
Chapter 221: Chapter 221: Species

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Ketsueki had her arms crossed as she watched her friends put on their footwear, she spoke in a bland tone and said. “You two had your meal, now go away before I decide to teleport you to an entirely different country.” Namida finished tying the shoelaces while Sachi gave her a smile, she said. “I don’t understand why you’re so hostile when we provided the seafood.” Namida adjusted her black frame glasses and said. “I was the one who-.” Sachi patted her friend's shoulder a couple of times as she interrupted her, she said. “Namida, don’t mind the overgrown girl.”


She did a half-turn and continued. “The leader is just grumpy she couldn’t get any of the leftovers.” Ketsueki’s pupils faintly glowed as she glared at her friends, she said. “You two stole them from me when Reiki was cleaning up the table.” Namida lazily waved at her and said. “See you at work tomorrow.” Sachi placed her hand on the doorknob, she said. “Thanks for the meal.” Ketsueki watched her friend open the door as the two of them walked out of the house, she said. “You two better bring all those sushi tomorrow at work!”


Namida patted her stomach a couple of times and said. “I don’t know… Reiki made them better than some of the sushiten places my family goes to.” Sachi gave her friend a small smile, she said. “No promises.” She closed the door as Ketsueki’s gaze narrowed as she spoke under her breath and said. “If they don’t-.” Reiki made his way toward her while holding onto a few ehomaki, he said. “Don’t what, Onee-chan?” Ketsueki’s eyes widened in surprise as she turned her head sideways and saw her little brother while he was holding onto some sushi.


She had a hint of apprehension on her face, she said. “How long have you been there?” Reiki took one of the whole sushi rolls he was holding in his left hand and held it with his right, he said. “I just got here.” He was about to take a bite of the ehomaki but stopped, he held out his left hand to her and said. “Want one?” Ketsueki stared at the other two rolls of sushi he was holding, she said. “Thanks.” She watched her little brother finish the ehomaki in two bites as her lips curled into a smile, Ketsueki continued. “Did you eat your fill?”


Reiki chewed as he gave her a nod and said. “Yes, dinner was great.” Ketsueki placed a hand on the top of her little brother’s head as she gently caressed it, she said. “Good then.” Reiki ate the other ehomaki in his hand while his older sister watched him, Ketsueki said. “Reiki, what was the name of the sushi that was wrapped in fried tofu?” Reiki wiped his mouth clean using the back of his hand and said. “Inarizushi, good isn’t it?” Ketsueki gave him a nod as she drew circles using the ehomaki she was holding.


She said. “At first I was surprised when I saw it, but the taste was quite good.” Her eyes wandered onto his straight hair while Reiki glanced sushi roll she was holding. Ketsueki continued. “... Reiki, do you want this.” She showed the ehomaki in her hand while Reiki looked up at her and said. “No, I’m not going to keep my hair like this.” He did a half turn while his older sister quickly placed a hand on his shoulder, with a hint of a crazed look on her expression Ketsueki said. “Reiki, wait. How about you tell me why you don’t like styling your hair.”


Reiki stared at his older sister who was slowly waving the sushi roll in her hand, he said. “If I start styling my hair every day, who’s going to make breakfast and both of your bentos?.” Ketsueki stared at him as she couldn’t find an argument, she said. “Where’s Shiro?” Reiki pointed at the living room and said. “She’s sitting on the couch eating elven choco while watching a documentary.” Ketsueki was about to take a bite of the ehomaki she was holding but stopped herself, she said. “Since when did you use the word choco?”


She took a bite of the sushi roll in her hands while the two of them made their way to the living room, Reiki placed his hand in the pockets of his shorts and said. “Oh, they kept using that word back at the forest. So it just kinda stuck with me.” Ketsueki slowly stopped walking as she stared at the back of her little brother, she thought. They managed to influence him?... Reiki placed his hands behind his head and continued. “I wonder how it feels to have such a long lifespan, seeing they treat a hundred years so casually.”


He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned his head sideways and saw Ketsueki's suspicious stare, Reiki thought. I need to learn how to keep my mouth shut again. Ketsueki threateningly pointed the sushi roll at him and said. “What else did you talk about with the elves?” Reiki shook his head sideways, he said. “Other than magic, nothing much.” He saw his older sister’s gaze slightly narrowed and continued. “... If we take any longer Shiro might think we’re hiding something from her, plus I have to feed Cherry.”


