Rise Of Suzuki

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Throne

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Sitting on his recliner a far cry from his throne in Yggdrasil it looked rather comedic with two level 100 NPC that knelt in front of him. The chair was nice but wasn't like a throne in Yggdrasil. The Throne of Kings item it was called It was completely made of obsidian, a throne worthy of a king. Now he is sitting on an…comfortable gray couch in front of two beings that could easily kill him. He felt uncomfortable with this situation. Everything happened too fast, being threatened and then being worshipped is really jarring. It was very uncomfortable being viewed as superior to such strong beings. They looked at him with such reverence...Albedo especially looked at him differently. She is ogling me….I don't know how to feel about that…I must be careful…it was just a couple of seconds ago when they were about to kill me.

"Ahem. Where were we? Ah…yes…How did you guys get here?" He internally cringed at his attempt to sound solemn. He looked anxiously at the two guardians still worried that they might attack him.

"Sorry for our incompetence my lord. We don't fully know how we got here. One second I am with your…Majestic form in the throne room then one second I am here."

"Hmm…Interesting…" So, they somehow transported from Yggdrasil to here? How does that work? They were just code! He already pinched himself so this wasn't a dream but this is still unbelievable! He leaned back rubbing his temple Now what? He seems to be out of danger…for now…but what should his next step be?

"My Lord? Are you alright?" He stared at two guardians who looked up at him with looks of worry. W…what should I say? Suzuki let out a sigh before deciding to respond.

"...I..am just surprised that you guys are here…"

"We are sorry if we are inconveniencing you…if you wish it. We would gladly end our own lives here!" The sudden change in the atmosphere caught him off guard…they looked up at him with conviction in their eyes. Telling him they would do it.

"NO! Ahem. No, that won't be necessary, just give me some time to think." He took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves. That was totally unnecessary! Who would just throw their lives away just like that? Maybe it is because they are NPCs? They're supposed to listen to orders…so I could use them to my advantage. Okay….one thing at a time….I believe it isn't that hard to assume that other members of Nazarick are here….oh no. Suddenly several grotesque beings came into his mind. Members of Ainz Ooal Gown roleplayed as villains so that naturally lead to more villainous NPCs. Some of his guildmates definitely went crazy with creating evil entities. He shuttered at Gashokukochuuou being alive…that little insectoid monstrosity.

There are a lot of dangerous entities that are housed within Nazarick's walls and it is up in the air whether or not they will be convinced like Albedo or Demiurge. They might be NPC but he doesn't have admin control as he did in the game or his powerset. So essentially he is powerless. God…I hate this feeling. He shook his head trying to shake this feeling. So, the best idea would be to have Albedo and Demiurge go and find them. He can't leave them wandering the world since he does have some responsibility for their creation.

"Okay. Demiurge and Albedo I will be setting you out on a mission. It is very likely that other denizens of Nazarick have also been transported as well. I want you to find them and reunite them."

"Of course, my Lord!" The two guardians said in unison he let out a sigh of relief before looking up at the clock on the wall. Oh, it's time already. Great timing…

"While doing that I will be leaving for work."Suzuki rushed into his closet putting on his shirt and pants. As he walked out putting on his tie a smiling Albedo walked up to him. This was the first time he could get such a good look at her. She was the same height as him much to his surprise. I must be used to my avatar's height compared to her. Her golden eyes contained a large slitted pupil which contrasted her already established jet-black hair. Her horns were pearl white in color protruding from her temples similar in color to her white dress with a golden spiderweb necklace that covered her shoulders and chest. Her hands were covered in a pair of silk gloves.

"Let me help you with that, my Lord." Albedo bowed at him as she helped Suzuki secure his tie as the smell of her perfume flooded his nostrils. Her tender fingers traced around his neck as she took her time to tie it off. He could feel her breath on his face…he has never been this close…to a girl before. As embarrassing as that is to admit… He was jolted back to the present as he felt her hot breath get closer. Woah! Across her face was a red blush as she got closer to his face. As she got closer he instinctively grasped her wrist as it came closer to his face. Suddenly he felt her pulse quicken… She is really alive… her pulse. Realizing he is still holding her hand he quickly let go.

"Ahem. Sorry about that…Thank you Albedo." Clearing his throat as slowing back away from the horny horned one.

"You are too kind my Lord, it is just my duty to help my liege in any task that he requires. Whether it is in your bed chambers or on the battlefield!" He could swear her eyes turned into stars as she said that. Suzuki didn't know how to respond. Oh…I think I messed up… An image flashed in his mind of him changing her settings. As he turned back to Albedo her two wings are fluttering as she gazed at him. He took a deep breath…she is quite attractive but he still felt guilty about changing her settings. He took a quick glimpse at the clock. No time for that now! I need to get to work!

