
Chapter 71: Chapter 71: Enora Qinleth

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Reiki looked up and stared at the elf that was a younger version of Elora, his gaze wandered lower and saw her large chest that didn't belong to an elf. He thought. Royal blood… It should be roughly the same size as Onee-chan's. The elf's eyes narrowed as the mana around them turned unstable, she coldly glared at him as the entire hallway turned dark instantly.

There was a thin layer of mana around the elf, Reiki kept his gaze on her face, he said. "Should I call you, your majesty or princess?..." The heavy atmosphere around them dissipated, the corner of the elf's eye twitched, she said. "Is that what you were thinking?"

Reiki nodded, he looked behind her and saw dozens of shelves reaching the ceiling and hundreds of books. Keeping his gaze in the library the elf had an awkward look on her face, she forced a cough and said. "You can call me princess." She placed a hand on her chin as her gaze wandered to the ceiling as she made a small nod of approval. The elf continued. "As for my name, I am the only offspring of Elora- wait, for a moment I forgot you're a human. I'm Enora Qinleth."

Reiki nodded hazily, he moved his gaze back to Enora, he said. "Did I disturbed you? If so I apologize…" He glanced at the library behind her and continued. "Am I allowed to?" Enora shook her head, she said. "No, I was on my way to get some refreshments and a light snack. And yes you are allowed in-." She took a step to the side to get out of his way.

Reiki immediately ran inside, he said. "Thank you very much!" He looked around and saw a couple of wooden tables with four chairs each, there was also a ladder with wheels so you could use it to reach the books on the top shelf.

Reiki climbed up halfway on the ladder as he started to browse all the titles of the books, Enora eyes narrowed as she observed his movements, she saw him pick four books and sat on the chairs with an empty table away from the other table with a crystal lamp with a large pile of books and about seven were open and scattered around the table with one in front of the chair that was open.

Enora slowly closed the door, and walked down the hallway for a few seconds, and clapped her hands, the same elf who threw daggers at him appeared on her left. Enora kept her gaze in front and said. "I want everything mom knows about this boy named Akihito Reiki." The elf made a slight bow and vanished as Enora walked a couple of more steps and vanished herself.


Castle's Library

Reiki placed down four thick books, and all of them were introductions to magic, potioneering, blacksmithing, and basic mana manipulation on his left. When he was just about to open the book about the introduction to magic he heard a voice say. [All the books in here and you chose this?] Reiki paused for a second, he picked up the book and started reading. He thought. Ender, it's been a while. What happened to staying hidden?

The voice scoffed at him in his head and said. [I have some leeway, but the only way we could talk is when we're alone in the room. And just skim through both the potioneering and blacksmithing, you don't need them.] Reiki flipped to the next page as he was quickly reading the contents of the book, he thought. … Alright… Now, what did you want to tell me? The voice said. [Your answer.] Reiki stared at a sentence and thought. Sure, I'll be your 'successor'.

The voice didn't reply as he flipped to the next page but looked at the door, Reiki thought. The least he could do was acknowledge my agreement. Reiki started speed reading the book about introduction to magic and soon he placed it on his left and started reading about basic mana manipulation. He read. Welcome to your first step at- next page. 

Reiki flipped to the next page and started to slowly skim a few pages but made sure to not miss anything important, after a couple more pages he read. Mana is everything and everywhere, one of the most efficient ways to manipulate or command mana is a combination of imagery and precision… He scratched his head and thought. Why pair imagery with precision?... It doesn't make any sense… It's like picturing a square on a piece of paper yet the square needs to be made clockwise… 

Reiki moved a stray hair away from his eyes and continued reading. Although confusing at first, practicing spells will grant you a higher level of proficiency, allowing you to cast most spells with a wave of your hand…

Reiki remembered the time Melanor threw a wind blade at his feet with a simple wave of her hand. He continued reading. With enough practice, you can even cast mid-tier spells and with a high affinity with magic some high-tier spells. Though casting in quick succession will result in a syndrome called mana deficiency-. Reiki's gaze moved to the door when he heard the doorknob turn, he saw Enora holding a glass bottle of crystal clear water that was faintly sparkling, on the other hand she was holding a plate of three sandwiches that were cut sideways and without any crust.

