Rise Of Suzuki

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Everything Changes

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Everything Changes

Suzuki opened his eyes locked on the black screen that will never change. He sighed; he expected this, but now that it had happened he still felt… sad. All the blood, sweat, and tears he and his Guildmates placed in Nazarick were all… gone. He lingered in the darkness as he hoped for something, anything to pop up. Maybe a trailer of Yggdrasil 2 or a Message from his friends apologizing for missing the reunion… but nothing came. He chuckled at his own stupidity and turned off the neuronal nano-interface. He heard the hiss of the nano-interface retracting from his neck and a confirmation sound as he took off the helmet.

As he placed the helmet on the desk he didn't move. He just looked around, his eyes scanning his desolate apartment. It was deathly silent except for his sigh echoing off the apartment walls. There was also a slight muskiness in the air. He stood up and walked over to the only shelf on the barren wall. On it were some commissioned models he had ordered in preparation for the end of Yggdrasil. He wanted at least something to remember his friends in Yggdrasil; he had their treasure adorning the wall of the treasury but it was all deleted in a couple of seconds. In the end, it all was just disposable code… He gingerly picked up the ring which was a replica of the Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown. It had a shining golden outline with a reddish gem covering a symbol of the glorious Ainz Ooal Gown. He had gotten a good deal for it, all things considered.

He glanced at the rest of the shelf which held miniature models of items like Houyi's Bow, Armageddon Evil, and TouchMe's Armour. He gazed at Houyi's Bow and an image of his friend flashed in his mind talking nonstop about the new game he had discovered. A solemn conversation between him and Ulbert flashed in his mind before he logged off for the last time. One of TouchMe's unwarranted speeches made him chuckle which suddenly turned into a yawn. Well, time to go to bed. I have to get up earlier for the hellhole of a job. He started to get frustrated just thinking about it. As he prepared to go to bed he couldn't help but feel disappointed that only HeroHero came, and he didn't stay that long. He shook his head knowing that there is no point to ponder it any further. He was grateful for the time with his guildmates they were true friends…on this though he drifted off to sleep.

A sound stirred him from his sleep. As he blearily began to open his eyes, it started to sound like two people arguing loudly. Strange considering he didn't live with anyone! As he strained his ears, he could make out two distinct voices, one female and one male. Half asleep he could only make out the word "Execute" which woke him up quickly. He quickly sat up and reached over to grab his phone, when he felt a cold metal object press against his neck.

"Move and you're dead, worm." The voice warned, he could feel panic as he jolted himself fully awake.

"Slowly turn around." He did what he was told and found out that her captor was a woman. She had flowing black hair and two yellow eyes. She had an unparalleled beauty, she looked exactly like Albedo… that can't be possible, right? Could he have seen her on his way to work? He glances at her horns, yeah… probably not… wait… horns?! Her golden gaze pierced through him, eyes perfectly framed by her black hair.

Interrupting his thoughts the "woman" barked an order. "Why are we here?"

"HUH?" The question baffled him; she was in his house.

"Albedo, I told you it wouldn't do any good talking with this lazy Guardian. Guardians like him are the reason why the Supreme Beings left us," A male voice echoed out of the darkness. As he approached Suzuki, lights reflected from his glasses like a supervillain from one of the few anime he has watched. As he took calculated steps out of the darkness it revealed his red striped business attire, and behind him, a metal tail slithered like a snake. As he looked between the two intruders, he couldn't believe it. Were they… really Albedo, the Guardian Overseer, and Demiurge, Guardian of the 7th floor, if he remembered correctly. How was this possible? They were just NPCs, pieces of code.

"[Aspect of Devil Hand-Scything Claws]." As Demiurge lifted his hand, his fingernails grew to resemble jagged claws. Suzuki could feel the pressure his gaze emitted, as he seemingly teleported in front of him. It was stunningly fast, and what shocked Suzuki was that the devil wasn't using his full power. He held up his arms in a futile attempt to defend himself. Suzuki knew that Guardian's claws could easily pierce through his fleshy form. He closed his eyes tightly, preparing for the hit. It never came. He slowly opened his eyes, the woman that looked like Albedo was standing in front of him, evidently having deflected Demiurge's attacks.

"Albedo! What is the meaning of this?! WHY ARE INSISTENT ON PROTECTING THIS LAZ…" His anger suddenly ceased, his eyes widened in surprise, gazing at Suzuki's hand. On his finger was a ring he had specifically modified to look like the Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown. It seemed like the ¥ 568.10 he spent on the ring might have saved his life. He wasn't out of the clear yet, he could feel their eyes fall on him they oozed with killing intent not as much as before.

"WHY do you have an imitation of the Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown?" Suzuki could barely stand their haunting gazes, his body shivering in terror. This was not how he expected his morning to go.

Suzuki's mind started to race: THIS HAS TO BE A DREAM! THIS MAKES NO SENSE!

"SPEAK!" Demiurge's voice boomed. Suzuki felt a sudden urge to speak and soon the words were vomiting from his mouth.

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"It is because I am Momonga!" Suzuki quickly covered his mouth, realizing his mistake from the hateful glare he received from Albedo he could feel the ax being pushed an inch closer to his throat.

"YOU…" Suzuki ignored all his instincts and took advantage of the pause between her words.

"I can prove it!" he exclaimed. "Ask me anything only Momonga will know!" He flinched at their gazes as the Guardians' killing intent receded, but still mindful that they were hot like a kettle. The two looked at each other then back at Suzuki. He didn't know if proving he is Momonga will save his life or not but it is the only chance he had.

"We will ask a series of questions in order to tell whether or not you are Lord Momonga. If we figure out you are lying… I SWEAR ON THE SUPREME BEINGS NAMES THAT I WILL MAKE YOU LONG FOR DEATH." Demiurge his entire body rumbled with Killing intent he barely managed to keep himself from fainting.

"After raiding the guild base of Vikings of the Shadows, what did Lord Ulbert discuss with you?" Albedo asked, her eyes scanning his entire being, her hand clenching on her bardiche.

"Oh… I remember that… I believe Ulbert and I were discussing the loot from the leader of the Vikings. Pretty impressive stuff; they were divine rank items called the Destroyer of Shadows." Pretty Cringy name but I wasn't that much better back then… Suzuki calmed down slightly with memories of his friends but was jolted back to reality by Demiurge's voice.

"What item did you give me before the end of Yggdrasil?" He lifted his glasses, his eyes glittering like the gems they were.

"I gave you Ulbert's Armageddon Armour."

This exchange happened for another hour. Never had he been so glad for his memory than now. After each question, he could feel their killing intent recede further and further. They asked questions about certain moments as well as the location of certain world items. Some took longer than others but he answered them all.

The two Guardians' eyes felt like they were piercing his soul. Did I say something wrong? Suzuki couldn't help but rethink his previous response. They didn't look angry but he could tell there was a feeling of… sadness. As his uneasiness was about to boil suddenly the two knelt down.

"We are sorry Lord Momonga! Please forgive us for our rude behavior and for threatening you… we know it is not an excuse! Please punish us as you see fit!" Suzuki looked at them in disbelief; the sudden change in their behavior was almost comedic!

"Ahem. It is alright. Now let us focus on the important question. How did you guys get here?!"

—-To Be Continued—-

A/N: An Big Thanks to the Member of The Usual Gang of Drunken Perverted Idiots. This chapter wouldn't have been possible without them! Tell me what you think!

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