
Chapter 70: Chapter 70: Castle

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Asami took a sip of her drink as she kept her eyes on Arashi who was trying to get up from the sand. Arashi used her arms to try and lift herself, sand stuck to her body and clothes as she stood up and almost lost her balance. Asami had an odd look on her face, she said. "You have improved somewhat in the last few days since I gave you your regimen, but…" She let out a sigh as Arashi looked like she was trying to catch her breath but her eyes weren't focused. Asami suddenly appeared on Arashi's left, Asami swept both her legs causing Arashi to fall on the sand again laying on her back.

Asami squatted making the black jogging pants Arashi lent her hug her figure even more. Asami balanced the glass in her hand on Arashi's forehead and moved her hand away. Asami said. "Should we call it a day? You are improving but sparring is useless since you can't even think straight ever since the boy up and left." Arashi suddenly stood up as the glass was caught by Asami as it was about to fall to the sand without spilling a drop, Asami took a sip and watched Arashi trying to stand up again while saying. "R-Reiki didn't leave…"

She tried to regulate her breathing and continued. "H-He just went somewhere-." Asami waved her hand and helped Arashi up by grabbing her by the shoulder. Asami said. "Yes, yes. He'll be back within the week…" Asami rummaged through her pocket and pulled out a red talisman with gold writing, it started to glow as the entire dune was enveloped with a flash of white light.

Both of them appeared in Arashi's apartment, Asami lazily sat on the couch while Arashi was leaning on the wall trying to catch her breath, Arashi said. "Thank you very much." And almost lost her balance, Asami lazily waved her hand and picked up the remote and turned on the tv, and started rapidly switching channels. She stopped the channel at a soap opera and turned her head to look at Arashi, Asami said. "Do you have anything else to wear?"

As she pointed at the white t-shirt, black jogging pants she was wearing. Asami continued. "I have no qualms about what you wear. It's the opposite, they are very comfortable. I can see why you always wear them every day, it's just that… It feels a bit small on me." The white t-shirt was stretched out by her breast and looked like it could tear any moment along with an outline of her bra that could be seen. Asami reached behind her and readjusted the black jogging pants that were riding up on her butt.

The corner of Arashi's eye twitched, she said. "I hope he comes back home when you're back on the mainland…" Asami laughed, making her breast jiggle, she said. "Oh dear, you two aren't even officially dating and here you are trying to make sure there's as little competition as possible." Asami lazily laid on the backrest of the couch, she said. "Have the two of you fought yet?" Arashi removed the t-shirt she was wearing and revealed a grey sports bra underneath, wiping off some sweat with a mix of sand she said. "The two of us will always see eye to eye… In some cases it doesn't, mom always strangled dad when she thought it was necessary."

Asami placed the red talisman on the coffee table and turned her head sideways to look at her, Asami said. "When does she think it's necessary?" Arashi held her wet shirt in one hand and said. "Whenever they disagree with each other." Asami turned her head back to watch some tv as she shook her head, she said. "I feel sorry for your father, despite being a man he isn't the head of the family."

Arashi giggled making her chest wiggle, Asami lowered the volume of the tv and said. "Speaking about the boy, catch." She threw a brown pouch over her left shoulder towards Arashi, which she easily caught. Arashi made a slight bow towards her and said. "Thank you very much-." Asami let out a chuckle, she said. "You don't even know what's inside and you're already thanking me."

Arashi froze mid bow as she awkwardly scratched her head. Asami continued. "It's just filled with food for the two of you for about two to three months and some items you'll be needing for your body tempering, nothing special… Oh and a few things for Reiki to learn." Arashi's eyes brightened up, she made a grateful bow towards her and said. "I'll remember-."

Asami kept her eyes on the tv, she lazily waved her hands in dismissal and said. "Yes, yes. I do know how your tiger clan deals with trivial things like this." She placed a shoulder on top of the couch's backrest and turned her upper body around to look at Arashi. Asami said. "Just make sure by next week he shows some promise, else I'll personally drag you with me back to the mainland right to your mother."

