her face while Reiki patted Moranor’s shoulder and said. “Mora, stop stressing everything Nora says. At this rate, you’ll have wrinkles by the moment you hit two hundre-.” Before he could even finish his sentence Moranor's right hand blurred as she slapped the back of his head.


[System: USer has received 52 Damage.]


Reiki was shoved off the couch as his shins hit the floorboards, he placed his arms onto the coffee table to catch himself as it had a slight crack in the middle and he thought. I’m not going to be asked to pay for this, right? He heard the faint creaking of the floorboards from trying to stand up while Moranor gave him a hostile gaze as she spoke in a cold tone. Moranor said. “I don’t need to hear that from you, pasty.” She quickly took out a small silver object and flipped it open revealing a mirror.


Reiki moved his hands away from the coffee table as he placed his hands on the floor and stood up. Enora tried to hand him the mug, she said. “Why can’t you spend the night?” Reiki sat back down on the couch while Moranor was busy searching for wrinkles on her face, he thought. If I stay the night it will end with my older sister being banned from entering the forest… She might even get arrested for disrupting the peace between races. Reiki said. “I still have something to do back home.” He moved his gaze onto Enora and continued. “And I never said anything about staying overnight.”


Enora was in the middle of taking a sip of her milkshake as she rolled her eyes at him while Moranor was carefully trying to swirl her mug by gently moving the bottom in a small circle. Moranor glanced at him from the corner of her eye and said. “You won’t talk yourself out of this one.” She lightly tapped the bottom of the mug against his head which made Reiki turn his head sideways while rubbing the spot he was hit. Moranor gave him a straight face, he said. “Really?”


Moranor feigned ignorance as she pretended to be offended and said. “What? I didn’t do anything.” Reiki lazily leaned onto the backrest of the couch as he let out a sigh and said. “I give up.” Enora had some whipped cream on her top lip as she spoke in a slightly excited tone, she said. “So you decided to stay the night?” Her eyes slightly lit up as Reiki glanced at her and said. “No, you two can be unreasonable for the day.” Enora’s expression turned sour as she frowned at him, she said. “That’s it?”


Reiki pointed at his mouth and said. “You got a little something on your lips.” Enora took out a silk handkerchief from her pocket and wiped her lips clean. Moranor took a big sip of her milkshake and passed the mug to him, she said. “What’s so important that you can’t even spend one night with us?” Reiki took the mug off her hands and thought. My life. He said. “School and responsibilities.” Reiki felt the cool glass handle as he moved his gaze onto Moranor who was caught staring at him as she faked a cough while a faint blush appeared on her cheeks.


He continued. “I also have to make food and get into a good high school.” Reiki took a swig of the milkshake and thought. If it were me I would rather drop out and start a company… But Ketsueki did want me to attend college in the last world… He swallowed as he let out a sigh while wiping some milkshake from the corner of his mouth. Enora placed the large mug onto the coffee table she placed a hand on his shoulder and said. “What’s a high school diploma when you have an entire elven library you have access to by walking five minutes.”


Reiki passed the mug to Moranor as she took it off his hands, she said. “I don’t want to say this but. The elf’s right, Reiki. Rather than graduating from that trash academy, it’ll be better to learn from us instead.” Enora waved her hand as the mug on the coffee table was enveloped by a faint cold mist, she let out a scoff and said. “I think you meant, me. I highly doubt with Reiki’s capabilities he’d need someone to show him how to do a pushup.” She let out a laugh and a snarky side-eye glance at Moranor.


Moranor grit her teeth as the mug she was holding was slightly shaking as Reiki quickly took it off her hands, he said. “I’ll hold onto this.” He took another swig from it while Moranor lips formed into a cold smile, she said. “As if he needs someone whose specialty is to make ice cubes and cool herself using magic during the summer.” Enora’s pupils faintly glowed as she moved her gaze onto Moranor. Enora said. “I don’t need to hear that from you whose sole purpose is to charge up empty crystals, you walking generator.”


Moranor’s pupils had some strings of lightning traveling in them, she coldly said. “I’m sorry, can the talking snow cone maker say that again? All I heard was the sound of a cold breeze going my way.” The two elves glared at each other as Reiki took another swig of the milkshake and thought. I wouldn’t be surprised if these two were birthed in the same womb. He wiped his mouth clean using the back of his hand and said. “Do you think I’ll be as close as someone like how both of you are?”


