
Chapter 34: Chapter 34: Asami

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Reiki thought for a second about what the woman said and answered. "And here I thought only guys used that pick up line..." Trailing off both Kiru and the woman in the red kimono face's changed into one of amusement while Arashi and Yuko's faces slowly changed into a look of horror. Reiki continued saying. "No, we have never met before. It would be impossible considering my age." As he took a bite of the stuffed potato in his hand.

The woman in the red kimono looked at him with her left hand on her chin trying to figure out why he looked somewhat familiar. Shaking her head she decided to place that thought at the back of her head she said. "Well, going by that we've finished the pleasantries and-." The sound of footsteps sprinting at full speed was getting louder and soon the door was forcefully opened by Seijo with the rest of the boys behind him.

Seijo coughed and said. "Madam if you told us we would've-." She interrupted him and coldly said. "Shut it." All of them looked at the floor and stayed silent. She indifferently said. "Go back to your sports channel to lose more of your money." All of them hesitated to move and stood in place. The woman seeing this made a small smile and said. "Am I going to have to repeat myself?"

Fuitchi shoved Seijo into the room as he fled, followed by Enkei and Igai. Seijo was able to keep his balance and ran following the rest of them back into the living room as he carefully shut the door before running. The woman said. "Now, where were we?" Reiki said. "You were about to tell me your name." Kiru had a smile on her face while Arashi was nervously fidgeting her hands while Yuko was still in the chair by the wall with her head down hoping she won't have to talk.

The woman had a smile on her face and said. "Since you want me to introduce myself shouldn't you start first?" Reiki oddly enough did just that and said. "Reiki. Akihito Reiki." The woman had a surprised look on her face as she narrowed her eyes. A few seconds passed that felt like an eternity both to Arashi and Yuko who were holding their breath. Rolling her eyes the woman said. "Hmm... Just call me, Asami."

Both Arashi and Yuko had a look of surprise on their faces. Not even talking to either of them Asami walked towards Kiru Arashi seeing this, stood up and went next to Yuko who was quietly keeping to herself. Asami sat in the chair Reiki previously used was now next to Kiru as she said. "Darling it's been a while since we last saw each other." Kiru leaned her head onto her shoulder as she rested her head Asami gently caressed the back of Kiru's head and said. "Madam it's only been four days since we last met."

Asami said. "I know, but if you had nothing to do everyday time seems to feel like an eternity." Reiki stared at how close the two of them were and said. "Asami-san do you have an interest in men or women?" Kiru not moving her head away from Asami's shoulder, started to laugh loudly while Asami's eyes were wide open. Meanwhile, Arashi was already beside him with her left hand on his shoulder she nervously said. "M-Madam, feel free to ignore some of the things he says. We all know that kids say what's on their minds." Letting out a nervous chuckle as she slowly hid Reiki behind her.

Asami seeing this had a smile that was slowly forming on her face as she said. "Like mother like daughter alright. The two of you even have the same taste in... men?" As she gave Kiru a side glance with a suggestive look. Kiru understanding the hint had a bizarre look on her face as she looked at Arashi in a different light. Asami said. "Then this makes a few things easier. How would you feel about... Overseeing him here? And then when he's ready you can bring him over there." Giving her a suggesting look as she continued. "Of course there would be generous compensation seeing how... Backward this place is no one was willing to stay here on a... Let's say long term, for lack of a better description everyone wants to keep what little power they have..."

Trailing off she stared at Arashi who was stunned for a few seconds she had a big smile on her face but then suddenly turned into a frown as she said. "I would lo-." Catching herself mid-sentence she lightly coughed and continued. "I would agree madam but... My mother won't agree with me staying." Asami keeping her smile as she said. "Oh, you don't have to worry about that. I'll make a quick call right now." As she pulled out a red talisman with black writing somewhere inside her sleeve. The red talisman started to faintly glow as a 12-inch screen appeared right in front of her.

