
Chapter 81: Chapter 81: Deal

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Reiki lazily waved his hand at Moranor, he said. "Fine fine, if it makes you feel any better I'll stop causing trouble. But if trouble comes crawling towards me, no promises." Moranor massaged the temples of her head and said. "I'll take what I can get." Enora flicked the side of Reiki's head using her finger.

[System: User has received 209 Damage.]

Reiki rubbed the place where he was flicked, he thought. I felt that one… He looked up to Enora who had an indifferent expression on her face as she kept her gaze in front. Reiki said. "Is there anything you would like to say, young majesty?" Enora slightly turned her head to face him, she flashed him a smile and said. "Nothing to add." Reiki nodded as he turned his head to look at Moranor, Enora was surprised by his actions for a split second as her eyes narrowed. 

Enora kept her head straight as she stared at the two of them from the corner of her eyes, Moranor had a smirk on her face, she said. "What are you going to study on the first floor?" Reiki let out a yawn, he said. "Nothing much, just some basics and a few other things. I'll be spending most of my time on the second floor." Enora stayed silent as she stealthily moved her left hand and started pinching him by his forearm. 

[System: User has received 183 Damage.]

[System: User has received 124 Damage.]

[System: User has received 189 Damage.]

[System: User has received 105 Damage.]

Moranor had an odd expression on her face, she said. "And how are you going to gain access to the second floor? Even I need to borrow my mom's card if I want to get in it." Reiki looked up to her, he flashed Moranor a smile and said. "Tomorrow at the earliest and two days at the most." 

Before she could say anything Reiki continued. "When will Enrel-san announce her breakthrough?" Moranor awkwardly coughed as she looked to her left, she said. "A couple of hours after dawn… She already sent out invitations…" Reiki stopped mid-step, he said. "She works fast." He continued to walk while Enora gave him a couple of more pinches.

[System: User has received 155 Damage.]

[System: User has received 102 Damage.]

Moranor appeared next to him, with a concerned look she said. "You're not mad about having your work stolen?" Reiki let out a chuckle, he said. "Nope, if this happened in a country ruled by humans they would have just stolen it and killed me to keep it on the down-low on who created it. At least here, elves would share the method and advance inscriptions and possibly even make some invalid theory about inscriptions possible…" 

His eyes turned semi-hollow, Reiki spoke in a whisper. "Those humans would kill each other for a platinum coin let alone something like this…" All three of them suddenly stopped walking. Moranor had a shocked expression on her face while Enora was in complete disbelief, Moranor stared at him for a moment. Moranor coughed and said. "Reiki, are you fine?" Enora looked at him weirdly as she observed his reaction, Reiki nodded and said. "Sorry about that… I just reminded myself of something unpleasant."


Private Garden

Three elves were sitting in their respective chairs while Elora was taking a sip of tea. Melanor and Enrel were waiting for her to finish, Elora placed the teacup on the coaster, Enora said. "Are we in an agreement?" Enrel moved a stray hair away from her face while Melanor nodded, Elora continued. "Then it's decided… We will accept his offer." Enrel crossed her arms, with a serious expression she said. "That's all fine and all, what happens if it fails? How do we approach it from there?" 

Elora smiled, she said. "Even if it does fail we would at best lose some money and a few material items that we don't even care about. And in return, we gain a relationship with the boy." Melanor narrowed her eyes, Elora seeing her reaction moved her gaze onto her. Enora said. "What about his strength? We've seen his intellect but we would be losing too much if that's all he's offering."

Elora's smile widened, she said. "Then we put him against one of our finest warriors, or in this case my right-hand woman." Elora gestured at Melanor, Enrel stared at the table as a moment of silence passed. Enrel moved her gaze onto Elora, Enrel said. "I have no objections." Melanor said. "I agree." Elora nodded, she lazily stretched from the table and said. "With that, we shall test him at around midnight. I'll spike both of our daughters with a sleeping potion and personally put both of them in my chambers."


Guest Room

Enora and Moranor were lying down on his bed while Reiki was standing up by the edge staring at them oddly, he thought. Why are both of them on my bed… Moranor was using her right elbow to try and shove Enora off the bed, Enora on the other hand was lazily lying down without a care. Reiki said. "Why are both of you in this room again?" 

