
Chapter 82: Chapter 82: Fight

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Moranor appeared in the guest room as she saw Reiki sleeping on the bed, her hair was somewhat disheveled as there were a few drops of dried blood on her cheek. Moranor licked her thumbprint as she removed the blood on her cheek and fixed her hair by combing it using her left hand. Moranor walked towards him and slightly hesitated in trying to wake Reiki up, she gently placed her hand on his shoulder and softly shook him as she tried to wake him up. 

Moranor said. "Reiki… Reiki… Wake up… Reiki…" Her lips slowly curved into a smile as she moved her hand away from his shoulder and stared at her index finger, a small string of lightning made a soft crackling sound similar to a taser. Moranor slowly moved her finger closer to him as she suddenly froze when Reiki suddenly started moving.

Reiki lifted his upper body off the bed as he was in a sitting position, with his left eye half-open and his right eye closed he looked around the room and saw Moranor who had both her hands behind her body. Reiki let out a long yawn and said. "Morning… What time is it?... And why do I smell blood on you?..." Moranor raised a brow in surprise as he managed to somehow smell the drops of blood on her, she let out a giggle and said. "It's a few minutes past eight-twenty." 

Moranor reached her hand out as she touched his bed hair and tried to mold it in any way, Reiki let out another yawn. He said. "Then… Ten more… Minutes… Until… Dinner…" His body was slowly starting to fall backward as Moranor easily caught him and kept him up, she said. "Reiki, wake up… And wipe that dry drool on your face." Moranor let out a chuckle, she reached for his forearm and used the sleeve of his tunic to wipe it off.

Reiki barely had his left eye half-open, he said. "But I don't want to go to school today…" Moranor giggled, she carefully placed his forearm at his side and said. "There is no school today… Well, at least for us elves, we only have to attend four days a week… We don't even name our days, we just call them the first day, second day, and so on… Some of your cultures are weird Reiki, we need to talk about that sometime." 

Moranor felt the back of his body go limp, he said. "Then let me sleep some… More…" Moranor didn't let him lay down the bed, even with her hand on his back his upper body still swayed as if he was about to fall. Reiki fell towards the direction Moranor was in, he rested his head on her shoulder and started to go back to sleep. Moranor poked his cheek and said. "Don't go back to sleep now… What do you think I've been trying to do for the last minute?"

Enora suddenly appeared across the bed as her eyes were shining full of anticipation, she reached out both her hands towards him and said. "Pass him to me." Enora looked like she found a new toy to play with, Moranor glared at her and placed her index finger on her lips making a shushing gesture. Moranor said. "Don't disturb him." Moranor used her free hand to swat away Enora's hand, preventing her from touching him. 

Enora placed her left hand on her hip, she said. "Weren't you trying to wake him up just now?" Moranor stared at her coldly, she said. "Not in any way you're imagining." Enora let out a sigh, she said. "Just pass him to me, I want to try something." Enora reached out to him with her right hand when suddenly Reiki was gone from the bed. Enora looked in Moranor's direction and saw she was carrying him using her arms while he placed his head on her right shoulder. Enora stared at him in Moranor's arms as she suddenly felt she was annoying in a way but she couldn't exactly place her hand on it.

Enora took a deep breath to calm her emotions down as she glared at Moranor, Enora said. "Why are you more annoying than usual? I'm just trying to enjoy my life-." Enora suddenly vanished as she appeared behind Moranor and tried to elbow the back of her head. Enora's elbow passed through her entire head as both Moranor and Reiki's image slowly started to dissipate, Enora turned her head to the right and saw Moranor was playing with his hair while ignoring her. 

Enora clenched her hands into a fist making the joints from her knuckles pop from the pressure, she stiffly said. "I guess all the weight training is starting to pay off…" Moranor glanced at her from the corner of her eye and flashed her a smirk, she said. "Hard work and talent, that's what mom always told me when I asked her how she managed to get where she is in her life." Enora vanished again and appeared on Moranor's left, Enora kicked her in the Achilles heel but only managed to hit Moranor's after image again.

