
Chapter 35: Chapter 35: Rank

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Asami looked at both Arashi and Reiki searching for any indication if either of them had any questions. With a small nod, she said. "With that, I've done what I needed to do." She poked at Kiru's cheek as she removed her head from her shoulder as Asami stood up. Walking towards the window and without turning her head she said. "I've already made arrangements for Arashi. I'll call you using the talisman for more details about other things."

Asami barely opened the window by a few inches as she vanished on the spot. Kiru ate the last few pieces of stuffed potato on her plate. Reiki asked. "Nee-san how strong is your father?" Arashi with a hint of a blush said. "Why ask that specific question?" Reiki answered. "Well, you did say your father is responsible for increasing your clan's prestige... And by how your mother treated him I can't form a picture of it in my head."

Arashi let out a laugh and said. "He's as strong as my mother. She's always been... Upfront about her feelings towards him, they've been like that since I can remember so I thought all relationships were the same as them. Plus she did teach me everything I know and there is a reason why she's the one protecting the clan."

Reiki muttered. "Well, she did teach you everything she knows that I can agree with." Arashi's eyes widened slightly as she said. "What are you implying? Are you saying she didn't teach me things I was supposed to learn?" Reiki said. "Your words not mine." Arashi with a small angry smile on her face said. "It's just household chores. Anyone could do it if they tried." Reiki said. "Doing the dishes once and breaking half of them doesn't help your case."

Arashi said. "You only heard a few plates break." Reiki said. "And I saw most of the plates were missing in the cabinets. Why did you think I brought a tray out instead?" Arashi's angry smile started to grow as she pinched Reiki's arm and said. "Speaking of things in the past we have a few more topics about some of the things you did." Reiki, not minding her pinching said. "And I said we weren't going to talk about it." Before Arashi could say anything Kiru said. "Hey, lovebirds! Get a different room."

Kanzei was already tidying up everything he brought out. Reiki said. "Kanzei-san you were quiet for a while now?" Kanzei smiled and said. "That is a butler's duty. We do what our master asks of us and only talk when spoken to." Reiki said. "Must be a hard job then." On Kiru's left Kanzei said. "Ojou-sama, if this is all I will be heading back to the manor last night."

Kiru made a nod and picked her phone that was on the table with a few taps the inside of Kanzei's breast pocket made a short chime. Kanzei checked his phone and saw a message from Kiru after reading the contents he said. "Right away Ojou-sama." Leaving through the door his footsteps were slowly becoming faint.

Arashi said. "What order did you gave your butler?" Reiki who was still being pinched by her said. "She threw money at her problems again." Kiru gave Reiki a sweet smile and said. "Little brother I have to go right away. But don't worry we'll meet again sooner than you think." She stood up from her chair and a few steps near the doorway she stopped and brought some card out of her wallet without turning around she tossed the item towards Reiki.

Kiru said. "Take this as one of many more gifts to come." As she smiled to herself opening the door with one step at the doorway she vanished in front of both of them. Reiki easily caught the card with one hand and took a good look at it he said. "An IC card..." Reiki stared at it for a split second and thought. Wait a minute... How did she know I didn't have access to transportation... Arashi said. "An IC card? I guess rich people are cheap. Aren't they Lil bro?"

As she ruffled his head with her hand. While riffling his hair that started to dry it was a bit hard for her to gently pull her hand off seeing Reiki was thinking about something she said. "Lil bro... Is everything okay?" Reiki thought. Did she notice me the moment I was in the city?... Arashi was getting impatient for waiting for him to answer using her hand she smacked Reiki on top of his head he said. "Nee-san, Did you need something?"

Arashi with a sweet smile on her face said. "Not really, feel free to ignore me." Reiki said. "Alright." Arashi's eyes widen as her right hand was slowly being enveloped by blue mana as she slowly said. "Reiki. We. Need. To. Talk." She then remembered something Kiru said from before. She thought. If you ask him what our deal is. He'll answer something along the lines of we don't know each other that well... She's lying... Right?... She softly tapped on Reiki's shoulder and said. "Reiki..." But trailed off. Reiki said. "What is it?" As he was still thinking of something. Arashi continued. "What's your relationship with Kiru?"

Reiki said. "Truth be told I don't know her that well." As he stared at the white IC card that had a single stripe of black line diagonally across. Looking at the card in his hand trying to see any flaws to it. Some of the brightness in Arashi's eyes turned dim but before she could do anything else he said. "I mean, that's me putting it nicely." Arashi's eyes slowly brighten as she asked. "What do you mean by that?"