Arashi almost lost her balance, she said. "U-Understood." Asami had a smile on her face, she said. "Good, on a separate note. I bet you when he comes back home he has another girl with him." Arashi was holding a talisman that was glowing, a faint hue of mana surrounded her as all the sweat and sand were gone. Arashi said. "T-That's not going to happen." As she forced herself a nervous laugh and walked towards the couch and sat on the opposite side of Asami.

Asami was nodding, not convinced by Arashi. Asami said. "Fine, but at least he spoke and quite possibly even held another girl's hand." Arashi's eyes slowly narrowed, she said. "I'll know when he gets back, I can easily smell if he did or not." Asami crossed her arms under her breast, she said. "Oh yeah, didn't your father once stay in a woman's company for a day? Rumor says she found out by his smell and gave him a beating."

Arashi pulled out her pouch from her pocket and took out a new t-shirt from it, trying to wear it, she said. "I remember that." She let out a chuckle and continued. "Dad used everything, cleaning magic, deodorant, cologne. He even did some exercise to sweat, the moment they were in the same room mom started beating him up without an explanation. Mom only stopped when his face was bruised and I think she might have dislocated a few joints…"

Arashi pulled down the shirt as she placed a hand on her chin. Asami lazily stretched, she said. "Did he expose himself?" Arashi shook her head, she said. "No, he walked in the living room while mom was distributing some resources on paper…" Arashi stared at the ceiling and continued. "Mom placed the pen down and walked towards him and just started… After the beatdown, she left the room while I followed her. I asked if she knew and mom said her instincts told her he did something behind her back."

Asami placed an elbow on the armrest of the couch and rested her head on her hand, she said. "That sounds like your mother alright, she always did have instincts that rival animals…" She looked at Arashi using the corner of her eye, Asami said. "What's for lunch?" Arashi froze as she stiffly turned her head and looked out the window. Asami rolled her eyes, she said. "You are Ikari's daughter alright…"

Asami waved her hand as the red talisman flew to her palm, it slightly glowed for a brief moment as she placed it in her pocket. Arashi, who was glancing at her from the corner of her eye said. "Madam, who did you call?" Asami let out a chuckle as she adjusted her pants a bit while sitting down, she said. "Just setting a small fire under you." As she let out a giggle.


Melanor's House

Reiki was washing all the plates and utensils he used, meanwhile Moranor was eating some vanilla ice cream while watching him from the corner of her eye. Reiki turned off the faucet as he reached for a drying towel and started to wipe off some of the excess water on the plates. Moranor was swirling the ice cream in her large glass while sitting on the chair. 

Moranor looked around the room in boredom as she ate a spoonful of ice cream, Reiki finished drying the last plate and walked towards Moranor. When he was about to say something dozens of footsteps could be heard outside the house along with heavy objects that were being placed on the ground.

Reiki walked towards the window, Moranor stood up from the chair while holding her glass filled with ice cream. They saw a dozen male elves carrying wood planks in various lengths and sizes, a door swung open as Melanor and Enrel walked inside the living room. Melanor had her hands on her hips, while Enrel kept an aloof expression. Melanor said. "Moranor, pack two days' worth of clothes, we'll be sleeping somewhere else while the ser- helpers fix the house here and there." Moranor had a look of confusion on her face, she said. "Where are we going-?" 

Melanor waved her hand and interrupted her, she said. "And make sure to bring Reiki clothes as well, we don't have time to discuss this here. They'll be starting the repair whether you're in here or not." Melanor vanished leaving the three of them in the room. Reiki rummaged through the pouch Elora gave him and took out a gallon of vanilla ice cream and opened the top, and placed the cover in the pouch. 

He rummaged through his right pocket and took out a wooden spoon, before he could take a bite Reiki turned his head towards the confused Moranor and said. "I think you should do what Melanor-san said, she must have her reasons for doing this."

Moranor nodded and softly said. "S-Sure…" As she vanished near the dining table. Reiki ate a spoonful of ice cream while Enrel was giving her strange looks, she said. "Were you eating the entire time?" Reiki nodded as she scooped up a large portion of ice cream and placed the spoon in his mouth. He gave Enrel a meaningful look and looked at the window at the side.

