
Chapter 223: Chapter 223: Ride

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Sachi flipped to the next page while shaking her head sideways as she spoke in a whisper. “This is what early signs of obsession look like.” Ketsueki glared at her friends as she made a shushing gesture at them and said. “I assume this is about my small request?” Namida let out a chuckle as she glanced at Sachi while pointing at Ketsueki. Namida said. “Early stages? I’m pretty sure she’s beyond saving, It’s gotten to the point she’s thinking about their future together.” Ketsueki was nodding along while listening to her call, she said. “Yes… So Reiki was the first one in the classroom…”


Namida tapped on the keyboard a couple more times before hitting enter, she stretched her arms upward and said. “Done.” Sachi flipped to the next page as she kept her eyes on the fashion magazine, she said. “Stolen more countries' classified data yet?” Namida carefully closed the laptop as she rolled her eyes at her friend and said. “Not all of them have codes stored in computers.” Ketsueki was attentive listening to the call as her lips slowly curved into a big smile, she said. “Yes, thank you for agreeing to my sudden request.”


Namida gently brushed off some dust on the top of the laptop, she continued. “After that small incident, some of them started using pen and paper again.” Sachi turned the magazine vertically as she stared at the page and spoke in a mumble. “Hmm… My green dress is still better.” Namida placed her elbow on the table as she stared at her friend who couldn’t move her gaze away from the magazine, she said. “Do you also compare the size of your chest to the models?” Ketsueki nodded in satisfaction and said. “Thank you for your hard work.”


Sachi glanced at her friend from the corner of her eye, she said. “At least I have something to compare it with.” Her lips curled into a slight smirk while Namida pointed at Ketsueki’s large chest and said. “I’m guessing you compare them with hers every time.” Ketsueki hung up on the phone call as she tapped the screen and pocketed it, she saw Sachi was rolling up the magazine she was in the middle of reading while Namida had a smirk on her lips. Ketsueki had a confused expression on her face, she said. “What did you say to her that she’s rolling up a fashion magazine?”


Namida raised her left hand as a shield as she glanced at Ketsueki and said. “Nothing much, I just finished an argument for her.” The magazine in Sachi’s hand was enveloped with a thin layer of mana as she was in the middle of winding up, the door leading outside suddenly opened as Ahma saw the three girls with faint after images around them as they acted normal. Namida turned her head to face her friend, she said. “So, what time did Reiki reach school?” Ketsueki shook her head sideways and said. “Not long ago, roughly the same time I got here.”


Sachi placed the fashion magazine onto the table with the back facing the ceiling, she said. “Didn’t you say he was the first one to arrive?” Ketsueki moved her gaze onto her and said. “I just want to give him a good sleeping schedule for when he grows older.” Sachi and Namida gave her odd looks while Ahma lazily waved her hand as the door behind her closed by itself as she made her way to the table the girls were sitting around. Ketsueki noticed the weird looks her friends were giving her, she continued. “What?”


Sachi glanced at Namida and said. “Would this be considered grooming?” Namida had an uncertain expression on her face as she waved her hand around, she said. “I don’t know, she phrased it in a way that if you don’t understand her personally it would sound like a normal sentence.” Ketsueki glared at her friend as she spoke in a slightly frosty tone and said. “You two keep going and I’ll turn this entire building upside down.” Ahma reached the table as she rolled her eyes at them, she said. “You three would never pass off as actors.”


She moved her gaze onto Ketsueki as Ahma held out her hand toward her and continued. “You know I usually don’t accept presents but, I would make an exception for you. My wine, chocolate, and dress please.” Ketsueki gave her a confused look while Sachi’s eyes slightly narrowed while unfurling the magazine she was holding. Ketsueki glanced at Ahma’s held-out hand and said. “Reiki could only get his hands on a couple boxes of chocolate.” Namida kept her gaze on their boss as she slightly leaned toward Sachi. Namida said. “I think we should use this opportunity to escape from this warzone.”


Ahma stared at Ketsueki as her lips curled into a small smirk while Sachi slowly stood up from her seat, Namida did the same as she picked up her laptop on the table. Ahma said. “Did he now?” The two girls quickly made their way to the door as Sachi was about to place her hand on the doorknob the two of them stopped in their tracks when they heard Ahma’s voice. Ahma said. “You two step one foot out of this room and I’ll personally assign a level twelve mission to this team.”


