
Chapter 80: Chapter 80: Talks

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Reiki chuckled, he said. "I can see it for myself… A time where crime is at every nook and cranny, things like rape, abduction, and murder were as common as food. The government during those eras was an absolute joke to everyone since they couldn't even enforce the laws they implemented." Haruka raised a brow and said. "And what makes you so sure?" 

Reiki's eyes turned somewhat hollow, he said. "That's because all humans are terrible creatures, including me." Haruka's eyes widened in surprise from what she was hearing, she said. "What did you just say-." Reiki continued. "If you asked an individual that's surrounded by the people he spends the most time with, the question being: what would you do if you were in an empty parking lot and saw a car filled with dozens of bags filled with money with the key inside the car, what would you do?"

Haruka smiled, she immediately answered. "I would-." Reiki interrupted her mid-sentence and said. "You wouldn't even think of taking the money since it might be morally wrong." His eyes turned even more hollow to the point Haruka could see the difference, she was put off by his eyes as she felt like her soul was being read like an open book. He continued. "You say that but…" 

Reiki stood up from his seat as he stood right in front of Haruka which made her look up by a few inches. He continued. "For a brief moment, you thought-. No, I bet my life for a split second you thought it would be fine if you could get away with it." Haruka felt uneasy as she stared at his eyes, Reiki sat back down on the chair as he let out a sigh filled with exhaustion which surprised her.

He stared at the floor, he spoke in a whisper saying. "I wish all humans were…" Reiki didn't finish the sentence but he mouthed the last word, Haruka managed to read his lips. Haruka thought. Dead… Reiki closed his eyes as he carefully rubbed them with his hands, his eyes turned back to normal. He said. "Sorry about that, I went off a tangent." Haruka stared at him with a very small hint of fear in her eyes, she said. "Are you… Okay?..." Reiki flashed her an innocent smile, he said. "I'm fine. Now, let's continue with our conversation."


Queen's Personal Room

Elora was laying down on the bed next to her daughter, while the two of them were holding a glass of wine. Elora said. "It's good that you still remembered what I've said before." Enora rolled her eyes, she took a sip of wine. Enora said. "Chances are it's not going to happen and besides I didn't give you an answer at that time." 

Elora flashed her daughter a smile, she said. "Oh, I would like to see your face when it happens." Elora let out a giggle as she downed her half-full glass of wine in down go and lazily waved her hand as the wine bottle on top of the nightstand filled her glass with more. Enora stared oddly at her mother, she said. "What do you mean by that?" Elora flashed her a smile as she took a sip of wine.


Guest Room

Enrel was laying down on her bed with her eyes closed, the door opened as Melanor and Moranor walked into the room. Melanor walked towards the bed Enrel was on while Moranor blinked by the door as she looked around the room in confusion. Melanor looked down at Enrel, Melanor said. "Let's go, we still have a meeting with her majesty." 

Enrel let out a sigh as she slowly got up from the bed and started putting on her shoes, Moranor who was looking around the room took a couple of steps back and looked both at her left and right down the hall. Enrel stood up from the bed as she let out a lazy yawn, she said. "If you're looking for him, he's at the library speaking with Haruka." 

Moranor's widened, she almost shouted. "What?" Moranor suddenly appeared next to Melanor. Enrel continued. "He said, it may take a while so don't wait for him." Moranor suddenly vanished from the room as a sly smile formed on Enrel's face, Melanor shook her head sideways with a disapproving look on her face.

Melanor said. "All this because of a measly ten percent…" Enrel let out another yawn, she said. "Reiki wanted the bigger cut, fine, but he's going to have to go through hell for it." Melanor let out a sigh, she said. "Let's go, before you do anything else to cause more trouble." The two of them suddenly disappeared from the room.


Queen's Personal Room

Elora was lazily lying down on the bed while Enora was standing by the window with a half-empty wine bottle in her hand. Melanor and Enrel appeared by the door as the two of them walked towards Elora who was making herself comfortable. Enrel smiled, she slowly waved her hand at Enora which made Enora turn her head towards Enrel. Enrel said. "Reiki said he won't be back for a while and he planned to stay at the library with Haruka for dinner-..." 