Enora let out a relaxed sigh, she said. "This is my house, I can go wherever I please." Moranor eventually stopped trying to push Enora off the bed, she placed both her hands under her head and said. "I'm just making sure neither of you does anything stupid." Reiki stared at the two elves as each of them just ignored him, Moranor was staring at the ceiling as she took a glance at him. Moranor said. "What is your relationship with her?..." Reiki crossed his arms as he let out a long sigh which made the two of them tense, he said. "Honestly… I think we could call ourselves friends…"

The corner of Moranor's eye twitched, Enora on the other hand eyes were narrowed as she looked like she was trying to burn a hole into him. Reiki ignored the stare from both of the elves, he said. "Intimidate me all you want, what I'm saying is the truth." Three elves suddenly appeared behind him, Reiki noticed the shadows from the floor as he turned around and saw Melanor, Enrel, and Elora standing behind him. Moranor quickly tried to get up from the bed but stopped when she saw Elora raise her hand. Elora said. "We'll be borrowing Reiki for a moment." 

Elora placed her hand on his shoulder as the two of them vanished, Melanor nodded at her daughter as she placed her hand on Enrel's shoulder as they disappeared from the room. Moranor's eyes were wide as she stared at the spot where they stood, Enora with an indifferent expression tapped on the bed as she was thinking of something.


Queen's Personal Room

Elora was staring out from the wind with her hands behind her back, she was surrounded by a dignified aura as she stood tall. Reiki was a few feet behind her staring outside while Melanor and Enrel were behind him while staring at his every move. Without turning around to face him, Elora said. "What would you call your current predicament?" 

Reiki moved his gaze onto the ceiling as a dimmed light sphere was slowly moving towards the right, he said. "Predicament? I think I should call this a step forward since we're currently negotiating." The corner of Enrel's eye twitched as Melanor managed to stop herself from laughing, Elora let out a sigh, she turned around to face him. Elora said. "At least pretend to be intimidated…" Reiki let out a chuckle, he said. "Who would be intimidated when they're making progress?" Elora rolled her eyes at him, she said. "Fine fine…. Is it possible-."

Before she could finish Reiki had a serious expression on his face, with a firm tone he said. "Nope, I'm already losing a lot of future profits from this deal. It's either ten percent or I make a few adjustments to the plan." Elora crossed her arms as her large breast pressed against each other, she said. "Give me a rough number." 

Reiki placed a hand on his chin, he pondered for a moment and said. "By then the expanding phase should be over and… It should stabilize itself within a week or so... Ten percent would roughly be around 40,000 (¥14,400,000,000) platinum coins." All three elves had a surprised look on their face, Elora was doing some quick calculations in her head, a moment passed. Elora said. "40,000 (¥14,400,000,000) a year…" 

Reiki had an odd look on his face, he said. "Who said anything about the number being yearly?" All three elves froze for a split second. Silence permeated the atmosphere, Elora coughed, with an awkward tone she said. "You're saying it's going to be monthly?..." Reiki nodded, he said. "I can't make any promises in the early stages, but the shop should have no problem making that kind of money."

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Enrel was already fantasizing about the amount of money while Melanor was trying to wrap her head around his plan. Elora stared at him, she said. "What makes you so sure you'll succeed?" Reiki flashed her a smile, he said. "Because I'm the one who made the plan." Elora tapped her foot on the floor as she scrutinized him from top to bottom, she said. "And all we have to do is give you some investment money, some basic equipment for that… School, among other things. This would equal five percent?" Reiki nodded, Elora had a puzzled look on her face, she said. "You're not going to increase the seed money or anything?" 

Reiki shook his head sideways, he said. "Nope, I already laid down the offer. It would be too late to change it because of all the effort I went through." Elora's eyes narrowed, she said. "What were those three small favors you wanted?" Reiki smiled, he said. "One. I need a letter of acknowledgement that not only shows proof you have a stake in my company but I am allowed to negotiate and represent on your behalf, but that is only limited to negotiations regarding the company. Two. I need you to show up in human territory once and only once you are free to bring whomever you want and how many you want. Three. Let me and a few other humans take shelter here."