Namida used the laptop she was holding at her and said. “You can’t do that!” Ahma turned her head sideways as she gave her a smile, she said. “Then maybe you three should have never accepted missions under the table.” Sachi let out a stressed sigh as she let go of the doorknob she turned around and said. “We’re not the only team that does it.” Ahma’s lips curled into a smirk, she said. “Can I take that as a testimony?” Sachi’s expression froze while Namida used her finger to tap on the laptop she was holding a couple of times as it disappeared.


Namida glanced at her Sachi and said. “Smart.” Ketsueki was massaging the temples of her head as she let out a long exaggerated sigh, she said. “Commander, what do you want?” Ahma smiled at her as she playfully slapped Ketsueki’s cheek a couple of times and said. “I want some elven chocolate and some hundred-year-old wine.” Namida and Sachi had heavy footsteps as they made their way back to their seats while Ketsueki placed both her hands on the table as she suddenly stood up from her seat. Ketsueki said. “Those things cost ten thousand platinum coins a bottle!”


The other two girls sat back down as Namida snapped her finger as the laptop appeared in front of her lying on the table. Sachi had a reminiscing expression on her face as she looked at thin air, she said. “That bottle sure is worth the three billion yen though.” Ketsueki’s pupils faintly glowed as she glared at her friend and spoke in a slightly aggressive tone and said. “Wine addicts should keep their mouth shut!” Namida turned the laptop on as she used the touchpad to open an internet browser while speaking in a mumble. “Why am I even on this team again?”


Ahma placed a hand on Ketsueki's shoulder and said. “Don’t act like you don’t have any money on you.” She vanished as she appeared by the empty chair, Ahma said. “With how much we pay you, you could easily drink every day with the said bottle.” She pulled the chair back and sat back down while the glow in Ketsueki’s pupils was slowly getting brighter. Ketsueki added some pressure on the table as a web of cracks was slowly spreading, she said. “It would help if this company didn’t pay me using marked bills for once.”


Ahma lazily waved her hand in dismissal at her, she gestured at Namida and Sachi with an open palm and said. “‘I’ve never heard these two complain before.” The web of cracks slowly spread even more to the table as Ketsueki pointed at both her friends, she said. “That chopping board over there can get her bills freshly printed from a bank marked or not. Sachi has-!” Sachi let out an exaggerated cough which interrupted Ketsueki. Sachi said. “Connections, I know some people who exchange them for normal ones for a small fee.”


Ahma feigned ignorance and said. “Oh? Can you introduce the individual to me? The guy I’ve been going to has started being a creep recently these days.” Namida had a hint of surprise on her face, she said. “Can you tell me his family name along with his given name? Chances are he might work at one of our branches and I could lower what the guy is asking for.” Sachi somehow managed to keep a straight expression on her face, she said. “It’s fine, I don’t mind paying extra for the anonymity.” Namida shrugged her shoulders and said. “I was offering you free money, but whatever.”


Ahma ran her index finger on one of the cracks of the wooden table, she said. “Ketsueki, you keep this up you’ll have wrinkles all over your face before you know it.” The glow in Ketsueki’s pupils instantly dissipated as she slowly sat back down and said. “I’m just calming down before I tear this room apart. Before we continue.” She moved her gaze onto Sachi who was in the middle of searching for the last page she was on previously, Ketsueki continued. “Sachi, lend me your mirror for a few minutes.”


Somewhere In Osaka


Reiki was sitting on a bench as people that were walking past either ignored him or glanced at him from the corner of their eyes. He thought. I only have roughly four or five days of days off left… It’ll be tight but I’ll manage to stick to the schedule. A sleek black car parked in front of the bench he was sitting on as most of the passersby glanced at the car, the window slowly came down revealing a woman wearing a kimono while smiling at him. Chishiki said. “And here I thought we would have to declare bankruptcy again.”