Before she could finish Enora was already gone, Elora rolled her eyes at Enrel. Elora said. "Causing trouble once again?" Enrel let out an exaggerated gasp, she said. "Me? Never. I'm only helping her realize the girl's emotions." Elora let out a chuckle, she said. "That would be the day… On a serious note, it's time to decide on Reiki's business venture." Enrel let out another yawn while Melanor crossed her arms. Melanor said. "A discussion…"

Enrel lazily stretched, she said. "Can't we postpone it until the last moment? It's not like he's going somewhere." Elora lazily stretched on the bed making her ample chest wiggle, she slowly stood up and said. "We come to a decision now and make him wait. The more indifferent we are to the deal the better our chances are when negotiations between the two of us start." 

With a confused look on Enrel's face, she said. "Isn't he just a child?-." Melanor lightly smacked the back of Enrel's head making a loud slapping sound. Melanor said. "That child is smart enough to turn the inscription magic upside down and is bold enough to make an offer with her-." Melanor coughed as she placed a hand to cover her mouth and continued. "Elora… If you think Reiki is normal he'll pull the rug under you." 

Melanor let out a chuckle as Elora started giggling, Melanor said. "Though he already did you dirty on the negotiations." Enrel had a visible frown on her lips as she crossed her arms. Elora clapped her hands, she said. "Now now, no fighting. We'll have this conversation in the garden, I'll be there in five to ten minutes." Enrel vanished immediately while Melanor smiled at Elora and disappeared.


Private Room At The Library

Reiki was holding a burger with two patties in his hand that had a few bites on it, his mouth was covered in some grease and breadcrumbs while on his plate there were still a couple of more patties that were on top of the french fries. Haruka's plate of fries was half-eaten with her burger being untouched, she said. "You said you understood how the moss I was riding worked, care to explain?" Using the edge of his long-sleeved tunic to wipe the grease off his mouth, Reiki said. "It's the same as surfing."

Haruka raised her brow in interest, she crossed her arms as she nodded at him to continue. Reiki placed the burger on his plate and said. "The moss you were riding had similar properties of an ocean wave on the surface, there are two major points of the spell. And those are controlling the moss itself and the moss itself replicating a wave…" Haruka nodded in approval as she continued to eat her fries.

Reiki placed a hand on his chin, he said. "The moss simultaneously moves in three different directions, the first curve where you stand moves forward, the second curve and the bottom where the moss touches the ground goes backward…" Reiki stared at the ceiling for a moment, Haruka flashed him a smile. Before she could say anything Reiki raised a finger, he said. "There was also a spell on the soles of your shoes, to remove friction." 

Haruka's eyes widened in surprise, she said. "Impressive… I've shown this to a few handfuls of plant mages and they can't even understand it after seeing it right in front of them… You on the other hand managed to deduce it when I was trying to ki- hurt you." Reiki picked up the burger and started eating again, Haruka cleared her throat and said. "I may be a wandering researcher but I do have some say. I can get you your high school diploma and you could tag along and help me with my research." Before Reiki could take another bite he smiled at her, he said. "Thank you for the offer, but I would have to politely refuse. I doubt you have the qualifications to teach me."

Haruka's eyes widened, she said. "You have a scholarship? Which school?" Reiki smiled at her, with a sly smirk he said. "Ishin Academy." Haruka let out a playful scoff, she said. "Ishin? What's so special about that? It's… Not… Like…" Haruka's eyes widened as she suddenly stood up from the bed while pointing at him, she said. "Y-You! Ishin!? Y-You're that Reiki!? The one who didn't show up on the first day of class Reiki?!" 

Reiki took a bite of the burger in his hands as he nodded at her, Haruka slowly sat back down on the bed as she almost fell to the floor. She looked at him with a peculiar look, Reiki placed what's left of the burger in his hands back down on the plate as he picked up the glass of water and downed it in one go. He said. "The one and only." While refilling his glass with more water and also filled her half-full glass. Haruka stared at him for a few good seconds as she caught herself and cleared her throat, she said. "I-Is it true you got an average of 97 on the scholarship exam?"