Moranor was leaning on a wall while carefully moving aside some stray hairs that were blocking Reiki's eyes. Moranor had her back facing her and without turning around, she said. "Don't waste your time Enora, you and I both know you'll never be able to lay a hand on me. Travel distance, cooldown, and cast time. Teleportation spells are useful in close combat but are worthless if your enemy is faster than you and knows where you're aiming." 

Enora's pupils started to glow light blue, she disappeared one more time and appeared above Moranor. Enora touched the wall with her hand as the surface of the wall froze and instantly spread towards the very floor Moranor was standing on. Enora kneed Moranor's face making her skirt flutter revealing white panties underneath, Enora missed as she hit her after image as she landed on the floor on her two feet making a heavy thud sound as the ice on the floor cracked from the force.

Moranor softly rubbed her cheeks on the top of Reiki's head, with a taunting tone she said. "Is that all you're made out of?" Enora's entire eye started to glow light blue as her hair started to rise as a few parts of it started to turn into an icy blue color, with a small wave of her hand cold white mist started to gather and started to form into a rough shape. 

Elora suddenly appeared on Enora's right as she suddenly smacked the top of her daughter's head using her palm. The white mist that was gathering in Enora's hand stopped as it slowly got swept by the wind, Elora said. "Are you planning on bringing this entire building down?" Elora placed a hand on her hips and kept her gaze on Enora. Enora's hair quickly turned back to normal as the glow in her eyes vanished, she rubbed the top of her head on the same spot where her mother smacked her. 

Enora looked up to her mother, pointed a finger at Moranor, and said. "She keeps hogging everything!" Elora gave her an odd look, a moment of silence passed, before she said. "Didn't we just have this talk about him a few minutes ago? And you said that-." Enora stomped on the floor making her breast jiggle, she said. "That was that this is this. All I'm trying to do is… Is…"

Enora looked at her daughter oddly, she said. "What were you trying to do other than almost destroying the home you live in?" Enora moved her gaze onto the floor as she stared at her leather boots, she kicked an invisible can and said. "I… Just… I… Just..." Enora spoke in a very soft whisper. "Didn't like him being in her arms…" 

Elora had a confused look on her face, she said. "I thought he was in the bathroom or somewhere because Reiki wasn't here when I teleported in." Enora quickly moved her gaze to where Moranor was and saw he was missing from her arms. Moranor looked down as her hand was still in the same position as when he was holding him while his head was on her shoulder. Moranor and Enora looked around the room to try and see if Reiki was still inside.


Somewhere In The Hallway

Reiki had his right hand on the wall as he slowly walked forward, he let out a yawn as he somehow managed to half-open his left eye. He looked around the hallway and thought. Lost again… Eh, I'll live… Reiki let out another yawn as he started to walk step by step and used the wall to keep himself standing, he said. "Can't even have a good nap in my assigned room…" Reiki let out another yawn and stopped walking, he looked down the direction of another hallway and said. "Fayeth, lead me to where dinner will be held." 

Reiki leaned on the wall while Fayeth appeared behind him, she had an annoyed look on her face as she tried to burn a hole in the back of his head. Reiki let out another yawn and said. "It's either I choose you or one of those four elves that keep staring at me, alongside with you." Fayeth froze on the spot, she cleared her throat and said. "Y-You knew?..." Reiki thought. Kinda hard to not notice five elves staring at me… Carefully rubbing his left eye he said. "That and you plus those four elves switch with two more groups with five members each."

He let out another yawn, Fayeth was massaging the temples of her head, she said. "How?... Just how?..." Reiki's left eye was half opened, he turned around to look up to her and said. "No matter what the time I always feel a pair of eyes on me." The corner of Fayeth's eye twitched, she suddenly had an angry expression on her face. Fayeth said. "That doesn't explain anything!" Reiki lazily waved his hand at her, he let out another yawn and said. "Yes yes, now do your job and take me to where tonight's dinner will be held. I don't want anyone to wait for me." Fayeth let out a long tired sigh, she said. "...Follow me…"


Luxurious Dining Room

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Melanor was sitting on the right side near the head of the table while Enrel was sitting on the left side, Enrel looked around the room and said. "Where-." Enrel stopped when from the corner of her eye saw Elora suddenly sitting on the head of the table on her left, she gave Elora a nod while Melanor turned her head to face Elora. Enrel continued. "Where are both of your daughters? And did Enora flip her switch? I haven't sensed that kind of magic from her since she was young when someone threw mud at her right in the face."