Akemi was sitting in the driver's seat as she had both her hands on the steering wheel, she nodded at him and said. “It’s been a while, Reiki.” He stood up from the bench as some of the crowd were staring at him as Reiki made his way closer to the car, he looked up to Chishiki and said. “I don’t believe in the saying third times the charm, if you’ve failed twice chances are you’re doing it wrong.” Chishiki raised a brow at him, she said. “Now where did you hear that saying?” Akemi was giving him weird side-eye glances as she looked around the street.

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Reiki pointed at the car door behind and said. “Let me in before a cop pulls up and gives Akemi a ticket.” Chishiki brows furrowed, she thought. What? She tapped on Akemi’s shoulder a couple of times and said. “Car door if you will.” Akemi nodded as she tapped on the car buttons on the side as all the doors unlocked. Reiki made his way to the back and went inside the vehicle, Akemi used the rearview mirror to look behind her and said. “So, what plan did they cook up now?”


Akemi was using the side car door buttons as the window smoothly closed. Reiki placed his hand inside his pocket as he took out a tattered pouch, he said. “I’m pretty sure it’s your twos job to make the company.” Akemi gently added pressure on the gas as the car started going forward, she nodded while taking a right turn and said. “We know, but that doesn’t mean we like being in the dark either.” Reiki took out another pouch from the inside of his tattered pouch, he said. “Fine, an elf is going to drop by sometime this week.”


Chishiki raised a brow as she opened the sun visor to block the sun that had a mirror that she used to look at him, she spoke in a casual tone and said. “Is that it? We can easily do that.” Reiki pocketed the tattered pouch as the two women realized what he said. Akemi turned her upper body sideways to look at him while Chishiki did the same thing, the two women's eyes were completely wide as they stared at him in disbelief. Reiki handed them the pouch, he said. “There should be about eight hundred platinum coins in here.”


He pointed at the front and continued. “Also we need to stop before we run someone over or hit a building.” Akemi quickly turned her head to look at the front and placed her foot on the break as the car came to a halt just before it could drive by a red light. Some of the people who were walking past the street gave the vehicle a nasty side-eye glare while inside Chishiki was trying her best to maintain her cool. Chishiki faked a cough and said. “W-What for?” Reiki shook his head sideways, he said. “Nothing much, they’re just going to send a representative to see you two.”


Chishiki and Akemi glanced at each other while Reiki pointed at the light stop and said. “Greenlight.” Akemi gently added pressure on the gas as the car started moving again, she said. “On the off chance, do you know why they want to see us?” She kept her eyes on the road while glancing in the rearview mirror to look at him. Reiki pretended to think as he shrugged his shoulders, he said. “Don’t know, I’m just the messenger.” The corner of Akemi’s eye slightly twitched while Chishiki had a pondering expression on her face.


Chishiki said. “Where are we eating?” Akemi took a left as she let out a sigh and said. “It’s always money with-.” She stopped mid-sentence when she saw the serious expression on Chishiki’s face. Reiki nodded as Chishiki eyes lit up with a hint of hope, Reiki said. “I do, I’m the one who’s going to pick.” Chishiki hadn’t processed the sentence and said. “That’s great-.” Before she could finish Reiki had a thinking expression on his face, he said. “How does yakiniku at the office sound?” He used the reflection of the rearview mirror and saw the odd expression on Akemi’s face while Chishiki was trying her best to keep a neutral look.


Reiki moved his gaze onto her and said. “What?” Chishiki couldn’t find the words to say anything while Akemi kept her eyes on the road and thought. Don’t say anything, let the CEO do the talking. I’m just the secretary. Chishiki raised a hand with her index finger extended, she said. “We are going to a restaurant my friend owns and continued this conversation there.” She took out a phone from the pocket of her kimono and quickly tapped on the screen. Chishiki continued. “Akemi, I texted you the address.”


Akemi reached into the pocket of her suit while Reiki glanced at Chishiki’s kimono and thought. I wonder how much her custom-made kimonos cost. Akemi tapped the power button on the side and saw the message, she said. “Here? That’s halfway across the town.” Chishiki placed her phone back into her pocket and said. “Then you better start heading toward it.” Akemi let out a sigh and said. “... Fine…” She glanced at the backseat of the car and saw Reiki was lazily sitting in the back while looking out the window. Akemi continued. “Reiki, seatbelt.”


