
Chapter 207: Chapter 207: Puddle

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Ketsueki gave her friend a nod and said. “She’ll have to accept us either way since hospitality is your family's specialty.” Namida pointed a potato chip at her, she said. “I would appreciate it if you two could stop dropping by my house when you’re clearly not welcomed?” Sachi waved the doughnut that had a bite taken out of it and said. “If they never want us inside their home, they can always kick us out.” Namida moved her gaze onto her friend, she said. “Believe me when I say that, I’ve tried countless times to convince them to kick you out.”


She ate the potato chip while Sachi placed her doughnut onto her small plate and picked up her glass of water, she said. “Yet they still bear with our presence. That's what I call the Japanese treatment.” She took a sip of her drink while Namida ate a few more potato chips. Ketsueki let out a laugh and said. “Now…” She glanced at both her friends as the atmosphere in the room slightly tensed, Ketsueki pointed at them using the doughnut and continued. “Which one of you ate the last cookie?” Namida was about to point a potato chip at Sachi who suddenly spoke.


Sachi said. “We split it in half and ate it.” Namida glanced at her friend who kept a poker face and thought. You little shit! I didn’t even touch the box! Ketsueki stared at her two friends, she said. “Answer at the same time, what kind of cookie was it?” Sachi gave Namida a threatening glare as her eyes said. (Don’t even think about answering.) Ketsueki’s eyes narrowed as she noticed the exchange between her friends, she said. “You two are little shits sometimes, you know that?”


Namida let out a sigh while she ignored the glare from her friend, she said. “But we’re your little shits, isn’t that right?” The threatening glare on Sachi’s face vanished as her lips curled into a smile and said. “It’s just a cookie, I can’t understand why you’re so upset over a baked good.” Ketsueki’s lips curled into a smirk as she spoke with a hint of mocking in her tone, she said. “Then you two won’t be upset if I decide to keep your dress and the boots.” Sachi slightly jolted as she was about to take a sip of water but stopped and said. “We won’t-.”


She saw Namida point at her while using a potato chip from the corner of her eye, she said. “She ate it, the cookie was a soft one that had chocolate chips and marshmallows.” Sachi placed her glass on the kotatsu as the water inside it went up and back inside the glass as it somehow didn’t get a drop anywhere, she said. “There’s no honor in this friendship!” Ketsueki gave her a sweet smile while Namida stared at the potato chip in her hand and said. “Honor? One of us is head over heels over a ten-year-old boy.”


Sachi subconsciously gulped at the smile Ketsueki was giving her as she put on a brave front, she picked up the doughnut on her plate and pointed it at her. Sachi said. “The only way you’ll get that cookie back is if you make me throw it up in a toilet bowl.” Ketsueki tapped on the kotatsu table using her index finger, she said. “I’m keeping the dress.” Namida was casually eating potato chips as she watched her two friends argue. The doughnut in Sachi’s hands that she used to point at Ketsueki slightly trembled. Sachi was on the verge of screaming and said. “It won’t even fit on you!”


Ketsueki glanced at her friends' figure, she said. “It’ll probably be a bit tight on the chest…” She spoke under her breath and continued. “Maybe around my ass two since I got another growth spurt…” Namida wiped the corner of her lips using her thumb as she pointed the bag at her, she said. “Okay, now you're just showing off. You glorified bimbo.” Sachi took a deep breath to calm herself and said. “You won’t get your hands on my dress.” Ketsueki raised a brow at her, she said. “I’m the leader not for my bossy attitude, but for my strength.”


Namida’s eyes lit up as she rummaged through the bag of chips and found it was already empty and placed it beside her along with more empty bags. Sachi’s eyes narrowed as she let out a chuckle, she said. “You can’t have it if I burn it myself first.” Namida picked up another bag of potato chips and opened it, she thought. Yep, she’s gone off the rails. Ketsueki had an amused smile on her face, she said. “I’d like to see you try.” Namida glanced at Sachi’s chest and compared it to Ketsueki’s large bosom. She ate half a potato chip and thought. Yeah, I would go insane if she decided to wear my clothes with that figure.



Living Room


Yuki was sitting on the ground as she poured half the karaage container onto the plate under her two friends' gaze. Shiro was holding onto a half-eaten cream puff as she gulped and said. “I thought you said that one was for Onii-chan?” Yuki gave her a small smile as she closed the lid of the see-through plastic container and said. “It’s fine, Reiki won’t mind if we steal a bite or two.”