A woman that had sky blue eyes and blonde hair with a large chest, childbearing hips, and a well-rounded butt was wearing a sports bra and pants that hugged her body. Her blonde hair was in one long ponytail easily reaching her knees, she was sweating all over her body that was toned and had a decent muscle mass she wasn't too bulky but wasn't too lean either complete with a solid six-pack that showed her hard work.

She was in some type of gym that had enormous weights and in front of her were four monster truck size tires on each side making a total of eight that were made out of some type of metal doing one deadlift the metal pole barely bends as she effortlessly lifted it. Seeing the woman was doing another deadlift Asami lightly coughed which caught the woman's attention. Her eyes turned wide, dropping the weights to the floor with a loud crash. The ground cracked as the metal monster truck tires sink a few inches into the ground. The woman stood at attention with her hands beside her and said. "Madam, I apologize for my lack of awareness."

Asami got straight to the point. "I am sorry for suddenly disturbing you-." The woman nervously and quickly said. "No!, Madam, it's fine my clan is always at your disposal." Asami let out a sigh of annoyance and the woman hearing this immediately became quiet. Asami said. "It's about your daughter." The woman became slightly anxious taking a deep breath she bravely said. "Madam, if she did something wrong I'm more than willing to take her punishment." Asami said. "No, she isn't in any trouble, quite the opposite..."

Trailing off she changed her tone into a more commanding one. "Is this wavelength safe?" The woman's face changed in surprise for a moment before immediately replying. "Yes, madam. All my rooms for my use are safe. You have my word." Asami said. "Good." Placing her hand on her free arm on her cheek she said. "You're going to need to make a blood contract here if you want to know anything. What we stand to lose is too much."

The woman was in a daze for a few seconds before she picked up a grey pouch and pulled out a contract that looked the same as Reiki signed but was colored blood red with some black ink that faintly glowed with blue mana. Along with a small and elegantly designed dagger and a fountain pen she slashed her thumb and made sure to leave a visible thumbprint on the red contract with her signature on its left.

The thumbprint was glowing a shade of red as the blood slowly turned from red to black. Her wound on the thumb was visible healing holding the blood contract near the screen on her end Asami said. "You, Hageshi Ikari, are forbidden to share this information in any form. You shall only be allowed to spread this information only if I say so in person. If this contract is breached you shall forfeit your life in front of my eyes."

The contract covered itself in red light as it suddenly stopped and was still in Ikari's hands she carefully placed it inside her grey pouch. Asami said. "I have good news and great news. Which one do you want to hear first?" Ikari said. "The good news madam." Asami answered. "Your daughter is like you alright even her taste in... Men..." Ikari's eyes shined brightly like stars as she said. "My little girl can finally experience love..." Realizing something, her face slowly turned frosty as she coldly said. "Wait... Who is he?! If he has any ulterior motives and if he isn't good enough for her I'll kill him myself!"

Reiki was just staring at Ikari for a few seconds before staring at Arashi next to him and was doing this, again and again. Arashi's entire face was slowly turning as red as a tomato as she could only stay quiet. Ikari was clenching her fist so hard cracking sounds could be heard picking up her gray pouch she pulled out a phone and tapped a few times. After a few seconds, the phone connected and she shouted. "Dear! Pack our bags! We're going to talk to someone!"

Placing her phone back into the grey pouch she took a deep breath to calm herself down Ikari said. "Madam, I apologize for my display from earlier." The smile on Asami's face was slowly growing. She said. "No, I can understand. A mother would never let their children experience heartbreak if possible, especially their daughters." Ikari said. "Madam, you said something about great news?" Asami said. "Yes, your daughter fell in love with a person who could be the fourth generation dragon."

Ikari was once again furious but before she could shout she realized what Asami just said. Ikari with a mixture of nervousness and excitement, she said. "M-Madam... You're saying, my daughter, fell in love with someone who could potentially be the 4th generation dragon?..." Asami said. "Yes... She just happened to stumble upon him over here. Arashi hasn't said anything yet but from her actions and... Among other things I can tell your daughter has already fallen for him."

