
Chapter 77: Chapter 77: Library

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Haruka let out a tired sigh as she continued walking and soon saw the same two elves that Melanor and Reiki previously met, one of them shouted. "Who's there!-. Oh, it's you again, feel free to go in." The younger elf glared at Haruka as she walked inside the town.


Elven Shopping District

There were dozens of elves going around buying all sorts of things on their lists, some were in pairs, three, and a couple of groups sitting by the fountain eating. Reiki stood out like a sore thumb being a human despite his clothing he wore, he thought. It should be straight from here. He started walking again as he noticed the countless stares from all directions, some were curious, a handful were indifferent, and a few were trying to glare a hole into him. 

Keeping his gaze in front as he continued walking, Reiki ignored the stares and thought. It's better than I thought, at least only a minority of them are openly hostile and all of those who are, are just giving me nasty looks. After walking for a short period he came across the library and reached for the doorknob and went inside, a few seconds later Haruka who was yawning as she carefully rubbed her eyes walked by the library and headed towards the shopping district.

Haruka walked to the shopping district as some of the elves glanced at her from the corner of their eye and went on their way. Haruka went towards one of the shorter lines of the vendors and bought a couple of mystery skewers, she continued walking from the same direction Reiki came from as she ate while walking.


First Floor Library

Reiki stood by near the counter with a female elf behind it staring at him, He scratched the back of his head and thought. Yep, it's worse than I expected… This place is bigger than I imagined... He looked around the seemingly never-ending row of shelves reaching to the ceiling with their ladder and a designated area with tables, chairs, and light crystals. Reiki continued his thoughts. Can I even pull my plan off tomorrow?... 

He turned his head and stared at the designated area with dozens of elves studying and each of them had a minimum of five to six books on hand with at least two open. The elf behind the counter that was staring at him softly cough, she spoke in a whisper to not interrupt the others reading but loud enough for him to hear. She accidentally spoke in elvish and said. "Do you need any-." She stopped herself mid-sentence and spoke in clunky common tongue and said. "Do you need help?"

Reiki turned his head sideways and looked at her, he walked towards her and spoke in flawless elvish, and said. "Elvish is fine with me." Which stunned the elf, a few elves who were reading managed to pry their eyes away from the books as a couple of them raised an eyebrow from a young human speaking elvish. The elf softly coughs as she regained her composure, she said. "Would you like some help finding any particular books? I have a list of all the books that were borrowed within the month. If it isn't on the list chances are it's somewhere here."

Reiki shook his head, he said. "Thank you for your offer but, for my first visit, I'm just going to familiarize myself with the place." The elf smiled, from behind the counter she opened a few draws as she searched for something. Most of the draws were filled with ledgers, ink bottles, a few pouches, and finally one filled with dozens of neatly folded maps. The elf behind the counter carefully took one of the maps and placed it on the counter, she unfolded it as the tip of her index finger began to faintly glow.

The empty parchment was slowly filled with the large outline of the floor, written on it were sections of each corner as they were alphabetized with each row of a single shelf having a number ranging from 1,000 from the bottom layer to 2,000 on the second most bottom layer. The elf pointed at the entrance of the map and said. "This is where you currently are." 

Reiki walked closer as he lifted himself on top of the counter using his arms, the female elf continued. "The first floor is split into four sections such as magic, herbology, craftsmanship, and inscription. You'll be able to find everything you need in its designed categories, for example in craftsmanship you'll be able to find blueprints of common items and a handful of magic trinkets, beginners guide for blacksmithing, and lastly a few simplified methods of crafting." She moved her hand away from the map as she looked at him, she continued. "Would you like to buy a map?"

Reiki blinked twice and thought. Buy?... It's not free?... He politely said. "How much would it be?" The elf placed a hand on her chin and said. "If I remember correctly, your country's currency is ¥100 for bronze, ¥1,600 for silver, ¥25,600 for gold, and ¥360,000 for platinum." Reiki nodded as the elf moved her hand away from her chin and continued. "This map would cost you one platinum elven coin. If you're planning on using your country's currency you would need about 1.5 times the amount of ¥360,000. You would need to pay ¥540,000." 