The sandwiches had different filling; one was a tomato with lettuce, cucumber with a thin layer of mayo, and lastly a ham and cheese one. Reiki moved another stray strand of hair that was blocking his view away and continued reading. Side effects are pale skin, sudden fatigue, loss of balance, and slower thought process… The simplest method to relieve mana deficiency is to let one naturally recover mana throughout two to seven days or a mana potion. Reiki flipped to the next page and started speed reading.

Enora was glancing at him from time to time, her eyes narrowed as she saw Reiki was flipping through the pages at a steady rate. She moved the tall stack of books on the table and from the corner of her eye saw Reiki place down the book he was reading and picked up both the blacksmithing and potioneering.

He placed both of them side by side and simultaneously opened them and started skimming. Enora was watching using the corner of her eye, she was tidying her table and arranged the books nearly. She moved a book that was on top of two books side by side and saw a long white quill, Enora placed the quill on the side of the book she was reading while she continued to tidy while glancing at Reiki.

Using her left hand she picked up the book she was reading while her right hand rummaged through her pocket and pulled out a dark green notebook with black writings using elvish words that spelled out the word 'Note'. Enora placed her notebook down on the table and picked up her quill, she saw Reiki place both of the two books he skimmed on his right which kept her interested. 

He reached out for the book about introduction to magic and started reading. The four main categories of magic are fire, earth, water, wind. Each category has its sub-category, such examples are lava, lightning, crystal, metal, ice, blood, sound, and combustion. An individual can only be born with one or more with an affinity of the four main categories, individuals who can learn how to manipulate mana into a sub-category would require two conditions.

He flipped to the next page and continued.  One. A very high affinity with the main category. Two. A large mana pool. These two conditions alone would eliminate roughly 97.5% of the world population, the other 2.5% would still require years if not a decade of constant practice near a natural source of said sub-category… So Moranor and Melanor are sub-categories user's of magic… He flipped to the next page and continued reading.

Enora had a book near her face that was covering her nose and mouth while she was glancing at Reiki using the corner of her eye. Elona noticed Reiki's eyes were skimming through the book and soon started to flip through the pages at a steady rate. Reiki was reading. To cast a spell- I can already somewhat do that. As he flipped to the next page and continued reading. Feel the mana around you- Pass.

Reiki flipped through the pages as he skimmed through everything and eventually reached the last page and placed the book on his right on top of the three other books that were stacked on each other. He placed his elbows on the table and placed his head on his palms and thought. Other than the first few pages of each, I already read all of those in my notebook that had a better explanation… He sharply inhaled and spoke under his breath. "Looks like I already learned everything that could help me..."

Reiki stood up from the chair he was sitting on and carried all four books in one go, the stack of books was blocking his view. He said. "Great…" Reiki placed all four of the books down on the table and removed the top from the stack when he was about to lift the books again Enora closed the book she was reading and placed it on the table. She looked at him from the corner of her eye and said. "You claim you already learned everything you can here?..."

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Enora moved the chair back while sitting on it, staying on the chair she turned her body to face him, placed an elbow on the table, and lazily placed her hand on her palm. Enora crossed her legs which gave Reiki a glimpse of her white panties because of her skirt. Reiki took a good look at her and noticed she was wearing a green tunic that was tucked inside her skirt, it had the same design as her mother Elora but with short sleeves instead of long ones like her. She wore a green knife-pleated skirt with a simple black pattern on the edge, it was tied to her by a dark brown leather belt.

Enora's shoes were brown leather thigh-high boots with zippers on the back, and instead of heels, it was replaced with flat combat boots. Reiki thought. White huh… And what's with everyone and combat boots? Is a store throwing them in a trash can or something? He looked up to see Enora had an intrigued look on her face, she said. "Did you have a good look?" Reiki maintained eye contact and a straight face, he said. "I was just wondering why every elf I saw wore some form of combat boots."

