
Chapter 222: Chapter 222: To do

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Shiro gave her older brother an odd look and nodded, she said. “Yes, Onii-chan.” She turned around as she opened the front door and closed it behind her. Reiki glanced at his older sister and said. “Onee-chan, you need to stop spoiling Shiro.” Ketsueki placed her feet inside the sports shoes in front of her, she said. “What? I didn’t do anything.” She placed her other foot inside the sports shoe as she bend forward and started tying her shoelaces. Reiki’s gaze wandered onto his older sister's butt that was filling out the loose jogging pants she was wearing, he said. “If you keep helping her with her pudgy stomach. Shiro will keep overeating.”


Ketsueki finished tying her shoelaces as she stood straight up, she said. “I know…” She let out a sigh and continued. “I’m just making sure she doesn’t get any fatter.” Reiki kept staring at his older sister, he said. “I just hope Shiro doesn’t turn out exactly like you.” Ketsueki’s brows furrowed as she placed both hands on her hips, she spoke in a slightly offended tone and said. “What is that supposed to mean?” Reiki made his way toward the door, he said. “If you see it as an insult, that’s on you.” Cherry who was on his right shoulder turned into a streak of white and flew out the door.


The corner of Ketsueki’s eye twitched as she watched her little brother open the door and gesture at her, Reiki said. “Onee-chan, let’s go.” Ketsueki heard her little sister’s voice outside, Shiro said. “Onii-chan, you were right. The air did help me wake up.” From the outside Ketsueki heard Reiki’s voice, he said. “See, I told you it would work.” Ketsueki let out a hmph and thought. Reiki, I’ll remember that. She made her way out of the house and closed the door behind her. Ketsueki’s fingertip faintly glowed with mana as she pointed at the door handle as a faint sound of a mechanism clicked.


She turned her head and saw her younger siblings talking with each other. Shiro looked up to her older brother and said. “What did you talk with Onee-chan?” Reiki shook his head, he said. “Onee-chan told me what she wanted to eat for dinner.” Ketsueki made her way toward them while Shiro’s eyes had a  hint of anticipation in them, she said. “What did she say?” Reiki placed a hand on top of his little sister’s head and said. “She wanted spaghetti and meatballs.”


Shiro tilted her head sideways, she said. “What’s a meatball?” Ketsueki reached them and said. “Alright, time to head to school.” Reiki slightly ruffled his little sister’s hair which made Shiro pout at him, he said. “It’s just a ball of meat made with ground beef.” The three of them started walking down the street while Ketsueki showed the bento she was holding to her little sister and said. “Shiro, place this inside your pouch.” Shiro took the bento off her older sister’s hands, she said. “Thank you, Onee-chan.”


She took out a dark ocean blue pouch from her pocket and placed the bento inside. Reiki let out a yawn as he covered his mouth using his hand, Ketsueki glanced around the neighborhood and said. “What’s going on in both of your schools today?” Shiro pocketed the pouch as she looked up at her older sister, she said. “Since the teachers are busy with the preparations for the tournament, it’ll probably be self-study again.” Ketsueki playfully pinched her little sister’s cheek and said. “Make sure to write neatly so that your teacher can read them.”


Shiro gave her older sister a salute and said. “Yes, Onee-chan.” Ketsueki moved her gaze knot her little brother, she said. “You on the other hand better attend school today. I will call them at a certain time to make sure.” A streak of white was going toward them as Cherry appeared on Reiki’s right shoulder, he said. “Yes, Onee-chan.” He rubbed the albinos' bird cheek as they took a turn. Shiro was humming a soft tone while walking while Reiki was looking around the neighborhood and said. “Onee-chan, why do we have to wake up so early in the morning?”


Ketsueki’s pupils slightly dilated managed to maintain a straight face and said. “So that you two won’t be late for school.” Reiki saw the expression on his older sister's face, he thought. So she has a few enemies, noted. He moved his finger that was rubbing Cherry’s chin and started stroking the white bird's stomach, he said. “Fairpoint.” Ketsueki’s expression suddenly turned confused as she scratched the side of her cheek and said. “... Glad you understand?...” She thought. Why do I get the feeling I was just seen through… The three of them stopped at a stoplight.


