
Chapter 75: Chapter 75: Growth Period

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Reiki was sitting on a white metal chair with purple cushions and in front of him was a white metal table with some purple fabric covers. He stared at the white tea set with some gold on the edges as Enora poured two teacups and moved one closer to him. Reiki stared at the light green liquid in the cup as he saw a faint reflection in it, he stared at it for a few seconds as Enora blew on her cup a couple of times and took a sip. 

Reiki looked around and saw different kinds of trees and vegetation around them, he said. "Nice garden." Enora flashed him a smile and said. "Thank you." She moved her cup of tea closer to her mouth but before Enora could take a sip, Reiki said. "I would enjoy my time here if not for the fact you took back the card."

Enora's lips slowly curved into a playful smile, she said. "I can't believe you managed to see that." Reiki rolled his eyes at her, he said. "I knew you would never have given it that easily." Enora placed down the teacup, she clapped her hands and said. "Excellent, now it's simple-." Reiki interrupted her and said. "But, who said I was going to entertain you in the first place?" 

The smile on Enora's face grew bigger, she said. "You're the one who asked for this." Enora raised her right hand and with a simple flick the card appeared in between her middle and index finger, she waved the card side to side showing it to him. Reiki crossed his arms, he said. "Exactly." 

Enora's eyes brightened up, she was about to say something but was cut off by Reiki. He said. "I asked, I never said anything about needing it." Enora maintained the smile on her face as she placed the card on the table in front of her, she said. "Fair… Fair… But right now, I'm the only one that's offering."

Reiki smiled, he said. "I'm sure any one of her majesty, Melanor-san, and even Moranor-san would be able to help me. Granted, one of them would require some time." Enora flashed him an enigmatic smile, she said. "It would be a shame if it were to keep dragging on… I can always pull some strings so you would never even set foot inside." Reiki picked up the cup of tea in front of him, he said. "Oh, so you'll be asking for help from her majesty… But answer me this. Why would she?" Reiki casted. God's eye.

『God's Eye Has Been Activated.』

Reiki moved his gaze on his cup of tea as he slowly moved to look at Enora who still kept a small smile on her face, under the table, he saw a constant leak of mana. Reiki thought. There's something under the table…  Enora keeping her straight expression said. "What do you mean?" Reiki flashed her an innocent smile, he said. "I mean, it's not like there's anything of value on the first floor?" Enora let out a sigh of relief, she said. "Nope, but everyone here knows I love placing my hand where it shouldn't be." Reiki thought. I bet they do. 

He moved his gaze onto Enora and saw her taking a sip of tea. Reiki said. "Then we reached a moot point." Enora held the teacup in her hand as her brows raised in interest. He continued. "There are three ways this conversation ends. One. You give me the card of your own free will and we forget this part of the conversation never even happened and I do my end of the bargain as we continue our previous chat." Enora let out a chuckle, as she took another sip of tea and let him talk.

Reiki said. "Two. I wait for you to finish your cup of tea and then I'll take my leave, or three. I walk out of this room right here, right now." Reiki picked up his cup of tea as he took a whiff of it. The smile on Enora's lips widened, she said. "You can try to leave-." He interrupted her and said. "Under this table is a mechanism." As he drank half the tea in one go, The smile on Enora's face stiffened as it was replaced with a small frown. Reiki continued. "I'm guessing from your prior confidence you can easily walk and teleport into this room, but getting out would require the use of the inscription under the table." 

He flashed her a smile as he placed his cup of tea back down on the coaster. Enora crossed her arms making her breasts press against each other, silence filled the atmosphere between the two of them as Enora started her pondering. Reiki looked around the garden admiring the plants with an almost unhealthy green on them. Enora let out a chuckle as she started laughing, as her breast slightly jiggled her laughter started getting louder as the sound of enjoyment was easily detected.

Eventually, Enora's laughter died down as she moved the white library card closer to him. She said. "More tea?" As her gaze fell onto his cup the was almost empty. Reiki moved both the coaster and the teacup closer, he said. "Sure."  Enora picked up the kettle with one hand as she poured his cup with more tea, her eyes full with anticipation she said. "Are you sure you don't need my help to get access to the second floor?"