Reiki nodded as he picked up a couple of pieces of fries, he said. "It's nothing to be proud of." He threw the fries into his mouth while the look of Haruka's face turned into one of confusion and then baffled and so on, she started massaging the temples of her head as she took a deep breath to calm herself. She said. "Now I understand why you knew what I was carrying from the smell alone… I thought someone sent you to tail me…" 

Reiki ate the last bite of the burger in his left hand and took a sip of water to help it go down, he let out a small burp and said. "Why would someone send a child to tail you? If they were smart they would have sent someone with experience in stalking and staying hidden." Haruka had an awkward look on her face, she moved her gaze to the wall and said. "I may or may not, made a few small enemies because I may or may not have stolen something of small value…" Reiki emptied his glass of water in one go, wiping his mouth using his sleeve, he said. "This would be an interesting conversation to have if not for what little time we have left."

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Haruka had a confused look on her face, she said. "What?" Reiki turned his head as he looked at the door which made Haruka move her gaze where he was looking at. He said. "It's open." The door slowly opened as the elves walked into the room as Haruka suddenly stood up from the bed. Haruka said. "Lady Moranor, young majesty, welcome to my temporary humble lodgings." 

Moranor and Enora walked into the middle of the room, Reiki let out a yawn as he nodded to the two elves in the room. Moranor ignored him while she kept her gaze on Haruka, Elora had a nonchalant expression on her face as she looked around the room. Moranor crossed her arms and said. "What do you think you're doing?" Before Haruka could say anything Reiki suddenly said. "All right, no need to give her a hard time, Moranor, we already more or less buried the hatchet." Moranor's eyes widened as she turned her head to stare at him, Moranor said. "You're taking her side?!"

Enora was still admiring the inside of the room while she stared at him from the corner of her eye. Reiki let out a chuckle, he scratched the back of his head and said. "I'm not taking any sides, I'm just trying to make sure nothing drastic happens among the three of you." Moranor glared at him while Reiki's hand reached to his plate and picked up the two patties and started eating. 

The corner of Haruka's eye twitched as she glanced at Enora who still hasn't spoken a word, Haruka cleared her throat and said. "I-I can doggy bag your leftovers." Reiki turned his head as he looked at her, he said. "I'll pass, but I won't mind taking that burger off your hands if you don't have any objections." 

He moved his gaze onto her plate with the untouched burger with four patties and half the size of fries on her plate when he looked at his. Reiki continued. "How about a trade? My fries for your burger." Haruka stared at him oddly as she picked up the plate and moved closer to him, Reiki took the burger from the plate and started eating.

Moranor's eyes narrowed while Enora turned around to face all three of them. Enora said. "We're done here." Enora walked towards the door that was left open and went down the hall, Moranor grabbed Reiki by the collar on the back as she dragged him out of the room. Reiki held the burger with his right hand as he lazily waved at Haruka with his left, he said. "See ya later." 

Which made Moranor walk faster as she slammed the door but not strong enough to break it. Haruka slowly waved back at the door, she let out a small laugh, she said. "Time to hide those fries and read."


Shopping District

Dozens of elves were looking from the corner of their eyes as they saw Enora who had her arms crossed as she was in a bad mood while Moranor was dragging a boy by the back of his tunic while he was eating a burger with four patties. Reiki wiped the grease off his mouth as he turned his head sideways to look at Moranor, he said. "So what brought you lovely elves to Haruka's humble lodging?" 

Moranor and Enora took a couple of steps before stopping, Moranor let go of her hand that was holding Reiki by the collar. He fell to the ground as a soft thud was heard, he looked up to the two elves as he took a bite of the burger in his hands. Moranor glared at him as she placed her hands on her hips, she said. "Is that all you have to say for yourself?" Enora stayed silent as she stared at Reiki with a narrowed gaze.

Reiki stood up from the ground as he used his left hand to dust some dirt off his clothes, he said. "All I did was make up with her, is that so bad?" Moranor said. "She tried to kill you in case you forgot." She took a couple of steps closer to him as she raised her left hand and knocked the top of his head after each word. Moranor said. "She."

