
Chapter 76: Chapter 76: Haruka

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Reiki reached for the large plate of food and placed it in front of them, he sliced off some cured meat and threw it into his mouth, while chewing he said. "Resources distribution." Moranor placed her hand on top of his head, she said. "Don't talk if you're chewing on something, that's terrible etiquette."

Reiki swallowed, he nodded his head and said. "Point taken." He reached out for the large tub of ice cream and scooped up a spoonful and moved it closer towards Moranor's lips. She opened wide and let him feed her, Reiki scooped up some more ice cream using the wooden spoon and said. "How was your shower?"

Moranor swallowed as she reached for the tunic Reiki was wearing and used it to wipe her mouth, she said. "It was fine, though it is weird staying in such a high-class house… If you can even call this place one." Reiki had the wooden spoon in his mouth while trying to make more sandwiches, he placed the spoon back in the tub while Moranor picked it up and took one big scoop, and ate it. He said. "I thought you knew your way around this house?" 

Moranor nodded as she placed the spoon back in the tub and reached for the sandwich that was meticulously made by Reiki. She said. "I do, but I only usually visit this place at most twice a year, both of those visits don't even reach fifteen minutes." Moranor took a bite of the sandwich as she made a small nod of approval, Reiki made a few more sandwiches with the rest of the bread.

On the plate were a few sandwiches with cheese, and cured meats. Moranor carefully waved her sandwich around and said. "This could use some mayo and tomato." Reiki started slicing all the cured meat and cheese on the plate into bite-size pieces, he said. "I know, but in my defense, you can blame that on Enrel-san. Though she did choose high-quality ingredients." 

Moranor nodded in agreement, she stared at the sandwich in her hand and said. "I just wish she brought some water or juice, this amount of food would make your mouth go dry." Reiki placed down the knife and picked up some cheese, he said. "Agreed." As he threw the cheese into his mouth and laid back on Moranor's front. Moranor stared at him for a few seconds, she rolled her eyes at him before she let out a sigh, a few seconds passed as the two of them continued their meal in peace.

Moranor reached for the spoon in the ice cream tub while Reiki had a sandwich in his mouth while reaching for some cheese, the door suddenly swung open as Enora said. "What a coincidence! I was passing by and-." Enora stopped when her gaze wandered to the sight of the two of them in bed while Reiki was sitting on top of Moranor's lap while his head was in between her chest. 

Enora blinked twice while Reiki stuffed himself with more meat and cheese, Moranor ate another spoonful of ice cream and just stared at Enora with an annoyed expression. Enora cleared her throat and continued. "And I wanted to see how our guests are doing…"

Enora walked in the room and closed the door behind her. Reiki picked up another sandwich from the plate while Moranor ate the last bite and was reaching for another one. Reiki let out a small burp, he said. "Excuse me. I can't speak for Moranor's current mood but I'm doing fine." Moranor moved her empty hand behind his head and flicked him.

[System: User has received 8 Damage.]

Moranor rolled her eyes at him and took a bite of the sandwich, Enora stared at them for a couple of seconds before nodding, she said. "What do you think the two of you are doing?" Reiki was about to take another bite from the sandwich in his hands while Moranor was reaching for some cheese, he picked up a piece of cheese and placed it onto Moranor's hand. Reiki said. "Eating." 

Moranor ate the cheese while she just stared at Enora. Enora walked towards them, placing her hands on her hips, and said. "I know, but you can't just eat on a bed." Reiki took a bite of his sandwich while reaching for some cured meat, Moranor picked up the wooden spoon and scooped some ice cream. Moranor said. "Why? It's not your bed."

The corner of Enora's eye twitched, she said. "You're not the one who has to clean it." A smirk appeared on Moranor's lips, she placed the spoon back into the tub of ice cream and said. "Clean? And here I thought that word wasn't in your vocabulary."

Reiki continued with stuffing himself with more food while the two elves went on with their conversation. Enora took a deep breath to calm herself, she said. "You shouldn't be eating at a bed in the first place." Moranor let out a chuckle, with an amused smile and a sandwich in her right hand. Morano said. "Why? We're not bothering anyone." 