"Even so I appreciate it. Now I will be leaving you guys. You know what to do " Before he could go outside as he put on his jacket Demuirge interjected.

"Sorry to intrude my Lord but will you allow at least one of my summons to accompany you. It seems like you are in a weakened state and I would be worried about you leaving us without a bodyguard." Suzuki knows he is unlikely to get hurt on his way to work since he doesn't bring anything worth stealing on his person. He also doesn't feel fully comfortable having a demon…or succubus following him. How will I explain this to the boss?... Well, that can be solved easily with an invisibility spell that Demiurge can cast. Even if he ordered them to stay here would they listen to him?

"Hmm...If that is what you want I will allow you a summon to follow me. Just make sure they have an invisibility spell. They can't be able to be detected…I am sort of undercover. " He mixed in a lie attempting to sound solemn and serious. Will they believe this? He gazed worriedly at bowing Demiurge.

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"Thank you for agreeing to this servant's selfish demand. [Summon Abyss Demon]." Demiurge waved his hand as a white skull seemingly manifested out of the darkness. It had a bare-bone head of a ram. It had bare skin with some tattoos. Its forearms and hands were covered in black feathers with black fingernails. Its Black wings unfurled as it knelt down speaking in an intelligent tone.

"Lord Demuirge How may I be of service?"

"You are to accompany Lord Momonga and follow his orders." The pinstriped Devil motioned over to Momonga.

"Of course."

"Before you two leave to complete your objectives. Cast a poison-resistant spell since the air outside is toxic." The two guardians nodded in response before he put on his air filtering mask and exited the building followed by the Abyss Demon.

A haunting silence followed as their Lord exited his humble abode. Albedo felt conflicted inside; she had an overwhelming feeling of worry being superseded by… a hint of lust? She attempted to push it down. Her Love needs her! She bit down at her lip as remembered her lord's response to her helping me get ready. He is totally into her! A feeling of self-loathing emanates within her. No! I can't let my feeling get in the way of my duties…Who knows..maybe he will decide to invite her into his bed chambers after seeing her loyalty? A girl can hope…

She focused her attention outward on the awaiting for Arch-Demon.

"Our Lord has asked us to reunite the denizens of Nazarick as he expertly deducted from our arrival. Now onto the issue at hand…how should we go about finding them?"

"I already tried to reach out to other denizens via [Message] but none have picked up. So I assume we will have to go out ourselves. I will summon some Demon Lords to begin the search."

Suzuki walked out into the polluted air. He closed the door behind him, it closed with a loud hiss. Looking out of the mask he gazed at the decrepit buildings littering the complex he calls home a fog is strewn across the city. Large portions of the street are covered with an acidic pond. He walked along the edge of the pond that made the city look less like a city and more like a bog. The Abyss Demon followed him quite closely looking around for any threats. He kind of felt guilty wasting his time accompanying him.

He gazed up lazily at the black smog covering the entire sky. What.. a nice day! Well as nice as the weather can be in 2138. If it wasn't raining it was a nice day. When it is raining a putrid wet smell pierces through his mask. Suzuki gazes at the decrepit buildings slowly falling apart, a telltale sign of the district's corruption. They all knew who's pockets that money was going into. He ignored the several collapsing buildings as well as some chemical spills, being used to it. This was life, especially living in a place that for the most part was abandoned. He is not even sure anyone else still lives here.

His tired eyes glanced over at a body crumpled against the wall. As he continued to walk more bodies can be seen all over the streets. He hates passing by this place every time to work but it was the quickest path to his job. He ordered the Abyss Demon to turn invisible as he got closer to a solid path.

When the well-worn path slowly began to become more solid he knew he was close. He approached a large building, and unlike the many decrepit buildings in his Arcology it was shining. As he waved his keycard in front of the scanner it opened with a loud hiss and slid open. He walked in as the room and the toxic air rushed out as he walked in. He began his walk to his little office box and passed several other employees who were already unpacking and preparing to work. As he sat down he finally took off his mask before placing it on his desk as a bell rang beginning his long day of work.

Suzuki's mind was split between his work and the two guardians that were at his house. He can't afford to take a day off at his job…as much as he hates it. He does have a three-day vacation coming up, maybe he can use that to strategize what to do next. He couldn't help but think if Albedo and Demiurge are here what about the rest?

—-To be Continued—-

A/N: Thank you all for your kind words! It was a real struggle to make this chapter. It isn't as good as the first but it is just a transition chapter. Anyway,  See ya in the next chapter.

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