Elora placed a hand on her chin as she started thinking, a moment of silence passed by. Elora moved her hand away from her chin and said. "I can agree to the first one, but explain two and three so that we could be on the same page." The smile on Reiki's face disappeared, he scratched the back of his head and said. "Humanity's endless greed. I'll need you to show up with half of your best warriors fully armed to show up and I'll send you a message in advance when. For number three… Let's just say when phase one is finished as the company grows bigger they'll find the next best thing if you catch my drift." 

He extended his right hand for a handshake, Reiki said. "Deal?" Elora stared at his hand, she glanced both at Enrel and Melanor behind him as both of them had weird expressions on their faces. Elora moved her gaze onto him and said. "No contract?" Reiki let out a small laugh, he said. "Nope, I trust you enough to hold your end of the deal just as you trust me to do my part." Elora reached for his hand as the two of them shook on it, she said. "Deal." Enrel was in deep thought while Melanor was trying to catch up with their conversation.

Reiki nodded at her, he said. "Thank you very much for your cooperation." Elora rolled her eyes at him, she pointed at Melanor and said. "Get him back to where our girls are before he starts going crazy with the flow of the conversation." Melanor placed a hand on his shoulder as the two of them vanished, Enrel stared at Elora. Enrel said. "Are you fine with this?" 

Elora nodded, she said. "I can easily afford to lose some money on hand and the other favors he asked of me is not something I can see happening…" Enrel walked towards the closest wall to her and leaned on it, she said. "Meaning?" Elora said. "Honestly, I think those favors of him are just random. I can't picture any scenarios happening that could be of use."


Guest Room

Melanor and Reiki appeared in the room as Melanor instantly vanished by his side, he looked around and saw Moranor was leaning on a wall while Enora was taking up the entire space of the bed. Moranor was glaring at her while neither of them noticed he was back, Reiki lazily waved his hand and said. "Now what happened?" Both the elves turned their gaze onto him, Enora stared at him for a second as she lazily made herself comfortable on the bed. 

Moranor walked towards him and lifted him by the collar, she said. "Get. Her. Off. The. Bed." Reiki stared at her for a couple of seconds, before he could say anything Moranor flashes him a sweet smile and continued. "Now." Moranor let go of his collar as he landed on the floor with a loud thud, he walked towards the bed while Moranor stood in place as she glared at Enora.

Reiki stared at Enora who was lazily lying down on the bed, he said. "Young majesty, is it possible for you-." Enora interrupted him, she firmly said. "Impossible." Reiki heard lightning faintly crackling from behind him, the air around Moranor there were a few strings of lightning popping. Reiki hastily said. "Young majesty, is there anything you want-?" 

Before he could finish Enora pulled him towards her as she wrapped her hands around him and placed his head between her chest. Reiki thought. Fuck. He took a glance at Moranor whose eyes turned cold as the sound of crackling became louder as a string of lightning started traveling around her body. 

Moranor took a deep breath to calm herself as she walked towards the bed, her hand suddenly blurred as she got a hold of his left arm, with a threatening tone Moranor said. "Enora… I will say this once. Let him go." Enora flashed her a smile, she said. "Why should I?" Before Moranor could answer, Reiki casted. Flash. 

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

Reiki vanished from Enora's arms as he appeared next to Moranor while facing the wrong way, he turned around and said. "Or I could just do that." He thought. Those were soft and reminded me of marshmallows. Moranor had a smirk on her face as she taunted Enora. Enora ignored her as she tried to process what happened, she instantly stood up from the bed and managed to shove Moranor to the side, she held onto Reiki's hand and excitedly said. "How did you do that? Which principles of magic did you use? What do you call that movement spell?" 

Reiki tried to get his hand away from her vice-like grip, he said. "Isn't it just another normal spell? It's not anything special." Moranor managed to stop herself before she hit a wall as she walked towards Enora who wasn't letting his hand go. Moranor's hand blurred as she tried to force Enora to let go, she hit Enora's wrist as a loud snapping sound vibrated through the room.

Enora's entire body was covered by a thin layer of mana, she ignored Moranor as she kept her eyes on him. Enora said. "Reiki, don't be like that. At least tell me one of the principles and how did you manage to avoid agitating the surrounding mana? It might be simple to your eyes but to me, it could be used for so much more." 