He felt the piercing gaze from his older sister, Ketsueki’s said. “Yeah, we’ll continue this conversation.” Reiki gave her a nervous smile and said. “That’s fine with me.” Reiki thought. Shit, hopefully, Cherry is near the house so that I don’t infuriate her any further. Ketsueki took a bite of the ehomaki she was holding as the two of them made their way to the living room. Reiki scratched the back of his head in frustration and said. “Shiro, how’s the documentary about flamingos going-?” He saw an albino crow standing on the backrest of the couch. Ketsueki seeing this pointed at the bird using the sushi roll while making noises with her mouth closed.


Shiro who was nibbling on a piece of elven chocolate heard the odd sound as she turned her head sideways and said. “Onee-chan?” She saw Cherry on the backrest of the couch, Shiro continued. “Hi Cherry.” She waved at him while Ketsueki gave her little brother a meaningful look as Reiki clapped twice and said. “Cherry, come.” She turned into a streak of white as a white bird appeared on his right shoulder. Ketsueki covered her mouth while she was in the middle of chewing, she said. “Reiki, I know this isn’t your fault but no talons on the couch.”


She pointed at the couch while Shiro peeked above the backrest of the couch to watch her older brother get a scolding. Ketsueki gulped down a mouthful of food as she moved the hand she used to cover her mouth and continued. “If I see a single scratch on that couch. It’ll be deducted from your allowance.” Reiki gently ruffled the back of Cherry while keeping his gaze on her, he said. “You don’t give me an allowance.” Ketsueki positioned the sushi roll an inch away from his face as Reiki saw the yellow tail, shredded cucumber, and crab stick meat filling. Ketsueki said. “You know what I mean.”


Reiki gave her a nod and said. “Yes, Onee-chan.” The two of them turned their heads toward their little sister who was peeking above the couch while laughing. Shiro seeing them looking at her hid behind the backrest of the couch as she let out another chuckle and softly said. “You two sound like an old married couple.” Her laughter came to a sudden stop as her tone turned back to normal, Shiro continued. “Wait.”


Ketsueki made her way to the couch as she peeked above the backrest and saw her little sister lying down on the couch while holding onto a half-eaten piece of chocolate. Shiro gave her older sister an awkward smile and said. “Onee-chan… What did you talk about with Onii-chan?” Ketsueki glanced at the tv and saw a flamingo standing on a pond with one of its legs, she said. “Nothing special, we were just deciding what to call you with a bloated stomach.” Shiro glanced at her pudgy belly as she moved her gaze back onto her older sister and said. “What did you two decide to call me?”


Reiki glanced in the direction of the staircase, he thought. Time to make my great escape. He slowly made his way toward the stairs while Ketsueki gave her little sister a smile and said. “I went with stuffed rabbit.” Shiro had a pondering expression on her face, she said. “That’s not too bad, what about Onii-chan?” She took a bite of the piece of chocolate in her hands while Ketsueki glanced at Reiki who was silently walking from the corner of her eye. Ketsueki said. “Reiki, Shiro wants to hear the nickname you settled with.”


Reiki stopped mid-step while he patted Cherry who was pecking something in her wing, he said. “I wanted to call you jelly belly.” Shiro’s eyes lit up as she grabbed the backrest of the couch and used it to aid herself in sitting up straight, she said. “I actually kinda like the sound of that.” Ketsueki took a bite of the ehomaki she was holding while giving her little sister an odd look. Shiro noticed the expression on her older sister’s face and said. “Onee-chan?” Reiki cautiously walked backward to the staircase while keeping his eyes on the two by the couch.


Ketsueki gulped down a mouthful of food as she stared at her little sister for a couple of seconds while the atmosphere between them turned awkward, she said, “You would rather be called jelly belly than stuffed rabbit?” Shiro puffed her cheeks as she let out a hmph and did a small turn while sitting on the couch, she said. “I don’t like being called a rabbit anymore.” Ketsueki’s brows furrowed in confusion, she spoke in a mumble and said. “You don’t like being called a-.” She stopped as a sudden realization hit her, Ketsueki thought. Namida…


Shiro moved her gaze onto the television as she continued watching the documentary about flamingos. Ketsueki watched her little sister nibbling on the elven chocolate in her hands, she said. “Trying to make it last.” Shiro nodded as she watched the flamingo making a nest out of mud and felt a hand on top of her head as Ketsueki smiled at her and said. “Is the documentary any good?” Shiro had a peculiar look on her face as she watched the show, she said. “Flamingos are weird, they eat by turning their head upside down to eat.”