Reiki placed the card in his pocket and turned around to face her, he said. "Well, the first time I met her she threatened me so... Saying I don't know her well is pretty much is a stretch for starters." Arashi's eyes were back to normal as he told her the truth but then turned dangerous when she heard him finished his sentence. Arashi coldly said. "What did-." He interrupted her and said. "Well, it doesn't matter. Let's go." Reiki walked towards the door. Arashi staying in place said. "You can't just let her off scot-free after threatening you!"

Reiki replied. "Can't do anything to someone who can solve all of their problems by throwing money at them." Reiki stopped walking and turned his head to face her and said. "People who can solve problems with money have too many backdoors open. The only way to win is to avoid them like the plague or move halfway around the world to somewhere cameras don't oversee every nook and cranny..."

Arashi walked next to him as they continued their conversation as both of them went to the living room. She said. "Money can't be that powerful." Reiki replied. "If a person is rich enough they can manipulate the news, get away with drug usage, break the stock market, and even clean up their crime scene." Arashi was about to say something but then let out a small sigh and said. "It's hard to argue when that's how it works over there."

Reiki said. "Can't do anything about the system either." As he looked at her and gave her a tired smile. Arashi was stunned for a few seconds as he kept on walking while she stood in place. With a small shake of her head, she walked next to him and said. "What do you plan to do now Lil bro?" Reiki said. "Since I've already got some experience one way or another I need to head home. Like right now." With a thought she expectantly said. "Can I drop by?" Walking in silence for a few seconds Arashi kept her gaze on him Reiki said. ".... Fine..."

A smile formed on her face as she started to hum softly. The sound of sports being played on a flatscreen was becoming louder the closer they got. They were only by the hallway they could already see every one of the boys had their head down Yuko was drinking a cold glass of pink lemonade with a piece of fresh mint. Seeing this Arashi turned her head towards Yuko with a questioning look. Yuko said. "Madam passed by and told them their punishment would be reduced pay for 2 years and everything they find here would be seized by her."

Reiki looked at Seijo, Enkei, Fuitchi, and Igai who looked like they just had their spirits crushed as they dreaded returning. He said. "Good luck guys. If I were you I would just surrender all the treasure you have on hand. Rather than hiding some and getting more sentences." Everyone was saying something but Reiki could only hear the voice say. [What was the first thing on your mind the moment you saw Asami.] Reiki thought. Danger. I've only met a couple of handful of people like her before... And all of them have one thing in common, they all think human lives are worthless.

Arashi was tapping her shoulder a few times while Reiki was just staring into nothing. After a couple of more taps she started to pinch his cheek which got his attention. He said. "What is it?" Still pinching his cheek Arashi said. "I told them you were headed home. But they asked if you had any means of long-distance transportation." Reiki felt the IC card in his pocket that Kiru gave him and said. "Yeah, I have a way to get back home safely."

Arashi, seeing that action had a slight frown on her face but didn't say anything. Seijo let out a small sigh and said. "Since Reiki is fine and everyone has either gained or lost somethings I say we go back to our previous plans." Fuitchi made a lazy nod, Enkei said. "Yeah." And Igai had a smile on his face while Yuko kept a poker face as usual.

With a nod, Seijo clapped his hands as he vanished on the spot and everyone else disappeared leaving the two of them alone. Arashi just stared at him with her arms crossed and said. "And I'm guessing we're going to the train station." Reiki looked at her and said. "Correct." As he started to walk towards the front door with Arashi behind him she said. "Do we have to use the card she gave you?"

As she searched her grey string bag to lock the door. Reiki walked past the front door as he took a small breath of fresh air and said. "Think of this way she's paying for both of our expenses. And besides, I bet you don't even have an IC card." Arashi with a twist of the key a clicking sound was made indicating the door was locked. Putting the key back in her grey string bag as she walked next to Reiki while saying. "Don't those things cost like ¥500? How come you don't have-..."

Arashi trailed off when it came to a topic that might be sensitive to him. Reiki let out a chuckle and said. "True, but you're talking to someone who has a debt of at least ¥15,000,000 or in your case 50 platinum coins." Without looking behind him he raised his right hand to shoulder level with the IC card in between the middle and his index finger, Reiki said. "So, wanna freeload with me?" Arashi let out a soft sigh of relief and said. "How are you supposed to freeload on an IC card?"