Mio glanced at the other empty plastic container, she said. “You ate all of the karaage and hid most of the potato chips.” Yuki stabbed a piece of the karaage as she pointed at the empty boxes on the coffee table and said. “And you two ate most of the baked goods.” Shiro took another bite of the creampuff in her hands as she placed it on the small plate and reached for a glass of water. Yuki and Mio stared at each other while Shiro took a sip of water as she let out a satisfied sigh.


Mio glanced at her small plate that had a brownie that had one bite taken out of it, one-quarter of a doughnut, and half-eaten creampuff that was all stacked on top of each other. Mio said. “Call it even?” Yuki extended her right hand that was holding onto a fork with a piece of karaage stabbed on it, she said. “Wrong hand.” She pulled back her hand and extended her left hand as Mio did the same as the two of them shook on it. Shiro stared at her two friends and said. “Do we spend too much time with each other?”


Yuki was about to place her hand back inside the bag of potato chips, she said. “Now that I think about it…” She placed her hand inside the bag and shook her head sideways and continued. “No, we spend most of our time in school learning.” Mio picked up what was left of the doughnut on her small plate, she said. “No matter how much I want to disagree with the living salt lick.” Yuki ate a few pieces of potato chips at the same time as an innocent expression formed on her face.


Shiro’s brows furrowed as a hint of confusion appeared on her face, she said. “What’s a salt lick?” Mio gave her friend a smile and said. “Don’t worry about it.” Shiro cutely tilted her head sideways as she kept her gaze on her while Mio continued. “I for one think we don’t spend enough time with each other.” Yuki picked up a glass of water with her left hand and took a sip, she said. “Really? I mean, we see each other every day.” Shiro ate the rest of her creampuff as she picked up a tissue on the coffee table and wiped her mouth clean.


With a hint of unease on her face, Shiro said. “We’re just going to sit here and watch tv, right?” Yuki was folding an empty bag of potato chips as she gave her a nod and said. “That’s fine with me, I could use a breather.” Mio was in the middle of chewing as she covered her mouth using a hand, she said. “That’s fine, I already did all of my homework.” Shiro let out a sigh of relief as a smile formed on both her friends' faces.


Mio pointed at Shiro using her thumb as she made herself comfortable on the couch and said. “Leave it to the anemic to suggest doing nothing.” Yuki had a proud smile on her face, she said. “Done.” She showed the bag of potato chips that was neatly folded into a square as she held it by the corners. Shiro’s eyes lit up as she leaned forward on the couch, she said. “How’d you do that?” Mio’s eyes were examining the folded bag and said. “I’m guessing this is what you learned from eating potato chips all the time.” Yuki casually threw the folded bag on the coffee table as she rummaged through her pockets.


She said. “I made too much of a mess last time when my mo-.” Yuki exaggerated a cough and continued. “Mother came into my room and threatened to ground me.” She took out half a dozen folded bags of potato chips and placed them on the coffee table. Shiro picked it up and stared at it in awe, she said. “That doesn’t sound so bad.” Mio had one pinched between her thumb and index finger and said. “Sounds like the cleaning process was more tedious.” Yuki let out a carefree laugh and said. “They were all over my room and I tripped on one.”


Shiro's eyes widened in realization, she said. “Was that the day when you came to school with a bandaid on your cheek and nose?” Yuki scratched her cheek in embarrassment as she didn’t say anything. The square-shaped potato bag Mio was holding between her fingers was enveloped in a thin layer of mana as it turned into a sphere. Mio said. “I bet you were the one who placed the first aid on yourself too.” The folded potato bag floated in the air as it slowly made its way to the rest of the folded bags.


Yuki smacked the floating squared-shaped potato chip bag as it softly hit the table, she said. “Can we talk about something else now?” Shiro glanced at the ceiling and said. “What do you think Onee-chan is talking about with Namida-nee and Sachi-nee?” Yuki took out another large bag of potato chips from her pocket, she said. “Aneki?” Mio picked up the brownie on her small plate and said. “They’re obviously talking about magic.” Shiro was searching through the boxes as she took a brownie while Yuki took out a potato chip from the bag and said. “They could be talking about the tournament.”


Mio and Yuki turned their heads to look at Shiro who was nibbling on a doughnut like a hamster. Shiro gave her friends a questioning look and said. “What?” Mio waved the brownie she was holding at her friend, she said. “Aren’t you worried your older sister would want you to participate in the tournament?” Shiro shook her head sideways and said. “Not really, Onee-chan told me if I didn’t want to participate it was fine.” Yuki was holding onto a half-eaten potato chip, she said. “Speaking of the tournament.”