Reiki tried to pull his hand away while she was talking, he used his free hand and tried to pry her fingers one by one but he couldn't even budge her pinky. He thought. What happened to the whole rule of elves having frail bodies? I can't even move her pinky. Reiki let out a chuckle as he made sure to maintain eye contact while trying to break free from her grasp, he said. "Even if I did tell you, you wouldn't be able to apply it to your spells." Moranor's eyes flashed lightning for a brief second, she took a deep breath to calm herself. Moranor said. "Enora, don't ignore me."

Enora didn't even acknowledge her, she flashed Reiki a smile and said. "Why don't you give me an explanation and find out?" Reiki casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

Enora saw Reiki who was right in front of her vanished, he appeared on Moranor's left. Enora straightened her posture as she stared at him, she said. "Fifteen seconds, I believe that's how long you have to wait before you can use that peculiar spell." Enora's body turned into a blur as she appeared behind the two of them, she placed a hand on Reiki's shoulder and said. "On the other hand, I have more than one." Reiki casted. Flash.

『Flash Has Been Activated. Mana Cost: 500.』

He disappeared from her grasp and appeared by the door, Reiki leaned on it as he flashed her a smile. He said. "Young majesty, I think you might have the wrong information." The smile on Enora's face grew bigger, she said. "Interesting." Moranor's hand was enveloped by thick strings of lightning, it was producing crackling sounds loud enough to be heard outside of the halls. Moranor said. "Enora. Stop causing trouble." 

Enora let out a long sigh of annoyance, she glanced at Moranor who was beside her, and said. "Stop getting in between the two of us, especially when it's just getting good." Moranor's hand that was covered by lightning moved towards Enora's forearm, she tightened her grip as the sound of lightning furiously sizzling was made. There was some dark smoke coming out from the gasp of Moranor's grip as the lightning slowly died down, Enora was completely unharmed as she flashed her a dull look. Enora said. "Why can't you just let us talk-."

Reiki heard the doorknob being turned as he moved out of the way, the door was slowly opened as all eyes were on Melanor who walked into the room. Melanor took a couple of sniffs as she smelled something that was burned using lightning, she moved her gaze onto her daughter while Moranor kept her cold glare on Enora. Melanor said. "Nora, your mother is calling for you." Enora moved her gaze onto Melanor, Enora put on her best puppy dog eyes as she tried to convince her. Melanor rolled her eyes at her and said. "That won't work on me, I'm not Enrel." 

Enora stomped her foot on the ground as her breast jiggled, she said. "B-But, I was in the middle of something important! Can't you get me a few more minutes?!" Melanor let out a gentle sigh, she had a smile on her face, and said. "You know how your mother feels about waiting and so do you." Enora froze on the spot, she stared at Melanor for a few seconds before she stomped the floor beneath her again before she took a couple of steps and vanished.

Reiki closed the door while Melanor walked closer to her daughter with her arms crossed as she stared at her, Melanor said. "I smelled something burnt." Moranor stiffly turned her head as she stared at the wall, she said. "I-I wonder what it is." As she let out a nervous chuckle before Melanor could say anything Reiki raised his hand and said. "That would be me." Melanor gave him an odd look while for a split second Moranor froze as her pointy ears twitched, Melanor said. "You smell burnt?..." 

Reiki nodded, he said. "Yep, Moranor gave me a shock again for not listening to her words, you know the usual." Moranor's pointy ear twitched again while Melanor was giving him a strange look. Melanor said. "So it was just you being shocked… Again…" Reiki nodded as he maintained eye contact, Melanor let out a chuckle as she ruffled his hair and said. "Fine, I'll take your word for it." Melanor nodded at her daughter and continued. "Moranor ready your bow, we're going hunting for a bit."

Moranor slowly nodded as she glanced at Reiki, Melanor rolled her eyes and said. "Don't worry this won't take long and their conversation will." Melanor turned around and walked towards the door, Moranor appeared beside her mother as she glanced at him one more time as the two elves disappeared. Reiki let out a yawn as he walked towards the bed he was assigned two, he quickly took off his shoes as he laid down. He thought. Smells like a bouquet… 

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