Reiki kept a calm face and thought. 1.5 times the value of our coins?... So theirs would be… ¥150, ¥2,400, ¥38,400, and ¥540,000… Reiki rummaged through his pocket to look for the white library card Enora got him, he placed it on top of the counter and said. "Can I use this?" The elf's eyes widened in surprise, a smile quickly formed on her face as she said. "Yes, let me just." She picked up the card and placed it under a crystal, a rectangular popped from the top of the crystal as the elf was stunned.

The elf stared at the screen for a few seconds as she took a glance at him using the corner of her eye, she folded the map and passed it to him using both her hands. She said. "Would you like to know more about our services?" Reiki stopped lifting himself above the counter using his hands as he carefully set foot back on the ground, he took the map off her hands and said. "What kind?"

The elf continued. "We offer three kinds of services and each of them has a small fee. One. Reservation's, for a small fee we would put your name in a list along with others, you get a certain amount of time with these books. Two. Search, tell me the name of the book, and in an hour or so depending on the rarity of the book we would either lend you the book or if, by any off chance the library doesn't have one, we would give you a refund along with an address where you are guaranteed to find it, though the travel distance is not our concern."

She adjusted some things behind the counter and continued.. "And lastly three. Room. Depending on the duration of your stay could be quite costly, we offer a private room equipped with a bed, light spheres, light crystals, and a workbench, each room is assigned with an elf who cleans and delivers meals. I shall say this in advance the price of the meal is not included in the room, you would have to choose from our menu and all the books shall be placed outside the room under the elf's supervision until you finish the meal."

The elf flashed him a bright smile as Reiki blinked at her twice, he thought. Wow… He said. "Thank you for the information, but I'll have to decline for now." The elf nodded, she said. "Understood." Reiki turned around as he unfolded the map and took a step and stopped when he heard the elf behind the counter speak again. The elf said. "Young boy, wait." Reiki turned his head sideways as he stared at the elf, she continued. "I almost forgot to ask for your name." He replied. "Reiki. Akihito Reiki." The elf smiled at him and said. "Call me Saria." Reiki nodded at her as he looked in front of him and started walking while using the map.


Elora's Garden

Melanor was sitting on Elora's right while Enrel was sitting on her left, in front of her was Haruka who was holding a cup of tea in her hands as she gently blew on it to cool it down. Haruka took a small sip as she carefully placed the teacup back on the coaster and hurriedly took out the parchment with dozens of ingredients crossed out, Haruka said. "Your majesty for my weekly report. I recently managed to stumble upon the heart of a frozen lotus along with a couple of others." 

Enrel continued to enjoy her cup of tea, Melanor picked up the kettle and refilled Elora's nearly empty teacup. Elora stared at the teacup and said. "What's left on the list?" Haruka nodded, she said. "Only two left your majesty, a spider orchid, and a lightning lily with a requirement of being three hundred years old at the minimum."

Elora picked up her hot cup of tea as she took a small sniff of the fragrance, she said. "You're making good progress." Haruka hastily said. "Thank you, your majesty." All three elves were holding their cup of tea as they took sips at their leisure, Haruka patiently waited as she stared at her cup of tea in front of her. Elora nodded, she said. "What are your-." 

Elora stopped as she looked at the corner of her eye and saw an elf wearing a thick black cloak covering their entire body with the cloak covering its face, the elf slowly reached out a piece of parchment to Elora with her daughter's name Enora written on it. Melanor frowned as she stared at the elf while Enrel ignored it and filled her cup with more tea. Melanor spoke with a slightly annoyed tone, she said. "I thought I said not to disturb us?" Haruka kept her eyes on the cup of tea in front of her as she picked it up and took a sip.

Elora seeing the piece of parchment rolled her eyes, she said. "It's from little Nora." Haruka's eyes widened, she said. "Young majesty?!" Her gaze stuck to the parchment from the elf's hands as her eyes were filled with curiosity. Elora took the parchment off the elf's hands as the elf wearing the cloak made a deep bow towards her, the elf let out a hoarse voice as if it had a problem with speaking but managed to say. "I… Apologies… For… Interrupting… It… Was… Young… Majesty… Request…"

Elora gave the elf a nod of acknowledgment, she said. "You may go." The elf suddenly vanished out of thin air as if the elf in question was never there in the first place. Elora unfolded the parchment and read the contents in her head, on the parchment it contained the personal writing of Enora saying. Reiki jumped off the fourth floor and used a teleportation spell I have never seen before! Is it possible for you to demand to show it to us first hand?! 