Asami looked at Arashi using the corner of her eye and saw that her face was completely blushing as she tried to keep her cool. Ikari had excitement written all over her face, she said. "Do you have an image of him? Can you tell me his full name? And-." Seeing she wasn't going to stop anytime soon Asami said. "Ikari..." Which made her realize that she was asking for some personal information over a talisman.

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Asami said. "I'll give you what I have on hand and what my subordinates... Find out... And since you've gone off track I'll summarize what the plan is..." Ikari looked down to the floor while whistling some tune she's making up. Continuing what she was about to say. "The plan is to have Arashi stay here until he's ready.

Neither of the two of you has to worry about her being left behind in terms of progress since I'll be personally dropping by to watch her growth and some pointers in terms of martial arts. I'll even give her more than enough resources for your clans... Tradition." Ikari hurriedly said. "Thank you for your guidance madam. Please tell us anything we can do to help in any way we can." As she made a respectful bow towards the screen.

After her bow Ikari said. "But with all due respect madam, I would like to hear my little girl say in this." Asami looked towards Arashi taking a deep breath to calm herself as she walked closer to Her and said. "Yes, momm-." With an exaggerated cough, she continued. "Yes, mother I would like to spend some time here." Ikari let out a fake sigh as she said. "My little girl already refused to call me mommy in front of him."

As she placed her right hand on her forehead pretending to be light-headed. Arashi was taking deep breaths as she said. "Keep your cool, keep your cool. I have an image to maintain in front of him." Ikari said. "Well, since she was able to grab onto some great fortune, why stop her?" Realizing something she asked Arashi. "How old is he?" Arashi made a small kicking motion and said. "He's uhh... Eight years younger than me..." Ikari had a look of surprise then said. "Perhaps we are too much alike... I met your father when he was 16 and I was 24. Ahh, those were the days, me strangling your father during training to feel him up..."

Her eyes had a hint of lewdness in them and a sweet smile on her face was growing. Reiki said. "Isn't that sexual harassment?" Ikari was snapped out of her daze as she said. "Is that him? And no it was not sexual harassment..." Trailing off she had crossed her arms as she exuded an air of a superior. She continued. "I was his leader so all he could do was succumb to it eventually. On days he refused to spar I would make the entire group fight against me and I would knock all the others out in one punch and start putting him in holds to feel his body all over."

Reiki said. "Abuse of power as well." Ikari ignored the comment and said. "I know my daughter loves you but..." Her voice turned frosty as a small smile formed on her face. Ikari aid. "But, hurt her in any way I'll make sure your bloodline ends with you." Reiki said. "Wait, so she can hurt me? But I can't hurt her?"

A big bright smile was on her face as she said. "Glad we can see eye to eye on this conversation. Oh, and sweety just make sure to wait until he's 18 okay? Don't want you to commit any crimes now." Arashi's face instantly turned red as she started to softly stomp the floor. Turning back to her usual seriousness Ikari said. "Madam when you return here please visit my humble clan. I would personally welcome you with open arms and open up a few bottles of 500 years old tiger blood wine as we make some idle conversation and a few of our signature dishes." As she made a bow of courtesy.

Asami hearing the word tiger blood wine her eyes had a faint glow of excitement but she was able to keep herself calm and said. "Well, since you're offering such a generous invitation it would be rude to decline." Kiru moved her head on her shoulder with a hopeful expression and she made a small pouting face. Asami let out a small sigh and said. "I hope you're fine with me bringing home two of that tiger wine.

Ikari had a bright smile on her face as she said. "If it's you, madam you can bring three with you. Please take it as a thank you for watching over my daughter in the future." The next thing that was heard was a door being kicked open as the sound of walls was hit by a door that made a loud crashing noise. A man off-screen said. "I got our bags ready. Where are headed? And who's going to die?" Ikari had a confused expression for a brief moment before remembering she called him. She said. "Turns out the... The guy who fled was already found dead with half its corpse eaten somewhere in the woods."