Both her friends moved their gazes onto her as a serious expression formed on Yuki’s face, she continued. “Today we try to convenience Reiki into our cause.” Yuki gave her friend a straight face and said. “All we're going to do is skip the second and third day, not start a rebellion in the medieval age.” Yuki glared at her friend while Shiro was holding onto a doughnut with both her hands, she said. “I’m sure Onii-chan will agree without asking a question.” Mio had a hint of doubt in her eyes and said. “No one just accepts a deal without a few questions popping in their head.”

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Yuki placed the bag of potato chips beside her on the floor and patted herself on the shoulder as a confident smile formed on her face, she said. “That’s why we have bribes prepared.” Shiro and Mio glanced at the half-empty plastic container filled with karaage. Shiro stopped herself from taking a bite of the doughnut she was holding and said. “Won’t the chicken be cold when Onii-chan gets back?” Mio waved the brownie she was holding around, she said. “You never know, Shiro. Reiki might like them cold and soggy.”


Yuki moved her arm horizontally from right to left which got her two friends' attention, she said. “Even if Reiki asked a question we can refuse to answer all of them!” Her face was filled with determination as she clenched her hands into fists. Mio slightly leaned closer to Shiro and said. “She is just going to talk with him, right? By the looks of it, Yuki’s itching for a fight.” Shiro let out a nervous laugh, she said. “T-That won’t happen, Mio.” Yuki used her right hand to search for the bag of potato chips she placed beside her without taking her eyes off her friends.


She pointed at them with her left and said. “Even if all else fails we still have one thing to guarantee success.” Shiro’s eyes lit up with interest as she slightly squished the doughnut she was holding, she said. “What is it?” Yuki was searching for the bag of potato chips with her hand as she couldn’t find it. Mio rolled her eyes at her and said. “Just turn your head already.” Yuki gave her friend a deadpan look as she used the corner of her eyes and saw the bag and used it to point at Shiro.


The chips in the bag nearly fell onto the coffee table, Yuki said. “You, Shiro!” Shiro blinked a couple of times as her expression slowly turned into confusion, she said. “Me?” She pointed at herself while Mio moved her gaze back and forth at the two and thought. Half of me wants to stop her right now, the other half wants to know what her plan is… She looked interested as she watched her friends. Yuki placed the potato chip back on the coffee table as she grabbed a couple of pieces and said. “That’s right!”


She ate the two potato chips at the same time while Mio patiently watched the two of them. Shiro said. “You never told me about the plan.” Yuki wiped her mouth using the back of her hand and said. “It’s simple, all you have to do is be spoiled.” The atmosphere around them turned slightly awkward as Mio took a bite of the brownie in her hands, she thought. Yeah, that’s what I expected in the first place. Shiro turned her head sideways to look at Mio who was eating, Shiro said. “What do you think Onii-chan’s going to ask us?”


Yuki looked like she was about to throw the bag of chips at them as she had a threatening look on her face, she said. “I will throw this bag at you two.” Shiro had a hint of worry in her eyes as she glanced at her while Mio let out a sigh and said. “Shiro, don’t listen to her. That bag still has chips inside making it an empty threat.” Yuki’s expression slowly turned back to normal as she pouted and placed the bag back on the coffee table, she said. “You two are no fun, you know that.”


She grabbed a few chips in the back and grumpily ate them. Mio was pondering while Shiro ate the last of the doughnut as she let out a long sigh of satisfaction and patted her stomach. Mio said. “I think there’s some merit to her plan.” Shiro was about to lazily lean on the backrest of the couch as her eyes widened, she said. “What?! How!?” Mio pats her friend's shoulder in comfort and said. “Just think of it as a safety net, chances are you won’t even need to do it.” Shiro stared at her friend with a straight expression.


Mio waved at her using the brownie, she continued. “Don’t look at me like that, Shiro. None of us wants to attend the tournament that’s being held for our grade.” Yuki nodded in agreement as she reached for her glass of water and took a sip. Mio pointed at Yuki using the brownie and continued. “I agree with the salt lick, if we run out of options all you have to do is act spoiled. Is that so hard?” Shiro pretended to be reluctant as she grabbed her sleeve and played with it, she said. “... You’ll put in effort so that I won’t have to do it, right?”