Ketsueki gently caressed the top of her little sister’s head and said. “Shiro… Did you do any of your chores today?” Shiro slightly jolted while sitting on the couch as she tried to act casually while continuing to nibble on the chocolate she was holding, Ketsueki nodded and continued. “I thought so, I’ll let it slide this time since we had visitors.” Shiro’s eyes shined brightly like stars as she looked up at her older sister, she said. “Onee-chan is the best in the world!” Ketsueki suddenly appeared right in front of the couch as she sat down and made herself comfortable.


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Ketsueki took off the white indoor slippers she was wearing and put both her foot on the coffee table, she said. “Yeah yeah, no need with the false praise.” She took a bite of the sushi wrap she was holding while Shiro who was sitting next to her older sister leaned on her arm. Shiro said. “Did Onii-chan head to bed already?” Ketsueki glanced at the ceiling and thought. He’s been sleeping early and waking up at midnight these days… Is he having trouble sleeping?... She said. “Yep, he does have to make bentos for both of us in the early morning.”


Reiki’s Room


He closed the door behind him as Cherry turned into a streak of white and stood on the nightstand beside the bed. Reiki made his way to the bed as he sat on the edge and took off the white indoor slippers he was wearing, he glanced at Cherry and said. “You hungry girl?” Cherry shook her head sideways as she stared at him with her blood red eye, Reiki continued. “Stole anything of value recently?” Cherry aggressively flapped her wings at him while Reiki positioned himself better on the bed and said. “No need to be so agitated, Cherry. It’s only a question.”


He stared a the ceiling in the dimly lit room as some moonlight peeked inside in between the gaps of the curtain from the window. Reiki said. “Cherry, where do you go when you vanish into thin air?” He glanced at the bird from the corner of his eye as she already had her eyes closed, Reiki thought. At least this time she didn’t try to peck my eyes out… He let out one long sigh and continued his train of thought. Ender, you owe me an answer. Reiki heard Ender’s voice in his head. [You said Fayeth would be the first one to greet you.]


Reiki glanced at the sleeping bird and thought. Queen’s a devourer, isn’t she? He let out a small yawn but didn’t bother to cover his mouth, he heard Ender’s voice in his head. [Took you long enough.] Reiki moved his gaze to the window and saw the moonlight coming in from the outside, he thought. What happened to her that put her in this current state? Ender’s voice rang in his head. [Nothing much, they just decided to make more of her kind.]


Reiki closed his eyes as he continued his train of thought. So there’s more than one… How is Queen’s ranking compared to her siblings? He heard Ender’s tone that never once change in his head. [She’s the origin, her siblings are worse versions of her.] Reiki’s suddenly open, he thought. That makes me even more curious about how she lost. He let out a big yawn as he covered his mouth using his hand and thought. Is that all your going to tell me? He heard Ender’s voice in his head. [You only get half a truthful answer.]


Reiki felt his eyelids turn heavy as he closed them and thought. Can you at least tell me how many devourers are there in total? He heard Ender’s voice inside his head. [One hundred max.] Reiki let out one long exhale and spoke in a whisper, he said. “Nothing like having a hundred devourers that can swallow planets traveling across the realms…” He turned onto his side as he felt his mind drift.


~Twelve Hours Later~


In The Living Room


Reiki came out of the direction of the kitchen while holding a bento in each hand, he said. “Bento’s are done, time for you two to go about your day.” Ketsueki stood up from the couch while her fingers were interlocked while stretching her arms upwards. Reiki’s gaze wandered to the side of his older sister’s large chest while Ketsueki stopped stretching as she glanced at Shiro whose stomach was already back to normal. Ketsueki said. “Shiro, time for school.” Shiro was wearing her school uniform as she let out a big yawn while covering her mouth.


She spoke in a slightly drowsy voice while gently rubbing one of her eyes, Shiro said. “... Yes, Onee-chan…” Reiki made his way to the couch as he passed one of the bentos to his older sister and said. “One for you.” Ketsueki gave him a smile as she placed a hand on top of his head and ruffled his hair, she said. “Thank you, Reiki.” Her gaze wandered onto his hair which was back to being unkempt and scraggly, Ketsueki continued. “I liked your straight hair more.” Shiro groggily stood up from the couch as she slowly made her way toward her older siblings.