Elora had a helpless smile on her expression, she said. "Nothing much, my little girl was just upset she wasn't getting her way… About a certain individual…" Melanor moved her gaze to the ceiling as she saw three light spheres the size of a basketball close together that were lighting up the entire room, she said. "Makes sense." The corner of Enrel's eye twitched, Melanor was glancing at Elora and continued. "I thought you went to pick them up?"

Elora let out a chuckle which made her large chest slightly jiggle, she said. "I did, they just went on to search for him. They're racing against each other to see who finds him first." The door suddenly opened as all three elves looked to see who walked in, Reiki closed the door behind him and walked towards the table. His right eye was still closed while his left eye looked like it could close at any moment. He let out a yawn and lazily said. "Morning… Or rather, night…" 

All three elves stared at him oddly, Elora cleared her throat and said. "Reiki, it's a good thing you've managed to find the dining room." Reiki slowly opened his right eye as his vision cleared up, while carefully rubbing his eyes he said. "Where do I sit? The same as last time?" Elora flashed him a smile and said. "If you don't mind." Reiki walked towards the empty chair next to Enrel and sat next to her, Melanor stared at him oddly while Enrel was staring at his face trying to find something. Elora maintained the smile on her face waiting for something to happen, Melanor said. "Reiki-."

Melanor suddenly stopped when the door opened once again which made all three elves except Reiki move their gaze. Moranor and Enora took a couple of steps into the room before they looked at him who was sitting on a chair next to Enrel, both of them vanished and appeared behind the empty chair on Reiki's right. Moranor had her right hand on the chair as she glared at Enora who had her left hand on the same chair, Enora said. "This is strange, not gonna sit next to your mother? I question your obligations." 

She tried to pull the chair towards her but didn't even make it budge an inch. Moranor let out a scoff filled with annoyance, she said. "Mom is still young, even when she's over a thousand years old she won't need my help and I'll be sure to pay her back for all that she's done for me. You on the other hand have caused nothing but trouble for her majesty." The mana around Enora turned heavy, the other three elves were watching in interest while they suddenly had a glass of wine in their hands and a bottle of wine on the table near Elora and Moranor.

Enora took a deep breath to calm down, she put on a sweet smile on her face and said. "Trouble you say?" Moranor flashed her a bright smile with her white teeth that could almost sparkle, she said. "Yes." Elora's hand was covered in a thin layer of mana as her grip on the chair tightened as her entire handprint was visible when she moved her hand away from the chair. Elora turned around and took half a step when she suddenly kicked Moranor's stomach, her kick missed as Moranor suddenly appeared behind Enora. Moranor placed a finger behind her neck and said. "I win."

Enora froze as she stomped the floor venting her frustration making her ample chest jiggle, she said. "Hmph." Enora walked towards the chair next to Melanor and sat down with her hands crossed making her chest press against each other, Enora's breathing was excessive as it made her chest go up and down. Moranor flashed her a taunting smile as she sat next to Reiki, Enora's pupils glowed a light blue as the temperature around her started to drop.

Elora was in the middle of filling two glasses with wine, she passed one toward her daughter as it slowly floated in Enora's direction. Elora passed the other glass to Enrel who then gave it to Moranor, Enora swiped the floating glass and downed it in one go. Elora let out a little laugh while Enrel and Melanor smiled, all four elves enjoyed the glass of wine in their hands while Enora was refilling hers. 

Elora clapped her hands as the door suddenly opened as a dozen elves walked into the room holding cloches of various sizes, all the cloches were quickly and skillfully placed on the table as they took off the cover as they immediately left the room and closed the door. Reiko thought. That's the second time I've seen that and it still looks weird how efficient they were… On the table was a plate of freshly baked loaves of bread, two different kinds of half sliced wheels of cheese, one of them had a knife that was stabbed in the top, three large bowls of different kinds of salads with a couple of gravy boats on the side that were filled with salad dressing.