The man said. "Honey... You know I love you... I listen to everything you say but please be reasonable! I was in the middle of observing the recruit's progress." Ikari frowned and said. "That's not your schedule for the day..." Her voice slowly turned frosty and with a small smile, she said. "Did you enjoy gawking at young women? Hmm? Did you enjoy them grappling other women anywhere they can?..."

She trailed off as the faint sound of footsteps were made off-screen. She shouted. "Who skipped out on their duty!" Ikari quickly squatted and used one of her hands to lift the dumbbell that had eight monster truck tires the were made out of metal as she effortlessly threw it like a notebook. She continued to scream. "Give me his name! You know I won't hurt you so be good!" A loud crashing sound was made as she walked off the screen. The sound of a male screaming was coming somewhere from the room. The man screamed. "It was-!"

The 12-inch screen disappeared as the red talisman disappeared from Kiru's hand with a simple wave. She said. "Well, I don't have an interest in watching a married couple fight." Kiru looked at Arashi was made her way next to Reiki who was thinking about something. Arashi still had a faint blush on her face as she did her best to put up a calm front. Kiru said. "Reiki judging by your look you have some questions."

Reiki looked towards her and said. "I have two questions." Both Kiru and Asami had a look of surprise on their faces. Asami said. "Just two? Even after all you've heard?" Reiki said. "Yes, just two. I have a feeling even if I ask other questions you would just pretend to answer them by being vague and mysterious." Asami said. "Well, that's not fun... You're more perceptive than you look." Reiki said. "What does her father look like? And what's a blood contract?"

Arashi said. "Yuko can answer the second one-." Arashi turned around and saw Yuko was already gone from the chair by the wall. She said. "When did she leave?" Reiki said. "She left when Asami-san pulled out her talisman." Asami said. "Please Reiki, just Asami is fine. And to answer your question a blood contract is to an extent similar to the one you signed with Arashi they were made by the contractors. Except for the important detail, only one of them bears the consequences if the contract is breached."

Reiki turned his head towards Arashi and said. "Nee-san aren't you worried about your mother's situation?" Arashi said. "Not really. You have to understand blood contracts aren't that uncommon in the mainland. The contract we had is the more commonly used but without a certain amount of power and connections, you wouldn't be able to get a hold of any of them. The contractors might be neutral but that doesn't mean they don't keep tabs on every contract someone has on hand. And besides, my m-mother made at least 34 blood contracts before this one so I don't even need to worry about her. The answer to your first question is... I don't know how to describe it properly since I didn't care about how my father looks... My parents did raise me well but if I were to describe it would... Somewhat of a handsome man?"

Scratching the back of her head Arashi tried her best to describe her father's looks. Reiki said. "Then what does he do in your clan then? Judging by their interactions your mother seems to be the figurehead." Arashi said. "You're right. My mom is in charge of the clan while my father provides... Everything from finances to pieces of land, my mother's job is to protect the clan members. The resources can always be replaced. While my father finds ways to make money for the clan's expenses, provide for her and me, and increase our status in everyone else's eyes." Reiki asked. "Then who married into whose family?"

Arashi answered. "My father married into her family. It may sound weird but in the mainland whoever has more influence and power, he or she gets married off to the other family and in return, they keep their family safe by putting them under their protection." Reiki asked. "What if I grow up more powerful than you? What happens then?"

Arashi said it easily. "You would still marry into my family. Since we have more influence it would be easier for both of us since your household is less than 10." Before Reiki could say anything else Asami said. "Alright. Alright, Arashi he's not even 18 yet you're already talking about marriage." Arashi started to blush again as Asami continued. "Save the talks in your bed. If anyone finds out I've been gone for too long others might have designs on us. Now that we finalize the plan more or less, here's my talisman."

She threw a red talisman to Arashi as she caught it mid-air. Ikari continued. "I'll come here once a week around the afternoon to watch your progress and give a few pointers and one of my subordinates will bring you the resources you need. Any questions?"

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