Enora quickly answered. "You're bothering me." Moranor's smirk turned into a big smile, she said. "Then why don't you just leave? You know where the door is." Moranor pointed at the door behind Enora's back. Reiki picked up the spoon and scooped some ice cream and moved it closer to Moranor, she opened her mouth as he placed the spoon inside to which Moranor closed her mouth. Enora, seeing their intimate interaction, clenched her hand into a fist, she said. "Then in that case make, make some room. Don't expect young majesty over here to stay standing while the two of you eat while laying down."

Enora appeared next to Moranor in bed, she took one of the pillows and placed it on her back. Reiki thought. When was the last time I was in bed with two women?... Moranor narrowed her eyes while Enora ignored Moranor's stare, Enora's gaze was on Reiki who was eating while he stared at a wall. Enora said. "Reiki got anything particular you're going to do today?" Reiki shook his head, he swallowed and said. "Not really, I might drop by the library for a short visit… That's about it."

Enora made herself comfortable in the bed, she kept her eyes on him and with a smile said. "I can give you a tour if you want, it just so happens I have a free schedule for…" Moranor let out a scoff dripping with disdain, she said. "Your schedule is always free." Moranor reached for the spoon and scooped some ice cream and moved it closer to Reiki's face. He opened his mouth to which Moranor almost shoved half the spoon into his mouth, Reiki managed to move his head back.

Reiki moved his head upwards as he gave Moranor a questioning look, Moranor was staring at a wall avoiding his gaze while Enora had a smile on her face. Enora said. "Can't even do something as, feed someone else properly." Reiki placed a hand on his throat and moved his jaw around, he said. "I'm fine, at worst Moranor would've hit the top of my mouth."

He went back to eating while the smile on Enora's face slowly turned into a visible frown, Moranor scooped some more ice cream and gently moved it to Reiki's face. He opened his mouth as Moranor carefully moved the spoon closer, Reiki closed his mouth as he gave Moranor a thumbs up while he was reaching for a slice of cured meat. Enora watched from the side with her arms crossed making her breasts press against each other with a frown on her expression, she stared at the two of them eating in silence as a moment passed.

Moranor reached for another sandwich while her other hand was holding a couple of slices of cured meat. Reiki ate the last bite of the sandwich in his hand as he picked up the spoon and scooped a large amount of ice cream and ate it in one go, he scooped more ice cream and moved it closer to Moranor's face. Moranor ate the ice cream from the spoon which irritated Enora, she placed a hand on her chin.

Enora said. "Reiki, shall we have a conversation about inscriptions? Theory of magic?" Reiki threw a piece of cheese into his mouth while Moranor glanced at her and flashed her a sideways smirk, before Enora could say anything Reiki raised a finger. He said. "Maybe another time, learning is beneficial and all but, learning too much in one day would have more detriments. An individual's brain can only absorb so much information in a single day." Moranor scuffled Reiki's unkempt hair making it even messier, with a sandwich near his lips he looked up to Moranor and said. "What was that for?"

Moranor flashed him a smile, she said. "I felt like it." Reiki shrugged his shoulders as he reached for some more cheese and cured meat, Enora scratched the back of her head, she said. "Then how about-." She suddenly stopped mid-sentence, from the corner of her eye she saw three elves. Elora stared at the three of them in bed, Melanor had an odd expression, not believing her eyes while Enrel blinked twice as a smile suddenly appeared on her face. Enrel coughed to clear the atmosphere and said. "Here you can ask him for yourself, Reiki agreed on fifty-fifty." 

Melanor's gaze was stuck on her daughter with the boy sitting on her lap while eating. Moranor's face slowly turned red as she moved the plate farther and lifted Reiki off her lap and placed him near the plate. Moranor tried to keep a straight expression while her cheeks were flushed red.

Enora didn't care as she made herself even more comfortable and completely laid down on the bed, she placed both her hands under the pillow and watched. Reiki picked up some cheese and said. "I said, fifty-five to forty-five leaning my way." The smile on Enrel's stiffened, Elora smirked as she watched the show unfold while Melanor was still staring at her daughter who was blushing and was slowly fading away. Enrel said. "I think you remember it wrong, Reiki."