He reached for the seatbelt by the door as the sound of a soft clicking came from it, Reiki said. “You can write the gas down as business expense, I won’t mind.” Akemi slowly added pressure on the break as the car came to a stop at another red light, she said. “You still need to wear a seatbelt.” Chishikis leaned on the backrest of the car seat as she used the mirror on the visor to look at him and said. “Would the elves be fine with a business expense like that?” Reiki smiled at them as he pointed at himself, he said. “While they’re not around I call the shots.”


Reiki saw the looks of doubt on their face by using the mirrors, he thought. I wonder what their reaction would be if I told them the truth. Chishiki had a polite smile on her lips, she said. “I’m sure they have plenty of faith in you, Reiki.” Akemi opened her mouth but stopped before she could say anything, she said. “So how was your visit to the elves?” Reiki let out a small yawn and said. “Fun, I brought back some elven chocolate for the two of you but, seeing your reactions I’m having second thoughts.”


At A Classroom


Shiro had both her arms on her desk while watching three miniature tornados spinning on Mio’s desk. Yuki had half of her face lying on her desk as she was taking a nap, Mio glanced at her sleeping friend and said. “At least one of the three of us can be so carefree.” Shiro let out a yawn as she felt her eyelids becoming heavy, she said. “Maybe Yuki has a point this time? Since we have nothing to do we might as well enjoy it.”


The mini typhoons on Mio’s desk instantly vanished as she had a look of disbelief all over her face, she said. “Shiro, don’t think like her. If you have the same mindset you’ll end up an exercise maniac.” Shiro let out another big yawn as she covered her mouth using her hand and said. “That’s fine, as long as it gets rid of my anemia.” Mio stared at her tired friend for a few seconds, she said. “Alright, that’s fair.” She pointed at Mio who was sound asleep as a soft gust of wind shot out from the tip of her index finger.


The soft gust traveled in the air and went into Yuki’s ear as her head slightly jolted while her eyes slowly opened. Yuki lifted her head off her desk as half her face was slightly red along with parts of her hair being in a complete mess, she said. “What time is it?” Shiro started laughing as she stood up straight while Mio had a smirk on her face. Yuki had a confused look on her face as she drowsily look around the classroom and continued. “Oh yeah… I’m supposed to be at school…”


Yuki gently slammed her face on her desk as a soft thud was made from the impact, she let out a yawn and didn’t bother to cover her mouth and said. “Might as well go back to bed since there’s nothing important to do-.” Shiro had a big smile on her face as she watched her friend drift back into sleep, she said. “Yuki, can you teach me how to sleep anywhere like you?” Yuki let out another yawn as she nodded while keeping her face planted on the desk, she said. “Yeah… Sure… Just take notes on how to-.”


Before she could finish Mio pulled on the back of her sleeping friend's collar as she tried to lift Yuki’s face off the desk but struggled. Mio attempted to lift her friend off the desk with one hand, she said. “Yuki, wake up. If a teacher walks into the room and sees you like this.” Mio stopped as she took big long breaths as she used both of her hands this time and continued. “If one of those strict teachers come in they will-.” She stopped as she failed to wake her friend up. 


Shiro let out a yawn while she tapped on Mio’s shoulder a couple of times, she pointed at the other students who were giving them odd glances. Shiro said. “Mio, the others are giving us odd looks again.”  Mio glanced at the students from the corner of their eye as they quickly went back to mind their own business, she said. “Shiro, you’re just imagining things.” Shiro placed both her elbows on her desk as she rested her head on the palm of her hands, she said. “Do we have to wake her up? It’s not like we have anything going on.”


Mio had a surprised look on her face as she placed her index finger on the back of Yuki’s head while repeatedly poking at it. Mio said. “Listen to me, Shiro. Don’t follow her lead, because if you. We’ll end up just like her.” Shiro kept her eyes on her friend and pointed at the chalkboard with the word written free time on it and said. “Then why did the teacher write that?” Mio glanced at the board for a brief second, she said. “The teacher meant to write study and accidentally wrote free instead.” Shiro didn’t believe her friend as she placed her hand on her desk and rested her head on top of them and said. “Wake me a few minutes before lunch.”

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