You are reading story Re:World at

Elora let out a small laugh as she passed the note to Melanor who then passed it to Enrel, after Enrel finished reading it she burned it in the palm of her hands as the note turned into ashes and crumbled away from the small gust of wind that coincidentally blew it away. Haruka with a curious look on her face carefully tried to test the waters, she said. "What did young majesty write?" Elora flashed her a smile, she said. "Something amusing." 

Haruka moved her gaze back on her cup that was somewhat half full, silence permeated the atmosphere around her as she kept to herself. Elora picked up her cup of tea, she said. "You may go." Haruka slowly stood up from her seat as she looked at Elora as if she wanted to say something but couldn't muster the courage. Elora took a sip, she placed the teacup back on the coaster on the table, and continued. "When you finish the list, I'll give you access to the second floor of the library for some time."

Haruka's eyes widened, she gave Elora a bow and said. "Thank you, your majesty." Haruka walked towards a door that slowly appeared on the wall, she reached toward the doorknob and walked out of the room, and gently closed the door behind her. Elora lazily stretched as Enrel emptied her teacup in one go, Melanor rolled her eyes at Enrel's gesture. Enrel said. "Finally, she's gone… Are you going to keep your word of giving her access to the second floor?"

Elora lazily waved her hand at the items on the table, Melanor snapped her fingers as a male elf walked in using the door who was standing by the door on the outside, he was pushing a wooden cart with three baskets. The male elf hurriedly picked up the hot kettle and placed it on the top of the cart along with the cups which still had some tea. The elf bowed towards the three of them as he pushed the cart out of the room through the door, Melanor reached for the belt on her waist and pulled out her pouch, and took out a wine bottle.

Elora took out three wine glasses and placed them on the table, Melanor effortlessly took the cork off the wine bottle and filled the three glasses with a bright red liquid. Elora picked up one of the glasses as she stared at it, she said. "Of course some of the books would be off-limits to her." Enrel let out a small yawn, she said. "Figures." She picked up a glass of wine and downed it in one go, Enrel licked her lips and said. "You're the second richest among the three of us and yet you are cheapening out on wine."

Melanor swirled the glass in her hand as she tried to appreciate the faint fragrance, she moved her gaze onto Enrel and said. "Unlike you who buys only luxuries, I for one only like to splurge on special occasions." Enrel grabbed the wine bottle and filled her glass with more wine, she said. "Same thing." Enrel drank half the wine in her glass in one go, Enrel placed it back down and crossed her arms, with a serious tone she said. "What about the boy?" Melanor took a sip from her wine glass, she said. "What about him?" Enrel gently flicked the tip of the glass as it made a soft high pitch sound, she continued. "When he gets access to the second floor, as we all know it will happen sooner or later."

Enrel looked at both of their reactions, Elora was indifferent while Melanor rolled her eyes. Enrel blinked twice and said. "Is he going to have the same restrictions?" Elora swirled the wine in her glass, she said. "Depending on his performance… I might just give him full access…" Melanor took a sip of wine while Enrel almost dropped her glass but managed to catch it without spilling a single drop, she said. "Seriously!? I don't even have that luxury!"

Enrel stared at Elora who took a sip of wine, Melanor continued. "What influenced your decision?..." Elora's lips slowly curved into a smile, she said. "A certain dragon wouldn't stop bad-mouthing him and wouldn't give me anything." She flashed both of them a meaningful smile as they pondered their thoughts.


First Floor Library

Reiki was sitting near the counter as he massaged his left leg, he thought. That was only one section… He placed both his hands on the counter as Reiki slowly picked himself up, his gaze wandered to the elf behind the counter, and instead of Saria was a male elf wearing the usual tunic and pants. The male elf stared at him oddly as if he didn't know what to do, Reiki speaking in flawless Elvish he said. "Where's Saria?" 