Enrel was still giving him a strange look and let out a sigh a couple of seconds later, she said. "I've decided, I'll be with you the entire time during your short stay here in our part of the forest. If you have any questions-." Melanor appeared beside Enrel as she placed a hand to cover Enrel's mouth. Melanor's gaze was on Reiki who was leisurely eating a big tub of ice cream, with an odd look she said. "Did you already eat all of it?" 

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Reiki nodded and kept on eating. The corner of Melanor's eye twitched as she felt Enrel poking her hand, she turned her head to see Enrel glaring at her and pointing at her hand that was on her mouth.

Melanor moved her hand away from her mouth and grabbed the edge of Enrel's long green dress and used it to dry her hands. Enrel's eyes widened as she tried to slap Melanor's hand off, she barely missed as Melanor let go. Melanor said. "Where's-?" Moranor appeared in the room and looked around and saw Reiki was still in the same spot and walked next to him.

She saw her mother staring at her as she softly patted her pocket and gave Melanor a nod of confirmation. Melanor nodded back and said. "Good, let's get out of here." Reiki was walking towards the door while Melanor grabbed Enrel's sleeve as Moranor walked towards the two elves. Enrel was still glaring at Melanor, Moranor noticed Reiki was walking away from them. 

Moranor said. "Reiki, where are you going?" Reiki paused mid-step and turned around and saw all three elves were holding each other's hands. He walked towards them and placed the spoon on the tub of ice cream, he said. "I thought we were going to walk, teleportation it is then."

Before Melanor could reach her hand out towards him, Moranor offered her hand as Reiki wiped his hand clean with the tunic he was wearing. Placing the ice cream in the pouch Elora gave him, Reiki looked up to Moranor and said. "Where are we headed?" Moranor shook her head, Enrel flashes him an enigmatic smile. Melanor stared at her daughter for a couple of seconds and let out a sigh, she said. "You've already been there." 

Reiki was playing with Moranor's hand, he said. "You mean-." His vision blurred and bend as he saw the surroundings change. All four of them were standing in a large hallway that had white walls and light orbs floating around the ceiling. There were a few doors on each side, Melanor pointed at the right side of the hall and said. "Reiki, that one over there is your room for a day and a half." Reiki nodded, he was in front of Moranor with his hands behind his back while he continued to play with Moranor's hands.

Enrel was taking a glance at them from time to time while Melanor ignored it. Enrel walked towards the door Melanor pointed at and went inside, Reiki tilted his body sideways to look inside and saw two large beds with a nightstand on one side. Melanor narrowed her eyes and walked inside the room. Reiki let go of Moranor's hand and turned his head sideways to look behind, he said. "Shall we, my lady?" Moranor had a faint blush on her face, she let out a scoff and shoved past him. 

She said. "My lady? As if." Moranor hurriedly walked into the room with Reiki behind her, he walked inside with the door that was left wide open. Looking around the room he thought. This room is for me? You can charge someone ¥30,000 a night here. It was a spacious room with a wooden interior and a large round black carpet in the middle. He saw a couple of light switches on the wall next to a dial. He thought. I guess light source and room temperature. 

Reiki turned around and saw Moranor leaning against a wall, he walked next to her and leaned on the same wall. Moranor glanced at him but stayed silent, both of them looked at Enrel who was laying down on one of the beds while Melanor was staring at her with narrowed eyes standing by the side.

Melanor said. "What are you doing?" Enrel made herself comfortable on the bed, she said. "What does it look like? Enjoying myself." As she rolled her eyes at her. Melanor placed her hands on her hips, she said. "Shouldn't you have gone home hours ago?" Enrel sat upright on the bed and fluffed the pillows a couple of times and laid back down, she said. "I did, but suddenly my schedule is free for the foreseeable future until I decide there's something urgent."

Enrel lazily stretched on the bed and let out a small yawn, Melanor glanced at Reiki who was leaning on a wall next to her daughter while eating ice cream. Melanor let out a sigh and said. "Do you have to do this?" Enrel stared at the ceiling as she let out a content sigh, she said. "You know how I am." Melanor massaged the temple of her head, she said. "Fine… Just don't try to push your luck too far." Moranor was watching their conversation with a confused look on her face while Reiki was two-thirds into the tub of ice cream and was starting to melt around the edges.