A small smile appeared on her face, she said. "It's durable and practical, that goes double for us who have to walk on muddy roads, steep hills, and hunt both animals and intruders. I've seen magazines about heels and open-toed shoes but in these parts, that's a good way to get an injury." A moment of silence passed as Enora stared at him with interest, Reiki kept a straight expression. He said. "Is there anything else?"

A look of shock suddenly appeared on Enora's face, Reiki continued. "This stack of books is starting to get heavy and… I have someone waiting for me so…" He took a couple of steps towards the ladder. Enora stood up from her chair and said. "Wait!" Which made Reiki stop mid-step and turn his head to face her. She faked a cough and sat back down on the chair. Enora said. "You claimed to have read those four books."

Reiki nodded, Enora continued. "You see, from time to time I get requests from the school to help here and there, sometimes I tutor some elves, on the condition they're female of course." She flashed him a smile, Reiki stared at her for a couple of seconds and said. "So you want to ask me a few questions?..." Enora held out her hand, she said. "Just a quick review, just call it a habit when I see someone learning by themselves to see if they learned something new."

Reiki stared at her for a moment in silence while Enora kept a bright smile on her face, he eventually shrugged his shoulders and placed all the books on the table. Enora's smile widened, she cleared her throat and said. "How hot does a furnace need to be to purify an ore?" Reiki scratched the back of his head as his gaze wandered to the floorboards, the smile on her face slowly turned into a smirk.

He said. "It depends on which type of ore you plan on working and what type of fire source you have on hand..." Enora's eyes widened as she listened with interest. Reiki continued. "If you were using a middle-tier fire crystal…" He moved his head as he looked at the ceiling and crossed his arms, he continued. "You would be able to forge one or possibly even two magic circuits if you're lucky, two enchanted blades, and roughly a hundred swords, assuming they're all knight swords."

Enora placed a hand on her chin with a playful look, she said. "Other than using a pouch with time properties, name two other methods of preservation?" Reiki stared at the ceiling for a couple of seconds, he said. "Cryopreservation and… The second best option would be removing all the moisture…" Enora placed an elbow on her thigh as she laid her head on her palm, she said. "Usually when someone mentions preservation their first thoughts would be sun-dried or freezing said object in a block of ice? Why go through all the hassle?"

Reiki's gaze wandered to her face, he saw Enora was genuinely asking and wasn't testing him. He said. "When an individual is placed inside a block of ice or a high-quality herb, whatever is inside the ice will slowly leak out its mana over time. Where's cryopreservation lowers a human's body temperature to temporarily halt its function and put them into a deep sleep and most herbs wilt when directly exposed to magic when using this method would produce somewhat similar effects of a mid-tier preservation jar, assuming you don't use it for fire-based herbs."

Enora continued to listen to him, he stopped for a moment and let out a sigh, and continued. "And removing moisture came to mind because most herbs and plants can be used dried or be exposed to mana-rich water to reborn itself." A playful smile appeared on Enora's face, she said. "Who said we were talking about plants?" Reiki rolled his eyes, he said. "Then it would be your fault because you didn't clarify what object would need to be preserved."

She let out a chuckle which made her breast slightly wiggle, Enora said. "Your name is Reiki, right? Do you mind if I call you that?" She reached for her glass of water and twisted the cap letting out some of the air as soda would, Reiki faintly saw a few streaks of mana coming out of the drink as Enora took a sip, she placed the cap back on and placed it on the table. Just when Enora was about to say something Reiki interrupted and said. "How do you know my name? You introduced yourself, I never did."

Enora flashed him a smile, she said. "I just happened to overhear you when you were talking with mo- I mean mother." She faked a cough, Reiki tilted his head sideways and said. "A princess with a hobby of eavesdropping?... That's the first I've ever heard of it." Enora let out a laugh and said. "You are interesting, most people would just keep quiet, not commenting." Reiki shrugged his shoulders, he said. "I've been told I have a habit of speaking things off from the top of my head."