Enrel let out an awkward chuckle as she gave him a meaningful look. Reiki stared at her and crossed his arms, he said. "I think I did, remember it wrong." Enrel let out a sigh of relief, Elora and Enora raised their eyebrows while Moranor and Melanor were having a conversation using their expressions and body language. Reiki continued. "It was sixty to forty my way." Enrel froze on the spot while Elora and her daughter Enora let out an amused chuckle simultaneously, Melanor and Moranor finished their conversation with each other as their gazes traveled to Enrel who froze on the spot.

Enrel eyes quickly honed in on Moranor, she appeared next to her and grabbed her forearm. Enrel said. "Little Mora… I treated you so well if you convince your… Friend… To you know, I'll give you a special gift for your special day." Moranor's eyes brightened up, she said. "How special?" Reiki pointed at the two elves using his thumb with his face saying 'talk about desperate', Elora smiled at him while Melanor stared at him oddly. Enora quietly watched the show in front of her unfold as she waved her hand as one of the sandwiches flew towards her palm, Enora said. "A show and something to snack on."

She took a small bite of the sandwich as her eyes were glued onto Enrel who was bribing Moranor. Enrel flashed Moranor a smile, Enrel said. "Very special, you know how I am at spending." Enrel gave Moranor a meaningful glance, Elora grabbed the edge of Melanor's dress and gave it a slight tug which made Melanor turn her head towards her. Elora said. "How has she not changed in the last fifty years?"

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Melanor gave her a helpless smile, she said. "She does lock herself in her house every day." Elora placed a hand on her chin, she said. "That alone won't explain it…" Moranor placed a hand on Reiki's forearm, with a sweet voice she said. "Reiki-." Moranor stopped when he interrupted her, he said. "Sure." All five elves were stunned silent, Reiki holding a sandwich with a couple of bites turned his head to look at Moranor. He said. "Only because you're the one asking me, but if she tries to pull something again Enrel-san will only get ten percent."

Moranor was stunned for a brief second before a smile crept on her lips, she faked a cough to remove the smile on her face. Enora frowned as she held the half-eaten sandwich in her hand, Melanor kept on staring at him oddly while Elora flashed him an enigmatic smile. Enrel was stunned for a moment before she smiled and hastily said. "That's fair! So, deal?" As she offered her hand to Reiki for a handshake.

Reiki grabbed Enrel's hand and made a firm handshake, his grip made her wince a little as he let go of her hand. Enrel stared at her hand and said. "Are you still mad about the deal? It's already fifty-five to forty-five leaning your way."  Four elves stared at him with a hint of judgment in their eyes while Moranor's eyes had a hint of worry in them, Reiki shook his head and said. "No, I wouldn't have cared if you didn't even give me anything." The corner of Enrel's eye twitched. He continued. "If you've met humans and had a few handshakes you'll notice humans with a weak grip are often untrustworthy."

Elora had a pondering look on her face, she said. "For you to claim that you must have at least something to base it on." Enora had an intrigued look on her face as she listened intently. Reiki lazily stretched as he let out a small burp, he said. "Excuse me, no research but more on experience. If a human has a weak grip it means he or she has never done any physical labor in their life, such as blacksmithing, construction, and the like. Humans like this are usually in the higher social circle and have never worked hard a day in their life."

All the elves had a pondering look on their faces while Elora had a slow realization. Reiki waved the sandwich in his hand and said. "I can go on and on about this, but I think it would be better if someone changed the topic… And judging by the looks of your faces you've all met your fair share of humans." He let out a chuckle as he took another bite of the sandwich in his hand. The somewhat dark atmosphere in the room slowly dissolved, Elora coughed and said. "Since it's been confirmed by… The two themselves, does anyone here have any plans?"

Reiki continued eating while Moranor quietly ate behind him as she sneakily reached out and took a piece of cheese. Enora lazily stretched on the bed making her chest slightly jiggle, she said. "Nothing as usual." Elora rolled her eyes at her daughter. Enrel started walking towards the door, she said. "I'll write up the contract and iron out some of the details."

Enrel walked out of the room and vanished as she left the door open, Melanor crossed her arms as she stood next to Elora. Moranor stared at the sandwich in her hand as she said. "I'll just try and enjoy my stay."