[System: User has received 89 Damage.]

Moranor continued. "Could've." As she knocked the top of Reiki's head.

[System: User has received 103 Damage.]

Moranor raised her hand higher, she said. "Killed." She knocked on the top of his head faster as the sound of knocking was audible from where Enora was standing. 

[System: User has received 197 Damage.]

Moranor continued. "You whenever she felt like it." Enora slightly tilted her head sideways as she had an odd look on her face, with a hand on her chin she said. "I don't understand your way of discipline but… I think he forgot what you said from those knocks you just gave him." Moranor ignored her as she stared at him, Reiki rubbed the top of his head, he let out a chuckle and said. "I'm lucky to have met a caring elf such as you." 

Moranor faintly blushed while the expression on Enora's face changed into shock, Reiki continued. "You're worried that she can end my life whenever she pleases, thank you." Moranor was tongue-tied for a couple of seconds, she faked a cough and said. "W-Who would be worried about someone like you? I can find countless of your kind outside the forest."

Reiki flashed her a smile, he tapped Moranor's forearm with his clean hand and said. "Yes that is true, so I would need to live long enough to…" He suddenly started walking back to the queen's palace and walked past Moranor while Enora stood in place and watched. 

Moranor suddenly appeared next to him as the two of them walked side by side, Moranor had her eyes on him while they were walking. Moranor said. "I'm serious about this Reiki, don't just accept strangers' offers without a second thought. That's how you get kidnapped." Reiki laughed, he looked up to her and said. "It was fine, Haruka wasn't a stranger. Even though we started on the wrong foot we managed to sit down and talk it out." 

Moranor rolled her eyes at him, she said. "Though it may have worked this time, not all individuals are like-minded. Haruka is the rational type so I can easily picture her calming down but that's not going to work on the next person." Reiki nodded, he placed both his hands behind his head and said. "I'll make sure to keep that in mind-."

Reiki felt a hand on his face as he took a couple of steps towards the left, Enora was in between the two of them as she had a calm expression as she kept her gaze in front. Enora said. "It's rude to exclude someone from a conversation I'll have you two know." 

Reiki moved his face away from her hand while Moranor gave Enora a look of annoyance, Moranor said. "Pardon us young majesty but individuals of lower status such as us don't know what an individual of royal blood speaks of." Reiki stared at the two elves arguing as he ignored the countless glances from the elves. 

Enora had a sweet smile on her face, she said. "Then maybe you should take this as a sign to pick up a book from time to time and learn something that doesn't include training." Moranor straightened her posture as she tried to make herself seem taller, she said. "Or maybe you should take this as a sign to learn how to read the atmosphere."

The smile on Enora's face stiffened, she said. "Am I hearing this right? You're telling me I can't read the atmosphere?" Moranor flashed her a wicked smile, she crossed her arms and said. "I'm not telling you anything young majesty, all I'm doing is presenting you with a suggestion that I highly recommend." Reiki continued to eat the burger in his hands as he already managed to eat half of it while the two elves in front of him were busy. 

Enora paused, the atmosphere around the two turned heavy. Enora said. "Care to give me a detailed explanation of your suggestions that you so strongly recommend." A smile appeared on Moranor's face, she said. "I would love to young majesty, but I'm afraid it would take too long since I would have to write every single flaw you have." Enora slowly inhaled, she exhaled as the breath she let out was a visible white from the cold. 

Enora said. "Lady Moranor, it's bold of you to assume I have flaws." The smile on Moranor's face widens, she said. "Bold of you to assume you don't have any."

The two of them looked in the direction where Reiki was and saw that he was missing. Both of them turned their heads and saw that he was walking towards the queen's palace. Reiki was patting his hands on his brown pants as he used the edge of his tunic to wipe what was on his face, Moranor suddenly appeared on his left, continuing where they left off she said. "All I need to hear from you is that you'll stop causing trouble." Enora suddenly appeared on his right as she glared at her to which she ignored.

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