She placed down the kettle and gently pushed the teacup closer to him, Reiki picked it up as he took another smell of the tea. He said. "I already made some preparations, you've recently known one of them and with two more steps, I'll be able to go to the second floor in roughly two to three days." Enora let out a small laugh, she stared at him and said. "You are the most intriguing individual I've ever met." Her eyes wandered to the library card that was in his reach.

Enora pointed at the card on the table using the teacup in her hand and said. "It's right over there." Reiki took a sip as he placed the cup back on the coaster, he said. "Moving on, can you further explain to me how levels work?" Enora placed her cup down, she said. "It's a rough measurement of how strong an individual is, do you know the term 'growth period'?"

Reiki placed an elbow on the table as he lazily rested his head on the palm of his hand. He said. "Fire." Enora placed a hand on her chin and continued. "All individuals regardless of race gain stats until a certain level, that level being one hundred. At each level, the individual gains one point in each of the four categories, once an individual… Let's say a human, if they were to reach level one hundred they would have a hundred in each category your species is the most equally distributed, where other species gain more points as they level up. Beastfolk gain more strength, elves gain more intelligence hence the term growth period…"

Enora snapped her fingers as a pouch appeared mid-air in front of her, she grabbed the floating pouch and pulled out a thin dark leathery notebook. Opening the notebook She continued. "Another thing is that a person can only gain three points per level, assuming an individual would be able to complete the growth period he or she would have three hundred points to invest in themselves. An individual or shall I say vessel can only handle so much, placing too many points into strength and pushing your limit could tear yourself apart. Agility could potentially snap your joints, tendons, and break your sockets. Intelligence would result in a frail body due to the overabundance of mana leaking out of the vessel resulting in a pale and sickly appearance…" 

Enora took a glance at Reiki's pasty white skin and continued. "Stamina would increase the vessel's bodily functions, such as regeneration and more importantly the metabolism. In a year roughly 4,357 adventurers die by starvation." Reiki had a look of confusion on his face, holding the teacup in his hands he said. "That many? Any chance you have the statistics of those numbers?"

Enora flipped the pages of the notebook, she said. "Majority of those who die in this… Category? Are mostly front liners, such as tanks, warriors, and monks, with monks themselves coming in second place due to their fasting and eating habits… A very small percentage of it comes from a few mages, as they lock themselves up in their research and neglect their health to pursue their goal." 

Enora let out a chuckle and continued. "I guess they thought as long as they have a slow metabolism they could avoid missing a meal or two." Enora's gaze moved to Reiki, she said. "That's mostly what you need to know, any specific topic you would like to learn about?"

Before Reiki could say anything Moranor appeared on their left, she walked into the garden drenched in sweat. Her hair was in a complete mess as she tried to move some stray strands that were blocking her vision, her tunic was hugging her body showing off her slim figure. Moranor was out of breath as she somehow managed to force herself to say. "What… Were… We… Talking… About?..." 

Reiki emptied his teacup in one go as he stood up from the chair, he said. "We were just wrapping up about our first topic." He walked towards Moranor and combed his hair back using his hands which only made it more unkempt and scraggly than before. Reiki placed his hand on Moranor's back and helped her keep her balance, he turned his head towards Enora and said. "We'll have a different conversation next time." 

Reiki looked up to Moranor and saw that she was trying to control her breathing, he said. "Let's get out of here, get you into some new clothes, and have some ice cream." Moranor sent him a glare to which Reiki responded with a smile, Moranor took a deep breath as a string of mana appeared on her hand and was headed towards the inscription under the table. 

Reiki watched with interest while Enora kept her eyes on him, a double door appeared from the same direction Moranor came from. The two of them walked towards it as Reiki turned his head sideways and said. "See you later, young majesty." Moranor gave Enora a sideways glare while Reiki reached for the doorknob and opened one of the doors, he closed the door behind them leaving Enora alone sitting on her chair. Enora let out an annoyed sigh, she said. "Moranor I never knew you had such terrible timing…" 

She stared at her lukewarm teacup as her eyes brightened up as Enora quickly moved her gaze onto Reiki's side of the table. Enora stared at the same spot she placed the library card, a smile slowly formed on her face. She said. "I didn't even see him take it." Enora picked up her teacup and stared at her reflection at the surface of the light brown tea, she spoke in barely a whisper saying. "Akihito Reiki…"

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Reiki was standing beside Moranor who placed a hand on the wall and was trying to catch her breath. Moranor was glancing at him from time to time while she tried to control her breathing, she said. "W-What did… The two of you talk about?" Reiki kept his gaze on her and said. "Nothing much, levels, what happens when you invest too much into one stat, and some statistics." Moranor turned her head to look at him, she narrowed her eyes and said. "Is that all?"