Reiki pointed to the left and said. “My commute is this way.” Shiro waved at her older brother and said. “Onii-chan, bye-bye.” Reiki smiled at her as he pinched his little sister's nose, he said. “Bye.” Shiro tried to slap her older brother’s hand away as Reiki easily pulled his hand away before he could get hit. He let out a soft laugh while Ketsueki gave him a slap on the back.


[System: User has received 23 Damage.]


Reiki looked up at her as Ketsueki gave him a smile, she said. “Reiki, study hard.” He returned the smile and said. “I’ll try.” The stoplight turned green as he watched his sisters cross the street until they took another turn. Reiki let out a sigh and did some light stretches while Cherry flapped her wings and flew in one spot in the air, he looked up to the white bird and said. “I guess it’s going to be the first time you see my school.” Cherry let out a caw as Reiki finished stretching, she turned into a streak of white and landed on his right shoulder. He walked down the street while seeing a few high school students pass by along with a man wearing a suit.


Reiki walked down the nearly empty street while seeing some of the stores' signs and lights still being lit up, he thought. I wonder how Shiro would feel about moving to a different house… Cherry let out a caw as a couple of students walking by the other side of the street moved their gazes onto him with their eyes having a hint of surprise in them. Reiki continued his train of thought. I need to pass the money on to Akemi and Chishiki. I forgot to say hi to Enora on behalf of Asami.


Reiki took a turn as he continued his train of thought. And lastly, I need to talk to Arashi about giving Kiru a percentage of the profits from giving me a couple of machines so I won’t have to fill potions manually. He scratched the back of his head while a few people who were walking past him stole a glance at Cherry on his shoulder while she was pecking something in her wing. Reiki scratched the back of his head and spoke in a soft whisper, he said. “I wish I could just ditch school today.”


~Ten Minutes Later~


Reiki was in front of the school gates that were open as a couple of kids were making their way inside. A streak of white came from the sky as Cherry appeared on his right shoulder as she let out a caw, Reiki glanced at her and said. “No, Cherry. I took the shortest route.” She let out another caw and flapped her wings, Reiki continued. “Ok, maybe I intentionally took a longer route.” He thought. So that’s why she flew to the sky. He let out a sigh and started making his way to the school.


From the entrance were multiple rows of shoe lockers with a mat near them, Reiki made his way to a certain one and opened it revealing a pair of indoor slippers inside. He was about to lean down to untie his shoelaces as Cherry turned into a streak of white and appeared on the top of the shoe locker. Reiki quickly untied his shoes as he took the pair of indoor slippers out and placed his sports shoes inside. He closed the locker and let go of the indoor slippers as they fell onto the floor and put them on, he looked up and said. “Cherry let’s go.”


Cherry turned into a streak of white as she appeared on his right shoulder, Reiki rubbed his forehead and thought. If I can’t stand it, I can always jump from a window and run. He did a half-turn while making his way deeper into the school, a figure appeared behind him and said. “And here I thought all kids hated school.” Reiki turned his head to the side and saw Sutekina wearing a pencil skirt along with a black blazer with a white shirt underneath it, she continued. “It’s a surprise seeing someone who negotiated a break from school to attend.”


Reiki stared at the head of the school as he made his way toward her while rummaging through his pocket, he said. “I’ll give you a box of elven chocolate to-.” Before he could even finish the sound of ringing came from Sutekina’s phone, she placed her pocket inside and said. “Give me a minute.” She took out a smartphone from her pocket and answered the call, Sutekina continued. “Hello, principal of Majutsu academy. What can I help you with?” From the other side of the call Reiki heard a familiar voice, Ketsueki said. “Hello, I’m Akihito Ketsueki. I have a sibling who's enrolled and I would like to inquire if he’s present.”


Reiki stared at the phone Sutekina was holding, he thought. So that’s how she knew I skipped the first few classes! Sutekina glanced at him from the corner of her eye and said. “Can you give me his name?” From the phone Ketsueki said. “Akihito Reiki.” Sutekina’s lips slowly formed into a smirk, she said. “I’ll tell the teacher in his homeroom class to see if he’s here yet.” Ketsueki’s voice came from the phone, she said. “Thank you very much.”