Yuki flipped a potato chip like a coin as it spun mid-air, she opened her mouth as it fell inside of it and she started chewing. Mio gave Shiro a smile and said. “Of course, we’ll do everything we can.” She pointed at the pitcher which was nearly empty, Mio continued. “Do you need Yuki’s help with the lifting or?” Shiro stood up from the couch and said. “I can do it myself, thank you very much.” She let out a hmph and tried to lift the pitcher with one hand.


Mio and Yuki watched her struggle to lift it as Shiro gave up and used both her hands as she hugged it tightly. Shiro said. “Give me a minute… Maybe ten…” She slowly trotted her way to the kitchen while both her friends stole glances at her. Yuki glared at Mio and said. “Mud stick, did you just call me salt lick?” Mio gave her a smile as she spoke in a slight sarcastic tone, she said. “With the amount of sodium chloride you have every day, I think it’s a fitting nickname.” Yuki placed a potato chip back into the bag as she put the bag onto the coffee table.


She said. “Say that again.” Mio clenched her fist as the sound of cracking came from her knuckles. Miko let out a fake laugh as the air around her slightly swirled and trembled, she said. “Can you even touch a hair on my head?” Yuki was in the middle of standing up from the floor as Mio made it halfway drawing a circle mid-air as they stopped when they heard their friend's voice. Shiro said. “Uh, Mio, Yuki. Onee-chan doesn’t allow magic in the house.” The two of them froze as Yuki sat back down. Mio cleared her throat and said. “W-We’ll continue this next time.” Yuki picked up the bag of chips, she said. “S-Sure.”


~Two Hours Later~


Outside Of Elora’s House


Melanor, Moranor, Enora, Elora. And Enrel stood by the door as they stared at Reiki who was on his way to leave. He said. “Thanks for the food and taking care of me. I’ll see you four next time.” Elora gave him an enigmatic smile and said. “You're planning on dropping by the library to meet Saria, right?” Reiki thought. She did that intentionally.


Moranor and Enora’s expressions turned slightly sour as they glared at him with a piercing gaze. Reiki faked a cough and said. “Yeah, it’ll only be a quick visit that’s three minutes at most.” Enora didn’t have an ounce of trust in her eyes, she said. “It better be.” Moranor spoke in a slightly threatening tone and said. “We will know if you're a second longer, Reiki.” Reiki kept a straight face as he gave both of them a smile, he said. “I’ll be sure to keep in mind that you're watching my every move.”


Melanor coughed which made the two young elves behave, she rummaged through her pocket and said. “Here are all the souvenirs you asked for.” Melanor took out two pouches and handed them to him, she continued. “This one contains more choco.” Her lips curved into a generous smile, Melanor said. “There are about a hundred boxes there and I fifty tempered dark chocolate, you’ll know when you see them.” Reiki took the pouch off her hands and said. “Thank you, I’ll share them with my sisters.” He took out his tattered pouch and placed both of them inside.


Elora stared at the pouch that was covered in patches and looked like it was about to fall apart, she said. “How about I call someone to bring you a different pouch?” Reiki shook his head sideways and said. “I think this is perfect, the exterior puts off any thieves.” Elora nodded at him, she said. “If you want a new one feel free to ask.” Enrel pointed at his tattered pouch, she said. “Are-.” Reiki interrupted her and said. “Yes, I am going to use the money.” He gave the elves a smile as he continued. “Later.” 


When he was about to turn around Enora grabbed his shoulder and said. “R-Reiki, here.” She glanced to her left and slightly nodded as a figure hiding in trees and bushes instantly dashed behind him as a large puddle of mud appeared on the grassland behind him. Reiki had a hint of surprise on his face, he looked up at her and said. “Thanks?” Enora was slightly offended as she pulled the pouch back and said. “That sounded like a question.” Reiki had a flattering smile on his face, he said. “I just didn’t expect a farewell gift from you.” Enora gave him a deadpan look as she shoved the pouch to him, she said. “Whatever.”


Reiki pocketed the two pouches and thought. Now, the moment I turn around she’ll push me. He waved at them and said. “Bye.” He did a half turn as Moranor slightly leaned forward and shoved him. Reiki fell onto the puddle of mud creating a small splash as he landed on his front and managed to keep his face clean, he thought. I didn’t expect Mora to be the one to do it. Melanor, Elora, and Enrel expressions didn’t change as Reiki stood up from the puddle of mud as the front of his clothes was completely dirty. He said. “Bye.” Enora had a smile on her face as she grabbed the back of his collar and said. “We can’t send you back here looking like that.”


Moranor made her way beside him as she ruffled his hair that was neatly combed and straight, she said. “You might need to stay for another hour or so.” Reiki thought. Great… Just great… 

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