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As she walked right beside him on his left while looking at his face with interest. A smile slowly formed on his face as he said. "Don't worry, I can show you." Before walking, Reiki said. "How far is the train station here?" Arashi said. "Not far actually. We pass by a few streets down there." As she points on their left as both of them look. She continued. "And we take a right and we should be their give or take 8-12 minutes."

The two of them started to walk again as Reiki said. "How much did your friends pay to buy that house? Close to the train station, good estate, and close enough for a guild down the road."

Arashi kept her eyes in front as they passed by shops, cafes, and a few people handing out flyers, she replied. "I don't know. They did say they were going to use up all of their money they've saved up for a house. I never asked them how much. And judging by the way it looks there doing pretty good for themselves they can live off from hunting low to middle tier monsters, grow some herbs in a controlled environment, and make a meal out of it. No more risking their lives every time they go out on a mission with the possibility of them not making it out alive." 

Arashi made a right turn as Reiki followed beside her and said. "Then what mission are they doing right now?" Arashi said. "It's their last C-rank mission. The two owners of the shop are both CC-rank or more commonly called double C-rank adventurers."

Reiki said. "Double C-rank..." Arashi said. "Don't know how the ranking work Lil bro?" As she ruffled his hair with her left arm. Reiki shook his head as Arashi said. "Well, in summary, there are 7 ranks from the lowest to highest there are F, E, D, C, B, A, and S and in each rank, there are three tiers F-rank, FF-rank or Double F-rank, FFF-rank or Triple F-rank and so on. For each rank, they have a different colored card, same deal highest to lowest. White, Steel, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Black an-." 

Reiki interrupted her and said. "Wait... Isn't your guild card gold?... Wouldn't that mean you're at least B-rank?" Arashi had a proud smile and said. "Yep, Despite how I look. I'm very powerful, too bad I can't show you how strong I am because of a few seals since I need them to keep myself hidden." Reiki asked. "Wouldn't that hinder your progress of becoming more powerful?"

Arashi had a warm smile on her face as she ruffled his hair, she said. "You don't have to worry about that Lil bro. Believe me, when I say this no one should mess with me and that's not even considering my family and clan. And I still have so much to learn from my mother, even with the seals on, I can still use all my skills without any restrictions, it just adjusts the output of mana. We sent here to learn how to increase our mana efficiency."

Putting her left hand on her chin she said. "Now where was I? Oh, right, an adventurer wanting to advance a tier would need to do a mission one tier above their current rank. Meaning if you're an A-rank you'll need to complete a double A-rank quest the guild will give you a dozen quests to choose from that should be the same difficulty but if you're moving to a higher rank. From Triple E-rank to D-rank you would need to complete three quests that are one tier above you, but this time the guild will be the one to pick those three quests not only that but those three quests have the same amount of time to be completed, fail to complete the quests in the time frame and you could wait up to six months depending on how low your rank is. In the outer lands, your ratio should be 44.98%, 34%, 14%, 4%, 2%, 1%, and 0.02%. In the mainland, some of these numbers would be different."

As they entered the train station Reiki looked for a ticket counter and saw one that was empty both of them walked towards it as he said. "Onii-san, two one-way tickets to Osaka preferably leaving today at the earliest."

The man sitting on a chair that wore a simple uniform with a polite smile on his face said. "One-way trip to Osaka for two." He looked at the computer to his left with a few clicks of his mouse he said. "The next train headed to your destination will be here in 15 minutes. Here are the available options we have to offer." As he passed Reiki a piece of paper of the prices of the train that had short distance travel to discount sales on 30 or more adults traveling that had to be booked a week in advance. Reading the paper, Reiki thought. There should be two options... Ordinary, green, and Gran class.

Reiki's eyes slightly widened when he read the third option. The voice said. [Why the reaction? It's not like you're paying for it.] Reiki thought. It's not that! The first Gran class train was available in the year 2011. Why is it available this year? The voice said. [That is your wish. Some things have changed, not anything too drastic but subtle enough.] Reiki felt Arashi tapping on his shoulder, he turned his head as she gave him a questioning look.

He smiled and turned his head back to the man at the ticket counter and said. "Onii-san, can I pay using an IC card?" The man kept his polite smile and patiently said. "Yes, we do accept IC cards." Reiki pulled the IC card that Kiru gave him from his pocket and placed it near the man. The man's expression changed for a moment and respectfully said. "Young master, you should have told me you were a member. I would have made the two of you wait in a special room." Reiki said. "It's fine... I would like to rent all 18 seats on our way to Osaka, please."