The smile on Enora's face slowly grew, with a knowing look from her eyes she said. "I highly doubt that…'' She glanced at the sandwiches on the table and continued. "One last question, a newt's eye, concentrated fish blood, fifty-year-old rotten root, one-week-old grounded blue flower, and a drop of the brewer's blood."

Reiki lazily stretched, he looked in the direction of the door and said. "There are two things wrong with that recipe potion. First. Every recipe ingredient is already organized in a certain order to increase the chance of completing a concoction. Instead of it blowing the entire building, it goes fish blood, rotten root, blue flower, blood, then the newt's eye. Second. If you gave that to anyone they would ask for your license and report you to the government for trying to create something illegal, or more specifically a paralyzing potion that can be turned into powdered form and be made airborne." 

The smile on her face widened as she nodded in approval, she reached for the plate of sandwiches from the table and held it out with one hand, she said. "Want one?" Using the corner of her eye she was looking at a corner with a shadow and saw something move, Reiki ignored the direction she was looking and stared at the plate. He thought. I still have one-third and another two gallons of vanilla ice cream to go through… Eh, I'm hungry. Reiki reached out for one of the sandwiches and picked the one with the cucumbers, he said. "Princess, is it fine if I asked you a few questions?"


Indoor Onsen

Elora, Melanor, and Moranor were sitting in a large wooden bath. Moranor was staring at the two other elves' chest and then looked at hers, she let out a sigh as she submerged herself in the water just above her nose. Elora was next to Melanor and had a wooden bucket floating in front of the two of them with a wine bottle and a couple of wine glasses that were full. An elf was knocking on the door, Elora let out an annoyed sigh, she said. "What is it?"

The door was opened as the elf who threw knives at Reiki walked in as some steam went out the door. The elf walked at the edge of the onsen and kneeled, she said. "The boy has met young majesty." Moranor's ears twitched as she raised one of them while intently listening, Melanor took a sip of her wine and let out a relaxed sigh.

Elora's eyes narrowed, with a threatening tone she said. "I said only bother us if it's important." The wine in her glass instantly froze, she passed it to Melanor beside her as Elora slowly stood up. She placed a hand on the water as the surface instantly froze, Elora used it to lift herself exposing her entire body, she had pasty white skin, large breasts with bright pink nipples, child-bearing hips, and a cleanly shaved crotch. With a cold look, Elora turned around to face the elf while Melanor was holding the wine glass that she froze and slowly swirled it around as she slowly melted it. 

Moranor stared at the surface that was frozen and was slowly being melted. Elora placed her right hand on her hips as she glared at the female elf who was kneeling. The female elf said. "Young majesty offered the boy her snack…" Elora raised a brow as a surprised look appeared on her face, she placed a hand on her chin as she turned around and slowly sat back down next to Melanor.

Melanor thawed the wine glass she froze and handed it to her, Elora lazily rested her head on Melanor's shoulder. Elora said. "He works fast…" Moranor suddenly stood up from the onsen as she turned around looking at the kneeling elf, with a look of disbelief she said. "I-Is that t-true?" 

The elf nodded, Moranor quickly walked out of the onsen as she carefully made her way to the door to prevent herself from sleeping, she revealed a well-tone body, decently sized breast with pink nipples, a peached shaped butt, and a small growing bush on her crotch. She reached for the doorknob and slightly opened the door and stopped and turned her head to look behind, Moranor said. "Which library?" The kneeling elf said. "Third floor on the east side, take a left, the third door on the right." Moranor nodded as she went through the door and closed it.

Elora emptied her glass of wine in one go, Melanor picked up the wine bottle and refilled her glass. Elora said. "You're dismissed." The kneeling elf nodded as she vanished from the spot. Melanor placed the wine bottle back on the wooden bucket, she said. "Are you sure about this?" Elora chuckled as carefully hugged Melanor's arm, Elora said. "The kid's smart has potential and a good head on his shoulders. What else could we want?"

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