She looked deep into his eyes without blinking. Reiki maintained eye contact and with a small smile on his face, he said. "Yep, that's all." Moranor turned her head to look away as she let out a scoff. She said. "Don't get too comfortable in her presence… Enora is a handful despite how she looks…" Reiki nodded his head, he said. "I'll keep that in mind, in the meantime, you need a change of clothes and I still have a lot of ice cream her majesty Elora gave me."

Reiki looked around the hallway and stared at Moranor's wet clothes that were clinging onto her, he said. "Did you check every floor? Or is this house just that big?" Moranor straightens herself as she slowly moves her hand away from the wall, she starts to slowly walk while Reiki walks beside her. Moranor said. "It's that big." 

He blinked twice as he turned his head to look at a left turn in what seemed like an endless hallway. Reiki thought. Why is their house so big anyway?... Moranor took a right as she left him standing, Reiki quickly caught up and looked up to her, and said. "I'm sorry." Moranor's eyes widened as she stopped mid-walking and continued, with a monotone voice and a straight face she said. "For what?" Reiki kept his eyes on her face, he said. "For making you worry."

[System: User has received 274 Damage.]

Moranor punched him in his rib cage, Reiki managed to keep himself standing as he rubbed the left side of his ribs with his hand. Moranor started walking faster, without turning around she said. "I wasn't worried! You could die in a hole filled with insects for all I care! I was just making sure you weren't causing trouble for young majesty!" Moranor took a left, Reiki ran towards her and quickly caught up. With his left hand on the spot where Moranor punched him, he let out a chuckle and said. "That too."

Moranor ignored him and continued walking down the hallway as the two of them walked in silence. Reiki stared at the ceiling as they passed by a small group of light spheres lighting the hallway, he said. "I never saw a staircase here… Do you know why?" Moranor kept her eyes in front, she said. "Space magic, this is where her majesty and young majesty lives. If an intruder were to somehow infiltrate the forest and managed to sneak in here, they would be hard-pressed to know which ways are which."

Reiki turned his head as he looked left and right, he thought. Everything looks the same to me… Moranor took a left while Reiki followed her in silence walking down a couple of more hallways. Moranor reached for a doorknob and opened it. Inside was a luxurious room made Reiki's room he was staying in looked like a motel room, he thought. Talk about favoritism… Where's my mini-fridge? Where's the cute maid that barely wears anything?! 

Reiki peeked his head closer to the room, Moranor placed a hand on the doorway which blocked his vision. She said. "Out." Moranor walked into the room and slammed the door behind her, the sound of a lock being turned. Scratching the back of his head he turned around and stared at the door, he thought. This should be it… Right? He walked towards the door and reached out for the doorknob and slowly opened it.

Reiki made a small crack and peeked inside the room and saw the same two large beds. He opened the door completely and walked inside as he closed the door behind him, Reiki looked around the empty room. He softly spoke to himself saying. "Enrel-san went somewhere…" He walked towards the bed on the right where Moranor laid down and hogged the blanket, removing the somewhat worn down shoes he plopped on the bed as he stared at the ceiling. Reiki placed both his hands behind his head as he let out one long breath from his mouth, he said. "Now, I wait…"

He sat upright on the bed and pulled out a wooden spoon and the pouch from his pockets that Elora gave him, Reiki placed his hand inside the pouch and took out a large tub of vanilla ice cream. He took the lid off and started eating as he stared at the wall of the room, the sound of footsteps was getting closer as the door was opened as Enrel walked in with a big friendly smile on her face.

She was holding a large plate filled with different kinds of cheese, a few loaves of bread, a few whole pieces of cured meat with a knife stabbed into one entire ham that was partially sliced. Enrel walked towards the edge of the bed making sure to maintain her smile, she said. "I found some extra food lying around the kitchen." Reiki thought. More like you stole everything you could find in their fridge. 