All four elves turned their head towards Reiki who had a sandwich in his mouth as he picked up a couple of slices of cured meat. He looked around and saw all four of them were staring at him, Reiki swallowed and said. "Nothing much, with the time I have on my hands currently. For the day I'll drop by for a quick visit to the library to familiarize myself with the layout for a few minutes, other than that, the usual."

Melanor looked at him oddly, she said. "You mean training?" Reiki nodded, he said. "Yep, I have one set of clothes with me that I currently don't know where it is." He turned his head around to look at Moranor and move the sandwich closer to his mouth, before he took a bite, Reiki said. "On that note Moranor, where is my extra set of clothes?" 

Moranor reached inside her pocket and pulled out her pouch, she placed her hand inside of it and took out another green tunic, brown pants, and threw it at his face. Reiki gave her a thumbs-up as he moved the clothes off his face and took a good look at them, Elora and Melanor let out a short laugh. Melanor walked out of the room as she waited outside, Elora looked at her daughter Enora and saw she had her eyes narrowed as she stared at the two. Elora said. "Enora."

Enora turned her head as she looked at her mother, Elora continued. "Shall we give the two of them some privacy?" Enora blinked twice as she flashed her mother a smile, Enora said. "Maybe later, Reiki and I were in the middle of a conversation." Elora let out a helpless sigh, she flashed Reiki a smile as she walked out of the room while Melanor closed it behind her.

Moranor used the corner of her eye and glanced at Enora who was making herself comfortable while Reiki was making work with the large plate and ate almost half of it. Reiki picked up the spoon as he ate a large spoonful of ice cream and placed it in his mouth in one go, he picked up another sandwich and passed it behind him to Moranor. He turned his head sideways and said. "I need some help finishing this off."

As he let out a loud burp. Moranor nodded as Reiki got off the bed and did some light stretches. Moranor picked up some cheese, she said. "Why the sudden urge to stand?" She threw the cheese into her mouth, Reiki turned around to face the two elves on the bed. He said. "I'll drop by the library to familiarize myself with the layout. Later."

He lazily waved at them and started walking towards the door. Enora's eyes brightened as she quickly stood up from the bed and took a few steps towards him, before she could say anything Moranor appeared right in front of her.

Moranor glared at Enora, Moranor said. "Where are you going?" Enora flashed her a smile and said. "I was thinking Reiki here might need a guide so he doesn't get lost." Reiki stared at the two of them as he shrugged his shoulders, turned around, and walked towards the door. Moranor's eyes narrowed, she said. "He's capable of finding his way." Enora maintained her smile as she said. "Then I guess I'll push some things around to keep him company for the short while." Reiki was by the door, he casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

Reiki vanished from the room and appeared on the opposite side, with the sound of the two elves continuing their conversation he picked a random direction and started walking down the hallway.

~Ten Minutes Later~

Reiki was in the middle of a hallway as he placed a hand on his chin, he thought. Yep, I'm lost… How big is this place?... He looked around and saw another window, Reiki walked towards it and saw it lead towards the front of the house. Reiki thought. Should I?... I bet I won't be able to open the window-. He placed his hand under the window and opened it upwards as it easily slid open. 

He continued his train of thought. Well, okay then. I guess they never really made any preparations for someone going out of the house. So what floor am I on?... Third? Fourth?... Reiki walked backward as he kept his eyes on the window he opened, he suddenly exhaled and started sprinting at full speed as he jumped through it.

Reiki's clothes were fluttering from the wind as he started getting closer to the ground, he casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

As he was a few feet off the ground he suddenly vanished and appeared roughly six inches above the ground and made a soft thud on the flat grass area, talking to himself he said. "Hopefully, I know the right way." As he walked towards the shopping district.


The Edge Of The Elf Village

A girl with a decent figure was walking through the forest, she had sickly pale skin, neat yet somehow messy hair that was styled into a ponytail reaching past her shoulders. She had a brown satchel on her side with two thick large books with the spine hidden. She was holding a notebook as she lazily waved her hand to gently move some branches out of her path. Haruka said. "I'm almost there." As she pulled out a parchment with a list of dozens of ingredients that most of them were crossed out. 

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