Sutekina tapped on the smartphone as she gave him a sweet smile and said. “You said you have some elven chocolate, right?” Reiki was holding onto his tattered pouch with his right hand, he said. “I only have a few of them.” Sutekina didn’t believe him and said. “I want ten.” Reiki shook his head sideways, he said. “Impossible, I’ll give you and your twin sister one each.” The door leading to the shoe locker room slid open as a couple of students around Reiki’s age were standing behind it along with a high schooler who opened the door.

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The three students were shocked to see the principal in front of them as the high schooler quickly gave Sutekina a deep bow and said. “Principal, good morning.” The other two kids around Reiki’s age quickly did the same thing as they spoke simultaneously, they said. “Good morning.” Sutekina had a straight expression, she said. “You three, attend your assigned classes. I have something to say to this student in private.” The high schooler stopped bowing as he refused to make eye contact and speed walked down the hallway. The other students' around Reiki’s age did the same but walked in the opposite direction.


The sound of footsteps slowly got farther away as Sutekina’s gaze wandered onto the albino crow on his right shoulder, she thought. That’s a nice familiar he’s got. Sutekina held out her right hand and said. “Ten boxes of elven chocolate if you don’t want to get a scolding from your older sister.” Reiki stared at her and thought. She’s supposed to be the principal? He said. “Is this how you lead an example for all your students?” Sutekina let out a chuckle and said. “There are no students here worth teaching.”


Reiki heard Ender’s voice inside his head. [She’s got a point.] Reiki showed her the tattered pouch he was holding onto and said. “Here’s my counter offer, two boxes for each of you, and the next time I visit the elves I’ll ask for some bottles of wine and make sure to set aside for the both of you.” Sutekina kept a straight face, she thought. It has been a while since we had elven chocolate and wine… I’m more concerned about what age the wine is… She nodded at him and said. “Guarantee me that the bottle of wine will be at least a hundred years old and we have a deal.”


Reiki quickly took out four boxes of elven chocolate using his left hand, he held the boxes at her and said. “Deal.” Sutekina snapped her fingers as the wooden boxes vanished. Reiki waved at her as he continued. “If you need me I’ll be doing something important.” He used his thumb to point at the slid door that was left open by the students. Reiki did a half turn as Sutekina's lips curled into a smirk, she said. “I don’t remember the deal letting you skip class.”


Reiki was about to pocket his pouch as he stopped and thought. I negotiated with multi-billion dollar companies, yet I forgot to make a deal over a few boxes of chocolate and bottles of wine. He let out a sigh and said. “How many do you want for this time?” Sutekina gave him a smile, she said. “I want another 3 boxes of chocolate and another four bottles of wine from our first deal.” She saw the slightly annoyed expression on Reiki’s face and continued. “Don’t be too mad, Akihito. I also have to take care of my younger sibling.”


Reiki kept a straight face and said. “I’m only saying this to be clear, in exchange for this deal I want to skip today's class and use the remaining time from our previous deal. Plus you need to take care of my older sister's calls.” The smile on Sutekina’s face grew bigger as she spoke in a slightly hurt tone, she said. “Of course, even if you didn’t specify. I would have allowed you to leave.” Reiki’s eyes slightly narrowed, he thought. As if. Sutekina’s gaze wandered onto Cherry who was standing on his right shoulder, she thought. This bird has been staring at me since the moment I appeared…


Sutekina placed a hand on her hips, she said. “That white crow-.” Reiki interrupted her and said. “Albino, her name is Cherry.” The corner of Sutekina’s lips curled up in amusement, she continued. “Cherry is your familiar, right?” Reiki pocketed his tattered pouch as he glanced at Cherry who was staring at Sutekina with one side of her face, he said. “If you’re wondering about the contract there is none, and don’t bother trying. A few people already did an attempt and failed.” Sutekina shook her head and said. “Not interested in a bird who can do nothing but steal.”


Reiki’s pupils slightly dilated, he thought. I didn’t even see her pupils glow. Cherry flapped her wings at her and let out a caw. Sutekina let out a chuckle as a small glowing dot appeared in the center of her pupils. Reiki felt something heavy all over his entire body trying to push him to the ground as he adjusted his footing a couple of times to keep himself standing, he thought. It feels like a condo made out of bricks is on top of me. Cherry frantically flapped her wings as she let out a couple of caws.