Enrel placed the plate down on the bed, Reiki watched as he ate a few large spoonfuls of ice cream. Enrel faked a cough and said. "Reiki, you're young right?" Reiki nodded as he kept a straight expression. Enrel continued. "I know you already gave me something that only a few people could dream of, but." Enrel raised a finger and continued. "I may or may not, have… Made a misstep…" Reiki just kept on eating ice cream while keeping a straight face, Enrel tried to read his expression while a moment of silence passed.

Enrel placed down her hand, she said. "So, now I need you to put in a good word for me… My brilliant plan was to graciously give you about ten percent of the resources all the while helping you with your request." She stopped to see if she could discern anything from Reiki who had a spoon in his mouth. Enrel cleared her throat and continued. "So can you do me this small favor?" 

Enrel flashed him a brighter smile as she made her request. Reiki stared at her for a few seconds, he thought. This elf tried to screw me over and now she's asking for my help to help her achieve her goal and take everything she can... Reiki moved the spoon out of his mouth and placed it in the tub of ice cream, he said. "Then let's do it sixty-forty." Enrel's eyes widened in surprise for a split second, her smile completely froze when she heard him continue. Reiki said. "Sixty for me and forty for you."

Enrel had a troubled expression on her face, she said. "Then, this puts me in a bit of a bind… You see my uh, projects would cost some money to fund and-." Reiki interrupted her and suddenly said. "Sixty-five for me, thirty-three for you." Enrel stood up from the bed, she took a deep breath to calm herself down and said. "That's not how negotiations work." Reiki shrugged his shoulders, he said. "All I have under my sleeve is a hard bargain, one number goes up the other goes down. Seventy for me, thirty for you."

Enrel grabbed Reiki by the shoulders, she said. "W-Wait! R-Reiki we can talk about this! Let's split it in the middle! Fifty-fifty! That's completely fair right!?" Reiki stared at Enrel's panicked expression, keeping a straight face, he said. "Seventy-five for me and twenty-five for you. I never offer the same deal."

Enrel let go of his shoulders as she paced around the end of the bed, Reiki reached for the plate full of food and made a sandwich with cured meat and cheese. The door was opened as Moranor took a couple of steps in and saw Enrel pacing around and Reiki eating a sandwich while watching Enrel. Enrel's eyes brightened up as she quickly walked in front of her and placed her hands on Moranor's shoulders, Enrel said. "Mora I know we had our differences in the past, but can you please put some sense into him."

Enrel pointed at Reiki who was making more sandwiches while there were some crumbs on the edge of his lips and a piece of cheese in his mouth. Enrel continued. "Reiki is being unreasonable and he wants the entire pie to himself." Moranor awkwardly nodded and walked towards him, when she reached the bed Reiki offered her a meticulously made sandwich to which she accepted.

Moranor sat on the bed, she said. "Reiki, how about being nice for Enrel but not for her but for me?" Reiki used the edge of his tunic to rub his mouth clean, he said. "Sixty-forty leaning my way." Enrel suddenly appeared next to Moranor and said. "Fifty-fifty, take it or leave it." Reiki was about to say something when Moranor suddenly placed a hand over his mouth, she said. "Fifty-five, forty-five, leaning his way." 

Moranor turned her head towards him, she continued. "Is that fine with you Reiki?" Moranor just stared at him with a neutral expression, he blinked twice as he nodded. Moranor turned her head towards Enrel. Moranor said. "Forty-five. Now-." Moranor suddenly stopped when she noticed Enrel was gone from the room, there was a piece of parchment on the bed, Moranor picked the parchment up, and on it was a note written in elvish saying. Fifty-five, forty-five leaning his way. I'll go tell her majesty. Moranor crumbled the piece of parchment and placed it on the nightstand.

She turned her head to look at Reiki who went back to eating while holding a sandwich, Moranor grabbed him by the collar of his tunic and picked him up. Moranor made sure to remove her combat boots as she sat on the same spot on the bed where he previously was while laying down on the pillows, Moranor placed Reiki on her lap and said. "Okay… What was that about?"

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