The man didn't even react and kept his smile on his face and said. "Yes." As he immediately took out a phone using his left arm and started to type something on the computer with his right. Placing his hand over the phone in his hand he said. "Young master I'm guessing you must be younger than 12 years old." Reiki nodded and said. "Yes, I am currently 10 years old." The man nodded as the phone call connected and started to speak with someone on the other line.

The two of them walk a bit back to give the man some space to work as Arashi was leaning on a pillar with Reiki on her right. She said. "So your plan of freeloading is an hour and a half train ride?" Reiki said. "There's more to it than that, but yeah, this is the plan." Arashi had a questioning look and said. "This is the part where you would explain how it works."

Looking at the man talking on the phone and quickly typing something while the printer behind him was booting up. Reiki said. "It should cost about roughly ¥20,000 for normal travel." Arashi said. "That's not that expensive." Reiki had a small smile and said. "I'll make it clear. It should cost roughly ¥20,000 per seat." Arashi froze for a second before a sly smile slowly formed on her face, Reiki continued. "Gran class only has a total of 18 seats. So 17x28,000 would equal ¥476,000. Due to my age the price would be halved so that's an additional ¥14,000 making a total of ¥490,000."

Arashi's sly smile turned into a slight frown as she asked. "Where did you even get those numbers?" Reiki answered. "It's not completely accurate, I just did some rough math considering the distance being traveled, type of train, and what type of class you picked. I also added another few thousand yen to the equation." Arashi said. "And the reason is?" Reiki said. "Gran class doesn't stop at Osaka, it only stops at major stations, so he's calling his higher-ups for a solution."

Keeping his gaze at the ticket counter the man stopped typing and placed his phone in one of his pockets. With two tickets in his hand, the man gestured for the two of them to come closer. The man said. "Young master, after calling the higher-ups they've pulled a few strings to stop at Osaka per your request. It will be added to your total, after doing some calculations 17 seats would cost ¥25,000 plus your discount on one of them would add another ¥12,500. The seats alone would add up to ¥437,500."

The man tapped on a keyboard and continued. "Since we had to take a different route we had to disturb other trains' arrival time, we have never done this before so we don't know how to properly charge you. So the higher-ups decided to charge you an additional ¥337,500 which would total ¥775,000. I was ordered to ask, Are you sure you would like to confirm this purchase?"

The man had an odd look at the cost of a single train ride. Reiki nodded and said. "I'm sure, and since we bought all 18 seats, can we have their meals as well?" He was able to suppress the odd look and put on a smile and said. "Yes, both of you have 18 seats worth of food and drinks on your trip to Osaka." With a swipe of the IC card, Kiru gave him using some sort of scanner a flash of a small green light. Using both hands he passed the two tickets with the card to Reiki and said. "I was also ordered to escort both of you to your train."

Standing up from his chair at the sound of a door being unlocked and opened then being locked again. The man walked in front of them and said. "Follow me please." As he led them both to the train. Passing through the paid fare zone the man pulled out an ID and pressed it against the scanner with a few taps on the side he made a gesture for them to walk by it. At the side of an open train door, another employee was standing in place with a hint of nervousness around him.

Both Reiki and Arashi were led in front of the nervous man on as the man that brought them here said. "I hope you enjoy your ride." With a smile as he left to walk back to his post. The nervous man took a breath to calm himself and said. "Please, follow me to your seats." As he led both of them inside the train. It had some type of soft red carpet as the floor with six rows of white seats, with three in each row complete with armrests. On one side it only had a single chair in a row and on the other, it had two chairs close together, Reiki went to sit on the chairs that were close to each other and sat away from the window seat.

Arashi quickly sat in the window seat next to Reiki before saying anything the man said. "If you need anything, please call me." As he walked somewhere behind the chairs.

Reiki was fiddling with his chair and was able to recline his as he made himself comfortable Arashi seeing this started to fiddle with hers and did the same. She said. "You know what? I don't mind if she's the one going to pay for all of our transportation." As she let out a relaxing sigh. Reiki who was next to him said. "Can you tell me what level the adventurer's rank corresponds to?" Arashi said. "Say that again, this chair is just so soft." Reiki said. "What's the usual level for each rank?" Arashi said. "Oh, let's see."

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