Reiki felt the pressure instantly vanish as he deeply inhaled and exhaled from his nose, he thought. That’s not the kind of strength a principal from a dying school should have. His eyes slightly narrowed as she gave him a smile, Reiki said. “Who are you?” Sutekina let out a chuckle and said. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.” She was suddenly in front of Reiki as Cherry flew into the air as she quickly flapped her wings at her while cawing. Reiki didn’t have a change in reaction, he thought. I’m not even surprised at teleportation anymore.


He heard Ender’s voice in his head. [That wasn’t a spell, it was all physical.] Reiki’s eyes narrowed as Sutekina plucked a few strands of his unkempt and scraggly hair, she said. “Impressive, you know that I didn’t use teleport…” Her eyes narrowed as she gave him a penetrating stare and continued. “That or someone told you.” Reiki felt cold sweat drip down on his back as Cherry let out another caw as Sutekina waved the hand that was holding onto a few strands of his hair. Sutekina said. “No need to be so loud, Cherry. Until next time.” She vanished into thin air as Reiki looked around and thought. … Ok, step one. Get into those two’s good side.


Inside A Classroom


All the desks and chairs were formed into various size groups while Shiro, Mio, and Yuki had their desk connected. On Mio’s desk was a small tornado that was giving off a gentle breeze at all three of them, she said. “Another day of no learning.” Yuki’s chair was tilted back as it was balanced by two of its legs, she said. “Isn’t that a good thing? It gives us a well-deserved break.”


Shiro was writing something in her notebook while listening to her friends. Mio glanced at Yuki from the corner of her eyes and said. “You just want to laze around.” Yuki moved both of her feet off the desk as the chair she was sitting on slightly leaned back, she plant her feet on the ground as her seat made a soft thud. Yuki said. “And you need to take a page from my book if you don’t want to turn bald by the time you’re thirty.” The small tornado on Mio’s desk vanish as she pointed at her friend and said. “I won’t grow bald!”


Yuki smirked at her friend while a gloating expression formed on her face, she said. “We’ve seen your father, and genetics would say otherwise.” The air around Mio slightly trembled as she angrily stared at her friend and said. “I take after my moms' side!” Yuki spread her arms, she said. “Sure.” She glanced at her friend hair line and saw it was normal as the air around Mio started to tremble more violently as it slowly became visible. Shiro put down her pencil and closed her notebook, she said. “I’m done!”


She moved her gaze onto Mio whose hair was starting to float above her head and said. “Mio, calm down. You know Yuki likes to use that to anger you all the time.” Mio took a deep breath, she said. “I know, I’m just worried about it becoming true.” Shiro glanced at Yuki who was happily humming to herself. Shiro said. “Yuki, you have something to worry about too.” Yuki had a hint of confusion on her expression, she said. “I do?” Shiro nodded and said. “Didn't you tell us your mom needed glasses before she attended high school?”


Yuki had a hint of panic in her eyes as she stood up from her chair and placed both her hands on the desk, she said. “I have perfect vision and go to the eye doctor every year!” Yuki and Mio glanced at each other from the corner of their eye and moved their gaze onto their friend. Shiro noticed the two gazes on her and said. “What is it?” Yuki ignored the side-eye glances she was getting from the other students as she sat back down on her seat, she said. “Shiro, you need to exercise more.”


Mio nodded in agreement as she twirled her index finger as the small typhoon appeared in the center of her desk again, she said. “That’s right, if you keep this up you’ll always be anemic.” Shiro’s expression had confusion all over it she, said. “What did I do to get dragged into this conversation? You two were starting the fight and disturbed the entire class.” Yuki raised her hand making a stop gesture at Shiro and said. “Shiro, stop making a scene. You’re making it uncomfortable for the rest of the class.” Mio focused on the small typhoon on her desk as its size visibly changed. Shiro stared at her friends, she thought. How are these two supposed to be my friends?


At A Break Room


Ketsueki was sitting on a chair while staring at her smartphone that was lying on the table. Namida was typing on her laptop while Sachi was reading a magazine about fashion while glancing at her friend. Namida kept her eyes on the screen of the laptop and said. “He’s going to be at class.” Ketsueki glanced at her friend, she said. “You don’t know that.” Sachi let out a chuckle as she flipped to the next page and said. “Reiki is obviously going to bribe his way out of the school.” The phone on the table vibrated as Ketsueki quickly picked it up and said. “Hello, Akihito Ketsueki.”

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