A tall pitcher of water that had ice, sliced lemons, and some mint, There was a plate of carbonara, a large bowl of dark golden consomme soup, in the middle was an oxtail stew with carrots, potato, and celery that was next to a family serving of popping hot rice. Elora gestured at the food at the table and said. "Enjoy." Enora, Moranor, and Reiki waited as the three older elves started putting food on their plates when they were done, and is when they've started to place food on their plate. 

Reiki was stuffing himself with food without caring about his image while the rest ate with elegance and proper etiquette, he was about to eat a slice of warm bread when he felt Moranor's hand on his cheek. Moranor turned his head to face her as she cleaned his mouth with a white napkin before she could place the napkin down, Reiki said. "Thank you." The sound of metal snapping was made, the fork in Enora's hand was cleanly snapped into two as her cold gaze was glued onto Moranor who ate some carbonara using a fork. 

Using a napkin Melanor took the broken fork in Enora's hands and started to fuse it, her hands were covered in a thin layer of mana and after a couple of seconds, Melanor was able to mend the fork back in one piece. Without trying to look for where it was broken you could barely see the place where it was snapped. Melanor placed the fork into Enora's hands who was still glaring at Moranor who didn't pay any attention to her.

Enrel passed the pitcher of water to Reiki as he filled his glass with water and down it in one go and filled his glass again and passed it to her, he let out a satisfied sigh and said. "Excuse me, and thank you." Enora barely touched her food while the rest ate in peace.

~Thirty Minutes Later~

Reiki was slowly inhaling and exhaling using his mouth, all the food on the table was cleaned while Elora was opening a bottle of thick dark red wine. Elora filled five glasses using the wine bottle in her hand, as she passed everyone their glass. Reiki passed the glass to Moranor as he took a sniff of his hand, he thought. This is… Well, better now than never… Moranor smelled the fragrance of the wine before she took a sip while Enora just downed her glass in one go. 

The atmosphere in the room turned tense while both Moranor's eyes turned blurry while Enora was having trouble keeping her head straight, the three other elves acted like nothing was out of the ordinary as they enjoyed their glass at their leisure. Moranor was savoring her glass of wine while Enrel was already refilling her cup for the second time, a smile slowly crept onto Elora's lips. Elora said. "Reiki… How much did you eat?" 

Enora was starting to slightly tilt on her chair while Moranor's entire face started to turn red before her body could have any sort of reaction, Reiki grabbed her forearm and placed Moranor's head on his shoulder. Reiki said. "I can easily fight."

Enrel had a surprised look on her face, Moranor was indifferent while Elora smiled. Enora was about to fall off the chair when suddenly Elora appeared behind her and caught her daughter, both of them vanished. Melanor appeared behind Moranor as she carefully picked her daughter up as the two of them vanished. Reiki looked at Enrel who was filling her empty glass with more wine, he said. "How badly do you think I'll be beaten?" 

Enrel smirked at him, she said. "Very badly I hope." Melanor and Elora appeared in the room, Enrel emptied her glass of wine and stood up from her seat. Reiki stood up from his chair and immediately started doing simple stretches, he looked at Elora and said. "Where to?" Melanor and Enrel flashed him a smile, Elora snapped her fingers as a talisman appeared in the palm of her hands. Elora said. "Right here right now." Elora enveloped the talisman with mana as it started to furiously glow and soon blinded all of them in the room.

Reiki's vision was white for a few good seconds, he heard bits of the three elves' conversation as he closed his eyes and waited for his vision to turn to normal. He heard Enrel say. "I thought it was supposed to be at midnight?" Melanor let out a sigh of frustration, she said. "From the reaction of Nora and my daughter, I think it's safe to assume she increased the dosage." Elora laughed, she said. "Hey, he took advantage of us and planned. What's the problem of getting even?" 

Reiki slowly opened his eyes as he saw flat earth for miles as the eye can see, he turned around and saw Melanor was a few feet in front of him while trying to concentrate. From the corner of his eye, he saw Enrel and Elora watching from the sidelines. Elora cleared her throat before she could say anything Enrel said. "Can I do it?" Elora let out a chuckle as she lazily nodded, Enrel rubbed her palms together. Enrel said. "Fight." Melanor was suddenly in front of him and was reaching for his arm.

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