Moranor and Enora turned their head at him as the two of them spoke simultaneously, they said. “We are not close!” Reiki wasn’t even fazed by the two elves' glare as he rolled his eyes at them and said. “Yeah, sure.” He took another swig of the milkshake as a whipped cream mustached formed on his top lip, Reiki continued. “So, laze around and hang?” The glow in Enora’s pupils slowly vanished while the lightning traveling around Moranor’s pupils slowly stopped. The two elves sat beside him as they squished him in the middle as Moranor rested her head on top of his and said. “I don’t have anything planned for the day.”


Enora lazily leaned on his shoulder as she glanced at her peanut butter milkshake on the coffee table, she said. “I’ve already done everything important.” Reiki passed the mug to Moranor as she was about to take a sip and noticed the white moustace on his face. Enora let out a small chuckle while Moranor took out a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped his mouth clean. Moranor said. “Reiki, are you a kid?” Reiki let her clean his mouth as she finished, he said. “Weren’t you the one-.” Moranor stuffed the handkerchief in his mouth and said. “Hush, no need to talk about unnecessary things.”



Ketsueki’s Room


Namida used her fork to stab a piece of fried karaage that was on top of a pile of karaage on a large plate while Ketsueki was drinking a glass of ice-cold water. Sachi holding onto a doughnut as she was browsing through her phone, she let out a sigh and said. “What in the actual fuck, is happening to fashion?” She turned it off using the buttons on the side and placed it on the kotatsu table. Namida pointed at her using the piece of chicken pierced on her fork, she said. “I told you that fashion was slowly going downhill.”


Ketsueki placed down the half-empty glass of water on the kotatsu as she let out a sigh of satisfaction, she said. “I told you, the moment ripped jeans was invented they ran out of ideas.” She reached her hand out to open one of the boxes as her lips curled into a slight frown, Ketsueki continued. “Hey, who ate the last cookie?” Namida shook her head sideways with a disapproving expression, she said. “I’ll never see the appeal of ripped jeans… Less durable and more exposure to the skin.”


Sachi rolled her eyes at her friends and said. “It’s style.” Ketsueki picked up the empty box of cookies and placed them on the floor beside her, she said. “So are those oversized shirts and pants that touch the ground.” She opened another one of the boxes revealing doughnuts as Ketsueki picked one up. Sachi slightly froze while sitting on the floor in a seiza position as she placed her doughnut onto her small plate on the coffee table and adjusted her sitting position into a cross-legged one. Sachi said. “How about you two stop making fun of one of the things I take pleasure at?”


Ketsueki took a bite of her doughnut as she gave her friend a deadpan look while Namida let out a scoff and placed the karaage onto her small plate. Namida used the fork to cut the karaage into smaller bite-size pieces and said. “Fashion as a guilty pleasure?” She glanced at Sachi and continued. “Should I even try to say something?” Sachi’s eyes glared at Namida and said. “You wanna talk about guilty pleasures? Fine.” She picked up the doughnut on her small plate, Sachi said. “You get off from acting like a slob, just how you are.”


Sachi pointed the doughnut at Ketsueki who was holding onto a half-eaten doughnut while chewing and continued. “You’re basically a pervert and a criminal to boot.” She took a bite out of her doughnut in victory as the corner of Sachi’s lips curved into a slight smile. Ketseuki took another bite of her doughnut while Namida exhaled through her nose and said. “Moving on to a topic that won’t damage what’s left of our so-called friendship.” The corner of Ketsueki’s lips curled into a smirk, she swallowed and said. “We’re supposed to be friends?”


Namida took out a potato chip from the bag as she let out a stressed sigh, she said. “Why do I even bother.” She ate the potato chip as she placed the bag onto the kotatsu table next to the plate with the karaage that was cut into bite-size pieces, she said. “Back to being serious for a moment, I told my grandma you two would be dropping by next week.” Ketsueki placed her doughnut onto her small plate, she said. “How bad was it?” Namida picked up the fork on her plate and stabbed the bite-size karaage and said. “I’ll just say part two of the yelling will be at home.”

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