The elf was stunned before he softly coughed, the male elf said. "Her shift was over roughly eight minutes ago." Reiki nodded at him as he walked towards the entrance of the library, opening the door he took half a step outside and saw Haruka from the right using the corner of his eye.

For a split second, Haruka was taken aback by Reiki opening the door from the library but was soon replaced by anger as a sweet smile appeared on her face. Reiki took a step back in the library and closed the door like normal, he walked towards the counter of the desk and said. "Do you have a back exit?" The door suddenly opened as a vine that was aiming for his ankle swiftly brought him outside the library, the vine carefully closed the door as a dozen elves looked at the door with looks of confusion on their faces.

Outside the library, Reiki was upside down and was being held by a vine by his left ankle, Haruka still had a sweet smile on her face. She said. "Remember me? You little shit." Reiki blinked twice and said. "Ahoruka." Haruka gently slapped her left shoulder with her right hand, she said. "That's right-. No! I'm Haruka!"

Reiki's gaze wandered to the vine that was coming from the inside of her satchel. Haruka took a deep breath to calm herself, she said. "By the looks of how you're dressed up, you probably have an illusion spell on you. Thought you could infiltrate the elves without much problem?" Haruka let out a chuckle as her sweet smile turned cruel, she continued. "Looks like your luck has gone dry, any last words?" Reiki's gaze wandered to Haruka's cruel smile as he took a glance towards the outer side of the town, he said. "I think you don't see the flaw in your plan." Haruka let out a chuckle, she decided to humor him and said. "Tell me then, what flaw?"

Reiki placed his left hand on his chin as he raised his index finger and pointed at the ground while upside down, he said. "For starters…" He let a couple of seconds pass, Reiki continued. "You are going to catch me first." He casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

Reiki disappeared from Haruka's vision as she was stunned for a second, she looked around and saw him sprinting towards the outer side of the town. Haruka let out a sigh of annoyance as she rummaged through her satchel and took out a small jar of moss, she opened the jar and placed the moss on the ground next to her. 

Haruka walked on top of the moss and positioned her footing as if she was riding a longboard, the moss slowly raised as it looked like a wave and started catching up to him. Reiki took a peek behind him, he thought. Is she surfing?... On moss?... A few vines started to appear from her satchel as it swung towards him like a whip, Reiki barely managed to duck down as he heard the vine pass above his head breaking the sound barrier.

Reiki tried to bob and weave as he rapidly changed his running path to throw her aim off, he took a closer look towards the moss underneath her foot and thought. I think I get it… A vine quickly lashed towards him as he slid on the grass to stop his momentum, the vine managed to create a large clean cut on the ground a few centimeters from his shoes. After stopping for a second he went back to running, he thought. She's enjoying this…

Haruka let out a short laugh, she said. "Don't stare too much, children your age might get a headache from trying to understand this level of magic." The two of them quickly entered the outskirts of the village as trees were becoming more and more frequent making Reiki move in zigzags to try and attempt to create some distance between the two of them.

Reiki looked behind him and saw the moss move and curve onto a tree without losing any speed, with the sweet smile on her face, Haruka said. "Not so tough now that booby wonderland and miss money bags aren't here to protect you!" She raised her hands as more vines came out from her satchel and roughly formed something that looked like a fist. Haruka extended her hand as the hand made out of vines quickly moved towards him, Reiki casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

He appeared on the right of the area where the fist vine hit the ground as it made a decently sized crater as the ground shook making Reiki stop to prevent himself from losing his footing. Haruka smiled as she said. "Gotcha." As the vines quickly unmangled themselves and stretched towards his entire body except for his head. Reiki was wrapped in a cocoon of vines as he was slowly moved closer to her, Reiki said. "We can talk about this right?"

Haruka let out a scoff, she said. "With you?... Nope." The sound of lightning furiously crackling was heard making the two of them freeze where they were, Haruka looked at the ground and noticed that there was a trail of ice leading under Reiki which froze the cocoon of vines on him. A voice from a female elf spoke with a hint of anger in her voice, she said. "What do you think you're doing?"

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