Melanor walked towards the door, she stopped before she could take a step out of the room and said. "Moranor, make sure to lend him your old clothes and we'll go to our…" She glanced toward Enrel who was still laying down on one of the beds. Melanor continued. "Assigned, room." Moranor stared at her mother for a couple of seconds and nodded. 

She took her pouch from her pocket and rummaged through it, and gave Reiki three sets of new clothes. He looked at them and thought. Elves and green go hand in hand, don't they… He placed the tub of ice cream in the pouch and received the clothes Moranor was lending him, it was three green tunics and brown pants about roughly his size. 

Reiki nodded at Moranor who was just staring at him, Melanor said. "Let's go, we're allowed to use the private hot spring." Moranor's eyes brightened up as she followed her mother who walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.

Reiki turned around and stared at Enrel who had her eyes closed, he said. "You can have the drawback theory. I don't care." Enrel immediately vanished from the bed and suddenly appeared next to him as she clutched his right shoulder. She said. "Those are your words, no take-backs!" Reiki tried to get her hand off his shoulder by moving his hand, he said. "I'll give it to you in writing tomorrow, so could you-." 

He tried moving his hand faster but he felt her grip slowly tightening, he thought. And here I thought mages lacked physical strength. Reiki said. "So could you let go-." Enrel let go while he was trying to get her hand off causing him to fall and hit the ground, a sound of something breaking was made which froze Enrel in place. Reiki stood up and dusted the front of his clothes, Enrel saw the floorboards had a crack on them and was starting to fix itself as it let out a faint hue of mana. With a deadpan expression, Reiki said. "Thanks…"

Reiki reached for the doorknob and opened the door, he said. "I'll be wandering around." Enrel had a big smile on her face as she walked towards the bed and started daydreaming, she laid down while staring at the ceiling. Reiki stared at her for a couple of seconds and walked out of the room, he looked at both his left and his right and decided to walk to the left and started to wander. He passed by a large hallway with dozens of doors yet hasn't encountered another elf, Reiki thought. No maids and butlers huh… 

He stood in place as he looked around and took the third right, Reiki stopped again and turned his head sideways to look behind him, he said. "Elf-san, am I allowed in the library here?" A moment passed by as no one answered, he let out a chuckle and continued. "You don't have to continue hiding by leaning on the wall on my left between the fourth and fifth door."

A figure of an elf slowly revealed herself, the female elf was glaring coldly at him while holding a dagger in her hand she was brandishing. She was wearing a black cloak that hid her entire body underneath along with a mask that covered her mouth and nose, the elf has long golden hair and dark blue eyes.

While spinning the dagger between her fingers she walked towards him and stopped when she was at arm's length, the elf slowly placed the dagger a few millimeters away from his head, she said. "How did you know I was here?" Reiki thought. Try not to glare a hole in the person you're supposed to be keeping an eye on. Ignoring the dagger he said. "I guessed." 

The elf slowly raised her left hand, for a split second it blurred as dozens of throwing daggers were around the outline of his feet, she said. "I don't have the best experience with you pathetic humans, so if you want to keep your life I would-." Reiki lazily moved the dagger away from his head using his hand, he said. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm not asking for your life story. I asked if I'm allowed in the library with the implication of ``where is it."

The elf glared at Reiki and tried to intimidate him, a moment passed as the elf coldly scoffed and pointed at the left, she said. "A left third door on the right." Reiki nodded and turned around and walked towards the left, without looking back he said. "Thank you."

The elf clutched the dagger in her hand and threw it at his head. Reiki turned his head sideways as he saw the dagger she was holding go past his eyes, he let out a chuckle and said. "You missed." The elf stood in place with the same cold glare, she slowly turned invisible without taking the daggers she threw. 

Taking a left he walked down the hallway and thought. Third door on the left… He stood in front of the door and reached for the doorknob and opened it and walked inside. Reiki hit something soft as he took a step back, he looked up and saw a female elf with pale skin, sky blue eyes, and long bright golden hair. She said. "Are you okay?"

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