Without missing a beat Reiki intentionally looked at his older sister from top to bottom, he said. “And I liked your other clothes more.” Ketsueki was taken aback by what he said as she let out a chuckle and said. “I’ll have you know flattery won’t get you anywhere.” Reiki thought. No, flattery will get you anywhere. Shiro grabbed her older brother’s arm to help keep herself standing up, she said. “Onii-chan… What’s inside the bento?...” Reiki poked her cheek which made her open his little sister’s half-opened eyes, he said. “We only have leftovers in the fridge so it’s just a simple shrimp tempura, rolled tamagoyaki, pickled vegetables made by Onee-chan, and onigiri.”


Ketsueki took her phone out from her pocket, she tapped the power button on the side and said. “Sounds good, I’ll order some groceries when I get off from work today.” She checked the time as she pocketed her phone while Reiki looked up at her, he said. “Order? Onee-chan, you’re not going to the market?” Shiro’s entire body visibly swayed as she struggled to stay awake while Ketsueki gave her little brother a nod and said. “Yeah, looks like they finally solved the address problem.” Reiki stared at his smiling older sister and thought. So our address was blacklisted.


Ketsueki waved her hand in dismissal, she said. “Alright, that’s enough idle conversation. We need to get a move on or else  we’ll be late.” Reiki repeatedly gently poked his little sister’s cheek and said. “Shiro, wake up. It’s time for school.” Shiro’s eyelids slightly trembled as she slowly opened them and looked around, with a hint of daze in her expression she said. “Can I skip school today?” Reiki had a smile on his face while Ketsueki let out a chuckle, she said. “I think we should go before Shiro goes into dreamland again and never wakes up.”


Reiki held out the bento for his older sister at Ketsueki and said. “I think you should hold onto this, on the off chance Shiro drops it.” Ketsueki snapped her fingers as the bento she was holding vanished, she said. “Yeah, I can see that happening in her current state.” She playfully pinched her little sister’s nose and continued. “Shiro, if you don’t go to school today. I won’t give you any chocolate for dinner later.” Shiro’s eyelids snap open as she looked up at her older sister as she spoke in a serious tone, Shiro said. “Onee-chan, we need to go. I don’t want to be late for class.”


Ketsueki let out a soft laugh, she said. “Go put on your black leather shoes, me and your brother have something to talk about.” Shiro saluted at her older sister and said. “Understood, Onee-chan.” She made her way to the front door leaving her older sibling in the living room. Ketsueki gave her little brother a meaningful look, Reiki shrugged his shoulders and said. “What?” His older sister raised a brow at him, Ketsueki said. “Don’t you, what me. You’re also going to school.” Reiki kept a straight face and thought. Shit… I was hoping she would forget. 


He let out a long sigh as a streak of white came from the direction of the staircase as Cherry appeared on his right shoulder. Reiki said. “Fine.” Cherry flapped her wings as she let out a caw while Ketsueki moved her gaze on the white bird and said. “Cherry, make sure he gets to class.” Reiki placed his hands into the pocket of his jogging pants and thought. No wonder she wanted to feed Cherry today. Cherry let out a caw as Ketsueki gave the bird a satisfied nod and moved her gaze onto her younger brother, she said. “When you’re in high school you’ll thank me for forcing you to attend.”


Reiki kept a straight expression on his face as he spoke in a monotone, he said. “Yes, Onee-chan.” Ketsueki playfully slapped her little brother’s cheek a couple of times and said. “Good boy.” She pointed in the direction of the front door, Ketsueki continued. “Let’s go, Shiro will get suspicious if we take any longer.” The two of them made their way to the front door while Reiki thought. It’s not like we have anything to hide that she doesn’t already instinctively know. They saw Shiro standing by the door as she tried to stifle a yawn.


Reiki made his way to the shoe compartment as he slid it open and took out two pairs of sports shoes. Ketsueki gave her little sister a smile and said. “Shiro, did you wait long?” Reiki placed the two pairs of shoes on the ground as he took off the white indoor slippers he was wearing and neatly placed them to the side. Shiro shook her head sideways as she looked up at her older sister, she said. “No, I was thinking if Yuki and Mio were already at class.” Reiki finished tying his shoelaces and said. “Shiro, go outside to get some fresh air. It’ll help you wake up.”

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